Lloyd Baker and Dave Marshall attended the fights in Portland Tuesday and visited Mrs. Mar­ shall, who. is recovering from an operation in Emanuel hospital. Irving Dübendorf, who has been working on a boat in Alas­ ka for the past two years, re­ Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Worn- turned home Tuesday. staff and Bon, Camp McGregor. Mrs. J. E. Barker has moved Thrift Wisest of Policies here from Portland to be with By SAM H. BAKER President, Mr. Barker, who is the mechanic Oregon Bankers Association for the S. P. and S. stages. They Thrift is the wise distribution of are living in an apartment con­ one’s income and the setting aside nected with the stage garage on of a percentage of it as a reserve. North Street. The value ot thrift during our A bridge and “500” party prosperous days will be given by the Pythian has been forcibly Sisters next Wednesday evening brought to our at 8 o’clock in the Odd Fellows minds during the hall. Prizes will be awarded past year by de­ and refreshments served. SURPRISE TENDERED MRS. C. SUNDLAND MIST—(Special.)—A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Chas. Sundland Monday, the occasion being her birthday. Several of her relatives and friends, and the members of “The Jolly Twen­ ty” dropped in to help her cele­ brate. A gorgeous birthday cake made by Mr. McCormick and decorated by Mrs. McCormick occupied a prominent place on the table, with all the other good things brought by the guests. Mrs. Sundland received many beautiful presents. Those present were Mesdames Hanson, George, Carmichiel, Mel­ is, Dowling, Devine, A. Wallace, E. T. Wallace, Johnson of Bir­ kenfeld, Wanstrom of Birkenfeld, McCormick of Natal, W. R. John­ son and Miss Olga Holmstrom. Refreshments were again served at three, after having the dinner at 12:30. MRS. STEPHENS TALKS ON INDIA The Missionary society of the Christian church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. C. Steph­ ens. Mrs. Stephens gave an in­ teresting talk on “India, a Land of Contrast.” Mrs. H. Veal gave a talk on “India,” and Mrs. R. Charlesworth read a paper on “A Thousand Indies in One.” Mrs. G. Stankey will be hostess for the next meeting to be held February 17. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Stephens to the following: Mrs. H. Veal, Mrs. G. Stankey, Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, Mrs. H. Culbertson, Mrs. R. A. Olson and Mrs. E. Knight. MRS. A. C. HUNTER ENTERTAINS GLEANERS The Loyal Gleaners of the Christian church were the guests last Wednesday of Mrs. A. C. Hunter. Mrs. R. A. Olson, the new president, and other new officers took charge of the meet­ ing. ' * ’• ’1 The program, “Sky Paths Through Latin America,” was taken by Mrs. George Stankey. Mrs. R. Charlesworth read an interesting article on “The Rob­ in." A piano solo by Mrs. E. Knight was also enjoyed. Those present were Mrs. R. Charlesworth, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mrs. G. Stan­ key, Mrs. F. C. Stephens, Mrs. J. L. Timmons. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Hunter. The next meeting will be held January 28 at the home of Mrs. R. A. Olson. School Notes LINCOLN SCHOOL Mrs. John Miller visited the first grade Monday. The following had 100, in spell­ ing: Second grade, Junior De­ Hart, Lucille Rufli, Gene Mason, Walter Mock, Glinn Hall, Jean Moran, Thomas Kuge, George King, Dorothy Weis, Valda Rae Bond, Leola Fitzgerald. Fourth grade, Fritz Hausler, Jack Sheel- ey, Carl Taylor. WASHINGTON SCHOOL Alvalu Clevelanl was elected president of Mrs. Rogers’ room at an election held Monday. A letter was written by her class­ mates to Martha Tapp who has been ill. The following in Mrs. Ray’s room had honors in numbers: Bobby Lindley, Mansel Lee Rose, Bud George. The basketball team Tuesday defeated a team from Camp 8, 14 to 4. The fourth grade interpreted a Dutch play last week without their books. The pupils of Miss Kirkpat- Church •• Notices. • EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer, Pastor. We are glad to report that our Sunday school is growing in membership lately. The meet­ ing time is 9:45 a. m. At 11 a .m. the subject will be “Friends of Jesus.” Both Christian Endeavor so­ cieties will meet at 6:30 p. m. The intermediate society is grow­ ing bo fast that if it keeps on we will have to find them a larger meeting room. The theme of the evening ser­ mon will be “Will the Time Come When Their Will be no More Wars?” Hour of service at 7:30 p. m. Friday evening at 7:30, the Intermediate Endeavor society will hold their business and so­ cial meeting in the social hall of the church. CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephens, Minister Last services for January, Sun­ day, 25: 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:45 a. m. Divine morning wor­ ship. The choir will present one of their attractive numbers. Theme: ‘The Church of Christ in History.” You will want to both see and hear this! At 6:30 p. m. Christian Endea­ vor; 7:30, Orchestral overtures by Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra. The evening theme: "Six Search­ ing questions,” based on Eccl. 12: 13. This will oe a wonderful day—come enjoy it with us! J. W. Howell has been ill the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerns were in Forest Grove Tuesday. Miss Constance Bougher spent the weekend in Portland. Mrs. Chris Nicar is confined to her home by illness. J. G. Allen of Hillsboro was a business visitor here Monday. Dr. Ellis Flett of Yamhill was visiting friends in Vernonia the first of the week. W. R. Daniels of Portland Mrs. A. C. Alexander spent stopped at the Hotel Nehalem the week end with her husband the first of the week. at Hotel Hy-Van. They returned to Portland Tuesday and Mr. Mrs. Enola Williams and fam­ Alexander expects to remain ily moved last week from Sec­ there until the local mill resumes ond street to 1210 2nd avenue. operation. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale Ellis Rainwater, eleven year spent Saturday and Sunday in old son of R. M. Rainwater, who Olympia, Washington. lives out on the Timber road, Mrs. J. M. Morgan visited at is suffering from a severe in­ the home of her daughter, Mrs. fection under his right arm, as the result of a scratch on his B. Cline Tuesday. hand. He will be in bed for sev­ Mrs. Roy Nance and little eral days. son Jackie visited at the home Among recent guests at Hotel of Mrs. Ollie Roberts Sunday. Hy-Van were B. F. Wade, As­ E. S. Ritchie returned to Ver­ toria, J. H. Anderson, Indianap- nonia Saturday from a week’s [olis, Ind.; W. F. Hintzen, James visit In Camas, Washington. I Fairbanks, L. S. Rankin, N. A. B. J. Cline and son Merle Sprague, Webb Campbell, H. M. made a business trip to Aber­ Saling, S. J. Dommisse and E. deen, Washington, over the week H. Leahy, Portland. end. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis of and children, Mr. and Mrs. D. Birkenfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McDonald and children, and Miss Salomonsen spent the weekend in Alice Watt took advantage of the beautiful spring-like weather Portland. Sunday by going to Pringle Bend Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bennett’s for a lunch and marshmallow son, Ralph, has a badly infected roast. hand which has kept him from Sunday T. A. Gordon and school for several days. his sister, Mrs. L. Handley, en­ Miss J. L. Longston and S. T. joyed a motor trip which took Hopkins, of the St. Helens Sen­ them through five counties, Col­ Washington, Yamhill, tinel, called at the Eagle office umbia, Polk, and Marion. Mr. Gordon Wednesday. says he never saw the country Mrs. J. E. John was taken to look better. Fall planting are in Emanuel haspital Sunday morn­ splendid shape. ing and underwent an operation Among guests at Hotel Mc­ for appendicitis that evening. Donald were G. H. Robbins, Fred A nine pound girl was born Dixon, Hermiston, G. C. Pend­ to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holt ergast, Astoria, C. B. Beaton, of Treharne at the Rogers Mat­ St. Helens; E. J. Reiland, San ernity home Saturday evening. Fransisco; Elizabeth C. Murray, Among recent arrivals at Hotel St. Helens; R. R. Parshall, R. Gordon are I. J. Stephens, P. A. Stewart, Portland, and Al­ J. Lomberty, Portland; Thos. bert A. Cohen, Salem. rick’s fifth grade are leading in the record memory contest be­ ing conducted by Miss Bougher in the fourth and fifth grades. Herman Greener and Arthur Froembling who are in the fourth grade had 100 in spelling for the first time this year. Others who had 100 are Glenn McDonald, Wauna Davis, Jack Anderson, Alice Brown, Vivian Laird. Pete and Rose Mauer have been absent from school for two weeks with chicken pox. The fifth grade, Mrs. Duncan’s rood, wish to thank J. C. Penney company for the wool and cot­ ton samples which they so kind­ ly loaned for use in health pro­ ject. Pupils of the fifth grade all attended the show “Tom Saw- yer," either Sunday or Monday. Kalsomine Wall Finish. Now is a Good Time to Brighten Up a Room or Two.—Cost Not Over $1 or S2 Per Room.—We Sell Wall Finish That Will Not Rub Off. ALL COLORS 5 Pounds—50c KALSOMINE BRUSHES 35—Buy or Rent SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS Ilofiman Ildwo. Co Vernonia, Oregon Old $670.00 730.00 .... *850.00 916.00 740.00 740.00 830.00 New $650.00 670.00 810.00 840.00 720.00 710.00 750.00 Reduction $20.00 60.00 40.00 76.00 20.00 30.00 80.00 Give Your Car THESE ARE DELIVERED PRICES — FULLY EQUIPPED. the Attention (And 1931 Models) HAVE YOUR CAR IN­ SPECTED REGULARLY BY AN EXPERT IN OUR MODERN, WELL-EQUIP­ PED GARAGE. Vernonia Service Garage A SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR------------------ - --------- YOURS FOR A BIGGER AND BETTER CHEVROLET. G. M. A. C.—WORLD’S LOWEST FINANCE CHARGES Gilby Motor Company VERNONIA. OREGON THERE ET ELIT CNE REATCN^ TELEPHONE 491 are able to turn out a satisfactory piece of work. JUDGE WELLINGTON WEDS FIRST COUPLE | J. H. Wellington, newly elected county judge, presided at his I first marriage ceremony Wednes-I day. The couple united was Har-1 vey D. Eggleston and Effie Hav-, PUT US TO THE TEST A A A A M M L ac arr k STORES Keeping in Step with the Lowered Cost of Living Every day you find the “West’s Favorite Food Stores” keeping in step with the lowered cost of living. There are no delays. We do not try to save on goods we purchased at higher prices. Our customers ALWAYS find our prices declining along with the lowered food market of producers and manufacturers. They know they can DEPEND on our prices being in step with the lowered market. Watch our ads for proof of the lowered cost of living. Prices Effective Fri., Sat. and Mon January 23, 24 and 26, 1931 MACMARR or LIBBY Tall cans—4 cans ....... MILK BROOMS Gem Pineapple A low price on a serviceable Broom—Each ....................... Broken Sliced No. 2^— Hillsdale Brand, packed by Libby, McNeill and Libby—2 Cans ............... ....... MacMARR PANCAKE AND 1A.. WAFFLE FLOUR, 2V2 lb. pkg. LtFC 9.8 Pound Bag ............................... 59c RED BEANS—No 1 Quality 6 Pounds ................................... ¿¡¡DC FIG BARS — Freshly Baked — a big value in fancy cookies— QQ 2 Pounds ................................ COCOA—Best Bulk— 4 Pounds ..................... GRAPEFRUIT—Fancy Florida QQ No. 2—2 Cans ......................... Ot/C HONEY— MacMarr Brand, packed in regular Mason DO„ 4AZ1 25c WHITE BEANS—California Small Whites—4 Pounds PRESERVE ■First quality strawber­ ry. Pure fruit and sugar. PDz» 3 Pound Jar ............................. 25c 4 Q Pound 43 Sack ..... MacMarr FLOUR CROWN FLOUR FELS NAPTHA SOAP— 10 Bars ............................. $1.14 $1.29 4 Q Pound 4 ¿7 Sack ..... PRUNES—Large size Italian variety—4 Pounds ................... 34c CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. ROADSTER SPORT ROADSTER SEDAN SPECIAL SEDAN COACH COUPE SPORT COUPE pression. Not only has the thrift ac count been the means ot tiding thousands of fam ¡lies over the past Sam H. Baker year, but it is now available for Investment purposes when an opportunity of a life time is at hand. The thrifty person now has an opportunity wisely to spend some of his savings when each dol lar has so much added purchasing value, erland, both of Vernonia. Judge Wellington now considers him­ self fully initiated into the duties of his new position. —St. Helens Mist Victor Bergerson, Mrs. Weaver and C. Jensen made a business trip to Portland Tuesday of last week. Mrs. J. B. Ohler has returned from the hospital at Hillsboro, and is rapidly recovering from her illness. H. C. Ohler has installed a î telephone in his home this week, Anyone wishing to speak to him may do so by calling 14F55. WHY we ask Virgil Rainwater, who has been you to come absent from school all week, is here for your suffering from a swelling under his right arm. printing. We The pupils of the Kist school believe tliatwe receiving 100 in spelling this week were Junior Bergerson, are equipped Florence Ohler, Susie Mae Jen­ to give your sen, Ralph Ohler, Irene Berger- tvork the prop­ sen, Glen Rainwater, Harry Oh- ler, Carl Ohler, Ellis Rainwater er attention and Carl Jensen, Jr. and that we KIST MacMARR COFFEE—Our own brand. We’re proud of the quality. Per Pound ............................ 3 Pounds ............................... $1.00 PRICE REDUCTION It Deserves FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1931 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO MILL RUN— Sack ........................... 55c 85c $1.95 $1.84 75c EGG MASH— Sack ........................... QUAKER PASTE—Macaroni, QQ Spaghetti, Noodles—3 Pkgs. . ¿uC CANVAS GLOVES—Best qua- Or lity, heavy and durable— 2 pr. ^< l )C SCRATCH FEED— Sack ............................ SPLIT PEAS—or Whole Green Peas—4 Pounds ... GRIT— 25c QQp Sack T MARKET FEATURES QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK VEGETABLE SHORTENING OR LARD ............................... 3 Pounds Picnics Cheese Eastern Sugar Cured Western Triplets 4 to 6 Pounds 17c QUALITY Pound 16c Pound SNAPPY SERVICE ------ 100% SANITAR Vernonia, Oregon T M ac M arr V M ac M m I ' trokts '