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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1931)
FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO be expected following her opera tion. Mrs. Keller is at the Dal las hospital. INTERMEDIATES ADD Mrs. A. C. Staley visited at Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren The following is a list of the 8 TO MEMBERSHIP the home of Mrs. J. A. Lindsay pupils who had not lower than a -------- .... I Tuesday. 2 in any subject during the six The Intermediate Christian En Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kern and Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker j week term ending last Friday: deavor society of the Evangel daughter Margaret and Mr. and Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer! Mrs. Ray D. Fisher and daugh have returned to their home here Lincoln school: first grade, Lew- Mrs. Francis Kern and small ical church held their regular left Tuesday for a visit in Kelso ter Margaret went to Tigard | is Adams, Edgar Culbertson, Vir- after spending the past two 1 business and social meeting in daughter Jane, of Portland spent ’ ’ Johnson, Steven Meek. and Longview. Crom there they Thursday where they visited Mrs. months at the home of S. Stowell ginia the church Friday evening. Games Sunday at the home of L. R. | Third grade, Harry Culbertson, at Buxton. and refreshments were provided went to Milwaukie, Oregon, Fisher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kern. the entertainment committee, where Mr. Plumer attended a James Moore, while Mr. Fisher Mrs. G. Crawford entertained I Heidi Reich, Lois Howell. Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters re by ministerial meeting. They are was attending the state editorial Dorothy June Wolff, ! Sara Mc- several neighbors with a card I grade, Violet Johnson. turned Saturday from Salem, Gee, Nadine Aldrich, Marguer- expected back today. Washington school: Mrs. Ray’s meeting in Eugene. They return- party Friday evening. where they were called by the ite Laird. Room, Kathleen Lolley, Leonard C. S. Hoffman who has been ed to Vernonia Sunday after- illness and death of their grand- Byron Bennett had the mis Kostur. Mrs. Roger’s room, June The business meeting was pre- ill with the grippe for a week noon. son, the infant son of Mr. and sided fortune to fall on a rusty nail Murrow, Alvalu Cleveland, Mar over by Marjorie Holtham. was able to spend a short time Recent guests at Hotel Nehal- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rushlow Mrs. Wm. Meidoly. garet Haiman. Second grade, Sandwiches, cookies and fruit at his hardware store Tuesday. em were A. E. Hofus, J. W. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. injurying his knee Sunday. Jack Klein, son of Mr. and punch were served to the follow H. A. Wilson received word of Ruby Tays, George Turner, Lau W. J. Armitage was a business Simpson, J. Puttman, S. A. Shaf I and Mrs. F. N. O ’ Donnell. his Mrs. J. Klein, celebrated the death of his brother-in-law, rie Mae Saunders. Third grade, ing: Marjorie Holtham, Leona Mr. and Mrs. C. R. John and I Ornar Shaninahan of Newberg, Madeline Michoff, Wilton Rog eighth birthday last Monday, Hillman, Vivian Laird, Virginia visitor in Portland Monday. Mrs. er, F. C. Shafer, C. Wilson, Armitage accompanied him to the Portland, and W. J. Turner, Ver with a birthday party. Games Yeo, La Verne Thompson, Betty children spent Sunday with Mr. He is a pioneer of the Nehalem ers, Ddrothy MeyeYs, Dolores were played by the little ones Mae Austin, Helen Messing, Doro city where she remained for a nonia. and Mrs. R. C. Stanton. George, Geraldine Savage, Glen valley. week ’ s visit with relatives. and refreshments served. Those thy Nanson, Alice Hoffman, Glen da Rose. Mrs. Spring’s room: Elmer Bergerson called at to motored Marion Dooley Registered at Hotel Gordon present were Harriet and Mar da Rose, Geraldine Cason, Nadine EVANGELICAL CHURCH Pete McDonald, Bud Lindberg. school Friday afternoon. Portland pne day last week. garet Lacy Kern, Evelyn Barzee, Aldnlch, Jeanne IJugihes, EUa this week are W. Ray Clark, Fourth grade, LaVerne Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dooley, i chil- the Friday evening due to Mary Ellen Ahlgren, Douglas Pearl Savage, Dorothy June Gillmore Brown, Noe) Younger, G. W. Plumer, Pastor. Miss Kirkpatrick’s room, Daisy dren Frances and Virginia, motor Knight, Roy Miller, James Wil- Wolff, Lorraine Space, Helen J. Mackenzie, Portland; and Ted ' Sunday school in charge of W. ed to Forest Grove on Saturday wind storm Treharne was with McDonald. Fifth grade, Cecilia son, Harold Koenig and Char- Scott, Lele Beveridge, Lyle Bev Kerrigan of Clark-Wilson. out light for a short time. Line Gough, Virginia Yeo, Ella . Pearl W. Wolff at 9:45 a. m. The returning home Sunday. lotte Moore. trouble lo- i men soon had the Savage, Mildred Woods, Doris eridge, Frank Rose, Floyd Rose, Mrs. E. J. Douglass was able subject for 11 a. m.—“Can I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson arei 1 cated and the power was turned Nixon, Esther Froembling, Bruce Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens Richard Austin, Harold Cason, to attend an evening function Know that I am Saved?” spending a few days with relatives werer dinner guests at the Wm. Junior Thompson, Hamp Rober this week for the first time since Holcomb, Edith Holgate, Billy on. Both Christian Endeavor so- in Rainier. Gartzke home at Raines-Rogers son, Evelyn Tyrone, Lewis Bev she became ill in October. Mrs. Harry Wilson has been ill Cane. Seven 1, Toshi Kuge, Bet cieties meet at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. M. John spent several days the pas tweek with erysipelas. camp on Thursday evening, the eridge. Robert Culver, Lolamae ty Lee, Frances Bergerson. Seven Mr. ai.d Mrs. Ed Salomonsen, The theme for 7:30 will be in Portland last week. occasion being Mrs. Gartzke’s Smith, Mrs. D. C. Cason, Rev. 2, Helen Holgate, Willa Crowder. who visited Ed Bollinger in Bir- "Prayer, the Power that Makes Mrs. Lee Keller is reported to birthday. G. W. Plumer. For quick results—try an Eight 1, Gertrude Epping, Leo na Hillman, Benji Wilkerson. Mrs. L. R. Dudrow spent the Eight new members were added kenfeld during the weekend, re Us One.” The prayer meeting be getting along as well as could Eagle want ad. week end in Portland, the guest to the society. The entertain port that the large machine shop Thursday evening at 7 o’clock 1-5 of her sister-in-law and brother, ment committee for February is there is expected to start up the followed by choir practice, 7:45. This is the week of self de composed of Marjorie Holtham, first of February. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones. Recent guests at Hotel Hy- nial and prayer for missions by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren Helen Messing, Leona Hillman. Van were E. A. Barbeau, E. J. the Woman’s Missionery society shoped in Forest Grove Saturday Petersen, F. J. Bryson, Harry B. and they will have charge of the evening and visited at the home SURPRISE PARTY of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Mary FOR MISS SIEVERTS Lewis, E. D. Selder, L. F. Al- Sunday evening services except E. Deeks. wardt, W. F. Hintzen, N. B. the sermon which will be by the MIST—(Special.)— A pleasant Sauders, Wm. Brown, Mr. and pastor. Miss Ollie Bemis and Mr. Big ger of Timber were dinner guests surprise was given Miss Anne Mrs. M. E. Davies, Carl F. Caul Wednesday, February 4, will be at the A. F. Knight ~ home Sunday Sieverts at the A. R. Melis field, C. H. Oberhaus, E. H. the monthly business meeting of home Monday evening when 30 Leahy, Portland; P. E. Banett, the Woman’s Missionary society evening. Work is progressing rapidly friends and neighbors gathered Salem; and H. Von Cleff of beginning at 2 p. m. on the new basement under the to help Miss Sieverts celebrate Clatskanie. school house and it will be com- her birthday anniversary. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. F. E. Hirris and baby re- Many lovely gifts were brought pleted before long. It will be turned home 1 Friday from a Port- equipped with everything mod by the guests, also well filled F. Claude Stephens, Minister land hospital. ern, showers, etc., and the Parent baskets of good things to eat. Services for February 1: 9:45 Clifford Bennett, son of Wal- The evening was spent in play Teachers association will furnish a. m. Bible school; 10:45 a. m. a room with stove, tables, dishes ing games, music and vocal sel ter Bennett of Treharne, ran a Divine morning worship. Theme: and cooking utensils and every ections by Miss Anderson, Miss nail in Shis left knee, Sunday, Peterson, Miss Grove, Miss Siev which prevented his attendance thing convenient for sewing. The “Stitch and Chatter” club erts, assisted at the piano by Mrs. at school for several days. met on Thursday of last week Chas. Sundland. Some^ musical Among Hotel McDonald guests with Mrs. Wm. Krebs. The after selections on the piano by Helen this week were R. D. Cruikshank, noon was spent in sewing, and Aamodt and by Henry Aamodt, George Sweat, Wm. Sundholm, C. dainty refreshments were served also a few harmonica numbers E. Johnson, Wm. Brown, I. L. MACMARR—Milled from North by the hostess. Those present by Bert Lloyd Eastman were en- Simonson, A. J. McKee, F. C. western hard wheat, No. 10 sack were Mesdames W. Wolfe, L. M. joyed by the guests. Refreshments were served at Patrick, Nayden Literal, Mr. and Nickerson, Vida Winans, L. R. Kern, C. H. Kern, J. B. the close of the affair, when all Mrs R. W. McKibben, Portland, Yellow or White Marchel, Wm. Moore, L. E. returned to their respective •—id J. N. Miller, Clatskanie. 9 Pound Sack ................. Dane Brady was taken to St. Stephens, E. J. Wilson, A. F. homes. Don’t fail to look at our Vincent’s hospital Saturday when Knight, A. E. Koeing, A. R. A V Alaska Pink, packed by Libby, McNeill Baird, Geo King and J. Klein. JUANITA TRUSSLER he underwent an operation for window this week! The next meeting will be held HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY appendicitis. & Libby, Happy vale brand, 1 lb., 3 for at the home of Mr. A. E. Koe- Robert Sergeant visited rela Saturday, the occasion of Juan tives in Portland Sunday. CRYSTAL WHITE—Washes A. Armstrong and son ita Trussler’s third birthday, she Mrs. A. J. Chapman underwent clothes whiter—7 bars ................. Eric and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Has- a major operation in Emanuel kins drove to Portland Saturday, entertained at the home of her visiting with friends at Aloha, aunt, Mrs. Bertha Hanum, the hospital .Portland, Friday. She CREOLE BRAND—No. 1 following of her little friends: is getting along very well. on their way home. tins—2 for ............................... Mrs. Chris Nicar is out again Mrs. W. F. Brinkmeyer of Arlone and Arlene Baker, Billie Timber, received word of the Johns, Jackie Nance, Nina Mc after a recent illness. Mrs. H. Veal has been con- death of her sister in Denver, Donald, Beverly June Bateman. COCOA— Hershey, M lb Colorado and left on Saturday cans— *) E — The little ones were served fined to her home with the 2 for ....................... ZjC with Mr. Brinkmeyer for that with an appropriate luncheon. grippe for several days. STANDARD city. They expect to be gone Each of the guests presented BEANS— California small about a week. Mr. Brinkmeyer is Juanita with a very nice present. at their home Friday evening. whites— the Southern Pacific agent at GOLD PLATED RAZOR— Guests included Mr. and Mrs. R. 4 Pounds ............... L i DC. Timber. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Con- 2 BLADES— BILLIE SMITH Westimber-Timber Parent as dit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb, Mr. McKESSON’S SHAVING WESSON OIL — sociation held its January meet CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY and Mrs. H. Condit, Mr. and 25c CREAM-—'(Reg. 39c tube) Sweat Peas—Cut Green Beans— Pints .................... ing in the school house January Mrs. F. Schmidlin, Mr. and Mrs. Tomatoes—No 2 Tins— i PINT WITCH HAZEL— 21, with Mrs. E. J. Wilson pre TREHARNE—(Special.)— Bil E. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. H. HONEY— MacMarr — in (Reg. 75c Value) siding. The association decided lie Smith celebrated his eleventh Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc regular Mason Jars nr to meet with Gales creek in Feb birthday Thursday evening, Janu Donald, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ben Pints ....................... ¿DC CANS FOR 49c ruary when a special program ary 22. Guests were Byran Ben ALL FOR will be given for Founders day. nett, Milo John, Lawrence Ben nett, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonald, RAISINS—Choice HE Mr. and Mrs. A. Smejkal, Mr. In a fast and snappy game nett, James and Robert Glassner, Seedless, 4 lb. bag .... ¿DC M. Ohler, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. the Timber grade school won the Edwin Treharne, Mickey Shay, basket ball game when they de Jerry Smith, Edward and Vera Uhlin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, TOILET PAPER— CORNED BEEF— nr ------------ SUGAR Miss Phyliss Nelson. A. Webb feated Gales creek by a score Baker. Waldorf— nr BROWN— Libby No. 1 tins ..... ¿DC and Mrs. Chas. Uhlin won high of 20 to 0. The game was played 25c 4 Rolls ................... ¿DC The evening was spent in play 4 Pounds ........... on the Timber floor. MACARONI— Bulk nr Scot-Tissue— 9 r POWDERED— ing games after which a lun scores. NYAL SERVICE Miss Grace Henderson of Ver- 4 pounds ................. ¿DC A delightful luncheon was serv 25c 3 Rolls ................... ¿DC 3 Pounds .............. nonia is spending a few days cheon of birthday cake, sand ed at a late hour. PRUNES — Large Italian with her sister, Mrs. Glenn Peo- wiches and cocoa was served. MILK— Carnation or Bor PORK AND BEANS — Van variety— n r dens, tall cans n r pies. Camps— Medium 9C/> 4 Pounds ................... ¿DC 3 Cans for ¿DC cans—3 for ........... ¿DC Mr. and Mrs. L. E. StephenS BASLINGTONS shopped in Vernonia Saturday ENTERTAIN AT 500 PINEAPPLE—Libby, sliced PINEAPPLE—Libby, slicel STARCH—Kingsfords Corn afternoon. or crushed—No 1 nr or crushed— No. 9C- or Gloss— 9C/’ Mr. TREHARNE — Special.) — Several hundred feet of track flat—2 cans ......... ¿DC 2 M Cans ............... ¿DC 2 Packages ............. ¿DC was washed out on the Southern and Mrs. Geo. Baslington enter Pacific line at Relding last week. tained with seven tables of 500, QUAKER OATS — Regular or Quick— = se Large Pkg................. ¿DC Westimber “What the Church of Christ Be lieves and Teaches and Why!” Illustrated by chart. 4:00 p. m. Junior Endeavor; 6:30 p. m. Senior Endeavor; 7:30 p. m. Evening service opened by overture by Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra. A popular service made inter esting with question and answer. You are welcome to the services of this day. But regular service has been restored. School Notes Tr oliarne 4 » M ac M arr WsF STORES ac M arri i M STORES '?- Look What Twenty-five Cents Will Buy .. • Prices Effective Saturday and Monday January 31 and February 2, 1931 FLOUR — CORN MEAL See What 49c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c SOAP — SHRIMP » - * k Will Huy for you . . . Canned Foods 3 25c Armitage Drug Co. HOT SPOTS IN ('ul Down Expenses While Building Up Health “Authorities agree that the use of dairy products is one of the best ways of CUTTING DOWN the family expense for food supplies and at the same time it gives each member of the family foods that are among the BEST BODY BUILDERS known to mankind.” Final Clearance WOOL SERGE— QQ To $1.79 yd. Now yd. DïJC ALL NECKLACES Values to 98c. FAST COLOR FIGURED SUITING— HQ Formerly 49c yd. Now “JC CHILDS AND MISSES RUBBER BOOTS — Were $2.29 Pair— NOW— Pair ...... $1.49 RIBBONS — HALF PRICE From 2 inch width up to 6 inches. GIRL’S WINTER UNIONS Were 98c— jq NOW ......................... **¡7C PASTEURIZED MILK—Safe. Clean. Delicious WOMEN’S WOOL SWEAT ERS—Values to C9 ûfi $4.50 — NOW ... ÍÍ.JO QUARTS Only ...... WOMEN’S RAINCOATS Values to $7.50— Ol rn NOW ....... ........ PINTS Only . 25c OILCLOTH UTILITY BAGS Iwe.a8cZ.......... 69c MEN’S AND BOYS’ BLAZ ERS—Values to (1 CO $3.98—NOW ...... «J)1»DÏ7 BOYS’ LONGIES Ol QE to $3.98—NOW «Pl.DD MEN’S TROUSERS — To $5.50 *9 nr NOW ...... . $¿.DD FEEDS BLUE ROSE RICE — Ex tra fancy grade— nr 4 Pounds ................. ¿DC CIGARETTES — Chester field, Lucky Strike, Camels, Old Golds— nr 2 Packages ............... ¿DC TOBACCO— Prince Albert or Velvet— 'It- 2 Tins ....................... ¿DC Nehalem Valley lee and Creamery Co MILLER^ Before vou Buv Shop at MILLER S And SAVE Money 83c $1.04 QQ $¿.¿>¿7 AO » MARKET FEATURES QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK Pork Roast Bacon Back Bacon Squares Per Pound (Boned and Tied) lb. Per Pound 17V2C 35c 18c QUALITY Why Pay More Than at REMEMBER — M^RÜNZ.Z1 - SCRATCH FEED— Ö*-i Q4 Sack ........................ SURELAY— Sack .......................... CRACKED CORN— Sack ........................ SNAPPY SERVICE 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon