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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1931)
FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FIVE traveled 18,186 miles by auto were Carl Jensen,Jr., Ellis Rain- mobile. Demonstration meetings Legion Meets At water, Harry Ohler, Glen Rain- numbered 73, with an attendance water, Carl Ohler, Susie Mae Grove January 17 Jensen, Ralph Ohler, Virgil Rain- 6,075 and 68 meetings were Nelson Reports of water, Florence Ohler, and Jun attenled with a total attendance ior Bergerson. of 3,820. Over 1072 bulletins 1930 Activities were distributed and 53 articles Considerable opposition reigned C. C. Bergerson made a bus were written for the press. There during the discussion of the pro iness trip to Portland Tuesday, were 859 office calls, 1470 phone posed amendment to nominate January 26. (Continued from Page 1) calls, 2236 individual letters state officers for the American The children of Mr. and Mrs. | sible to secure stands of vetch were written; also 24 circulars Legion 30 days prior to the state G. H. Ohler are confined to| OLD REDUC or clover without the use of lime were written, with a total of convention which was introduced their home with chicken pox. NEW C. G. Jensen and son, Carl, and this was quite well demon 5062 copies mailed. by the Hillsbore post at the motored PRICE TION PRICE to Forest Grove on a strated on limed and unlimed American Legion conference of business trip, Saturday. ADVERTISING THE DRIVE fields visited on these crop tours, district number two held Satur PHAETON—Standard H. C. Ohler is home again $583.00 $ 8.00 $575.00 WHEEL both at farms and at the ex day ot Forest Grove. The plan after a week of jury duty at periment station. It also showed PHAETON—Delux ........... 752.00 705.00 47.00 (A Worthwhile Editorial Sel was opposed by the larger posts. St. Helens. that maximum results could be Mrs. A. F. Ornduff gave a ; obtained when these crops were ected by the National Editorial The group favored the amend- ROADSTER—Standard . 578.00 570.00 8.00 . ment which was also introduced community dance at the old Kist I properly limed and fertilized Association.) by Hillsboro providing for ex- school house, Saturday Jan 42.1 with barnyard manure. Super ROADSTER—Delux 646.00 600.00 46.00 A pleasant evening was enjoyed| phosphate has been used success Roger W. Babson, the great ' service men who were with the by a large crowd. ■ allies in the world war who have fully in the production of pota writer on financial subjects re-¡ COUPE—Standard .......... 646.00 638.00 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin toes and root crops. emmends more advertising to en-' , become naturalized to become and children, and Mrs. H. C. Oh The production of Austrian courage buying. When the sur- I Legion members. The proposed ler were guests at the home of COUPE—Sport 676.00 648.00 28.00 Winter peas for seed and as a ' p] ug of ’ mass production is con-1 I amendment will be sent to the Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smejkal on r COUPE—Delux 696.00 673.00 23.00 forage crop has also proved to be sumed b mass consumption the| state and national organizations. Sunday.______________ profitable m this county, as * reta¡ierg b in to b I Forest Grove acted as host COUPE—Cabriolet 776.00 743.00 33.00 produces well here and there L , , , * , * to the posts and auxiliaries from seems to be a considerable de-1 £r°m ‘he wholesale merchant, Hillsboro, McMinnville, Newberg, COUPE—Victoria mand for seed in the southern, ”en wholesale merchant will Banks and Sherwood. The aux 776.00 728.00 48.00 states as a cover crop. I or(lcr from the factories. Then iliary conference was held during Mr«. Jake Neurer SEDAN—Tudor .... ............ 8.00 646.00 638.00 The alfalfa project, which has'the factory wheels will turn to ¡the afternoon and ended with a been under way for a number of produce more and raw materials | dinner at the Chamber of Com SEDAN—Fordor ................ 13.00 .. 751.00 738.00 years was continued this year will be needed. A large green fir tree on Mrs. merce, and the Legion meeting Advertising is ideally fitted opened with the dinner after Nels Peterson’s place fell Sun with practically all the original SEDAN—Delux ............... 791.00 778.00 13.00 plantings still producing. About and competent to accelerate the day evening across the highway, which the business session was 50 acres of new plantings were circulation. It is the most ef blocking the entire road. It was SEDAN—Town 33.00 811.00 778.00 made this year and from the fective known force for accomp held in the Memorial hall. one o’clock Monday before the Speakers for the Legion in knowledge gained in growing lishing and speeding up of money huge tree could be removed. Both PICK-UP—Closed Cab 592.00 587.00 5.00 this crop in the last few years, and thereby giving us more busi cluded Jack Biggs of Hermiston, the Natal and West Coast tele practically all the plantings now ness at times when more busi state commander; Jude Moreland phone lines were broken. Rich PICK-UP—Open Cab 562.00 557.00 5.00 of Estacada, vice commander; Dr. ard Peterson and Earl Smith re are successful, while formerly many failuers were experienced. ness is the nation's greatest need. Paul Carter of the Veterans paired them about 12 o’clock *TRUCK—Model AA131” OC .. 695.00 680.00 15.00 There never was more money (hospital in Portland; Bob Dillard, About 80 acres of potatoes Monday. were certified this year, which than there is today. Banks hold, state service officer, and S. Geo. *TRUCK—Model AA131” CC 720.00 710.00 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin is the largest amount ever certi corporations hold it, the people rge of Eugene, ex-state command and daughter Marie were Ver fied in the county. G. R. Anliker. hold it. That is the trouble, er. The program for the year nonia shoppers Monday. *TRUCK—Model A Al 57” OC 720.00 710.00 10.00 of Goble, has produced some es the money is held instead of was outlined by state committee- A. R. Melis was a Vernonia pecially fine potatoes which yield circulated. A beautiful system men in charge of different bran business visitor Tuesday. *TRUCK—-Model AA157” CC 745.00 740.00 5.00 ed 450, sacks on one and seven of piping, a plentiful supply of Jake Neurer bought and in * Dual wheel equipped $25.00 additional. ches of work. eighths acres. This was a result fluid, but the whole mechanism —Hillsboro Independent. stalled a feed mill to grind grain, of proper fertilization, the se fails to function for the want and a roughage and feed cutter 1931 MODELS, FULLY EQUIPPED, EASY PAYMENT PLAN lection of the best seed obtain of the pumping power of pub to supply his dairy needs. able; which was hill selected and licity to tell the world of bet road the company is pumping up Oliver Burris butchered some tuber unit planted, and all de ter goods, lower prices and | sand and running it through a hogs at his home Friday. seases being rogued out. Charlie Hamely, Orrell Bates We need a sluice box where the concentrates Home grown feeds for dairy greater service. are gathered in the riffles. They an^i William Bates spent Sunday sound plan to reduce the choppy cattle to keep down the cost of A CAR WITHOUT AN EQUAL— claim a special process is then at Rainier on business. production have been encouraged action of business and promote used for obtaining the precious Mrs. Darel McDonald from smoothness and steadiness of In Performance, Economy, Roadability, Beauty and promoted during the past the McDonald Hotel at Vernon metals. year in the way of growing growth. The sand is being pumped up ia, Miss Nettie Alley from St. And General Quality in Every Detail. Advertising is the sorely need now at a depth of 27 feet. It Helens, and Hayden Siterall, better forage crops of various kinds, which includes large plant ed governor of business. It re is the plan to install additional from Portland were Sunday vis t ings of root crops; which are quires no novel mechanism. All pumps. After a large hole has itors at the home of Mr. and proving an important factor in the Mrs. Jake Neurer. apparatus is available. this program. Ladino clover and Though capable of illimitable been pumped out the mining may Cyril Fleming from Portland Reed Canary grass plantings are improvement, the fundamental be done by use of a clam sheel spent Wednesday on business in some of the new crops that are principles of advertising are dredge or an endless bucket sys this community. tem. proving quite satisfactory. The John Estes family from In order to keep curious spec Riverview were visiting their Orchard and strawberry im- clearly established; its practice is a well-known art. tators away A. C. Philip has daugher’s family at Natal Sun- provement are also pmong the The basic cause at which the been sworn in as a special depu day. projects being given special at- jobless should shake their fists tention, as well as the product ty sheriff. Dyer who is head of relapse and Vernonia, Oregon J. Tracey had ion of commercial vegetables, is not that too few mills are the operations says that he has it was necessary to call a Ver- such as cucumbers, cabbage, running, but that too few ad been working in mining opera nonia doctor this week for him. bean« and cauliflower, which are vertising campaigns are running. tions for many years on the Pa materially adding to the agri —Wm. A. Summerill, Editor Re cific coast being an assayist and DEPRESSION WAS PASSED cultural wealth of the county. cord, Penns Grove, New Jersey. mining research specialist. for January of this year were Chevrolet Motor company sold 6 WEEKS AGO IS REPORT merited it. Weed control through the use Giving as one of the barom increased over the same period 64,000 cars in December of 1930 —Forest Grove News-Times. of chemicals was demonstrated RARE MINERALS BEING Another comparison as compared with 27,000 in 1929. The bottom of the depression eters of reviving business he in 1930. in a number of communities this stated that Pacific coast building was shown in the fact that the MINED IN GROVELAND —Forest Grove News-Times. period was reached six weeks year, which seems to be giving ago and every indication points satisfactory results. The Rare Metals Mining comp toward a business revival was The improvement of dairy the statement made Monday at cattle by better breeding and any working on the Philip farm The Kist home demonstration the chamber of commerce by Earl feeding and eradicating diseases west of Forest Grove has now unit held their meeting at the of which contagious abortion is been active for two weeks and of Mrs. C. C. Bergerson, Bunting, head of the firm of the most important, was given in another two weeks will be home Thursday, 22. The les Bunting and associates, market a great deal of attention. One pumping 300 tons through its son was on January hooked Those ing counselors and specialists in hundred seventeen farmers co sluice boxes according to the present were Mrs. J. rugs. B. Ohler, the subject of business research. operated in testing their cattle statement made by Walter Dyer Mrs. Hobart Engen, Mrs. While he stated that he be C. G. for this disease for the purpose manager of the company. lieved business would come back Jensen, Mrs. H. C. Ohler, Mrs. of bringing it under control. Con A cabin has been built along H. Ohler, Mrs. Alice John, he expressed the opinion that con tagious abortion affects about the bank of Gales creek where a G. Mrs. A. F. Ornduff, Mrs. Eula ditions would never be the same 15 per cent of the cattle in the small laboratory has been set up Stanton, and the hostess. in view of the rapid changes county. Rainwater, son of Mr. which are being made. Those Tuberculosis, which used to be to make tests on the concentrates and Virgil Mrs. M. E. Rainwater, is who are eggressively after busi quite prevalent has now been obtained from the sluice boxes. able to be back at school again ness are going to get it even brought under control and consid- Reports made are that the sand after two weeks of illness. erable less than 1 per cent of the will run 100 a ton of platinum Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa of in a condition of business revival. cattle in the county are affected. and from five to $60, per ton of Vernonia called at the home of He told the merchants attending It is expected that contagious gold. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohler, Sun- the meeting that a business re abortion will also be brought Working on the bottom land day. vival would not necessarily mean under control and cut down the directly west of the cemetery Those of the Kist school re-1 a revival in their particular busi- losses sustained by the dairymen. below the turn on the crooked ceiving 100 in spelling this week ness unless their management One of the important projects which has been carried on is that of using goats for clearing brush land and sheep for the utilization of cut over lands. The goats are proving quite satisfact ory as a means of clearing land of brush, thus saving considerable expense in this work. Sheep are also proving that they can be successfully raised in Columbia county and although present prices of wool and mutton have retarded any rapid expansion in ON WHITE PAPER OR TINTED------ this industry during the past year, there should be considerable I WITH BLACK INK OR COLORED increase when prices have adjust ed themselves again. ------------------------ BUT ALWAYS NEAT An important engineering pro ject was accomplished in the es tablishment of a water system tn the Midland district to sup- uly fresh water, by gravity to about 28 families. The cost of this project was around $14,500 Work was also done In the poultry industry, insect control and County agricultural exhibit at the State and International fairs. Rodent control has been an important project in keeping down the losses sustained from ground squirrels and field mice, which have caused considerable damage. These rodents have For something classy, tasteful, and just a little been kept under control by the distribution of poison grains different, ask to see samples of our new Parsons through the county agent's office. Juior 4-H club work is another important project which was type. handled during the year in calf, garden, poultry, sheep and goat clubs. Fifty-seven boys and girls enrolled in these clubs. During the year 1930 the a- gent spent 190. days in the field and 109 days in the office; also made 519 farm visits and County Agent G. FORD PRICES REDUCED I I Natal All these Prices are F.O.B. Vernonia KERR MOTOR CO Sales KIST I Letterheads PLA1N 0R FANCY of Distinction SUCH ARE THE LETTERHEADS Printed at the Vernonia Eagle Vernonia Eagle Service