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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1930)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930. THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE SIX Clatsop County Goes Out After its Settlers back for the others,” he said. OREGON NEWS ODDITIES BY UNITED PRESS JEFFERSON—Thieves entered Roman of the Astoria i three weeks. They are interest- a service station here, only took Estate company wUl leave' ed primarily in dairy lands and eight gallons of oil. this afternoon for Michi- locations, and we have so much FOR RENT Apply FOUND—Driving glove, where he will interview to offer them I have little doubt SALEM— “Flossy” Morgan, 201 at Eagle office. FOR RENT—3-room furnished more than 50 families in the as to the success of my trip.” . drunk, entered a house. Police Roman has handled coloniza peeked, saw him without clothes, apartment. Roseway apart northern part of that state with LOST—Two weeks ago, brown 15tfc hopes of bringing them west to tion before in northern Minne lying in bed, smoking a cigar. and tan Pekinese poodle. Re ments, 916 Rose Ave. county. Roman has sota and stated he will not ward if returned to 830. 2nd St. FOR RENT—2-room apartments, Clatsop been in correspondence with have nearly so many obstacles to Mrs. Nelson, 830 2nd St. 201* WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY new, clean and quiet. Hot these families over a period of overcome in bringing people to I —Forged iron spectacles were water; water, light and wood 1 15 Clatsop county as he did in pre time and now feels that person WANTED month. P. Hill, 875 Second St. al visit from an Astorian will vious colonies which he has 1 found here. They were labeled, “property of William Roberts, WANTED—Practical nursing by create the necessary interest for handled. “We have the greatest possi 1851.” Mrs. Maggie Biddle. Inquire FOUR Room house, Second St., their westward trek. The fam near R. R. track, $8.00. P. ilies with which he has corre bilities to offer anyone interest at E. S. Biddle’s, Bridge street, PORTLAND— Union Fish and sponded are interested primarily ed in dairying,” he stated, “and Corry hill._________________ 192* HUI, 875 Second St. as conditions are poor in the Poultry corqpany incorporated, in dairying, Roman said. CLEVELAND Apartments — 10 WASHING AND IRONING at “I have been in correspnd- east, I haven’t a doubt but what Ajax Coal Mining company of- large rooms, furnished. See P. home. Wet wash 5c lb., rough families fortthe people ’ I am going " ” •” 1 x to - see will ficials were heads of the new 12tfc ence with »> these dry, 7c, ironing 40c dozen as Hill. institution. Roman stated, | i want to come west.” some time,' sorted pieces. Mrs. Roy Smith, __ai Roman expects to be gone for FOR SALE “and I feel confident that I can 334 B St. 201c bring at least 25 of them [about three weeks. KINGWOOD — Sam LaRaut OATS, Clover and Timothy, and back with me when I return in -Astorian-Budget. milked his cow. She crushed him WANTED— Responsible tenant Vetch hay; 6-weeks old pigs, for house on C street who will $5 each if taken at once. M. F. against the barn wall, broke by Wallace McCrae. The line many ribs. put same in good condition in John, 9 miles south of Vernonia up will probably be as follows: return for free rent this winter. on Forest Grove road. 192* Paul Cummings, center; Holly Write B. J. Yates, Hillsboro. MEDFORD—Mischievous boys Holcomb, Paul Jepson, forwards; turned spigots on Rogue River 201* FOR SALE—Six weeks old pigs. Lewis Graven, Ward Plummer, Canning company kegs. Into the LINCOLN SCHOOL Phone 8F525, Mrs. A. B. W anted —25 high school boys Counts. guards. 182* earth trickled 7000 gallons of want a day’s work before Several new pupils recently Christmas cider. week Honor roll for the six Christmas. Who will provide FOR SALE—100 Henacre pul First'entered the school at Camp 8 some work? Please call princi- lets, cheap. Carl Davis, Stony period ending last Friday: Vir- and there are now over 20 at 201c Point Road. pal’s office. 14tf grade, Eugene Cleveland, ALBANY—Lawrence Masten- Second grade, tending this school. New desks ginia Johnson. Thomas Kuge. Third grade, to these pupils were sent out brook remonstrated his wife for “She socked me,” NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT for the purpose of advertising Heidi Reich. Fourth grade, Vio from here this week. Mrs. Doro smoking. wimpered Lawrence in court In the County Court of the State and publicity for the city of let Johnson, Arthur Lee Kilby. thy Sandon is the teacher. where wifie sought divorce for of Oregon for Columbia County. Vernonia, for the approval or The following had 100 in Buelah Fest from Dallas, Ore- IN THE MATTER OF THE rejection by the legal voters at spelling for three consecutive gon, is a new pupil in the fifth cruelty. said election. weeks: Third grade, Lois Howell, grade. The following in the fifth ESTATE OF Dated this December 1, 1930. Virgie Killian, Irene Weis. Sec grede had 100 in spelling all KLAMATH FALLS — One of IRA C. NICHOLSON, Deceased. D. B. REASONER, ond grade, Aletha Gains, Thom the month: Virginia Yeo, Mil- S. D. Tooker’s hogs was stolen. Notice is hereby given, that City Recorder. the undersigned, administrator of as Kuge, Glin Hall. dred Wood, Doris Nixon, Cec- He sold the rest. “I’m selling the Estate of Ira C. Nicholson, ilia Gough, Esther Frombling, out so they won’t have to come NOTICE deceased, has filed his Final Ac Ray Dickson, Norma Crowder, WASHINGTON SCHOOL count in the County Court of Billy Cane. NOTICE is hereby given the State of Oregon for Columbia The following Is a list of the The music classes are working honor pupils for the six week County, and that Monday, the that in sixty (60) days from The or period ending last Friday. To 15th day of December, 1930, at the date of this notice, it on Christmas carols. the hour of 11:30 A. M. of said will be unlawful for stock to chestra under the leadership of be an honor pupil means to have day, and the Court room of run at large in VERNONIA Miss Constance Bougher, now a grade of not lower than a said Court, has been appointed No. 3 Voting Precinct, in plays for all assembly programs. 2 in any subject. Is Ent a Small Fart The orchestra are to be compli by said Court as the time and Columbia County, Oregon. of the Cost First grade, Mrs. Ray’s room: objections mented on their splendid im place for hearing Dated November 17, 1930. Leonard Koster, Kathleen Lolley, provement, as some of the pupils thereto and the settlement there- J. W. HUNT, playing in it had never tried to Delores Bonsilau, Wilberta Lis- County Clerk. R. L. Spencer. play an instrument before this enby. Second grade, Ruby Tays. fall. Administrator. TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS K:N {jetting Third grade, Mrs. Wilkerson’s getting out Dated and first published Nov. The following in the second room: Madelin Michoff, Erma a circular, circular 14, 1930, date of last publica grade had 100 in all their week Notice is hereby given that the Kent, Delores George, Geraldine tion, Dec. 12, 1930. lctterorolhcrpieceof County Superintendent of Colum end spelling tests for the last Savage. W. A. Harris, Attorney. six weeks: Ruby Tays, George printed matter... the bia County, Oregon, will hold Third grade, Mrs. Spring’s paper, the address ,the regular examination of ap Turner, Laurie Mae Sanders. : Forrest Mulkins, Bud The following had 10.0 in spel room NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT plicants for state certificates at ing, the mailing easi Lindburig, Pete McDonald. the Court House, St. Helens, as ling last week: Mrs. Spring’s ly total more than Fourth grade, LaVerne Bas- Betty Jaegen, Luella In the County Court of the State follows: Commencing Wednesday, room, sett. the printing. Yet, of Oregon for Columbia County. December 17, 1930, at 9 o’clock Jones, Pud Lindberg, Pete Mc Miss Kirkpatrick’s room: La in a large measure, IN THE MATTER OF THE a. m. and continuing until Sat Donald, Johnny May, Forrest Von George. the Results Depend ESTATE OF urday, December 20, 1930, at Mulkins, Selma Shipley, Angelina Fifth grade: Doris Nixon, Yana. Miss Kirkpatrick’s room, Mildred Wood, Ella Pearl Sav- Upon the Printing. WILLIAM HENRY HESS, De 4 o’clock p. m. Ross McDonald, Robert Lamping, age. ceased. Applicants wishing schedule of Notice is hereby given, that examinations may have same upon Rosa Lee Buren, Daisy McDon Seven 2, Betty Lee. <.<•< ut ¡hoir ff ou tome the undersigned, administrator of application to the County School ald, Edith Ludwig, LaVon George Eight 1, Gertrude Epping, tamplet to illuttrale and Robert Acord. the Estate of William Hess, Supt’s. Office. Hillman. Benji Wilker- Leona our ttatement The grade school deceased, has filed his Final Ac ELIZABETH C. MURRAY.. team will play at basket ball son, Marguerite Laird. Timber count in the County Court of Fri- County School Supt. day evening. This will be the the State of Oregon for Columbia Original “Mother Goose first game this year for the Ver County, and that Monday, the “Mother Goose was a real char nonia team which is coached 15th day of December, 1930, at acter and not nil Imaginary per the hour of 11 A. M. of said as has been supposed.” says dren motored to Timber visiting son. day, and the Court room of Mr. Ripley. “Iler maiden name was over Sunday. said Court, has been appointed Elizabeth Kos ter, and she was born Van Vleet Logging company In Boston In 1C05. She married by said Court as the time and Spencer entertained are still logging up on Clear Isaac Goose, and her rhymes were place for hearing objections Guests in creek. written for her grandchildren. thereto and the settlement there- at dinner Friday. cluded Mrs. Ben Bennett, Mrs. Frank J. Schmidlin, Geo. Baslington, Mrs. C. W. Bennett and Mrs. Sarah Spen Administrator. Dated and first published Nov. cer. Geo. Gustive Hull is hauling , 1930, date of last publica rick wood to Vernonia. tion, Dec. 12, 1930. Mrs. H. Smith and children W. A. Harris, Attorney. and Miss Louis Smith visited school on Tuesday. NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY Mrs. Lee Kellar returned from ELECTION the hospital. She is reported to NOTICE is hereby given that be getting along nicely. a Special City Election will be Mrs. Eingan was a Vernonia held at the City Hall in Verno shopper on Tuesday. nia, Columbia County, Oregon, Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and on Thursday, December eight daughter Ruby are visiting Mrs. eenth (18), 1930, from the hour Thacker’s parents at Buxton the of one o'clock p. m. to seven past two weeks. o’clock p. m. of said day the John Watson is shipping lum proposition of levying a spe ber from his mill this week. cial tax in the sum of $846.00 Mrs. C. W. Bennett and chil- spect damages, her wrist. fell, fractured BEND—Thelma Perry’s auto ASTORIA—Gus Roth, drunk, mobile was struck by another. Uninjured, she alighted to in- drove into a ditch, fell asleep. For Winter Driving THE RIGHT WAY First us clean your radiator with our new Alaska cleaner— Then School Items with one our Anti-freeze mixtures: Prestone —Alcohol—Tip Top. Special Combination Price —on radiator cleaning and Anti-freeze. Vernonia Service Garage !| Treharne UUMI l> b a Torn I Great Celebrities Greet You! Cakes That Please ARE MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME TOWN. Buy music, in song and in voice the radio world is crowded with allur- ing personalities. Why _ not 1 have these charming people as „ guests ___ i in your home. A small down payment will put the General Electric Full Range radio in your home. "Mother’s Cakes They're Better And your money stays in Vernonia. Enjoy Music at Christmas Time At Your G Hirer's Vernonia Bakerv VERNONIA, OREGON Oregon Gas & Electric Company