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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1931)
Library, U cf O . öer no gpgJjyE agí e VOLUME 9 Publicity Plea Made To Council J. E. Kerr Presents Case at Council Meeting Monday1 VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1931. Brown Furniture Co. Moves to New Place The Brown Furniture Co. moved its stock the first of this week from the location across Rock creek to the McGee building at Second and Bridge streets for merly occupied by the Mellinger Hardware company. J. W. Brown, proprietor, has signed a two year lease. The new location, being in the center of town, will be much more convenient for patrons and enable more effective display. Need for immediate alptjion i towards securing new settlers for the upper Nehalem valley was urged by J. E. Kerr, repre senting the chamber of com merce, before the city council Monday night. He explained the plans of the chamber to recom- Emil Messing has been recom mend to the council a small fol- mended by Congressman Hawley der to be sent to inquirers, lor reappointment as postmaster some of whom were writing in at Vernonia. The new term already while no material was begins in March. available to send them. The recommendation came Loss of the mill pay roll tem wholly without solicitation on Mr. porarily, he stated, brings home Messings’ part. He intended to forcefully the need for a diver send in an application, and was sification in sources of revenue. surprised to find his name listed As an example of what may be without calling the matter to done in turning logged-off lands Congressman Hawley’s attention. into a profitable agrjqulti^ral The terms are for four years. region he cited Grants Pass, Mr. Messing’s commissions have less advantagiously situated at been signed by Presidents Wilson, the beginning of the campaign Harding and Coolidge, and he than Vernonia, since expensive will now add President Hoover’s irrigation projects, essential . to signature to his collection of pre development there, brought the sidential autographs. price of uncleared land far above that class of land here. In ten years, he said, despite the doubts of those who thought it could not be done, a well tilled farming district was built up where be- fore had been only stumps and underbrush. Mrs. Monnie Hauser, associate Taxation Diacu**ed grand conductress, paid an offi Discussion among the council cial visit to Nehalem chapter No. men and the audience, who fill 153, Order of Eastern Star, Wed ed the room in the city hall, nesday as deputy for the worthy turned to the subject of taxes, grand matron of Oregon. In the several protesting that the far- afternoon a school of instruction mer was unable to make a decent was held at the Masonic temple. livelihood because of high taxa- At the evening session Mrs. tion. City taxes, too, came in Hauser was escorted to the east for much criticism. Mayor Tapp and presented with a corsage bou asserted that it is the purpose quet. Mrs. Bollinger, worthy of the council to be as econom- matron of Waubanang chapter of ical as possible consistent with Clatskanie, was also escorted to public welfare, and explained the east. The initiatory work was that the burdensome taxation is exemplified with Mrs. W. H. an unavoidable result of obli Hurley and Miss Constance Bou- gations incurred by the city gher acting as candidates. Mrs. several years ago. H. E. McGraw, worthy matron J. E. Frank, speaking for the of Nehalem Chapter, presented property owners in the district Mrs. Hauser with a beautiful lin on the hill west of the railroad, en luncheon set. A violin solo protested against the sewer as by Miss Constance Bougher was sessments from which they get heartily applauded. no benefit. Especially unjust, he After the business meeting ice declared, is the fact that when cream, cake and coffee were these owners put in sewers they served by Mrs. L. Cates, Mrs. must do so, according to pres- M. D. Cole, Mrs. L. Beveridge, ent regulations, without help and Mrs. O. D. McCabe in the from the rest of the city. social hall. Water Superintendent Appointed The tables were attractively Claude E. Hillsbery was elected set in red and white with bou- water superintendent. He has quets of red carnations as cen- been temporarily in charge during terpieces and little red candy the past two weeks. hearts scattered on the tables. The council decided with re The ice cream was red and white gard to petitions for sidewalks and the cake white trimmed With on East Avenue between Bridge red. A most enjoyable time was and A streets that the property had by all who attended. owners affected put in their own walks, the city to establish the grade. NUMBER 28 Court of Honor To Be Held Feb. 27 When It’s Six Below—Above A Boy Scout court of honor is to be held in Vernonia Febru ary 27. A number of the boys belonging to Troop 201 are work ing for promotion. The twenty-first anniversary of the Boy Scout movement is to be commemorated in the Evan gelical church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev. G. W. Plumer is scoutmaster. VERNONIA BOY IS O. S. C. CHAIRMAN Pioneer Life Here Recounted at C. C. OREGON STATE COLLEGE— Memories of Vernonia 50 years (Special)—Russel Mills, a Ver ago, when such of the town as nonia boy, senior in vocational there was lay across Rock Creek, education, has been appointed while to the west was forest, chairman of vocational educa and mail came once a week tion sometimes ___ on __________ horseback ____ but ___ of- ---- exhibits for the Education- I________ al exposition, February 13 and | ten carried in by hand, were re- 14, at Oregon State college. Char- i counted by Mrs. Sarah Spencer lotte Green, freshman in home at th "hamber of commerce economics, has been appointed meeting ,/ednesday. Judge W. a member of the Greater Oregon A. Harris, who came ten years State committee to welcome the later, also told of the Vernonia high school delegates from Ver at the time of his arrival. The nonia. trip from Cornelius then requir Educational exposition is the ed two days with a four horse annual “open house” of the col team. lege to high school students, Several numbers were rendered featuring displays and demon by the Cameron orchestra. A new strations in the various depart feature was group singing, led ments and schools, and a pro by E. S. Thompson. gram of vocational guidance with I Lester Sheeiey told about the national experts as speakers. Del- road situation as it appeared to him while he was visiting the le- (Continued on Page 6) gislature. Albert Childs was program President George chairman. Ford announced Frank Hartwick as chairman of next week’s pro gram, to be designated as band day. The Charlesworth band is to be present and give selections. Two classified ads pub Mrs. E. E. Yeo exhibited a lished in last week’s Eagle composite poster made by the clicked the first time. seventh grade, and invited at A man received lost tention to the excellent art work spectacles that were ad done in the schools. vertised. A gasoline motor for a Mrs. Monnie Hauser of Salem, washing machine was sold. Mrs. F. Hartwick and Mrs. W. Each ad appeared only E. Bell were the guests of Mrs. once. H. E. McGraw at luncheon Wed People read them. nesday. Classified Ads Click Chances for Coast Road Seem Bright Decision By Commission Thought Best For Vernonia ANNIVERSARY TO BE CELEBRATED EMIL MESSING TO BE REAPPOINTED 0. E. S. Conductress Visits Lodge Here t Il II 1 ¡■■KZ PASTIME MOVES TO LARGER QUARTERS Baker’s Pastime will move next week to the location on Bridge street occupied until this week by Mike O’Connor’s pool hall, The new place, 25 x 99, will be much more commodous than the old, 16 x 50, and will permit the addition of much new equipment. Mr. Baker has bought two pool tables from Mr. O’Con nor, and will put in other im provements later. Mr. O’Connor has disposed of his business and is shipping the equipment to Portland. CLUB CONTINUES LOSING STREAK Although the state highway commission has given no intim ation whatever as to its probable decision with regard to a coast road, Vernonia’s chances are par The Christian Endeavor soc ticularly good, thinks Lester iety of the Christian church will Sheeiey, who returned last week celebrate the fiftieth anniver end after spending two weeks sary of Christian Endeavor Sun at the capital in the interests day, February 8. The entire even of the Vernonia-Hamlet route ing services will be taken over and the Nehalem game reserve. by the society. A play will be Mr. Sheeiey believes it is to presented as the main feature, the best interests of the route “The Other Point of View." The for the decision to be kept out life of Francis E. Clark, founder of the legislature. In the com- of Christian Endeavor, will be mission the question would be presented and illustrated by song. decided on its merits, while in The orchestra, under the dir the legislature various complicat ection of Ray Charlesworth, has ed political considerations would promised to give a short con enter. cert during the program. In urging the Vernonia-Hamlet Friday evening, February 6, i route before interested parties will be devoted to social activ-|at Salem Mr. Sheeiey pointed ¡ties. Guests have been invited | out the fact that there are a from Rainier, Clatskanie, and [ number of lateral roads tapping Goble for this event. The two | the district, while the ridge road local societies will cooperate in has none. The latter road, he entertaining these. says, would have 13 miles of five per cent grade up and a like amount down, reaching an elevation in this district twice as high as St. Helens mountain. There are three summits on the Vernonia-Hamlet route, two to the west of Vernonia. The Announcement was made by highest is 1460 feet, a mile the state highway commission af beyond the Beck place. There ter an executive session Wed are eight miles for a rise of nesday night with the house and 700 feet between that point and senate roads and highways com- here. mittees that no selection of a The next highest summit is road to the coast might be ex- 1400 feet, between Elsie and pected for a month. Efforts of some of the le Hamlet. The third is 100 feet, gislators to force construction of at Buxton. Specifications call for a quar both the Wilson river and Ridge routes impelled H. B. Van Duzer, ter mile tunnel at the mouth chairman of the commission, to of Buster creek. The road bed remark that when the method of throughout is unusually wide, designating roads by legislative 32 feet. action was followed, there would Much Revolutionary Legislation be no more? need for a highway There never was as much rev commission. Several of the com olutionary legislation as in the mitteemen present thereupon de present session, Mr. Sheeiey de- clared that they would oppose dared. Judging from what has designation of the roads by the been accomplished already, he legislature until the present high expects the 40 day limit to be way program is completed. exceeded. H. E. McGraw is making Missionary Society friends faster than any other Adds Five Members new man, Mr. Sheeiey thinks. In his opinion the game reserve Five new members were taken bill introduced by McGraw is in at the meeting of Jhe Mission quite likely to pass after it gets ary society of the Evangelical out of committee. church Wednesday afternoon. In all, 23 were present. The lesson study was present ed by Mrs. Judd Greenman. There was special music by Mrs. Alice Malmsten and Mrs. Greenman. A short business session was held, and at the close of the program a social hour was enjoy ed. Coast Road Choice Delayed for Month home CHILD WELFARE TO BE TAUGHT CLASS Mrs. Sarah V. Case, demonstration agent for Colum bia county, is teaching a course in Vernonia on child behavior problems. The next meeting is Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Evan gelical church. Eight are taking the course of study. The public are invited. The Vernonia Athletic club basketball team continued their losing streak last Friday night bp dropping a close game to the St. Helens Pulp and Paper 16 to 13 at St. Helens. The locals had an uphill fight of it all the way, for at the end of the first quar HAS TWIN SONS ter they were 7 to 0 behind. As the game progressed the Twins weighing six and one- Vernonia club warmed up to the half pounds each were born Tues situation and for a while were day morning at the Roger’s Ma dropping baskets from all angles ternity home to Mr. and Mrs. of the court. Toward the last Elody McDonald. Mother and Fire Doe* Slight Damage A fire in the Bell apartments of the fracas both sides were sons are doing nicely. tooth and nail, causing Mr. McDonald, who is district at about 3 o’clock Sunday morn ¡fighting fire warden, is receiving the con ing was discovered by Marshals the game to get quite rough. Harry Phelps and Jim Monger, I Hawkins for Vernonia was high gratulations of his friends. ’.point man for the locals, sinking The boys have been named who turned in an alarm. Damage was very slight, the ' four field goals for a total of Dan Nelson and Dick Carol. fire being confined to an unoc- i ‘ eight points. McCrae and Rob- | erts played their usual good game cupied room. at the guard positions. Scoring The apartment house is tjie was evenly distributed among the property of George Bell. St. Helen players. Close check ing on the part of Beal and B. Ross held the Vernonia club to its low score. Representative H. E. McGraw Roberts and Hicks were chased has introduced several bills in from the floor in the third quar- the legislature which are now be | ter when they decided to settle ing considered in committee. their differences by engaging in House bill 88, introduced by Interest in the new indoor fistic encounter. him January 26, has for its pur baseball league is increasing by leaps and bounds. Three organ Campbell-Holme* Game Tuesday pose the creation of a game re Tomorrow evening the local fuge within the counties of Til izations have already signified their intention of definitely plac- club Koes to Forest Grove for a lamook, Clatsop and Washing ing teams in the league and two return Ka™e w";b tbat ®lub> and ton, to be known as the Nehal or three others are lining up next Tuesday will play the strong em game refuge, making it un teams for participation. ' Campbell-Holmes team of Astoria lawful to hunt, trap or molest As soon as it is known def-'a‘ tbc Washington grade school wild birds and animals therein, initely just how many teams will at 8:00 P- m- So far th.’?.Jear and providing a penalty of a fine TRAFFIC OFFICERS HERE Unquestionably the most im • - league competition, ■••• ¡the Astorians have won thirteen not to exceed $100 or imprison take part in Officers Healy and McCoy of portant new settlers in Verno ment in the county jail for not I straight games. a schedule will be arranged. So The the state traffic force were in nia this week are Lode McDon To date the local club has not to exceed three months. far only practice games have i Vernonia Saturday night check Suggestions for been played but it is the hope won a game in their first three proposed refuge lies, roughly, in ing up again on lights. This time ald's twins. of Drs. Cole and Olson, who are i starts but they are improving the area bounded by the Sal i they found few violations, and naming them poured into the in charge of arrangements that with continued games and those monberry, the Nehalem, Buster I no arrests were made. Only Eagle office: Amos and Andy, that they can get the league un games in which they have been creek and the Columbia-Clatsop j minor defects in lights were dis- Echo and Reecho, Pete and Re county line. peat, Lode and Unloda. der way next week. ( Continued on Page 6) House bill 161, introduced Jan I covered. The golf bug has nipped two In the practice games played uary 30, calls for the appropria members of the Miller Mercantile Monday night a team led by tion of $40,000 or as much there force, D. O. Kramer and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and representing of as may be necessary, to con Rose Fletcher. They were rath the post office defeated the struct an armory in St. Helens, er vague as to Sunday’s scores, K. P.’s 15 to 11 while the O.-A. provided an equal amount is Kramer exults that no but Mr. “ team took the Athletic club in raised by private subscriptions. one was hurt, anyhow. to camp to the tune of 13 to 8. Another, house bill 165, desig- 1 This win was somewhat of a If any one wants to see what The Vernonia high quintet de nates the office hours of Col-j Playing heads-up basketball i fifty years in the Nehalem valley revenge for the O.-A. boys for throughout the entire game the umbia county officers as 8 to 12 j they had previously been beaten feated the Clatskanie five by the Vernonia grade school basketball will do to a person let him look last Friday evening by the Ath- i count of 32 to 21, Tuesday Feb- and 1 to 5, with one o’clock, defeated the fast Forest at Aunt Sally Spencer. Her closing on Saturdays. The coun- , team | ruary 3. letic club 11 to 10. stunt at the chamber of com This was Clatskanie’s first de ty treasurer, however, is requir-! Grove team on the Forest Grove merce meeting Wednesday proved feat of the season. Vernonia ed to keep open from 9 to 12 floor Thursday evening by a her younger and sprightlier than FORMER MAYOR DIES Dr. B. L. Sears, mayor of Ver seems to have found itself at in the forenoon and 1 to 4 in score of 24 to 14. The local many a woman bora long after nonia from 1923 to 1925, and | last and expects to win the rest the afternoon, with one o’clock boys, chafing under the defeat she was. of three weeks ago more than closing on Saturdays. I c. .... member of the city council prior of the games. Happy Thompson exhibited his „.. __ ______ Mon-'redeemed themselves _ _______ Thursday Mr. ______ McGraw introduced to that, died in Medford Satur The first half was fast with versatility upon the same occa day and was buried there Tues-' the score standing at 10. to 8 in day two other bills, one pertain-' night for they played like chain sion. He led the singing, sang ing to robbery without a danger-' pions throughout, taking advan day. favor of the visitors. a solo, tap danced, and jazzed Dr. Sears was born in Rock i The outstanding player on the ous weapon, and the other to as tage of every scoring opportun ¡with Aunt Sally. Island, Illinois and came to Ore-' floor was Ericson of Clatskanie, sault and robbery with a dan ity and holding Forest Grove Les Sheeiey told quite a bit gerous weapon. These were list helpless as most of their pointe gon in 1910. After leaving Ver- who put them through ___ ._w_ the __ ____ net ed in the house calendar as with were made by the foul throw about the legislature, but he was nonia he went to Portland, and from eVery angle on the floor, noticeably silent on what was route. I— ---------- - — . moved to Medford about three ( y^dams and Barker were the drawn the next day. A very marked improvement in ’ supposed to be his topic—the years ago._____ .__________ ¡outstanding players for Vernon- psssing snd team play was shown ( difference between a lobbyist Tabernacle Has New Pastor Rev. G. D. Byrd, formerly as by the locals in this game and and a bootlegger. Mrs. H. Roberson returned ia- Wednesday after a month in a| The super-varsity lost to Clat- sistant pastor of the Full Gospel they finally broke the jinx ofj “Mac" introduced two bills in skanie Juniors by Mississip- ----------- ------------ , . missing shots and broke through the legislature February 2 relat- Portland hospital. I----------- - the score of tabernacle in Sumerall, nsistenuy to co score, score. | ¡"«T to highway robbery, and with- A baby K girl n. ... was bom to Mr. 13 to 3 in the curtain raiser. P<> has been chosen as pastor of. consistently Two full : teams and Mrs. Tom Fulton Monday, Vernonia Plays Raimer at that organization here. He has 7„_ ------ .... were used by drew them February 3. Question: highwayman meet morning at 9:30. (Rainier tonight Rainier has de- lived In Vernonia for about «'Coach McCrae as the entire sec-; Did some Dane Brady is back again from feated the locals, but the team year, working in the mill. (Ond team entered the game in “Mac” on a dark street in Sal em the night of the 2d, and use a hospital In Portland, and is'says that it will try and turn' Rev. M. G. Hixson, former ——— - — a little forceful persuasion. getting along nicely. the tables on their old rivals. pastor, has moved to Westport | (Continued on page 6.) McGraw Introduces Several Measures Baseball League Increasing Fast Feathers And Talons VERNONIA HIGH WINS 32 TO 21 Grade Team Wins From Grove 24-14