I Columbia County Judge Ex-Navy Man and Sailor Camp ... McGregor ST. HELENS—Jan. 5—John H. Wellington, who will become county judge of Columbia coun — ty today, though of middle age, School was resumed Monday Mrs. W. E. Bell and Mrs. has had experiences that seldom after a two weeks vacation with Mrs. W. E. Bell was a Port Paul McDuffee were Portland vis come to one man. Left as or an almost complete enrollment. land visitor Saturday. phan when a lad, he shipped from itors over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher arrived C. W. Reithner went to Port England on a “lime juicer” for A daughter was born to Mr. foreign ports on a Yankee bark in camp Sunday after spending land on business Monday. and Mrs. D. E. Yana early Tues which was bound for Boston. The the holidays in Portland with Judd Greenman left for Ta day morning. skipper was hardboiled and Wel Mrs. Fletcher’s parents. coma the first of the week on Mrs. Dodge is visiting relatives lington deserted1' the ship in Frank Crawford, 82, who has a business trip. in Forest Grove. been very ill with pneumonia, Boston, his sole possessions be The Westlin family spent New Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armitage has made a remarkable recovery ing the clothes on his back and spent tne week end visiting rel and is nearly well. 25c. A kindly boardinghouse Year’s with relatives in Portland, atives in Longview. man staked him and soon he was returning to camp Saturday. Mr. Mrs. Frank Hankel, who has en route for San Francisco via and Mrs. H. C. Ridenour return T. A. Gorden and Mrs. L. been ill with pneumonia at her Cape Horn. Paid off in San ed from Portland with the West- Handley were Portland visitors home in Riverview, is slowly im Francisco, he shipped for Port lins, where they did some shop Sunday. . .. — proving. land, and when the vessel left ping. The Ross Kellogg family are J. Sell, who has been seriously Dinner guests of Mrs. Rose Portland, Wellington returned to the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. ill is reported to be somewhat Fletcher Sunday were Mr. and the Bay City. The war with Spain was on Wi Jones. improved this week. Mrs. D. A. Kramer and Dr. E. Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom return and the navy wanted sailors, so Mrs. F. W. Gough was taken B. Flett of Yamhill. Wellington enlisted and served ed from a week’s visit in Port to the Emanuel hospital Portland, New guests registered at Hotel on the U. S. S. Philadelphia. He land Sunday. F. H. Day and Sunday for an operation and will Nehalem this week are Jewell was wounded in action while in family returned from Portland be confined for about two weeks. Walter, Portland and Tom Niel the Samoan fighting. After re Saturday. The New Near’s dance given ceiving an honorable discharge, he Oliver Andrews who has been son, Roy, Oregon. at the school play shed Wednes returned to Oregon, came to St. unable to work since August be day evening was fairly well at Mrs. G. E. Barker came from cause of poor health has re Portland to spend the week end Helens and worked in stone block tended. quarries and in logging camps turned to his work at the mill. Mrs. Cummings, post mistress at the Hy-Van, visiting Mr. Bar and engaged in business in Clats ker who is the mechanic for the kanie for a short while. The at Keasey, moved the post of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller McCormick company began a mill fice equipment into her new quar and Mrs. James Nanson and S. P. and S. busses. ters January 1, where she has daughter Dorothy were Portland W. J. Armitage drove to New there, so Wellington came back better and more spacious accom visitors Friday. port Monday with his father, B. and opened a store. He pros odations. pered, but when the United Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle have George Allenbaugh of Salem M. Armitage, who was return States entered the World War, ing home after having visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles relatives in Vernonia since Wellington sold his business and returned to camp after spend Richardson New Year’s day, re Thanksgiving. re-joined the navy and by a ing the holidays with relatives turning to Salem Friday. coincidence, was again assigned in Portland. Miss Marian Larson returned seven and one-half pound to the Philadelphia, which was A baby girl was born Decem girl A was to Portland Sunday, where she born to Mr. and Mrs. ber 31 to Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Tom Keasey at the Kogers’ mat the training ship at the Bremer resumed her school work at Jef Keasey at Mrs. L. A. Rogers’. ernity home New Year’s eve. ton navy yard. He was made ferson high after spending her She has been named Barbara Mother and daughter are doing bos’n and again promoted and vacation with her parents here. assigned to a sub-chaser which Jean. Borgny Sather returned to well. made the trip from Bremerton Rainier last Saturday, where she Mrs. Ben Bennett of Treharne to New York and was in patrol Charlesworth motored attends high school. entertained at a luncheon on to Wilburn Silverton New Year’s day and duty for more than a year off the Mrs. Bishop is visiting her son Tuesday for Mrs. R. L. Spencer, on his return was accompanied Atlantic coast. and daughter-in-law in Portland. Mrs. Walter Bennett and Mrs. by Claire Skaif and Darrel Egan When the war was over Wel According to a recent report, Geo. Baslington. of Silverton who spent a few lington returned to St. Helens. logging work here will open Jan He had no business and no gov The Kensington club will meet days here as his guests. 19. ernment pension, for in order uary Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rose attend Thursday, January 15, at the Among new arrivals at Hotel to re-join the navy he swore he ed the funeral of the former’s home of Mrs. Harry Culbertson. Gordon are F. C. Webb, W. E. All Pythian Sisters are invited Ingle, Portland; and Pete John was o. k. and gave up the pen grandmother, Scischo, in Port sion from the Spanish-American to attend. son, Timber. J. M. Mackenzie wardisability. He bought a small land last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sprague stayed there for several days farm near St. Helens and plant and son, Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. last week while he was assisting ed or set out filbert cuttings. C. E. Wright of Portland were with the inventory at the Mel Then a primary election came on week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. linger Hardware Co. and Wellington was one of three candidates for sheriff. He was W. S. McDaniel. LINCOLN SCHOOL The following teachers from nominated and elected. He serv Mrs. J. T. Brady’s mother, Mrs. Vernonia attended the O. S. T. ed as sheriff for two terms, The following in the first Louise Hobson of Portland, and A. in Portland last week: E. eight years, and made an envi grade had 100 in arithmetic: Vir sister, Mrs. Guy Charnness and H. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. able record. Another primary ginia Johnson, Edgar Culbertson, daughter of Weston, are visiting Wilkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred election in May found friends Eugene Cleveland, Stephen Meek, Spring, Miss Constance Bougher, at the Brady home. Lotti Reich, Marie Andrews, Jun Miss Charlotte Hilts, Miss Vera of Wellington urging him to run Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowman and Crail, Miss Myrtle Pye, Miss for county judge. He did and ior Whitlock, George John, Fred daughter from Hillsboro came to Rae Davis, Miss Edra Gehring, won over Judge John Philip by die Schumacher. First Palmer Method buttons' a narrow margin, but at the Vernonia Monday with Mr. Bow Miss Marie Kirkpatrick. general election he carried by a have been received by the follow man’s father, Benton Bowman, and visited at the D. B. Reasoner The bridge club met Tuesday large majority. Wellington Is ing in the third grade: Henry home. afternoon at the home of Mrs. married and has one son who Taylor, Heidi Rich, Roy Bell, M. Gründen. Mrs. K. A. McNeill joined the U. S. Aviation corps Ernest Russell, Norma Enos, Registered at Hotel Hy-Van won the prize for high score. A the same day he re-enlisted in Franque Fitzgerald, Ennis Allard, this week were Tom E. Bee, dainty luncheon was served by the navy. He is a member of Hascal Bond, Harry Culbertson. Seattle; Z. E. Parsons, S. J. Mrs. Gründen. Mrs. C. Richard the Spanish-American War Vet First and second buttons have Domnisse, R. R. Wilt, C. A. son and Mrs. A. J. Hughes erans and the American Legion, been received by the following: Wesp, E. H. Leahy, and Georga substituted for Mrs. J. C. Lind of which he is past commander. Irene Weis, Ruby Holgate, Mild E. Katz, Portland. By a singular coincidence, red Frederickson, Virgie Killian, ley and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl. Mem Wellington, an Englishman, suc Lois Howell, Eunice Russell, Har bers present were Mrs. F. Hart Agnes Kauppi and Cort Seid- wick, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. ceeds John Philip, a Scotchman. vey Holcomb. elman were married in Hillsboro Pears, Mrs. W. R. Culver, Mrs. —Oregon Journal. WASHINGTON SCHOOL December 23 by Rev. Geo. Reule. F. Dickson. They are living on Mr. Seidel- The first grade are studying PASTOR LEAVES man's ranch in the Pebble Creek the Eskimos and are making their Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest, district. sand table to represent Eskimo who were St. Helens visitors late Rev. George Magwood, well- land. Monday, reported that the high known among the religious cir Hotel McDonald guests during way All the pupils in the third places was carpeted with cles in Columbia county and for the past week were Nettie Alley, green in fir grade had 100 in spelling Monday boughs, and they three years pastor of the Con St. Helens; Louise Picard, Leona about fifty large trees gregational church at Scappoose, Truax, Mist; F. B. Hall, Long thought had fallen across the road as view; Otto Durbourn, Mr. and a result of the storm early that has resigned his position there Mrs. O. W. Geho, W. D. Lynch, morning. Space just wide enough to go to University Park Con gregational church in Portland. R. W. Ellithorpe, Barth Roeter, H. for passage of one car had Rev. Magwood began his new Clausen, I. R. White, A. B. Steele, been the cut for traffic. Mr. Gill J. W. Van Order, L. White, and chrest said that in the fourteen pastorate December 28. His family will remain in Scappoose Wm. Brown, Portland. years that he had travelled over until the end of the present Mrs. George Stankey was el the St. Helens road he had never school semester. ected president of the Ladies Aid seen so many trees down at once. of the Christian church at the regular meeting held Wednesday Farm account books that are By Peter B. Kyne in the social hall of the church. simplified and suitable for farm Mrs. J. A. MacDonald was el accounts are put out by the Ore- ected vice president, Mrs. J. Mon gan Agricultural college and ger secretary and Mrs. W. L. are available through the county Van Doren, treasurer. After agent’s office at St. Helens. the business meeting refresh ments were served by Mrs. J. FOR FIVE YEARS A. MacDonald and Mrs. Ray Charlesworth. The next meet ing will be held January 21 at No description can con the church with Mrs. J. Monger vey an adequate idea of and Mrs. W. L. Van Doren hos tesses. the pleasures of this School Items Money to Burn Dependable Mac’s Cough Syrup A For Quick Starting in Cold Weather Proven, nent Peter B. Kyne— you will have to read it. It is about a girl who Efficient always knew what she Remedy for Obstinate was doing, whether Coughs putting through a busi $1.00 a proposal of marriage; and a young man in love, Per Bottle before it was hatched. ness deal or listening to No matter how •«■11 th« ocdar, ao matter bow big .. . VicletKay Prepared Only By ANTI-KNOCK GASOLINE Vernonia Mac's Pharmacy Service Station Vernonia. Oregon the first day after the Christ mas vacation. Geraldine Savage and Kath leen Terrien are absent from i Mr*. A. C. Ahlgren school on account of illness. I Forrest Mulkins has moved to f Columbia City. Mrs. A. R. Baird has as her The pupils in Mrs. Spring’s guests, her sister, Mrs. Guy Chan- room have made language book ness, and small daughter Doro lets for parts of verb, correct thy, of Weston, Oregon, and her use of English, and sentence mother Mrs. Louisa Hobson of comprehension. The following in the sixth Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens grade had 100 in spelling: Boni returned Sunday from a two ta Buffmire, Hugh Caton, Hazel weeks visit in Portland, the guests Chapman, Leona Fetsch, Delpha of Mrs. Stephens’ sister, Mrs. Killian, Jean Lillig, Violet Lind Lockwood. berg, Buster Nance, Leila Nelson, Annie Joe Winans and his mother, Irene Thompson, Rose Yana. Mrs. Vida Winans, returned Fri day from Longview where they EVANGELICAL CHURCH have been visiting at the Ross Winans’ home for some time. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. Quite a little excitement oc The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. The pastor preach curred in our neighborhood last ing at 11 on “The Mystic in Re Monday, when the house occupied by R. L. Dudrow caught fire ligion.” Both Christian Endeavor socie ties will meet at 6:30 p. m. The school. 10:45 a. m. Divine morn older group will be led by John ing worship; special selection by the choir. Hair. Preaching again at 7:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 attractively pleasing ser CHRISTIAN CHURCH vices. Theme, “The Way of the Cross.” These services for this date are F. Claude Stephens, Minister Attractive services promised for worth while. You are welcome January 11. 9:45 a. m. Bible to enjoy them. Wes timber from an over heated stove. The fire was confined to a small area . where a pipe went through the ceiling and was soon extinguished. No damage was done. Douglas Knight, who has been in quarantine since December 5 with scarlet fever, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens were guests at the Wm. Gartz- ke home on Gales Creek Sun day. Roy Walters and family drove to Salem Thursday and return ed home Sunday. Genevieve Harris, who has been quite ill, was able to go back to school today. Miss Cecelia Marshall returned to school at St. Marys of the Val ley at Beaverton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baird re- turned Sunday from a trip by automobile through Southern Ore- S gon. They report the roads splendid and weather fine. John Meyer and family of Portland were guests at the E. J. Wilson home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Meyer is Mrs. Wil son’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore re turned Monday from a motor trip to Tacoma to visit their daughter, ■ who has a beauty shop in that city. M ac M arr STORES Now is the Time to Start Saving for Next Christmas Did you feel you must economize on gifts this Christmas or leave out a friend or two whom you would have liked to remember? How fine it would have been if you had a special fund all ready when you started your Christ mas shopping. You can have JUST THAT for next Christmas if you start saving right NOW. Buy foods at one of our modern stores and let the savings you make buy your gifts next Christmas. Saving Prices Effective Saturday and Monday, Jan. 10 and 12 CORN MEAL Flour First quality Yellow or White—9 pound sack ................. MacMARR—Our own popular brand —Milled from Northwestern Hard Wheat—49 Pound Sack ............................. CORN—Golden Sweet No. 2 ..................... GREEN BEANS—Cut, No. 2 ................. PEAS—Forest Pride Sweet No. 2 ..... TOMATOES—Mission Brand No. 2% ..... HOMINY—Van Camps No. 2i/2 ............... COFFEE SYRUP RAISINS—Choice Seedless— 4 Pound bag ______________ SALMON—Alaska Pink, first quality, 1 lb. tall— 3 for ...... $1.15 CANNED VEGETABLES STANDARD GRADE > 3 CANS 29c MacMarr—Our best brand—Always Fresh Roasted 3 lbs. $1.00 —Pound.... Stone’s Pure Can and Maple Brand—5 Pound Can............ 25c 29 c PANCAKE & WAFFLE FLOUR—Mac- MARR—Try a package today 1 9.8 lb. bag, 59c 2*/% lb. Pkg. JLt/V TOMATO SAUCE—Del Monte or Libbys—8 ounce cans ............. 5c FIGS—Fancy California White Layer—2 Pounds ..................... 25c APRICOTS, Our Brand No. 2*/% PEACHES—Rosedale, No. 2^ cans 3 Cans ........... 55C OYSTERS—Gulf Kist, New Pack, Ex tra Standard. No. 1 Cans 2 Cans for................................... ECONOMY EGG MASH ... 100 Pounds ........................ CARNATION ROLLED OATS Large package with premium ÓOC MILL RUN 80 Pounds ................................. 25c « 95c joyous tale, by the emi who counted his million ALWAYS USE We Do But One Kind of Printing FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO MARKET FEATURES QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK PRIME RIBS OF BEEF (Boned and Rolled) per lb............ 25c SHORT RIBS OF BEEF, per lb............................................. 12%c SHORTENING, 3 Pounds .............................................. ,.......... 35c BACON, (Whole or Half) per lb................................................. 27c You Will Also Find All Other Items in Our Markets Priced At a Real Saving to You. QUALITY ------ SNAPPY SERVICE ------ 100% SANITARY Don’t Mia. Thia Serial in VERNONIA EAGLE Starting Today On Page 6 Vernonia, Oregon