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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1930)
PAGE THREE THE VERNONIA EAGLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930. i week by E. E. Holman of Port-1 Portland visitors last Friday and with yellow jaundice. The dog land, having disposed of his bat Saturday. Mr. Redman reported was taken to Portland and all tery stt recently. The Hornman to his physician. done for him that could be. Mrs. Kilby and baby, who spent I family too are in receipt of a Ain Wallace’s home is being Mrs. A. A. Dowling Thanksgiving with the former’s I fine new electric radio. connected up with the power Fred Hogerman and Rex daughter, Mrs. Wilfred DeClus- line this week. Horsman returned Saturday even- ion, returned to their home in Mrs. A. Buckley and Mrs. B. Mrs. Ed Reynolds has been on Rachiel were down from Verno i ing from a business trip to Port Portland Thursday. They were the sick list for the past week. A Christmas program is under land. accompanied by Mr. DeClusion. nia Monday visiting their moth Mr. and Mrs. Seiverts drove up er, Mrs. Reynolds.______ preparation by the teacher and of whom are ill in the hospital A seven pound baby girl was; Hugh Dunlap received word of from Astoria Friday afternoon pupils to be given at the school born to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ad-1 his step-father’s death recently. there. to take their daughter Anne house on the 19th. ams at Sultan, Washington, De-i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage home for the weekend. Friends here of Mrs. Ben Berg cember . The baby has been I A. Granquist and family have gone to Portland to live until were in Portland Monday and The Wm. Bridgers family mo strom will be pleased to hear named De Lora Lee. work is resumed after the holi brought back with them their tored to Vernonia Sunday even that she is recovering from in The little daughter of Mr. and J sister, Mrs. D. Cheney of Seattle ing to see the “Big Trail’’ at juries received in an automobile Mrs. P. H. Matson, born Nov-, days. Mrs. Jake Neurer who will remain here for the the Joy Theatre. accident in Portland in October. ember 17 has been named Aud-' holidays and possibly all winter. Lester Holmes moved his fa Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rose of rey Jean. A year’s subscription of the mily in from Clatskanie last Lincoln Peterson and Elmer Port Angeles, Washington, are Eagle sent to a friend would The Campfire Girls met Tues week. They are living with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Redman , Linberg were Vernonia business spending a few weeks here with day evening December 9 at Mrs. Lawyer. and the former's father were make an ideal gift. visitors Tuesday. their son, Lyle, and wife. Condit’s house to paint their Bernard Dowling and Donald The John Estes family from The Bemis family is spending headbands, but not having any Sutherland went to Vernonia brushes decided to wait until Sunday evening to see the “Big Riverview were Sunday guests several days in Portland. Mr. at the home of their daughter’s Bemis is having some dental the next meeting. Trail.” family, the Dave McMullins, at work done. Orville Jones has been staying Natal. Chas. I. Early, and R. B. C. E. Westlin and family were Jake Neurer is building a gar Portland visitors over the week Early of Portland, were attend down at the E. T. Wallace home ing to business interests in Ver helping with the chores during age on his place now for his end. Mr. Westlin spent some nonia this week. They installed Mr. Wallace's absence at the tractor and equipment. time in having dental work done. new linoleum covering on the hot springs. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones John Wornstaff had an electric Road supervisor John Schlippy drove through to Vernonia Tues radio installed in his home last post office floor. has had some men working on day to do some trading there. Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Steph the fill up above the Lee Os Ira Peterson did some repair ens, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. R. A. born place last week, repairing carpenter work at the Natal this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin Olson and Mrs. H. Veal attended and filling in. school buildings recently. and daughted Marion were Ver a women’s missionary convention E. Wallace returned home Fri Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap at the Mowry Avenue Christian day from the hot springs, where were Saturday visitors at Mist. nonia visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Noble Dunlap spent Wed church in Portland Thursday. he has been for the past two Fred Bush took a couple of nesday afternoon in Vernonia. Registered at Hotel Hy-Van this or three weeks as a cure for a veal to Vernonia on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Dr. P. R. Brower, N. A. case of rheumatism. Shady Lane is hauling in his were shoppers in Vernonia Sat Sprague, S. J. Domnisse, E. H. urday. Leahy, F. W. Monroe, H. E. winter’s fuel. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson Charles Hamely Dave McMul Parker, H. F. Hintzen, George E. Wharton, and J. A. McAllister, all were Sunday dinner guests at the lin, William Bates, Harry Mc Jesse George home. Mullin and Orvel Bates all drove from Portland. A large band of sheep, some to Vernonia Monday to do some As a result of falling from a 600, went through the village shopping. haymow, Ellis Rainwater, son of Saturday, stopping over night to Mrs. G. Taylor and two sons M. R. Rainwater, who lives on rest and refresh the men who were shopping in Vernonia Sat the Timber road, has a dislocated were in charge of them. They urday. Here is the most complete tie-up in food shoulder with one bone broken. were bound for five this side of G. Tracy has his dairy barn ______ stuffs in the history of the Northwest! The injury was corrected here. Clatskanie, we were told. just about finished now. Ellis will probably be laid up for • Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling We have assembled l'or this sale the best products of the Northwest’s leading Joe Peechey ' from Riverview about six weeks. and Florence and Bernard were was a Natal business caller Wed grower^, producers and packers. Here is an opportunity to build up our industries and production and also to get better acquainted with our own wonderful re Hotel McDonald guests this i Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. nesday evening. Matthe vs Brothers are haul sources. You will be surprised—yes, and pleased—with the excellent quality week were B. A. Douglas, V. Chas. Sundland. Sundholm, Paul Reeve, J. A. I Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippy ing large cedars to Vednonia this foods offered in this sale. Look at the SAVINGS, too! drove to Vancouver Saturday week. Johnson, H. Clausen, K. Skagen, ■ morning for the weekend. Miss Beatrice Perry and her R. R. Parshall, John S. Green, i Prices Effective Saturday and Monday, Dec. 13 and 15, 1930 Portland; P. Wickstrand, Bert I Irene DeRock attended the grandfather, Oliver Burris, were Hocken, Beaverton; and Geo. meeting of Oreder of Rainbow business callers in Vernonia Fri Girls in Vernonia Monday night. day. Nelson, St. Helens. Chas. Sundland lost his valu The William Pringles have their MacMarr-Made in Portland. The Women’s Missionary socie able German police dog this week youngest son at home with them ty of the Evangelical church will 9.8 lb. bag, 59c 2l/a lb. pkg....................... hold a bazaar, cooked food sale and candy sale in the Van Als-I tine building Saturday. It was N»rth7te” Pr°- formerly announced that it would duct, Tall cans, 3 for............... -..... be held in the building next to Mac’s Pharmacy, so please note the change. Camp ... McGregor < Mist Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman went to Portland Tuesday. Wm. Brown, deputy game war den, was in town Friday. Natal Dr. Marvin R. Eby was in Portland Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Macpher son, Mrs. W. W. Wolff and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl went to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. D. A. Kramer is visiting friends in Portland for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Childs went to Portland Monday, re turning Tuesday. Marvis Taylor, whose leg was broken in September is all right now and back in school. Mrs. Rose Fletcher has return ed to her place in the Miller Mercantile store after several days of serious illness. Miss Constance Bougher, Mrs. Bill Owens and Mrs. Sanders went to McMinnville Friday even ing. M M Mr. and Mrs. Ed James and Miss Pauline Hoydan of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Long over the weekend. k ac arr ^STORES Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Young and Charles Bowman of Astoria were weekend visitors at the Hy-Van hotel. E. H. Salisbury has been get ting about town this week, feel ing much improved following his recent operation. Chas T. Early, R. B. Early and C., Paul Sandijur are among those registered at Hotel Gordon this week. Mrs. A. R. Holmes, who lives at Riverview, has been confined to her home for several days because of illness. Northwest Products Saie Pancake Flour Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill left Tuesday morning -for Prosser, Washington, to spend a few days with Mr. McNeill’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McNeill. Hoffman Hdwe. Co. Virgil Drorbaugh has purchas ed a new car, a Marquette. A Christmas party will be held Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gilchrest in the Masonic temple next Wed-1 were in St. Helens on business nesday evening after the regular Monday. chapter meeting, for all Eastern Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watt, Stars and their husbands. Each of Salem were guests of Mr. person who attends is requested and Mrs. L. R. Gilchrest Sunday. to bring a gift costing not over Until recently Mr. Watt had twenty-five cents. A good time is promised by Mrs. J. W. Brown, his law office here. chairman of the entertainment Guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. committee. Kramer last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Ingram of Portland. Mr. Ingram is mana ger of one of the MacMarr stores of that city. Let Vs Help On Your Christmas Problems PRICES LOWER THAN EVER ADVERTISE W. Plumer went to Tuesday to visit his’ and his daughter-in- Samuel Plumer, both Carnation Milk Fischers Regular Willamette valley 9 lb. sack ............................... . n A KOllea Oats __ HiaCHlarr Cozzee Always Fresh, Roasted in Portland, Rich and full flavored—Pound ....... 3 Pounds $1.00 Household Sodas 3 Tru Pound Blu, h Package »"“1»“ ...................... S« las -.... PRUNES— Northwestern Italian Var iety—Large Size—New Crop OK/» 4 Pounds ........................ iheNEW Radio/ BROOMS— Liberty Brand—A heavy, serviceable, broom, Made in KO/» Portland—Each ....................... t)«zC New, complete, full-toned big-perfurming...l>eautiftil Screen-Grid receiver .... GOLDEN WEST COFFEE— Roasted in Portland— Q Q _ 1 Pound vacuum can ........... uOt BLUING AND AMMONIA—manufac tured in Portland—Standard IK/» Grade. 2 Bottles .............. AtJV Steel Trucks •a bay NOW ON DISPLAY! See it! Hear it! A big-performing, 7-tube (3 screen-grid) Balanced-Unit Philco with the famous Phil- co Electro-Dynamic Speaker for only $89.50, with tubes included. Beautiful lineal... Volume, distance, selectivity, power and pure, cleag. Madia- torted tone! Your Philco dealer will glad ly let you try the Baby Grand Console without obligation! A popular favorite—milled QI A K in Portland, 49 lb. sack tP-L» tc O A low price on our best grade—milled in the Northwest from Northwestern Wheat Q -| O r 49 Pound Sack .................. and it will seZJ! WITH BES Crown Flour MacMarr Flour your merchandise Rev. G. Longview son Amos law, Mrs. ; 98c WALNUTS— Groners Fancy Large Oregon Franquettes— Qi A A 34c pound—3 Pounds ..... ijA«vV WALNUTS— Groners Medium Oregon Franquettes—28c pound P»Px/» 2 Pounds ................................... tJOv FILBERTS—North Pacific Nut Ass’n. Round variety, grown in Ore- QQ _ gon—Pound ............................... V PRESERVES— Crown Point Pure Strawberry—made in Portland by the Starr Fruit Products Co., 3 Pound jar ............ 0*7 V FIG BARS— Fr- sh stock baked OKp in Portland, 2 pounds for ....... ¿Ov „ Macaroni Oregon Curve Cut 4 Pounds .......................... CUT BEANS—Santiam brand Fancy Kentucky Wonder or Allens Pride Cut Refugee—No. 2- Tins QP/» 2 cans for ................................. OtJV PEAS— Ocean Breeze Extra Fancy Small Sieve — Packed on San Juan Island in Puget Sound—No. QK/» 2 Tins—2 for ........... OtJl PEANUT BUTTER— Hoodys Best — made in Portland. A K /» 2>4 Pound Jar ................ TTtJV DILL PICKLES—Libbys Fancy Grade No. 1 1 A Packed in Port Picnic AW land, No. 2i/t PUMPKIN—Del Monti —National fa vorite—packed at Salem, Ore. OC« No. 2*4 cans, 2 cans for ....... ¿IVV BEETS—Libbys Small Whole, IQp packed in Portland, No. 2 tins_ -L«/V TOMATOES—Standard with QKn Puree, No. 21/2, 3 for ........... OUV CARNATION OATS—large size pack age with premium—made in Portland—Package ........... OtlV SÄUER KRAUT—Libbys, — produced and packed at Kent, Wash. No. 2«/s—2 for ......................... MARKET FEATURES Quality Meat« for Le«» Every Day in the Week. 25c 20c 15c 15c 10c STEAK—Sirloin or Beef—per lb. I'kilm mnhet th« world* t lbw of radio*. MAKE THIS A BADI» CHBISTMASI Vernonia Service Station Vernonia : : : Oregon 25c VEAL—Roasts—per lb................... Stew—per lb........... -......... MUTTON—Roast—per lb.............. Stew—per lb..................... QUALITY SNAPPY SERVICE 100% SANITARY Vernonia, Oregon ml .