Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 05, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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    Among Our
Neighbors • •
Voters in school district 2,
St. Helens, passed a measure call­
ing for a tax of $68,936.11,
which, based on assessed valua­
tion, is 21.8 mills.
This is a
decrease of four tenths of a
mill as compared with last year.
* • •
St. Helens golfers defeated the
Broarcliff club at Clatskanie No­
vember 23, 25 Mi to 26%.
• •
The Altruistic club, an organ­
ization connected with the
thian Sisters lodge, has under­
taken to aid the needy in St.
Helens and nearby places.
• «
It is expected that two addi­
tional state highway patrolmen
will be soon placed on duty ev­
ery night along the Lower Colum­
bia River highway between Port­
land and Rainier. A petition to
that effect has been signed by
officials of towns affected, due
to the large number of hold-ups
• * •
Clatskanie high school suffered
the second robbery within a
month when thieves entered the
night of November 26 and stole
15 typwriters, two adding ma­
chines and a number of smaller
articles. On Halloween night the
manual training shop was broken
into and about $200 worth of
tools taken.
* • •
Rainier high school defeated
St. Helens high school 14 to 6
at Rainier
Thanksgiving day.
This breaks a four-year tie be­
tween the two schools, and gives
Rainier permanent possession of
the Davis-Herman football trophy.
• * •
A couple giving the names of
K. Kerrigan and wife
were arrested by federal author­
ities in Seattle when caught pas­
sing money orders made out on
blanks stolen recently from the
Orenco post office. The pair twice
robbed the Orenco store.
Measurements of Time
by Old Water-Clocks
An early means adopted for the
measurement of short periods of
time was by noting the quantity of
water discharged through a small
orifice In the containing vessel, says
an article In the Montreal Family
Herald. If the vessel would empty
Itself between sunrise and sunset, a
certain number of markings equally
distant on the aide of the vessel
would enable one to tell what por
tlon of the day had passed by the
height of the water. This crude
measure of time was called a wa
When the Roman general, Julius
Caesar, was carrying out Ida con­
quests of Gaul, he crossed to Brit­
ain for the first time In the latter
part of the summer of 55 B. O. In
his account of the expedition he
tells of many things be had oh
served among the Britons, and one
was the water-clock. Through ac­
curate measurements by this clock
he found that the midsummer nights
In Britain were shorter than In the
south of Gaul or Italy. He ascer­
tained the fact, but he did not know
the cause—the spherical form of
the earth and its revolving on Its
axis not at right angles to the plane
of Its orbit.
terested visitors, mostly mothers,
were present.
Doris Rae Estey unfortunatly
fell at school recently and in­
jured her right knee. Her par-
, ents took her to their physician
at Tacoma, who put the injured
limb in a cast. She is again at­
Logging operations by the Ore­ tending school.
gon American have ceased Sun­
Mrs. Fletcher’s parents of Port-
day night. The shut down will land spent Thanksgiving with
December, their daughter and son-in-law
be for the month of ~
at least.
The crane crew and train 106
A delightful card party
are engaged this week in picking
up spilled logs where the track given at the W estlin home
urday evening in honor of
is soon to be torn up.
A number of the unemployed Westtin’s parents, Mr. and
men from this place are batching Boyer of Portland, who spent
at the old upper I-P camp, until Thanksgiving with the Westlins.
work is resumed after the hol­ Besides the immediate families,
idays. Among those encamped those present weTe Mr. and Mrs.
there are Milford Fields, Ben H. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bollinger, Gus Custer and Joe Womstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Bremis, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Joe Womstaff received a few
Mrs. Florence Fraser, Mrs.
lines from Harry Nakata, this Theodoria Lambert, and John
week, saying that he and his party Womstaff and family enjoyed
had arrived safely in Yohohama, Thanksgiving dinner with the Joe
Japan, November 11. Harry had Womstaff family.
been foreman of the Jap crew
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred DeClus-
here since 1923, until his recent
ion were dinner guests of the
departure for Japan.
Westlins on Thanksgiving d.y,
A delightful
—----- program was ®
P. H
H. Peterson a and family and
in the advanced room at Camp|the Bemis family r were dinner
McGregor school last Wednesday guests at the Egte
home * on
afternoon, by the Camp McGreg­ Thanksgiving-
or Junior Republic club. Arne
A lovely Thanksgiving turkey
Anderson, superintendent of the
club presided. About twenty in- dinner with all the trimmings
was served to the men at the
by IrvinJ\€obb
cook-house on Thanksgiving day.
A delightful Thanksgiving par­
Sackcloth Old Symbol
ty was given at the Dodge home
of Mourning for Dead at I-P headquarters camp, last
Sackcloth Is mentioned several Thursday evening.
OT so very long ago the mili­ i times In the Bible. It was a coarse
Bruno Reif and his sister, Mrs.
tary attache of one of those texture of a dark color made of Ida Engstrom of Powell Butte,
flywheel republics In Centrul Amer­ goats' hair. Smith’s DIctorlary of Oregon visited their sister, Mrs.
ica, where they are always having the Bible quotes two verses to sub
revolutions, came up to New York stantlate the statement that the John Womstaff Saturday and
from the legation at Washington on color of snekcloth was dark or Sunday.
The Dusenberry baby who was
Important official business. Calling black, One verse Is Isaiah 50:3—”1
upon a military tailor on Fifth ave­ clothe 1 the heavens with blackness, taken ill suddenly Sunday even-
nue, he explained his mission. There and 1 make sackcloth their cover ing was taken to Vernonia Mon­
had been a change of administra­ Ing.” The other verse Is Revela day evening by her parents for
tion In his country—the first one. tlon 11:12, the second half of medical treatment. Dr. Eby was
It would seem, In nearly ulne which reads: “and the sun became called to the Dusenberry home
months—and the new government black as sackcloth of hair; and the
had decided to alter the uniforms moon became as blood.” Sackcloth Sunday evening to treat the baby.
Misses Marion Larsen and Bor-
of all branches of the national de­ resembles elllelum of the Romans,
named after the province of Cilicia geny Sather, high school students
It was the visitor’s purpose to In Asia Minor. In which was situ­ were visiting their parents, over
give the contracts. He lmd brought ated Tarsus, the native city of St. Thanksgiving vacation.
with him special designs, hand-col­ Patil, who knew and at times fol­
Mrs. Paul Dodge and Mrs. H.
ored In the chosen effects. There lowed the trade of tent maker, that C. Ridenour called on Mrs. P.
ensued a busy time In the tailor la. the making of tents out of clll-
shop. It would seem that the fancy clnm. the cloth made of goats' hair. H. Matson and her new daughter,
<if the Central Americans ran to This cloth was the sackcloth of the in Vernonia Saturday. The baby
startling contrasts In color and to ancient Hebrews. It was used for was born November 17 and
much use of braid, buttons, rosettes, making sacks and for making rough weighed 7 pounds. Other Ver-
festoons and plumage.
garments used by mourners, which nonia visitors Saturday were Mrs.
Undress and full-dress had been were In extreme cases worn next to F. Day and daughter, and Fred
selected for the navy, for the offi­ the skin, but at other times they Hagerman.
cers and men of the Infantry, and were worn over the coat In place of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred DeClus-
for the artillery. Next, the attache the outer garment.
ion went to Portland last Fri­
produced a drawing for a costume
day. where Mr. De elusion had
more gorgeous than any he al­
A Prototype
an injured ankle treated. They
ready bad shown. There was a
cocked hat, rather resembling the
The Calais police station is lo­ returned Monday, accompanied
kind worn by the Knights Templar cated tn the basement of the City by Mrs. DeClusion’s mother, Mrs.
In this country, excepting that It building, with Its barred windows Kibbey.
was bright red in color with an facing the sidewalk that leads to . L. M. Adams and Fred Boddy
adornment of vivid green parrot the rear.
went to Sultan, Washington, Mon-
feathers flouting out behind. There
A business man happened to be
;pend"’the"hohdiyr Mm?
was a double-breasted blue coat walking past one of the windows, . \
heavily embossed with gold lace on where a sailor who had been Im- Adams, a"d son preceded them
the cuffs, sleeves, breast, collar and blblng too freely was confined. He , several weeks ago.
skirts. There were baggy, crimson was hailed by the salutation, “Hey, I J. H. La Port of Baker, Ore­
riding breeches also, belaced down Buddy 1 Give us a match?”
,_ gon is spending the winter with
the seams. There was a pair of
"Sure,” replied the business man, 1 his daughter here, Mrs. A. J.
shiny black, patent-leather riding who handed him one and started ' Redman.
hoots with an adornment of sliver away.
Wm. Ridenour and son Lee,
spurs and, for final touches, massive
"Hey, Buddy, this match won’t
bullion epaulets and white crossbelts scratch; It hasn’t any head, Just I have taken a contract t°r some
finished with bright buckles.
ldn’t I work at Toledo, Oregon.
•Ah." said the dazzled tailor, like me. If I had a head I wouldn't I Glen Ridenour of Carson, Wash-
“how very striking! I presume this be in here."—Boston Globa.
uniform Is to be worn by the cav­
"Oh, no,” said the attache. “This
Is for our secret service."
Camp • • .
tington is visiting his brother
here, and sister, Mrs. Dodge, at
I.-P. Camp.
The per cent of attendance
for the month ending November
28, in the Camp McGregor schools
is 98.2. Those in the primary
These three cars are in excellent condition, are as good as new
—And are Priced Right.
Vernania, Oregon
I An extra slice of bread or the use of
' more wheat products daily will ben-
I efit everyone in many ways.
It will increase prosperity. By con­
suming the nation’s surplus wheat
supply the prosperity of the Ameri­
can farmer will be greatly increased.
Prices for Saturday, Monday, Dec. 6, 8
There is no better
shortening on the
mArket—made of pure
Carona flour is a
49 lb. sack
4 sacks
Joy Theater
4 lb. Paii .... 79 c
$4 69
A wheat cereal made
by Albers Bros. Once
used—always QQ
used. Pkg.
MAX-I-MUM is our largest selling
can milk. Tall cans, each ................... .
We have a beautiful assort­
ment of plain and fancy
Broadcloth Pajamas, both
middy and coat style.
Just a little different at
an exclusive men’s store.
Priced from
•‘College Lovers”
With Jack Whiting, Marian Nixon and
“Big Hearted99
Men's Sox
Bigger, better than ever—
our assortment of men’s
Mercerized Rayon,
Silks, Silk and Wool, Fancy
Wool Mixed. Priced from
Arrow Shirts
Columbia Knit Sweaters
Silk Mufflers
Hieber's Toggery
New crop navels, Sun-
kist brand — full of
288 Size.
Corn Flakes
The cereal that everyone likes—Nice and crisp.
Regular size
1 PCz»
packages .......
For ....................... ADC
Corn Meal
or Fishers
P and G is the largest selling laundry Soap.
‘•The Big Trail"
The most important picture ever produced
With Charlea Farrell
43 C
Yakima Netted Gems,
U. S. No. 1.
A Whoopee Comedy with an All-Star Cast
$ 75.00
$ 65.00
*1930 FORD TUDOR SEDAN .....................
*1929 FORD 2 Window FORDOR SEDAN
*1929 FORD TOWN SEDAN .......................
1929 FORD ROADSTER ...........
1926 FORD TOURING ...............
1926 FORD DELIVERY .............
Try a classified ad for results.
and Stanley Richardson.
In the advanced rooms, those
neither tardy nor absent were
Florence and Lloyd White, Ruby
and Pearl Faught, Erma Larson,
Ole and Arne Anderson, Gilbert
Bemis, and Jack Scott.
Your Opportunity to Buy a GOOD Used Car
My Favoa^ie
<©. by the McN’aurht Syndicate. Ise.)
department who were neither ab­
sent or tardy for the month are
Cvonne Day, Harvey Womstaff,
Jimmy Faught, Krist Sather, Rob­
ert Jones, Lois Westlin, Merle
Scott, Alfred Bemis, Carl Smith,
Robert Johnson, Lorna Westlin,
Used Car Bargains
lxoLes'S than
We have just received
a car of candy. Quali­
ty is better 1 r
than ever, lb. IvV