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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1930)
THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE SIX FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930. RESOLUT1O N I i filed in the office of the Secre VERNONIA: tary of State February 18th, an act entitled “An Act BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 11891,” approved by the Governor to That incorporate the City of Ver COMMON COUNCIL OF THE February 15th, 1901, and to nonia, in the County of Colum CITY OF VERNONIA, .... COLUM- other subsequent Mr». H. L. Root bia, State of Oregon,” filed in .. ¡amend „.1™ all *_ ----- U — or .1 by amendments enacted the ■- Le- the BIA COUNTY, OREG ON, that office of the Secretary of 1U----------- the following propose d charter yislative Assembly or by vote February 18, 1891, and as amendments to the C barter of of the people, by adding to Chap State amended by "An Act to ament! Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nelson, said city, be and the i same here ter III of said charter a section Section 2 of an act entitled Miss Nora Nelson and Bonnie by are proposed for submission to be numbered and known as “An Act to incorporate the City Nelson, of Hillsboro, were Sun- to the legal voters of said city Section 19-A, providing for the of Vernonia, in the County of THE TEMPERAMENTAL for their adoption or rejection calling and holding of special Columbia, State of Oregon” filed day guests at the Clarence Nel- HOUND DAWG at the general election, to be held city elections by the Council and in the office of the secretary son home. on Tuesday, the 4th day of No prescribing the hours that the of State February 18, 1891,” Mr. and Mrs. Seth Noble and BOUT once in so often some vember, A. D. 1930: polls shall be open and author approved by the Governor Feb sons, Ray and Wayne, spent! Impassioned partisan rises up izing the council to designate the ruary 15, 1901, and as amended CHARTER AMENDMENTS several days last week in New in congress or elsewhere and ac- SUBMITTED polling places. TO THE VOTERSj by all subsequent amendments berg, where they visited Mrs. ruses the majority party or the ad- BY THE COUNCIL BE IT ENACTED BY THE thereto enacted by the legis Noble’s father, A. Verstaig. An Act ministration or somebody of PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF lative assembly or by vote of Mr. and Mrs. J. . Farle are vi- bribery, corruption, fraud and in- To amend the charter of the VERNONIA, OREGON: the people be and the same is ________ _ and announces Ids In City of Vernonia, Columbia siting friends in Portland this competency, Section 1. That the Charter of hereby amended by adding there Mr. and Mrs. Farley tention of smoking the scoundrels County, Oregon, entitled “An the Hity of Vernonia, Columbia to an additional Chapter to week, lived in Portland before moving out. This type of person is espe Act to amend an act entitled County, Oregon, entitled “An Act designated as Chapter XIII Act to incorporate the City to amend an act entitled, “An read as follows: here, where Mr. Farley is en- cially numerous in Presidential .“An of Vernonia, in the County of Act to incorporate the City of too. CHAPTER XIII. gaged in dairying with his son- years, A few years ago—It was In 1916. Columbia, State of Oregon, filed Vernonia, in Columbia County, Section 145. ___ The __ ______ council in-law, N. Nickerson. I believe—there was a prominent in the office of the Secretary State of Oregon,” filed in the of Mrs. Wm. Krebs entertained spellbinder on the Republican side of State February 18th, 1891, fice of the Secretary of State, the City of Vernonia shall at cards Wednesday evening, who set forth upon his campaigning and as amended by “An Act to February 25, 1891, and as amen all times under the limitations herein set out have power to pro complimenting her house guests, with the avowed Intention of prov amend Section 2 of an act entitl ded by “An Act to amend Sec vide for the acquisition, owner Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell of Salem. ing that wholesale Democratic stu ed “An Act to incorporate the tion 2 of an act entitled “An ship, construction and mainten Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. pidity at Washington had practi City of Vernonia, in the County Act to incorporate the City of ance of gas works, electric light the country and then, of Columbia, State of Oregon” Vernonia, in the County of Co plants, steam, water or electric Rube Nelson of Hillsboro, Mr. cally ruined challenged for facts to hack filed in the office of the Sec lumbia, State of Oregon, filed in power works, heating works, tel and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe and Mr. being up his accusation, was so shy of retary of State February 18th, the Oi i qffice Tx 1---- of the ■» « Secretary of ephone lines, street railways, and Mrs. Clarence Nelson. actual ammunition that for the mo 1891, approved by the Gover State, February 18, 1891, ap-' bridges and ferries and such oth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baird and ment he could point only to the In nor February 15th, 1901, and proved by the Governor, Feb-I — .1 a. to _ amend .._ J ! er public utilities as the coun Evelyn Barzee drove to Port- stance of a petty ofllceholder, a to amend all other or subsequent vnnmr ruary 1R 15, 1C1A1 1901, „ and cil may designate; provided, how land Thursday, Mrs. Baird visit- holdover from the Taft administra amendments enacted by the Le all other or subsequent amend- ever, save as otherwise pre Assembly or by vote ments enacted by ‘the Legisia- scribed in this chapter no con ed her mother, Mrs. Louiza Hob- tion who, in nlleged violation of gislative of the people, by 1~ adding -- *s— Assembly »------>->„ — - of . the .. to'tive or L_ by vote son, and aunt, Mrs. R. S. Evans. civil service rules, had been oust tract ar abreement for the pur II of said charter ■ • a | people, be and the same is here- chase, condemnation, ownership, Evelyn Barzee spent the day with ed from his job to make room for Chapter section to be numbered and by amended by adding to Chap- construction a Wilson man. or operation by the her mother, Mrs. Mary Barzee. The Incident reminded a friend known as Section 8-A, provid ter III of said charter a esc- City of any public utility shall Ella Castle of Timber stayed of mine down South of a certain ing for the acceptance of per tion to be numbered and known be entered into by the council with Mrs. Herrick, Mr. Baird’s gifted bound dog which a certnln sonal sureties upon the official as Section 19-A to read as fol without first submitting such pro mother, during their absence. Kentucky pioneer owned. lie said undertaking of the City Mar lows: contract or agreement to Section 19-A. Special elections posed shal. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brown, to me: the qualified voters of the City BE IT ENACTED BY THE may be called by the City Coun in “The old fellow used to tell me for several years residents of accordance with the provisions THE CITY OF cil by resolution or ordinance at of this article. Westimber, have moved to their that when Ills father came out over PEOPLE OF OREGON: such times as the Council may VERNONIA, Section 146. The City of Ver new home at Rochester, Washing the Wilderness trail from North Section 1. That the Charter designate for such purposes as nonia shall have the power to he brought with him the ton. Percival and Wayne James, Carolina fastest, the best-bred, the keenest of the City of Vernonia, Colum the said Council may direct, and construct, condemn, purchase, sons of Mrs. Brown, are work nosed hound that had ever been bia County, Oregon, entitled “An in all special elections the polls to, acquire, maintain, oper ing in a mil lat Kinzua, Oregon. seen in the Infant settlements be- Act to amend an act entitled shall be open at one o’clock, P. ladd ate and own all or any part of Miss Constance Jones is now yond the mountains, But the dog “An Act to incorporate the City M., and close at eight o’clock, P. any public utility or any plant M., of the same day and the pol of Vernonia, in Columbia County, in South Dakota. She will trav suffered from a tempei Tamental de- or enterprise for the purpose el the remaining 1500 miles to feet which mitigated agalnst his State of Oregon,” filed in the ling place or places for all spe of serving the . . City ________ __ and the cial city elections shall be desig office of the Secretary of State success. Cambridge, Ohio, by auto. Miss people therein and for the pur nated by the Council. February 25, 1891, and as amen "At sunrise he would start out on pose of serving the public out Jones expects to remain in Cam BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED side of the City limits of the He ded by “An Act to amend Section bridge several months, as a mem-1 his own hook after deer. that the ballot title to the above City of Vernonia for use, public 2 of an act entitled “ An Act to would jump a buck and run him for ber of an orchestra. ndles. When the buck was on the incorporate the City of Vernonia proposed act and amendments and private. Such power may Mr. and Mrs. Dudrow motor- point of exhaustion the hound’s nos in the County of Columbia, State shall be as follows: be exercised in any lawful man ed to Mist Sunday to fish, They trils would catch the taint In the of Oregon, filed in the office CHARTER AMENDMENTS ner and shall include the power report no luck, however. air where a fox had crossed the of the Secretary of State Feb-J SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS to purchase, condemn, or other ruary 18, 1891, approved by the BY THE COMMON COUNCIL wise acquire any franchise here Mr. and Mrs. Marchel dorve trail, and he would Instantly de Governor February 15, 1901, and AN ACT tofore granted to operate the to Vernonia Sunday to visit at cide that, after all, fox was what he to amend all other or subsequent To amend the Charter of the public utilities. had come for; and he would turn the Wm. Fitzgerald home. amendments enacted by the Le City of Vernonia, Oregon, filed aside to pursue the fox. Section 147. The term “public Miss Irma Moore of Tacoma, "Perhaps an hour later, when the gislative Assembly or by vote in the office of the Secretary utility” as used in this charter Washington, has been the guest chase was growing warmer every of the people, be and the same of State, February 18, 1891, and shall include all plants, property for a week of her parents, Mr. minute, his keen nose would detect is hereby amended by adding to amend all act* amending said or system engaged in the public and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Miss the presence of a ralddt, and he to Chapter II of said charter act by adding to Chapter 111 a service within the City or with Moore returned to Tacoma Mon would RO after the cottontail, with a section to be numbered and section to be numbered and out the City or operating as a the Inevitable result that by four known as Section 8-A to read known a» Section 19-A, provid- public utility as such terms are day. follows: ing for the calling and holding > commonly understood, Mrs. L. E. Stephens was hos o’clock In the afternoon that hound as Section 8-A. Provided, how of special city elections, author- Section . 148. When the coun ______ tess at a card party Thursday would be thirty or forty miles ever, that the Council may in its izing the Council to designate cil shall have determined that from home, la a swamp, with evening. Among the guests were away discretion accept an official un the polling place and prescribing the public interest or necessity a chipmunk treed!" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak, Mr. (© by the McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) dertaking from the City Marshal the hours that the polls shall demands the acquisition, con with personal sureties, execut open and close. Vote YES or NO. struction, purchase or completion and Mrs. Wm. Gartzke, Mr. and ed by two or more sufficient 502 ................................... Yes Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren and Ed of any public utility, the cost sureties and approved by the 503 ................................... No of which will be too groat to be Olsorn. “Man on Horseback” CHARTER AMENDMENTS Council. paid out of the ordinary annual Harold Ferlaak of Edmonds, The phrase "Man on Horseback” AND BE IT FURTHER RE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS income and revenue of the City, Washington, spent the weekend was first applllcd to Gon. George SOLVED that the ballot title to BY THE COUNCIL the council shall by ordinance with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boulanger of France (1837- the above proposed act and AN ACT specially declare such determi Wm. Ferlaak. Mr. Ferlaak ~ is 1891), a politician who sought popu amendments shall be as follows, To amend an act entitled “An nation and shall publish said trying out a position as sales larity In the most pronounced fash to-wit: Act to incorporate the City of ordinance for at least two weeks CHARTER AMENDMENTS man for a Seattle firm, while ion, one of his methods being to Vernonia, in the County of Co in a newspaper to be designated nppear in public on his black SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS lumbia, State of Oregon,” filed by said council. his partner, Warren Smith, is horse. It Is commonly applied to Section 149, At the next reg- running their business at Ed any military dictator or a person BY THE COMMON COUNCIL in the office of the secretary AN ACT of State February 18,1891, and monds. who curbs the violence of mob-rule To amend the Charter of the as amended by “An Act to The Girls’ Sewing club held a to re-establish lnw nnd order. The City of Vernonia, Oregon, filed amend Section 2 of an act entitl business meeting Friday evening same expression or a similar one. in the office of the Secretary of ed “An Act to incorporate the ■ I v v ___ ___ • _______ - - - — at the home of Eunice Root. “Robespierre on Horseback." Is said State, February 18, 1891, and to Z1 City of Vernonia, in the County We do but The members decided to develop to have been previously used by amend all act* amending said ; of Columbia, State of Oregon” their club into a 4-H club. Mem Barras In speaking of Napoleon act by adding to Chapter II a j filed in the office of the Secre one kind of February 18 bers of the Timber P.-T. A. have Bonaparte; tn this sense It was used section to be numbered and i tary of State to denote any ruthless loader that known a* Section 8-A providing 1891, ” approved by the Governor offered to assist in forming and would willingly trample the people printing — for the acceptance and approval; February 15, 1901, and to am- maintaining the 4-H Sewing club- under foot. If such proceeding by ■ — ... -------- j____ . ., the Council of ., the official end „11 all amendments thereto en The next club meeting will be would further his selfish ends. undertakiny of the City Marshal acted by the legislative assem at the home of Muriel Shiffer executed by two or more person bly or by vote of the people at Timber, Friday, November 7. executive meeting of the coun al sureties. by adding thereto an additional Sunday afternoon the follow ty council of P.-T. A. at Hills chapter to designated Chapter 500 .................................... Yes XIV. 501 ................................... No ing boys took a short hunting boro. BE IT ENACTED BY THE trip: Milford Cook, Ralph Root, CHARTER AMENDMENTS PEOPLE CITY Fred Miller, Henry Ferlaak. The Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren motored SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS latter is the proud owner of a to Forest Grove Saturday to visit BY THE COUNCIL new 22 caliber revolver, the gift relatives there. AN ACT of Harold Ferlaak. To amend the charter of the The attendance of the Sunday Mrs. Winons has returned school is increasing earh week, City of Vernonia, Columbia Coun home from Longview, where she especially of the young peoples’ ty, Oregon, entitled “An Act to has been for several weeks, visit class, of which Mrs. Seth Noble amend an net entitled “An Act to amend Section 2 of an act en ing at the home of her son, Ross is the new teacher. titled “An act to incorporate the Winons. City of Vernonia, in the County Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koenig Try an Eagle classified ad. of Columbia, State of Oregon” and sons, Harold and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Root and Harold Root, drove to the Verno nia flying field Sunday after noon. « Joe Ferlaak and Roland Cassel man made an early hunting trip Sunday. Although they have made several trips into the hills around Cochrane in search of deer, they have been unsuccess ful so far. The planers of the Eagle Lum ber company started Tuesday, to Suppose you wanted first-hand information on run the remainedr of the week. particular branch of western livestock or agricultural Mrs. Ed Wilson attended the activities. Do you know where such is available? An Westimber ular meeting of the council af ter the publication of the ordi nance declaring Baid determina tion as above set forth or at an adjourned meeting thereof the council by ordinance shall call a special election at which shall be submitted to the electors the proposition of acquiring, con structing, purchasing or complet ing such public utility and or incurring a debt therefor as set forth in such ordinance. (Continued on Page 7) A In bad weather, or any kind of weather, Phone 721 for Delivery of Groceries and Meats. Nehalem Market & Grocery (INCORPORATED) A Tasty Combination Mother’s Eread Mother’s Cakes Ask your Grocer . He will Supply You. » MADE IN VERNONIA BY VERNONIA RAKERS GOOD PRINTING Attend Pacific International Livestock Exposition Porilanci and Return for the Pacifie International Livestock Exposition Oet. 25 to Nov. I Tickets on sale Oct. 23 to Nov. 1; Return limit November 3. Trains leave Vernonia at 12:01 p. m. arriving Portland 2:40 p. m. Returning leave Portland 7:25 a. m. arrive Vernonia 9:42. Tickets, further information, etc. on application to R. M. ALDRICH. Agent. G. C. Pendergast, Trav. Psgr. Agent J. C. Wright. General Agent. UNITED R A I L W A Y S opportunity occurs which affords the information need ed with but little expenditure of time or effort. That occasion is the 20th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition, Portland, Oregon, October 25- November 1. This year's activities feature 13 complete show* (including 4-H Club and Smith-Hughe* Junior Agricultural events.) Million* of dollars' worth of livestock will be exhibited competing for $100,000 in Premium*—pure-bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Sheep. Hogs, Goats, Foxes, Mink, Marten, Poultry and Rabbits. The Bank of Vernonia consider* Pacific International one of' the most informative and instructive events of its kind anywhere and urges all persons interested directly or indirectly, in farming enterprises to at tend the Exposition. Hank of Vernonia "TO FURTHER AGRICULTURAL PROSPERITY Too Early For Christmas Cards Not at all For the Best Time to Select is RIGHT NOW ! When stocks are complete and you have the widest range of choice .... SEE SAMPLES AT THE Vernonia Eagle