Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 19, 1930, Image 1

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    Library, U of O .
Direct Seat
In Senate
Columbia County to Gain
If Norblad Measure
Is Adopted
Columbia county will have dir­
ect representation in the senate
if a measure advocated by Gover­
nor Norblad and embodied in his
message to the legislature is
adopted. According to his rec­
ommendation, every county will
have at least one representative
in each house. Columbia county,
I of which he makes special men­
tion, already has one represen­
tative in the lower house, but its
only senatorial district is shared
with Multnomah and Clackamas
That part of th message which
following an enumeration of the
Mrs. Hanson Resigns
From Library Board
He’s at the Door
A basketball game will be
played Friday evening at 8 o'­
clock in the Washington school
auditorium between St. Helens
and Vernonia grade shool teams.
Only a very small admission will
be charged. The St. Helens team
won the county championship
last year and this should be a
fast game as the local boys are
out after the championship this
year. This will be the first game
to be played in the new gymna­
Mrs. F. G. Hanson has resign­
ed as a member of the library
board, and Mrs. Van Peebley
has been elected in her place.
The change was confirmed by the
city council at its meeting Mon­
day night.
Mrs. William Culver becomes
chairman of the board.
Mrs. Hanson has served for a
number of years, and was made
chairman in September upon the
resignation of Mrs. Gordon R.
Santa Claus Not
Rebekah Convention
To Pass Kiddies By
Held in St. Helens
The Rebekah District conven­
tion was held at St. Helens last
Thursday, December 11, at 10:30.
a. m., with Mrs. Orleans Gard­
ner, chairman, presiding. Hon­
ored guests who were present
were Mrs. Leona Thiel, president
of the Rebekah assembly of Ore­
gon, Ethyl Mildreum, vice-presi­
dent, and Mrs. Edith Keyyel,
past president and vice-president ■
and Representatives
of the America Rebekah Assem­
Section 6 of Article IV of the
constitution requires that at the bly.
next session of the legislature! The degree work was exem­
following and enumeration of the plified by Mountain Heart Rebe­
inhabitants of this state by the kah Lodge No. 243 of Vernonia.
United States, the State shall Mrs. Simmeral of Salem, assis­
be divided into representative tant secretary to Ora L. Cos-
and senatorial districts. I deem per, secretary of Rebekah As­ Local Band Holds
it proper at this time to call your sembly, sang several vocal solos.
Regular Practice
attention to the question of sub­
A delicious six o’clock dinner
mitting to the people a proposed was served to the visitors by
amendment to the constitution St. Helens Lodge No. 217, in
The Vernonia band, under the
by which each county shall have the Methodist church and after leadership of Ray Charlesworth,
at least one member in each
now consists of 14 pieces, and
house. Under our present consti­ the evening session a lunch was is practicing once a week and
tutional arrangement, our count­ enjoyed in their own dining sometimes oftener in the grange
ties have no direct repre­ room.
sentation in either branch of the
The first public appearance of
legislature. Inasmuch as the coun­ LONGVIEW BRIDGE
the band will be ot the dedica­
ty is the unit ' With which the
. REDUCES RATES tion of the Washington school,
state deals in matters of taxa-
the date far which is yet to
tion and other affairs of gov­
Complying with urgent re­ be arranged.
ernment, it is highly desirable
proper and justice demands that
each county be represent.ated the lower river district officials
directly by at least one repre- of Columbia River Longview Grade School Wins
stntative in each house of the Bridge company announced that
legislature. As an example of round trip rates would be put in
First Game of Season
the present injustice let me cite to effect immediately.
the case of Columbia county,
The new schedule also reduced
one of the most substantial and toll charges for talf ton and
The Vernonia grade school bas­
fairly large counties of this three-quarter ton trucks and eli­
state whose senatorial represen­ minated entire'r any charge for ketball team got off to a good
tation always has come indirect­ two wheel trailer. It is believed start by winning their first
game of the season at Timber
ly through Multnomah county'.
There are other counties similarly and expected that the inaugura­ last Friday night.
The score
affected. It is unfair to tax and tion of this new 24 hour round was 26 to 17. Two full teams
legislate for the people of our trip rate, and the lower rate were used, the entire second
county without having some cit­ for light trucks, will greatly team going in when Vernonia
izen of that county take part in benefit all the people living on had taken a safe lead in the
the law making body. It is det­ both sides of the river in the third period.
rimental not only to the people Lower Columbia River district.
Timber started off as though
of these counties but also to the
Bridge company officials an­
public generally to permit the nounce since opening of bridge they would make short work of
present conditions to continue. (not including opening day) from the local boys and at the end of
the first quarter. Timber was
March 30, 1930 to December 1, leading 9 to 6. When the Ver­
Class Visits Vernonia Mill
1930, in a period of 8 months nonia boys got used to the un­
Prof. Ben L. Grundel, of the time 267.896 people have crossed
usually small floor they soon
University of Washington for­ over the bridge.
That during went into the lead and at half
brought a the week from November 15 to
time led 12 to 9, and from then
class of twelve here Saturday November 21 inclusive of the on they were never headed.
to inspect the Oregon-American total number of cars crossing
The scoring was evenly divided
mill. They were making a tour 45.6 per cent were Washington among the regulars with each
of the larger mills in Oregon 46.4 per cent were Oregon and one of the first team getting at
and Washington.
eight per cent from other states. least one field goal.
Prof. Grundel was here on a Also during the same week 46.4
The regular line-up is as fol­
per cent of cars were on busi­ lows: Forwards, Holly Holcomb,
similar errand last year.
ness and 55.7 per cent on pleas­ Paul Jepson; center Paul Cum­
ure trips. For the same per­ mings; guards, Lewis Graven,
iod 72.8 per cent of the trucks Ward Plumer. Second team, Har­
were from Washington and 27.2 old and Earl King, Floyd Smith,
per cent from Oregon.
Roy Barnes, Robert Culver.
Three games are scheduled,
January 9 with Quincy, January
Turkey Shoot To Be
16 with Forest Grove, and Feb­
ruary 6 with Mayger, all to be
Held By Golfers played in Vernonia. The team
hopes to get a game with Clats­
George Ford’s suggestion for
kanie January 23 or 30.
a slogan for Vernonia is a migh­
A golf match turkey shoot will
ty good one: “Where chin and
be held Sunday by the Vernonia Vernonia Grange To
Aest never meet.”
Golf club. It will be a handi­
e e o
Have Christmas Tree
cap match, giving everybody a
Les Sheeley figures he got chance. Handicaps assigned last
some real results on the gas spring will be used. There will
The Vernonia Grange will have
differential proposition. The day be nine holes and medal scoring, a Christmas tree and entertain­
after he interviewed some of the handicap being subtracted ment Saturday evening, Decem­
the oil company managers in from the medal score and the ber 20, at the grange hall.
Portland, the price there was lowest gross score winning the
All Grangers are requested to
raised two and a half cents.
come and bring their children,
a a a
Any who may not have a spring as there will be toys and treats
'Tis rumored that the news handicap may arrange with M. for all the little folks.
of a reduction in round trip rates E. Ulshoeffer who will fix a
Hurts Arm in Saw
on the Ix>ngview bridge causes handicap before playing.
much rejoicing on the part of
Jack Johnson, while cutting
The match for the first turkey
a few steady patrons from Ver­ will start at 9 a. m. Players wood at the end of C street
may compete as often as they December 12, caught his arm in
a a a
the teeth of his saw, tearing
Some folks are unhappy be­
it badly. He was able to be
The state game commission will back on the job Thursday.
cause times are hard, and others,
we take it, moan because New hold a meeting in Portland Oc­
A state traffic officer was in
Jersey, where they say the 18th tober 29. Sportsmen In this sec­
amendment is illegal, is ao far tion intend to represent the in­ town Wednesday checking up on
automobile licenses.
terests of the Nehalem valley.
And ...
Talons. .
St. Helens and Local
Grade Schools to Play
C. of C. Picks
New Directors
White Eagles Feted
By Black Hawks
Vernonia children are not to
be overlooked by Santa Claus
this year, for on Christmas eve
from 5:30 to 7;30 at the Le­
gion hall there will be Christ­
mas gifts for all children up
to the age of 12.
Contributions that make the
tree possible were given by the
Vernonia Study club, employes
of the Oregon-American Lumber
company, individual members of
the chamber of commerce and
the American Legioa.
There will be no program,
that part of the festivities being
left to the schools and the
The seventh grade of the
Washington school is to present
a couple of one-act plays and
other numbers Wednesday after­
noon at a school assembly, and
there will be a Christmas as­
sembly at the high school. Each
of the churches
is giving a
Christmas program for Sunday
school pupils.
Last Friday evening the win­
ning side in the Bible school
contest at the Christian Church
Carl Davidson, George Ford, for new members closed with no
other regrets than that all those
Jack Kerr, J. L. Kullander and who had part in the drive were
Emil Messing were unanimously not able to attend.
elected directors of the chamber
The occasion wa$ spent in a MIST DEFEATS
of commerce for 1931 at the pot luck dinner, and a short pro­
meeting Wednesday noon. They gram following the splendid meal.
will name the officers of the
Just now the main activity,
MIST— (Special.)— The Mist
apart from the regular activity basketball team defeated the
of the school is Christmas.
Vernonia town team December
The theme of the meeting, in
10 on the Birkenfeld floor. At
charge of Rev. F. Claude Ste­
phens, was “My Christmas Gift Breeders Re-elect
the end of the game the score
was 32 to 20 in favor of Mist.
to Vernonia.” Those who partici­
pated were Earl Smith, Harry
the beginning the game
Association Head was At slow.
Kerns, C. G. Whitlock, Emil Mes­
No field goals were
sing, D. A. Kramer, W. W. Wolff,
made during the first minutes
J. C. Lindley, Ray D. Fisher,
J. W. Todd of Rainier was re­ of play. Vernonia made the
W. H. Quinn, Charles E. Mace, elected president of the Colum- first point on a foul shot. The
the latter two visitors from I bia County Sheep and Goat Mist boyB then made a basket
Portland. The note was optimistic Breeders association at the meet­ and they remained in the lead
despite the pdriod of business ing in the court house at St. throughout the game. The score
depression, and there were sug­ Helens, December 11.
F. B. at the half was 13 to 9.
gestions for betterment in 1931. Warfield of Vernonia was chosen
Vernonia started the scoring
Among these was the promotion vice-president, C. McClintock of in the second half but was not
of rural good will, made by Presi­ St. Helens secretary-treasurer, able to gain the lead.
dent J. C. Lindley.
Elmer Bergerson of Vernonia
The Vernonia boys showed up
There will be no meeting next and Rudy Anliker of Goble ex­ well on the defense but on ac­
week. C. G. Whitlock was named ecutive committeemen.
count of the low ceiling they
as chairman for the meeting
Luncheon of lamb and chevon were unable to put the ball in
of December 31.
was served at the Orcadia cafe. the Shisket.
Mrs. Sarah V. Case, home demon­
Ralph George was high point
stration agent for the county, man of the game. scoring 12
County Delegation
talked at the luncheon regarding points. The line-up was as fol-
the preparation of these meats. lows:
Makes Road Request Addresses were given by Mist
George A. Nelson, county agent, O. Jones ...... F
Edgar Ludwig, assistant manager George ............. F..... .......... Culver
A delegation from Columbia of the Pacific Cooperative Wool Taylor . ............ C...... ...... Nelson
county consisting of J. H. Well­ Growers’ association, R. L. Clark Knowles ............ G...... ...... Hixson
ington, county judge elect, T. B. of Bodine and Clark, Portland, K. Jones ........ G....... ........... Linn
Mills, and J. N. Miller, com­ and others. Subjects discussed
Substitutes were Mist, Melis;
missioners, H. E. McGraw, rep­ were the production, grading Vernonia , Malmsten.
resentative elect, Geo. W. Ford, and selling of wool, marketing of
A return game will be played
of the Vernonia chamber of com­ lambs, feeding, predatory animal soon.
merce, W. A. Wood, Fred Her­ control, bounty, etc.
man and J. A. Schunesen of
The organization was invited
Raininer and Charles T. Early,
16 Turn Out For
Vernonia property owner, ap­ to Vernonia for its next annual
peared before the state highway
Town Basketball
commission in Portland Thurs­
day of last week in behalf of Mill Shuts Down For
the Pittzburg-Apiary road pro­
Holiday Season 16 men turned out for basket­
ject. The request made to the
ball practice at the grade school
commission was either for the
mill gymnasium Tuesday night in re­
furnishing of sufficient funds closed down Saturday for the sponse to call for organization
on some terms to be worked out holidays, but expecis to resume of a town team. Practice will
as a market road, or make it a immediately thereafter. Employes be held two nights a week until
state highway.
have been instructed to report some time in January, when
The commission has the matter Monday, January 5.
games will be scheduled.
Barring extreme cold, making
under consideration, and furth­
The team ia being coached by
er conferences will be held, operation impossible, the mill will Carl Davidson. He was a member
states Mr. Ford. “The commis­ continue on the basis already of the Lowe and Campbell team
sion seemed to be in a receptive established.
which won the national ameteur
mood for doing something for
championship some years ago,
Bob Carland Improving
Columbia county, and no doubt
and before coming to Vernonia
some solution will be worked
Bob Carland, who underwent played on the Multnomah team
out.” he declared.
an operation recently in Portland, of Portland.
Definite plans tor the season
is rapidly recovering after his
Thinks Vernonia Well Off
return home, and will soon be will bo announced later.
“Take it from me,” declared able to return to work.
Drops Shovel, Hurts Toe
N. W. Hunter, bond salesman
He spent a few days last
with Smith and Camp of Port­ week with Harry Williquette on
Ed Holgate, who works for
land, "you are in pretty fine a farm near Independence. Mr. the Van Vleet Logging company,
shape here.
I make all the Williquette ia a former resident dropped a shovel on hia foot
towns and know them all.”
of Vernonia, having been employ­ Tuesday and cut the tendon of
Mr. Hunter was here Thurs-' ed for a while in Kullander’s his big toe quite badly.
will be laid off for a week or so.
day in the interest of his firm. ■ jewelry store.
For County
Needs Called
Chamber« of Commerce to
Meet in St. Helen«
Dec. 29
That Columbia county may be
a unit in requesting legislation
and mapping out of a road pro­
gram, the different chambers of
commerce will hold a get-together
meeting in St. Helens Monday,
December 29.
Senator Joe
Dunne and Representatives H. E.
McGraw will be present to talk
legislation and find out what
is needed.
The meeting affords one of
the most promising opportuni­
ties that has fallen to the lot of
the county for some time. As it
has been, each community has
promoted what it deems to be
its own interests without regard
to the others, with the result
that little has been accomplished,
and legislators like Mr. Dunne
have been handicapped in pro­
moting the good of the county
because of the lack of unified
The meeting will be held in the
basement of the Congregational
church, beginning at noon. In­
vitation is extended to all, that
there may be as full a repre­
sentation as possible from all
sections of the county.
There will be no special dele­
Public Levy
Carries 93 to 88
The tax levy of $846.00 for
advertising and
the city of Vernonia voted up­
on in a special election Thurs­
day carried 93 to 88.
The vote was considerably less
than in the regular election,
when 146 voters expressed their
disapproval and 125 favored the
The opposition to the levy be­
came much less pronounced when
its friends made the point clear
that the money would be spent
under the direction of the coun­
cil for advertising and publicity
only, and could not be used for
paying past obligations or indebt­
edness of any kind, or for any­
body’s private use or personal
SALEM, Ore.—(UP4—The state
veterans aid commission approved
fewer loans during November as
compared to October, according
to figures compiled by Frank
Moore, secretary.
Only 36 veterans received $79,-
300 in loans last months as com­
pared to 49 representing $110,-
700 in October.
No loans were made Columbia
county veterans while repayments
in principal and interest on pre­
vious loans totalled $3722.22.
Total repayments during No­
vember were
$149,025.55 as
compared to $171,398.20 in Oc­
Eagle will be a Christmas
greeting edition printed on
Wednesday in order
reach snbscribers in timo.
That the paper may he
oat promptly it is urgent­
ly requested of correspon­
dents and advertisers that
copy be in the hands of
the editor not later than
All copy not re­
ceived prior
noon will have to bo held
over for a week.