Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 05, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1930.
■aap Dale put her hand In hl*. She
had seen this man before I She
could not break away from the fa«-
ctnatlon of those burning eye*.
“Why," she began, “you—you're—”
"Yea,” he murmured In a low
throaty voice, “Rio del Romo I"
“Rio del Romo I” echoed Dale
softly. "The wonderful Rio del
Romo! I saw you In ‘The Fly­
ing Ace’ and In “He Swoops to Con­
“We’re here to make a picture
now," he nodded almost impercep­
tibly at the man with the light,
wavy hair. “I. of course, star In
It. It Is called ’Wings of Cupid’ I"
“And you do stunts as tn the
o-.her ones? How perfectly thrill­
ing! May I watch you some time?"
She turned to the other man.
"Which of you Is the pilot?"
Rio del Romo Interrupted him be­
fore he could speak. “I—I am the
hero of the picture—of course—
Rio del Romo—I!”
The other man smiled at her
Tm only Craig Thornton, you see.”
he said.
The next two weeks were thrill­
ing ones for Dale, but they caused
her a good deal of perplexity. For
one thing, when they swam togeth
er, It was Craig Thornton who
swam and dived and rode on the
surf-board, while Rio de) Romo lay
on the raft and scowled. He didn't
like things like that, he said. But
when they went to dances at the
Loon club, It was Rio del Romo, the
flying star, who got all the atten­
tion. Dale was the envy of every
girl at the lake.
The day before thev were to flv
over the lake and up Into the moun­
tain* for the big scene. I’io del
Romo told Dale that he wanted her
to marry him. When sl'e hesitated,
he was overcome with astonish­
ment. Finally he said: "Well, to­
morrow, when my picture Is done,
you may tell me then To he the
wife of Rio del Romo, think of
ltt The wife of the famous flying
Dele did think of It, but she
thought more of Craig.
In the morning she watched the
stiver ulane loop and roll over the
lake and then speed away over
the mo--'"!”
Orale aha sup­
pose«. wav mine wim Hto. van
was piloting the Plane. Suddenly
her eyes widened In horror. Di­
rectly over the mountain the plane
began to spin, and went crashing
to the earth. With a cry Dale
started to run toward It. 81ie was
sobbing to herself: “Oh, Craig.
Craig. Craig!" For now she know.
No glory of stars or pilots could
compare with Craig, who loved her,
whom she loved.
Suddenly there was a voice be­
hind her. “Do not cry, do not cry
for me, for Rio.” Re was gazing
at her with those burning eyes.
"I do not go up. Me, I do not do
these dangerous things!”
Dale stared nt him wide-eyed,
breathless! "Who does?"
“Why. he. that Craig Thornton.
He does all the piloting! Come, tell
me you will marry—’’
But Dale never heard the rest of
It. She was off through the woods
and up the hillside to the place
where a broken bit of silver lay
crushed against the earth. And
there, miracles of miracles, was
Craig Thornton, one arm hanging
limply at his side, smiling and
walking toward her.
A long time later. Dale told him
about Rio. her eyes flashing. “Why
did you let him take all the credit,
den'?’’ Craig tightened his arm
around her. "I never cared." he told
her, “till I met you. Dale. And
then—I wanted you just because
yon loved me. I'll be a real star
now. for your sake. dear. I’ll ’Say
It With Wings.’ But first. his
voice was very tender,
wanted to ’Say It With I.ove’t”
(Copyright )
When a Feller Needs a Friend
Mrs. Leona McGraw was elect­
ed worthy matron of Nehalem
chapter 153, Order of Eastern
Star Wednesday evening. Other
officers elected were: worthy pat­
ron, Emil Messing; associate mat­
ron, Mrs. Edith Pearse; associate
patron, J. E. Tapp; secretary,
Mrs. Alma Bell; treasurer, Mrs.
Fern Kullander; conductress, Mrs.
Lillian Brown; associate conduct­
ress, Mrs. Minnie Hughes.
Officers will be installed Jan­
uary 7. The next meeting will
be a Christmas party and the
members are invited to bring
their husbands to the party.
The Loyal Gleaners class of
the Christian church met at the
church Wednesday
Mrs. Ray Charltsworth, Mrs. R.
Brady and Mrs. M. Mulkins were
appointed a nominating commit­
tee for new officers. The work
was turned in for the baby booth
at the bazaar to be held Decem­
ber 17. Mrs. F. C. Stephens had
charge of the program and games
were played. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. George Stankey.
Others present were Mrs. A. C.
Hunter, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs.
P. Taylor, Mrs. R. A. Olson,
Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. M. L.
No meeting will be held De­
cember 17, as that is the day of
the bazaar and the next meet­
ing will be on December 31 at
the home of Mrs. J. L. Tim­
A very interesting program
was presented at the Parent-
Teacher meeting held in the au­
ditorium of the Washington school
Monday evening. The program
■vas as follows: A series of duets
by pupils of Mrs. Ray’s room,
“A Tea Party,” by Lillian Laird,
Wilberta Lisenby, Leonard Kos-
tur, and Bud George; “Jack and
Jill,” by Kathleen Lolley and
Bernard Lamping; “If you’re
Not Good,” by Waunita Crane
and Clifford Machen; “Two Little
Indians,” by Bobby Lindley and
Dolores Bonislaw; Pirate song,
by Ray Dickson, Jack Childs,
Lawson Smith, Bruce Holcomb,
Florian Mauer, Robert Turner,
Clinton Allard.
Songs, “The Fortune Teller,”
and “Laughing Song,” by Ummer-
ay Blount, Lucille Wood, Rosa
Van Buren, Helen Barnes, Louise
Smith, Earl Jones, La Von
George, Walter Barnes, Bonnie
Jean Tohmpson.
Mrs. Ray’s room won the prize
of $2.50 for the best attenlance
of parents.
The next meeting
will be held in the high school
January 5.
Leona Hillman and Helen Mes­
sing were the recipients of many
beautiful gifts Monday evening,
the occasion being a double birth­
day party.
Those present were
Caton, Ortha DeHart, June Mich-
ener, Margarite McNutt, Leila
Nelson, Marjorie Holtham, Ruth
Page Simmons, Rose Sitts, Sara
McGee, Lorane Space, Margrette
Laird and Mildred Walters. Dor­
othy June Wolff was unable to
come but sent her gifts.
Games were played at the
Messing apartment, while a very
nice lunch wa sserved at the
Holtham home.________
Wednesday afternoon, a de­
lightful time was enjoyed by
about 70 ladies when the mem­
bers of the Missionary society
of the Evangelical church each
entertained a guest at a boun­
teous pot luck dinner and the
regular meeting of the society.
Walnut favors with a limerick in
each were given to those present
and the limericks were read dur­
ing dinner.
Christmas hymns
were sung after the dinner.
The bazaar will be held in the
building next to Mac’s Pharmacy
December 13. A number of the
visiting ladies signified their in­
tention of joining the organiza­
The program was in charge
of Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Al­
A family reunion was held ice Malmsten gave an interest­
the ing talk on the third chapter of
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. the book.
Treharne, all the children being
Those present were Mesdames
present. They were Roland Tre- O. Malmsten, A. L. Parker, W.
liarne of Vancouver, Washington, H. Kent, G. W. Plumer, C. U.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Kelley of Enstrum, S. Malmsten, F. M.
Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ruhl, O. D. McCabe, M. R. Eby,
O’Connor of Hillsboro, Gurtha E. B. Miner, Henry John, A.
and Ethel Kelley, Mary, Edwin U. Sauer, E. M. Bliele, Lillig,
and Noah Treharne, all of Ver­ E. H. Condit, E. Snyler, C. Hur­
ley, R. Smith, O. Sheeley, E.
Others present were Mrs. Vera Sheeley, L. A. Rogers, W. A.
Murray and son Raymond of Armitage, C. L. Brock, Couped,
St. Helens, Mr. Packard of Port­ L. Mowe, P. Hills, Armstrong,
land, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gander, J. B. Hair, L. F. Austin,
Willson and two daughters, Clyde I Ben Bennett, Judd Greenman, L.
Willson, Harry
Willson, John ■ II. Roberson, A. J. Hughes, H.
Do%l. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wash-! S. Strong, Leo Hall, Irma Mann,
A. C. Knauss, F, Malmsten, D.
burn, all of Vernonia.
Fowler, A. Childs, W. E. Bell,
Eagle classifieds will pay you. Sarah Spencer, C. Richardson. F..
A. Green, R. M. Aldrich, P. SURPRISE PARTY FOR
Wideman, W. A. McGilvray, L. VIRGIL DRORBAUGH
Cates, G. Nelson, Cameron, D.
Marshall, H. V. Holcomb, D. C.
Mfs. Virgil Drorbaugh enter­
Cason, A. Holmes, B. Smith, E.
Malmsten, E. E. Yeo, W. T. tained with a surprise party Fri­
Lilly, W. B. Ortner, Jeschard, day night on Mr. Drorbaugh, the
occasion being his birthday.
Miller, Miss Chandler.
The evening was spent playing
games, after which a delightful
lunch was served.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Omar Poynter, Miss Gwen­
dolyn Poynter, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
Mrs. Carl Davidson gave a very i ter Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Claude
interesting paper on “The Great Gibson.
Lakes Country,” at the regular
meeting of the Vernonia Study
clnb which was held Friday at
the home of Mrs. Dave Marshall.
In answer to roll call, the mem­
bers gave current events of the
Great Lakes Country.
Mr. Wilkerson has previously «il AM calling you-ou-ou-ou-ou-ou-
requested the club to furnish
* ou . . . I" Dale Delton, her
him with a list of questions per­ turbulent brown curls escaping Iroui
taining to good citizenship to under the edge of a wide red rib­
give the civics class of the high bon, lifted her small, shapely head
school. The club had an interest­ as she dipped the paddle rhyth­
ing discussion over the ques­ mically into the sparkling water,
tions presented by the members, and sent her high, sweet voice
down the lake.
and they were given to Mr. Wil­ echoing
“Will you answer, too?” she car­
kerson this week,
olled happily. There was some­
Mrs. Frank Dickson was wel­ thing about this blue gem of a lake
comed as a new member to the In the cool Maine woods, some­
club. After the meeting a de­ thing about the purple mountain
licious lunch was served by Mrs. rising against the sky across the
stretch of quiet water, that
Marshall. The next meeting will long
seemed to yearn for beauty and ro­
be held December 11 at the home man, e and laughter and gayety and
of Mrs. Frank Nanson.
Others present were Mrs. M.
Suddenly, ns If In answer to her
D. Cole, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. call, there was the whirr of motors
Judd Greenman, Mrs.
A. In the air, a gray shadow flashed
Green, Mrs. C. W. Reithner, Mrs. across the path of the sunlight, and
C. Richardson, Mrs. E. M. Bliele, Dale looked up to watch a plane,
a great silver bird, loop twice
Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. W. E. Uke
and then flutter down to n landing
Bell, Mrs. F. Hanson, Mrs. H. at the far side of the lake.
V. Holcomb, Mrs. V. Peebly.
By the time she bad paddled )
swiftly up to It, and poised beside
It, resting her hand lightly on one
Dental Spar
silver wing, she found that both
Mrs. Ashland spent Wednesday
In addition to the production of cockpits were empty, and no one shopping in Portland, remaining
Dale smiled mis­
highgrade pottery feldspar, there Is was In sight.
Thanksgiving with her daughter,
also a small output In Canada of chievously. “Well. If I'm looking
“dental spar." a superfine grade for excitement and something ro­ Mrs. Simpson.___________________
of feldspar used In the manufacture mantic, It looks ns If I might be
of artificial teeth. While the de­ going to get It!”
Suddenly there was a voice from
mand for this class of feldspar Is
necessarily limited, Canada Is be­ shore: “Hello 1” A man was com­
lieved to be the chief source of ing toward her out of the rocks,
young, with wavy yellow ha’r and
the world’s supply.
deep blue eyes. “It must be a
water-sprite," he colled. “Is It the
Giannini Foundation
of the lake?" For a mo­
In January, 1928, the Bancitaly
Dale remained breathless, gaz- I
corporation of San Francisco gave
to the regents of the University of Ing at him.
Then Dale was startled by an- ,
California as a tribute to Mr. A. P.
Giannini, the sum of $1,500,000 to other voice. “Oh. good morning!”
he used to establish the Giannini Tall, slim, distinguished, with deep I
Foundation of Agricultural Econom­ black eyes which burned Into hers,
a second man bent over the canoe
ic* In the College of Agriculture.
-nd held out his hand. With a
The Aviator of Her
Malie Them Yourself!
We have a fine assortment of stamped materials
to be finished easily with hand work. •
greatest of all agents in stimulating buying.
Lunch Sets
Garments for
Infants and children
On it depends the continued prosperity of the
The beautiful hand made bedspread now in our
window will be given away December 30.
—Publishers’ Auxiliary
Mrs. Handley
' ä
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
December—the month of mistle
toe and holly.
First services
for the month, the seventh:
9.45 a. m. Bible school; 10,:45
a. m. Divine morning worship;
theme, “December;” 6:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor; 7:30 p. m.
Missionary Pageant.
M. G. Hixson, Pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. m.; morn­
ing worship at 11, subject “Get­
ting a Bride for Isaac,” followed
by the communion service.
Evening evangelistic service at
7:30. Everybody wtlcome.
Mid-week services are as fol­
lows: Tuesday
study; Friday evening is our
regular prayer meeting.
A Timely Tip
G. W. Plumer, Minister
The Sunday school will meet
at 9:45 a. m. W. W. Wolff will
be in charge. The Iowa day ser­
vices will be at 11 a. m. The
subject will be “Memories.”
Dinner at noon.
Both Christian Endeavor so­
cieties will meet at 6:30 p. m.
The pastor will preach at 7:30.
There has been a change in
about timely merchandise with
good printing and watch your sales
volume grow. Other merchants
have proved this plan by repeated
tests. We’ll help with your copy.
IL ell the people
P hilco
Baby Grand Console
' '
Think of I t !
A genuine, full-performance,
high-quality Philco radio for
only $89.50.» Read the list of
advantages this set brings you!
ire« demonatration
Your Philco dealer will gladly arrange a
demonstration of thia remarkable radio
for you... absolutely without obligation.
Very easy terms are available. This is your
opportunity to give the family a Christmas
present that will give year-around pleas­
ure. Only a small down payment. *. bal­
ance monthly. Supply limited! Act now!
Complete with,..
7 Balanced Philco tubes
(3 screen grid)
Electro-dynamic speaker
Philco Balanced Unit con­
Exquisite cabinet of wal­
nut and maple
Thu tame wonderful receiver in hand­
some walnut Baby Grand Cabinet, only
trilh Tubn
Vernonia Service Station
Vernonia : : : Oregon
The Greatest Array of Modern
Remnants at Half Price
Children’s Flannel Gowns
Slightly shop worn. Regular dollar
values. Size 12 and 14 only. IQp
Limited supply, at ................. Ti/C
Men’s Khaki Jackets
It makes people want things to which other-
wise they might have been indifferent
Short lengths of all kinds. Regular
price cut in half. A great saving.
New lot just made up.
Bed Spreads
Pillow Cases
Many others
D. M. C. Threads
Church • •
Notices. •
Beautiful Patterns
Reasonable Prices
Advertising—printed salesmanship— is the
the week night services: Prayer
meeting, Thursday 7 p. m. fol­
lowed by choir practice at 7:45.
A hearty welcome to all.
Loads of them! Toys for all ages of chil­
dren! Dolls! Carriages! Dishes! Trucks,
Tractors, Airplanes! Games galore! Also gifts for older folk. Watch
for our six-page colored circulars. You will be delighted with the low
prices—And above all WATCH OUR WINDOWS!
Christmas Cifts
Advertising Stimulates
Just a few leftovers. Good serviceable
work coats that have been in Of«
stock too long. Sizes 38, 40, 42. ^DU
Regular $4.50 pants but shop- d»T .48
worn, sizes 33-32, 34-32 ......... V-l —
SHIRTS ....... ..... ‘iuC
Slipover style, a good
weight to wear under
your coat One size
34, three size 42.
Dark Colored Voiles
Heavy enough to use for comfort lin­
ing. The price of course is no indica­
tion of the value. The figures t
are rather peculiar. Yard ___ DC
Why Pay More Than at
Before you Buy
Shop at MILLER’S
And SAVE Money.