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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1930)
« THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE EIGHT Wildwood C. E. Union Program FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930. Treharne (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and Mrs. Kline motored to Astoria on Saturday to visit with rela 9:00 Quiet Hour ............ Mr. Alfred S. May, Rainier. Mrs. George Clow and daugh tives. 9:45 Bible School and Church .............. Your Choice. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hopkins ter Loretta visited Mrs. Clow’s 12:30 Executive Luncheon. and children of Jewell were vi-1 sister, Mrs. McDuffy, in Port SUNDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 26. 1 sitors at the C. W. Bennett land over the weekend. 2:15 Song Service .............. Sadie Marie Chambers. Arthur Lillig, who is attend 2:30 Medford 1931 ......................... James Henderson. i home Sunday. Announcements. . . Pacifict telephone linemen were ing high school in Portland, was Special Music ............ Mrs. A. S. May, Rainier. working on the line out at Tre- home for the weekend. 3:00 Address, “Overcoming Through Open Confes George Clow of The Dalles harne on Thursday. sion” (Matt. 10,:32.) Charles Nutter, Longview. Miss Nellie Alley is giving first has accepted a position in the Benediction ......................... Rev. G. W. Plumer. aid lessons offte a week at the Joy Barber shop. SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson home of Mrs. M. Ohler. Any Pre-prayer Service ........ Harold Judge, Astoria. 6:00 one interested is invited to at are spending this week in Vic 6:15 Christian Endeavor Meeting, “What is Your Mo toria, B. C., where Mr. Davidson tive in Life?” (Col. 3:17) Edith Alborn, Astoria tend. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pugh mo is attending a logging congress. 7:30 Song Service .................. Sadie Marie Chambers. Dane Brady suffered a badly 7:50 Installation of New Officers, James Henderson. tored to Cornelius over Sunday burned right hand and arm Tues Awards. 1 and returned on Tuesday. Special Music ........................... Miss Nellie Howe evening when he tried to | Mrs. A. C. Staley entertained day ..... .............. Ardabelle Thompson, Accompanist. light a fire with gasoline. Dewey Lindsay at Mr. and Mrs. 8:20 Address, “Life A Continuous Victory” (Rom. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Kullander dinner Friday. 8:37-39.) ............................... Rev. G. W. Plumer. Closing the Convention .......... James Henderson. Mrs. N. Smith spent Friday and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill , with Mrs. Chas. White at Verno- made a business trip to Port land Friday. ' station on the Dave McMullen nia. George Simmonds, representa place. . • i Lawrence Bennett was able to The Clatskanie Kiwanis club return f0 school Monday after a tive of the American Druggists Syndicate, was in Vernonia Fri will join the Natal Grange at wggk’g illness, Mr«. Jake Neurer the Natal hall on Tuesday even | Mr. and Mrs. Merril have mov day and Saturday. Claude Gibson, who had his ing, October 28. ed into the Harrison house. hand caught in the edger at the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Mrs. Walter Bennett and Mrs. Archie Green and his sister I mill, is getting along nicely and May Merel were Sunday .guests Sunday dinner guests at the home I S. Baker visited at Pleasant Hill will not lose any of his fingers. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray at school Friday afternoon. at the home of their parents, Riley Hall, who works at the Vernonia. Mrs. Ben Bennett entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Green. Floyd Deeds and his grandmo Mrs. Geo. Baslington, Mrs. Irene mill, severely bruised his knee Matthews Brothers saw mill is when a pile of lumber fell on hauling four foot slab wood to ’ ther, Mrs. N. D. Peterson, drove Spencer, Mrs. C. W. Bennett at it. He will be off duty for the Washington school at Ver i down from Corvallis to spend the dinner Tuesday. about a week. ¡weekend with their folks here, nonia this week. Swede Nelson has a severe in Edward McMullen family R. L. Tyrone, who has been Fritz Iler returned a few days, i The ---- ------------ ago from a hunting trip in East-1 from Pebble creek were at Natal ill for some time, has returned ern Oregon. ' one day last week visiting the Portland for further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dawes and Dave McMullen folks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iler were „„„ ______ two children ____ from ____________ California are1 William Pringle, Sr., is now visiting friends in this communi-1 painting his new barn, which he Vernonia visitors on Friday. Miss Millie McMullen was home ty. I recently built. Mr. and Mrs. Hahersley and I Joe Benzer took some porkers from Pacific university over the weekend. family are living in the service to Vernonia last weekend. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26 Natal fection of the right hand from an injury some time ago while working. He was laid off for a week, but is getting along nicely. A 7H pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Redder- bush October 16. Mr. Redder- bush is employed by the Koster Products company. A number of Knights of Pyth ias from St. Helens attended lodge here Monday night, when the knight rank was conferred upon John Grove. A baby boy was born October 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gustan at the Rogers Maternity hospi tal. Mrs. Gustan works for the Clark and Wilson Lumber com pany. Miss Helen Hieber came home from the University of Oregon Saturday, and returned to Eugene Sunday. Mrs. L. A. Rogers, who two weeks ago was somewhat shak en up by an automobile acci dent near McMinnville, is able to be back at work in her Ma ternity hospital. Mrs. Ray D. Fisher left the Portland Medical hospital Satur day, but is remaining in the city a few days for further attention. She plans to return to Vernonia today. Pete Bergerson, J. H. Bush, Benjamin Cline, Judd Green man, C. F. Hieber, A. J. Hughes and J. R. Lee, “Oregon Dads,” have been invited to attend the Dad's Day festivities at the Uni versity of Oregon, October 25. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gorham, who have been touring for about seven weeks in Washington, Ore gon and California and stopped here this week to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rich ardson, left yesterday for their home in Payette, Idaho. The Rainbow Girls are working on a program which will be given in the Masonic temple Novem ber 14. The program will con sist of a one-act play, “The Flivver Family,” songs, novelty dances, reading and drills. A small admission will be charged. The Community chest fund was augmented this week with a very generous check from the Koster Products company. Oth ers who have donated are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Emil Mes- sisg, N. S. Soden, Vernonia Laundry, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McDaniel. Miss Pheobe Greenman, who is attending the University of Ore- gon, spent the weekend here Joy Barber Shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed with her parents. L. L. Lewis, who was hurt in an accident some time ago, was discharged from the hospital Tuesday and expects to return to work in a couple of weeks. Iteai China CUI’S AND SAUCERS Regular value $1.00 to $1.25. EXTRA SPECIAL 68c PER SET fi CUPS, 6 SAUCERS Fine Patterns, See Win dow Display. For Bargains See HOFFMAN About it —IT PAYS lloff man lldwe. Co. J.C. PENNEY GO. DEPA RTMENT Store No. 1436 • • • • à V Another Avalanche Cabbage For Kraut — Good firm heads 50 lbs......... OOL Flour Safeway, best hard wheat, every sack guaranteed. 49 lb. d* sack 15.10 Per Bbl. 1 QQ ip 1.^.7 J Apples Choice Spitzenbergs wrapped and packed POUNDS ...... ................ Pride of Oregon Per Pound ........ 5 Pounds, or more, 20c per lb. 21c 1 1 „ -LAC Bacon in Black or each ALL LAMBS WOOL Each *4.29 COTTON, Pair 69c wa»i 98c Fresh shipment, whole wheat, plain 2 Lb, 23c Boy’s Shirts 3 29c TOUNDS ....................... Maximum Brand — Pure Cane and Maple,—try it, note the difference. 69c 5l’ound Can Soap BARS .................... Heavy Moleskin SHIRTS Sizes 6 to 16 Years. PART WOOL 1.98 and 2.98 Q QQ 98c $1.23 $1.49 Rainbow, fresh and creamy Pound .......... ........................ Steaks Fancy Eastern Sugar Cured, Sliced From young No. 1 beef. Surloin, Rib or T-Bone. with rind off. QQ Pound tJa/C Pound ................................... Reasonable Orders Delivered FREE Boys* Warm Lumberjacks OF ALL WOOL O QQ SWEATERS SIZES 36 TO 46 PART n AQ WOOL ¿»¡JO all WOOL CITRUS—Large Bars 10 OF FLANEL 29c Oil Tanned Leather Coats Cottage cheese 97/» i C 98c Gray Union Suits for Boys *2.98 You can always do better at Safeway, both in quality and price. Hams Wool Mixed WOOL Fig Bars Safeway Market Features Fancy Sugar Cured, Whole or Half, Pound ................... Shirts and ¿Drawers Porter’s Best Elbow Macaroni. Pumpkin Maximum brand, for those Halloween pies, No. 2^ tin Suits ALL *1.98 Syrup Cheese U '.don 1-3 WOOL at this low Price Macaroni 39c STORE Vernonia. Oregon HERE IS THE PLACE TO BUY EVERYTHING IN WINTER CLOTHING. WE HAVE STUDIED YOUR NEEDS AND HAVE SELECTED GARMENTS THAT WILL KEEP YOU WARM AND DRY AT WORTH WHILE SAVINGS. $1.19 £r PRICES FOR FRL, SAT. AND MON •9 OCT. 24, 25, 27. Beans ? J I ¡5 £ Union Suits This week Safeway again proves the value of prepar ation. We bought at the new low prices, you get the benefit of the savings. And just a thought', Safeway nev er lowers quality to cut prices. In this day of many possibilities there’s a lot of comfort in the thought that if it comes from Safeway, it’s bound to be good Nobody knows how long these values will be pos sible-------- buy liberally now. Red Idaho’s. Fine for making chili. 6 MEN! BOYS! ♦ 20c 29c 7.90 Repellent Sheep-Lined 6.90 «nd 7.50 All-wool socks FOR HIGH SHOES Pair 49c LOGGER SHOES X, 6.90 COATS AND PANTS Slicker Lined Pants Coats X 8.69 MADE BY FORESTER 12 inch 16 inch 3.98 14.75 16.75 COATS FOR BOYS Round, Men’s Stags 4.49 Come in and be convinced that our 1450 store buying power can SAVE YOU MONEY