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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1930)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930. PAGE FIVE THE VERNONIA EAGLE Ford Digs Two Mile Tunnel for A BiUi Billion Gallons of Water a Day » BY UNITED-PRESS ” . --- - --- x.'l I I EARLY a billion gallons of water a day—more than Is used by the cities of Detroit, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Wash ington combined—will be the ca pacity of a huge tunnel now nearing completion at the Rouge Plant of the Ford Motor Company, Dear born, Michigan. The tunnel will replace the pree- ent water Intake syetem which sup plies the Ford plants with 500,- 000,000 gallons a day. At the same time ths company is remodeling its power house to greatly increase the power output Both improvements, costing several million dollars, are being made to enlarge the produc tion facilltlee of the Ford plant N Use a rickety ladder in dec-'now forms the route of the orating a tree. Beaver Homes road, which leads Give dangerous toys to the past the grange hall. children. This merely marks another Leave the tree lighted when he step in the process of deforesting goes out. | an area which 20 years ago was Keep the tree in the house covered with heavy timber. The after it has dried out. ■ stump land is being converted in- | to farm land as fast as it is Oregon has been asked by of- ' practicable to do so, and this ficials of the American Road (territory is pushing out after the (builders association to send del ¡receding logging aperations. egates to the organization’s 28th —Rainier Review. annual congress in St. Louis. BY JAMES F. ROWE gon and one in Western Oregon. (U. P. Staff Correspondent) — SALEM— (UP)— With the SALEM—(UP)—State officialg' season half completed, out-state ROAD IS DISCONTINUED have adopted more rigorous noli-| shipments of Oregon potatoes al cies concerning employment of ready nearly equal last year’s to Twenty-seven miles of logging women. tal, according to Seymour Jones, railroad of the Clark and Wilson In view of current employment state marketing agent. , Haircuttinu for Men Lumber company between Wilark conditions, nearly every state State inspectors graded 900 Women and Children ar.d Nehalem Junction on the department employs only self-sup carloads of potatoes during 1929, Expert Work Guaranteed river three miles south of Goble, porting or women with depen- Jones said. Shipments inspected was discontinued last week, work dents, it was shown in a United to date numbered 1,100. ol logging having been finished Press survey. ______ , on this side. Some departments have one or SALEM—(UP)— Although cash, With discontinuance of the log two women employes supported income from Oregon farms is ging road, three section crews, by husbands. In many cases, on a higher average, farmers in the boom crew and the tower these persons have had experience other states are not so fortunate., ■ house watchman were laid off, with the department many years, Sixty Feet Under Ground Farm products during the past| ; although the train crew and en and discharge would mean diffi _ the waterway, __ ____ the gine No. 19 were transferred culty in securing equally efficient two months have hit the lowest! In constructing price level in entire United States largest of its kind ever undertaken to the Scappoose side, which persons. sin'e 1916, according to a state- by a single business concern, the will be operated by the Clark Among those offices having ment received here from the De- engineers are burrowing sixty feet In all an iron-clad palicy which prohi Th« head of on« of the section« of th« Ford tunnel showing th« and Wilson company. partment of Agriculture. I under ground for a distance of two machinery ueed to burrow through the ground. In the foreground 1« about 27 men were laid off in bits employment of a married “From August 1929 to Aug- and a fifth milea. They have gone on« of the concrete block« used to line the tunnel which hae an Inelde the change. woman, was the state accident ust 1930, the average of prices under main highways, railroads, diameter of fifteen feet. The company has not an commission, adjutant general’s of- in the entire country fell 14 street car tracks, bridges, a ceme- nounced what it will do with the . fice, labor department, tax com per cent, and retail prices of J tery and a creek. Boring of the tunnel la accom feet long, each weighing 5,420 mission and highway department. ’ farmers *■’ ' have to. One of the most difficult tasks plished by means of a shield—a pounds, are placed to form a ring road, although it is rumored that things which Officials heading these offices was that of tunneling under Baby large steel cylinder fourteen feet around the circumference of the the rails will be taken up in the declare married women secure buy declined but foud per cent," Creek at a point which Is crossed long and twenty-one feet In outside tunnel. One of them acts as a key near future. the survey found. Our job shop is as near to you employment in most casses be Discontinuance of the road is “In general, prices of raw ma-1 by a railroad bridge and where diameter with a solid steel shell or stone so that the lining of con as your telephone. Phone us to cause of added luxury to be se felt much as if a landmark had also a large sewer is under con- skin two and a fourth inches thick. crete, which is eighteen Inches call and we will be right on die cured with an added family in tcrials have declined more than ( structlon by the city of Detroit This shield has a bulkhead which is thick, withstands the pressure of been razed in the territory the prices of manufactured pro-i come. They believe in affording job to get the job you nave for ducts. The prices of some pro-1 The piles that provide the founda- made fast near the front end. There the earth. After this steel forms through which the road passes. employment only to those depen T ducts have broken partly as the* tion tor the bridge and those driven are four openings through which are set up and filled with concrete The road was built 18 years ago, dent on themselves for a liveli- result of over production and the by the company constructing the the mud streams, like toothpaste to form a solid inner lining which ' after an earlier logging road had hood. been discontinued. The latter sewer formed a network on each from a tube, as the shield is shoved is also eighteen Inches thick. The adjutant general's andj accumulation of large stoc's to be side of the creek. It was the task forward by twenty powerful hy The present Intake system of the sold in the face of a general de- state accident commission offi-1 of the Ford engineers to burrow draulic jacks. Ford plant has a capacity of 500,- ces are most exacting in this re pession. The decline in manu under the creek, sewer and bridge, When ths shield has been pushed 000,000 gallons a day. The new tun facturing demand is particularly spect. going between the plies without forward sufficiently concrete blocks nel will be able to carry 913,600,000 Recent discovery of a married important in the cast of wool, striking or weakening them. two and a half feet wide and five gallons. cotton and silk. woman working in the accident “The potato crop is about the commission office, resulted in her val of Superintendent George cooperation of local chambers of; Fortunately the health service discharge. Although the woman smallest per capita ever grown,' Hug of the capitol city schools. commerce. The list of Oregon points out, if the child already EVER SATURDAY NIGHT was efficient and capable, her and yet the price ia fully a third Here are Hug’s two reasons manufacturers and products will has an immunity, the new vac- less than last year.” husband had a steady income for retaining the married teach be broadcast to the state and cination will not take, Instead, The survey said that the ef from his occupation. I. O. O. F. HALL ers: nation. ¡there will be merely a little red The tax commission, engineer’s fects of the drought have persist 1. The married woman teacher spot developing fod only about ed, especially in the east, with office and veteran’s aid com- _ AL« your (children a day, which is known as the Music by November pasture conditions the has a higher rate of efficiency1 Vaccinate mission each has one married em- as a teacher than the single girl, against smallpox before they are , “immune reaction.” poorest in many years, with milk ploye. In each case, the individ- Spike Cameron’s Orchestra She is more content with her ¡a year old. --------- ual has been with the department production per cow still about job, and not occupied with boy; That’s advice to Oregon par-| SALEM— (UP) — With thee per cent less than last year, _ . , . . the more than 15 years and to dis friends. |ents from the U. S. public health Christmas season at hand, a plea pense with her services would and with egg production per hen 2. Hiring of teachers is not • service. jfor safety in the home was about four per cent less. mean a decided handicap, depart ? financial _ proposition, but rather; _ If vaccinated before a year made here this week by state The survey said that the ef- _ . ment heads explained: ‘‘We em fects of the drought have persist-1 the fact of whether or not a old, tne ennuren 1. the children are rendered officials. No person who be- phatically do favor employment ■ ed, especially in the east, with, teacher is a real one, and not immune practically r from the lieves in safety will have the of single, self-supporting wo 'November pasture conditions the someone putting in time to draw start. i following in his home this Christ- men,” they said. “In each case (poorest in many years, with milk down ^wages. ! On entering school, they should mas- tl)ey declare: where changes in personnel have Lighted candles on the tree. production per cow still about Salem, Hug points out, 49 vaccinated again. Here are been made, we adhered strictly [production A tree that is not anchored three per cent less than last year, women teachers of^ the staff^ of (the reasons, to this policy.” 194 are married. In two instan- £ 1. -• __ ;__ Vaccination does not always; firmly. The prohibition director, mar and with egg production per hen ces, both husband and wife are' protect for life, four per cent less. Tnilammable dedorations. i ket agent and veterinarian have about The total supply of the three on the school faculty. 2. It requires reinforcement Flimsy clothes for Santa Claus. only a limited number of em., of the immunity in many indi Lighter candles in the windows. ployes but these were fixed to pdiricipal feed grains for the Governor Norblad has sent 60 viduals to make sure of protec- year, including farm stocks, the And here are things no care single persons. Every day the crowds of shoppers are more in vr„ F , »..u W1O »upp.y, seals of the state to Charles L. „ „ Kal new crop, and the visible supply, '•! tion against heavy exposures to ful parent mill do this Christ- Similar policy was attempted promises If .. ee to be about 91,00,0,000 Crumly, Y. M. C. A. secretary smallpox, evidence —more eager to select those pleasing by the treasurer’s office but two tons for the country, the smallest at Oregon^ State college^ for dis- Gifts for Men that only an exclusive “Men’ older employes retained, were tribution to foreign students. tz married. The two supported fa on record. Jcy Barber Sliop Just Phone II ■I Dance Gifts for Men that Click Christmas Is Almost Here! r r i milies while husbands are with out employment, at present. Two married workers are in the department of education, where no definite policy was formed regarding employment. Two ad ditional workers recently were included in the personnel. When it became necessary to discharge one, the married girl was dis missed in view of outside sup port, despite each was equally efficient. The fire marshal’s office, sup reme court, library and public service commission have no defi nite policy. There are an equal number of married workers em ployed in each office. No married women are em ployed in the Corporation depart ment, although Mark McCallister has made no change of policy. California legislators seek to pass a law requiring employment of none but single persons unless the applicant can prove herself the head of the family. Many Oregon cities now are seeking single school teachers, and city office employes, as an unemployment relief measure. Salem has been active in this regard. SALEM, Ore.—(UP)—Reports from 7 counties to J. M. Devers, state highway department attor ney, showed that Oregon spent $300,000 for care of the poor. Of this sum, Columbia county spent $33,500 for care of its poor. Devers proposes to initiate le gislation to transfer relief work from counties to the state. He believes a great saving would re sult if two state poor farms were established, one in Eastern Ore- YOUR AGENT URGES SAFETY When purchasing an ln- . surance policy, all protec- Zion ma; may seem alike to you. tion But, later, should you ex perience a loes, the reputa tion of your agent and your continued confidence in him will depend upon the in surance protection he has selected for you as well as upon the prompt perfor mance of the companies he represents. As agents building a sound, dependable service, we urge you to insure only where you esn have no re grets now—or later. LINDLEY A MeGRAW Store” knows so well how to purchase. SALEM—(UP)— The nation-! A survey of industrial wide drive to oust married women sources of Oregon is being made school teachers with family in- by the Oregon Manufacturers as- come to help relieve unemploy- sociation and the Oregon Com ment, does not meet with appro- mercial Secretaries. They ask Arrow ANOTHER RECORD Bat 1.000 In The Alfalfa Game FOLLOW RULES AND INCREASE INCOME. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sow Grimm alfalfa seed. On well-packed seed bed. On well-drained land. With plenty of lime. But without nurse crop. About the middle of May. After inoculating the seed. Start planning now for your pennant cam paign in growing alfalfa for next year. As an all-year hardy crop in Western Oregon, there is no substitute for alfalfa. The roots penetrate 3 to 4 times as deep as clover roots. It yields a superior crop of hay and forage, stands greater abuse, can be pastured more and cultivated hard er. The great S. P. & S. railroad system draws traffic from many sources including such cities as Portland and Spokane. In 1930 Vernonia and the surrounding com munity will originate more tons of freight for this railroad than any other town regardless of Bank of Vernonia take the guess out of shirt buying. No more collars that fit the first day and strangle a month later. Guaranteed per- manent fit or your money back. Plain Blue, Tan, Green and white take the lead. size. THIS IS A GOOD TOWN. Improve the Quality of Farm Crops and Increase the Quantity of Farm Incomes. See the County Agent or Write State College, Corvallis, for Bulletin 246. Sanforized- Shrunk Shirts Oregon-American Lumber Co $150 to $3.00 Men’s Silk and Wool Scarfs Men’s Braided Belts, priced at .................. $1.00 Men’s Fancy Sox, priced at ................ 25c to 75c Men’s Plain and Fancy Linen Hdkfs, 25c to 50c Men’s Linen Hdkfs., 3 in box, at ........ 75c-$1.00 Men’s Alligator Golf Shirts .......................... $5.00 Men’s All Wool Golf Hose ............................. $1.50 $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Fashion Craft Cravats FREE------ Gift Boxes With Every Tie------ FREE HIEBER’S Vernonia, Oregon "TO FURTHER AGRICULTURAL PROSPERITY” And Out Snoop Went in a Huff FINNEY OF THE FORCE Ä 1WCEE PAPftoTS VYW , WHDT WIW AMOTWEß BElxl ________ aS? I HAD TO WßlAXS ["/A AJÊCK, I'M THQOOGH WfM TOGGERY I VJAXJT A PET/ RûQCOTS I •••■ I