Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 19, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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all. We believe that there should would be glad to follow your place of this meeting and the
be some road construction in suggestion as to the time and manner of conducting same.
this county and is our opinion
that your Commission believes
so. So iar as this court is con­
cerned, we would be pleased to
have you designate the route and
the character of construction
which you propose to make and
, if there is anything you wish
The Washington county court has been good enough to make
court to do, which we can
water; water, light and wood $15 is being urged by different fac­ an investigation of the possibility
we would be pleased to act.
month. P. Hill, 875 Second St. tions to appropriate money for of a road over the Coast range.'
LOST—White gold lady’s wrist
You are doubtless aware that! It has been our thought that
road surveys, each faction favor­
possibly your Commission has re­
watch somewhere on Bridge
years ago, this county made frained from entering into a pro­
ing its own pet scheme. From
street Saturday.
Mrs. E. B.
$15. Fine a letter printed last week in the
gram of road construction in
211* VICTROLA For sal
George, Phone 974.
condition; 50 records. Midway county papers, it appears that known as the Wilson river route, | this county for the reason that
Grocery.__________________ 211* the county court wants the state and one over the route known as the county is not united on any
highway commission to show its I the Trask river route, The sur- l one program. This court is in
WANTED—25 high school boys FOR SALE—One 10-quart size hand before any more county ‘ veys were made with the hope a position to say to you that we |
Nothing else to buy
want a day’s work
money is expended on surveys. that your Commission would ac- desire improvements of our state
Inquire at The letter follows:
Who will provide 'few times, $5.50.
cept the one which they con­ highway in this county at the!
some work? Please call princi- i this office.
sidered the most feasible. This earliest possible date, and since >
Hillsboro, Oregoq,
pal’s office._________________ 201c
December 10, 1930. county invested a very large you have been advised of the
WILL TRADE—35 Winchester
sum of money on these surveys, merit of the different routes,,
rifle for sheep, calves, shot­ State Highway Commission,
to the present, we have it is our suggestion to you that
gun or anything else useful. Will
not been advised that the Com­ you immediately proceed with BIG SET TONE / BIG SET PERFORMANCE
FOR RENT—2-room apartments, sell for $10 cash. Elmer Berg- Gentlemen:
For some considerable length mission is willing to accept either whatever program you have been
new, clean and quiet.
Hot erson.
of time, there has been agita­ of these surveys.
looking toward as improvement |
LOOK AT THIS! A genuine Balanced-Unit Philco Baby Grand foe
tion on the part of numerous
Recently there wa* a mass of the highway system of this,
only $69.50, complete with tubes. ImtaUed free! Thia great radio
people in this county for road meeting held before this court in county.
will out-perform receivers coating twice its price!
construction. There is one fac­ the court house in Hillsboro on
We urge you to notify us when'
Seven tubes (3 screen-grid)
tion that is demanding that the the part of the group sponsoring
you can see us, and we prefer:
'Electro-dynamic speaker with new rubbenaed
highway from Beaverton to Hills­ the Baseline highway and they
parchment cone
boro and Forest Grove be im­ are demanding of us that we ap- tween your commission and this j
Pleasant Hill school Christmas proved by widening. There is propriate a sum of money suf­
program will be on Monday even­ another faction that is contend­ ficient to make a survey of this court, without interference of
Push-pull audio amplification
any parties interested in any of
ing, December 23.
ing for a road which has been route. We have taken the po­
Double-tuned input circuit
President American Bankers
Mr. and Mrs. Hulan Thacker commonly designated as the sition that we are perfectly will­ the factions of this court, and
Handsome walnut cabinet of Gothic design
are spending a few weeks at the “Baseline Super Highway,” run­ ing to make the survey if your' i then if it is thought best that
Philco Baby Grand gives you volume, distance and all the beauty of
ANKERS and business men err tome of Mrs. Thacker’s parents ning east from the city of Hills­ commission will commit yourself | a general meeting be had to hear |
the recommendations of the dif-1
In not adopting more uni­ at Buxton.
pure, clear, undistorted lone. It is portable, light, convenient; great
boro and following as nearly on the proposition that you will,
Perry Mellinger was a business as can be, the Base Line. There accept the survey when it is made ferent citizens of this county, we
versally the tactics of the scien­
as an extra set; great as a regular set.
tist. When caller at Treharne last week.
is another group that is con­ and construct the road.
F. Brown of Brauns was a tending for a highway through three routes through the county
the scientist
wishes to Vernonia shopper on Friday.
the north part of the county. each have their merit.
Mrs. J. Glassner, Mrs. E. Sun- You are doubtless aware that
fathom the
We are not advised of the pro­
mysteries o f ell, Mrs. A. Hodge, Mrs. A. Webb, there is a demand on the part gram of your Commission with
the universe and Mrs. R. Stanton attended of the people of the coast and respect to the construction of
or resolve the Rebekah convention at St. j _______
*'7nd J ’ the people between roads through this county leading
things into Helens last Thursday.
these points for a short route toward the coast, nor are we
their compon­
Lawanda Stanton has been ill to the coast.
advised of your program with re­
... and if you need an aerial we will make you a »pedal price!
ent parts he the past week with chicken pox.
spect to the construction of a
call sto his as­
Numerous Routes Suggested
John Watson and sons Wes­
short route to the coast, and in
sistance the ley and Chester motored to their
Numerous routes have been fact, we are not advised whether
m a g n i f T - home in Portland on Sunday.
suggested, and your commision or not you have a program.
Ing power
Mrs. C. W. Bennett and chil-
Demand is Urgent
John G. Lonsdale of the micro­ dren motored to Astoria Satur- used to pay her when you were
courting her?"
scope. Thera day, returning Sunday.
The demand on the part of our
“Well," confessed Jones, “I can’t
before him, like an open book, lie
Ralph John underwent an op-
people is such that we feel that
the secrets of nature which un­ eration for his tonsils Tuesday, say that I do.”
“I thought as much," said the we should state to you that we
aided eyes cannot observe.
Road graders were working wise counselor. “Tbe trouble with desire a meeting with your Com­
The uncanny power of the micro­
out at Treharne one day last you is that you’re like that other mission at a time and place de­
scope's all-seeing eye has revealed
married man who said under sim­ signated by you that we may sit
countless secrets for the material
Fred Powell of Siletz is visit- ilar conditions that when you’d together and go over this situa­
and Intellectual progress of human­
to catch a car you didn’t need
the past few run
to run any more after you have tion without the interference of
ity. It has enabled us to study ing friends here
caught it. Now, this Is my advice any of the interested parties at
the processes of growing cells in days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, to you : Turn over a new leaf. Start
plant and animal life, trace the
causes of disease and successfully Miss Murphy and Gloria called this very day. Begin paying your
a little attention. Fuss over
combat the Ills of mankind: it has at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S wife
her just as you used to do when
aided the engineer in his search Baker Sunday.
you were first engaged. Try to be
Maurice Mowe has returned a sweetheart to her Instead of just
for stronger and more serviceable
materials, giving us taller, lighter from Astoria and is attending a husband.”
and more sanitary structures, and Vernonia high school.
“By gum, maybe you're right,”
better highways; it has disclosed
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker mo­ said Jones. “I’ll do that very thing.”
That evening, when he burst in
the defects In steel rails and tored to Forest Grove on Mon-
the front door, his arms laden with
brought us an era of safer railway day.
parcels, he planted a warm kiss
travel; it has added to the food
upon the cheek of the astonished
supply of the nation, In fact. It
Mrs. Jones and In tones of a well-
has affected favorably nearly every
worked-up enthusiasm he cried out :
activity of the human race,
“Dearie, this Is going to be a big
whether it apply to production,
night for us I Here's a ten-pound
distribution or consumption, in
box of candy for you and here's a
dozen American Beauty roses. Now
time of peace or In time of war.
I want you to slip Into your best
In the business and banking
world, economic research and an­ by In in cF. CoBsb frock. I’ve got u table reserved at
Illtz-Carlton for dinner and I’ve
alysis serve as the microscope
ordered two seats for the opera
through which we are enabled to
Why—what’s the matter?" lie add­
see basic factors more clearly and
ed, seeing that her Ups trembled.
thus determine the causes of suc­
“Well, to begin with," she said,
cess and failure. Only recently
ONHS, who had been married a “the cook quit today. Your Aunt
have we began to realize the full
Clara arrived nnexpeç^edly for a
considerable number of years, visit and there’s no telling how long
value of research and analysis
took counsel with one of his bach­ she'll stay, both the children were
and apply them In such a way as elor friends.
sent from school, sick with colds,
to eliminate the guesswork that
“It seems to me," he said, “that
now—’’ she burst into tears
waB characteristic in industry a m.v domestic affairs are slipping and
“—and now, to cap the ettmaz, you
few years ago. “Eliminate the into a rut I’m afraid my wife is oome home drunk!”
guess and reach success,” might getting bored. There don’t seem to 1®. br the McNnurtt Syndicate, lac.)
be any of the romance left that we
well be a motto for all of us.
had in our early married life. 1
There were twice as many
wish 1 knew what is the matter.” people killed by motor vehicles
“I can make a guess,” said his
confidant “Do you still pay your in the United States during 1929
wifg those little attentions that you as in the year 1922.
Washington County Court
Asks Highway Commission
To Announce Their Plans
pHILCO Baby Grand
Free demonstration *’
Liberal payment terms
Free installation
Vernonia Service Station
Banking Conducting
Continual Research
Tbe American Bankers Associa­
tion is dally submitting every
phase and every department of
banking to searching scrutiny and
study, says John O. Lonsdale, presi­
dent of this the world’s greatest I
financial association. The findings
of these investigations are made
available to the 20.000 members of
the organization for their guid­
“It is a fine tribute to the spirit
of cooperation among bankers that
it is able to carry on this work,"
be says. “Bankers from one end
of the country to tbe other are con­
stantly giving freely and unsel­
fishly of their skill and experience
so that tbe association may pro
duce the truly great results that
are being accomplished.”
Statistical information on na-
tiona] and state banks, savings in­
stitutions, trust companies and
trust departments, clearing house
groups and general banking la pre-
pared after exhaustive Inquiry and
distributed for the use of all
bankers. The organization's la­ I
veatlgations have resulted in the
passage of beneficial legislation, re­
vision of banking practices and in­
numerable changes for a stronger
and more efficient banking struc­
ture. It has set up an educational
system through Its affiliated Ameri­
can Institute of Banking, where
45,000 ambitious young bank men
and women are now availing them­
selves of the opportunity to ad­
vance in the banking field.
“It has been well said that the
American Bankers Association, ex­
clusive of the Federal Reserve I
System, has been the greatest i
single nation-wide source of sta­
bility and improved conditions for
banking In the United States," Mr.
Lonsdale says.__________
A subscription to the
makes an ideal gift
His word is his bond!
71 “personal guarantee” means very little to you.
CzL unless you know the man who makes it.
Ninety per cent of the things bought for your home
are selected by the lady member of the firm. She
is the purchasing agent. Most men admit that she
is a capable buyer, and the reason is this: She must
be shown — cominced by proof— that an article is
what she needs and is worth the price 1
*For that reason, she sees the advantage of dealing
with a local merchant — a man whose “personal
guarantee of satisfaction” means just what it says.
She knows that what he advertises in this paper is
entitled to her consideration. Because she has confi-
dende in her neighbor—the local dealer—she can
safely invest the family funds in what he guarantees.
Suits Cleaned
and Pressed at
New Low Rates
Vernonia Laundry
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