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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1930)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930. , THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE TWO MRS. MATTSON HONORED WITH SHOWER PASTOR J. G. POLLARD Mrs. L. Magoff gave a shower in honor of Mrs. Henry Mattson Thursday afternoon. Many beau tiful gifts were presented to Mrs. Mattson. A lovely table was set with a beautifull bouquet of flowers given by Mrs. Boeck. Sand wiches and cake and coffee were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. H. Allen, Mrs. R. A. Smith, Mrs. M. J. Lamp ing, Mrs. L. A. Boeck, Mrs. L. Ridderbusch, Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. A. Burrows, Mrs. E. Kelly, Mrs. Arthur Wridge, Mrs. W. W. Jackson, Mrs. Magoff and the hostess, Mrs. Mattson. “JOLLY 20” REORGANIZE FOR WINTER MIST—(Special.)— The “Jol ly 20” met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Austin Dowling, Get-to-gether meeting Friday and reorganized for the winter evening, October 31. Pastor months. The day was spent in sewing,1 Pollard of the First Baptist fancy work aid a social good church Columbia City will visit ’ ’ i Full Gospel taber time. At noon a bountiful din-i • Vernonia ner was served to which an in- nacle, >----- . also a goodly number of vitation was extended to the two his people and others, A special teachers, Miss Sieverts and Miss invitation is extended to the Gross, also Miss Holmstrom. | churches and pastors of our Those present were as follows:. city. _______ ________ Mesdames Dunn, Knowles, Melis, I --- - ---------- Taylor, Louden, Devine, Eastman, GEORGE STANKEY Carmichiel, A. Wallace and E. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY T. Wallace, Sundland and George. George Stankey entertained a The next meeting of the Jol group of his friends after school ly 20 will be on October 30 ¡at his home October 15, the oc- with Mrs. Carmichiel. ! casion being his ninth birthday. He received many fovely gifts. DONALD SUNDLAND HAS After an hour spent in playing games, dainty refreshments were BIRTHDAY PARTY served by Mrs. Stankey. MIST—(Special.)— A pleas His guests included Ilea Riggs, ant surprise was given at the Barbara Dustin, Martha Tapp, Natal hall on Monday evening Pauline Riggs, Frances Childs, in the form of a birthday party Elda Riggs, Madge Mulkins, El mer Edens, Charles Dübendorf, in honor of Donald Sundland. There were about 58 invited Edison Aldrich, Forrest Mulkins, guests and the evening was spent Junior Charlesworth, Jack Ander Billy Holmes, Truman in games and dancing. A de son, licious buffet lunch was served Knight, Benji Wilkerson, Howard Rundell, Dean Stevens and at midnight. A large birthday cake occupied George Stankey. Clifford Smith and Junior the center of one of the tables with candles which were later Thompson were unable lighted and blown out by Don tend. ald, all in one blow. The party broke up about one, MRS. CATON GIVES each wishing Donald many hap DINNER PARTY py returns of the day. He re ceived many pretty presents. Mrs. C. S. Caton entertained , at a delightful dinner party DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT Sunday evening in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. C. F. Hieber, VISITS W. R. C. Mrs. L. H. Roberson and her- RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — self. The rooms were attractive The W. R. C. held their regular ly decorated with autumn leaves meeting Thursday of last week, and flowers. A number of beau- President May Mellinger presid tiful gifts were receiveM by each ing. The department president, of the ladies. The delicious four course din- Orpha Carlisle, of Hillsboro, was present and inspected the corps. ner included a large birthday She reported as finding the cake and was enjoyed by Mr. and books of the secretary, Gladys Mrs. C. F. Hieber, Mr. and Mrs. Morton, and treasurer, Lena L. H. Roberson, Louise Rober Stanton, in perfect shape, and son, Hamp Roberson, Joe Rober complimented the corps on their son, Kenneth Lewis, Lewis Grav work. A bounteous luncheon was en, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Caton, Shelby Caton and Hugh Caton. served at noon. J MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS AT MRS. STUBBS Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Ray Charlesworth, Mrs. B. Tisdale, Mrs. W. Erven, Mrs. F. Mooday, Mrs. ” “ E. Biddle, Mrs. — H. — Fogel Mrs. G. Peterson, Mrs. Nelson, - - - Mrs. - N. Miss Bessie Spofford, Spofford, Mrs. P. Taylor, Mrs. V. Haight, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. George Stankey, Mrs. W. Jackson, Mrs. L. Sheeley, and Mrs. Leroy Smith. The next meeting will be held November 5, at the home of Mrs. Jim Monger. The Missionary society of the Christian church met Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. R. L. Stubbs. Mrs. F. C. Steph ens had charge of the worship, the theme being, “Anchoring at Jamaica.” Mrs. George Stankey and Mrs. E. Knight read papers on “Lights ‘ and Shadows in Ja- no ” and QT*rl “ <<r The rF»a Support q £ the maica, Native Churches.” Mrs. R. A. Olson read a paper on, “Hope MRS. RICHARDSON for Jamaica,” Mrs. Veal gave i a talk on ‘.Another Hand Across ENTERTAINS the Sea,” and Mrs. R. L. Stubbs Mrs. Charles Richardson en- on “Publishers of Glad Tidings. » 1 Mrs. J. H. Stubbs gave a read tertained Wednesday afternoon in ing entitled, “My Task,” and honor of her mother, Mrs. A. Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Knight sang L. Gorham of Payette, Idaho, who was visiting her for a few a duet, “Our Task.” A delicious lunch was served days. The afternoon was spent by the hostess. The next meet sewing and chatting. Pineapple ing will be held November 18 at pie a la mode and hot chocolate the home of Mrs. Herman Veal. were served to the ladies by Mrs. Richardson. , Those present were Mrs. D. SHOWER FOR Marshall, Mrs. M. A. Gregory, MRS. SPOFFORD Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. E. M. Bleile, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. The Loyal Gleaners class of the H. S. Strong, Mrs. W. E. Bell, Christian church gave Mrs. Hel Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. Frank en Spofford a shower at the home Hanson, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. of her mother, Mrs. H. Veal, W. W. Wolff, Mrs. H. V. Hol Wednesday afternoon. The af comb, Mrs. C. Nicar, Mrs. D. ternoon was spent in sewing and Kramer. refreshments of salad, sand wiches and coffee were served The three-year old daughter of to the following ladies: Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ratkie C. Stephens, Mrs. Beulah Lind of Riverview cut a gash in her say, Mrs. Jim Brady, Mrs. R. ■ forehead when she fell into a A. Olson, Hunter, hole while playing in the yard. The will be no evening preach convention at the Christian ing services at this church as the church. Everybody come. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. pastor gives an address at the MRS, MICHENER HAS QUILTING PARTY Mrs. Otto Michener held a quilting party at her home on the highway last Tuesday, The ladies came in the morning and after enjoying a delightful lun cheon they tacked two quilts for the hostess. Those present were Mrs. P. J. Millis, Mrs. Lew Boeck, Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mrs. Arthur Towler, Mrs. Harry Myers and the hos tess. H. E. McGRAW Republican Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE From Columbia County M. G. Hixson, Pastor. Sunday, October 26, Sunday school at 10, a. m., lesson, “World’s Temperance Sunday.” We invite all not attending else where to attend our Sunday school. PLATFORM If I am elected I will during my term of office work for the development of the great northwest, Oregon, and more especially, Colum bia county. I will support the state highway commission in its program of highway construc tion and advocate the extension of that pro gram as rapidly as reasonable and conserva tive financing will permit. I will support all laws beneficial to our farming and agricultural programs and will advocate progressive laws for reforestation, reclaiming of logged-off land, dyking and drainage districts. EVANGELICAL CHURCH The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. The pastor will preach at 11. The Christian En- deavor society will join this Sun- day with the Wildwood C. Union at the other church. C. BRUCE Vote for Vernonia’s own candidate, the regular nominee of the republican party. (Paid Adv. H. E. McGraw.) Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon COME ON PEOPLE KEEP A COMING ’XTRA! Kalburnie Plain and Check Ging- ham. Fast color, yd. We’ve Only Just Started! The Greatest of All the Wonderful Rargain Days Await You! REITHNER’S Absolutely, Positively Going OUT OF BUSINESS And we are ready to announce another Rig Money Saving Event featuring many new unadvertised bargains, and ALL SILK HOSE Per Pair More Smashed Prices For Saturday and every day next week Mr. and Mrs. C. Richardson A nine pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spof- spent the weekend in Portland and attended the football game. ford of Corey hill October 19, Men s Socks, pr. Best Quality Ladies’ Gloves 69c Joy Theater ALL DRESSES CHARLES (Buddy) ROGERS in 78c $1.39 19C and 49C BEST GRADE Infant’s Blankets S. $4.19 LADIES’ DRESS Shoes, AP Pair tPOet/O Assortment of Shoes at PURE WOOL Infant’s Vests 79c Women’s, Children’s Stylish Footwear NEVER SOLD AT SUCH LOW PRICES LADIES’ OXFORDS 6bSaietv in Numbers LADIES VESTS LADIES’ COATS Price A AP FRIDAY A New Adventure of Sherlock Holmes. Children’s Silk half SOCKS O'DONNELL SHOES $8.50 to $9.00 P AP Now, Pair fcT/ie Upturn oí BEST GRADE Infant’s Shoes 1 4 A Leather Sole and Rubber Heel Slippers BOY’S HEAVY SHOES Best Quality Children's All Leather 2 Pair“’ CHILDREN'S SHOES .„a 2.98 1.39 Fleisher’s pure wool yarn Skein 98c SATURDAY THE RAD MAX With Walter Huston. Dorothy Revier. Sidney Blackmer, James Rennie. Childen’s Sport Hose, Pair LADIES IMPORTED HAND MADE PURSES BEST GRADE LADIES’ KNICKERS Pair LADIES' WOOL Sweaters Each SUNDAY AND MONDAY Everything' 51 list Go! Fixtures For Sale! Jack London's Greatest Romance ^TUK SEA WOLE With Milton Sills. Jane Keith, Raymond Hackett TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PURE SILK Pongee, Yard Reithner’s “ Soiling Ont! Closing Out! Getting Out! First Grade Best Ball Brand Rubbers iVC