Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 17, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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Lord and Savior. Following the
“Communion,” C. F. Swander
of Portland will bring the morn­
ing message, on Stewardship.
At the evening services: 6:30
Christian Endeavor with the
young people. 7:30 Evening wor­
ship and theme: “The Scriptural
Heart witfi Illustrations.”
The community is asked to
help cooperate in the C. E. con­
vention which convenes here
from the 24th to the 26th. As
many visitors are coming from
the outside we ask that many
homes may be opened to the
visitors who will be in attend­
Mrs. W. T. Graves drove to
Sunnyside, Washington, Saturday,
and got her father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford,
who are going to make their
home with the Graves. Mr. and
Mrs. Crawford are quite old and
alone. They will live in one ap­
artment of the Graves home. Mr.
Graves is building a good sized
addition to their house.
Mrs. J. R. Larainore and son
John went to Spokane, Washing­
ton the latter part of last week,
where they will visit their dau­
ghter for a few weeks.
Othis Laramore returned home
last week after spending several
months in different towns in
Washington. He will remain here
for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Winn of
Scappoose were guests at the
Lee Hall home Friday. Mr. Winn
was a principal in the Vernonia
schools about 14 years ago, and
has many friends around Ver­
E. E. Ellis spent the weekend
with his family and her parents,
returning to Seneca Sunday,
where he will be for about two
weeks, finishing up a road con­
Ferlaak, who has been working
The airplane Chriss resumed
i at W estf ir.
operation Saturday of last week,
| The Stitch and Chatter club
after the field had dried off.
and several went up for a flight.
i met at the home of Mrs. A. C.
But Sunday about noon when
| Ahlgren Thursday. Present were
making a landing, one wheel was
i Mesdames Seth Noble, L. R.
smashed and and axle broken.
Kern, W. A. Wolfe, George King,
The parts had to be brought from
Clarence Nelson, A. Baird, Wm.
Vancouver, Washington, before it
Krebs, A. Knight, T. Flett, J.
spent a few days here last week Klein, Wm. Ferlaak, Moore, A.
could be repaired.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Howell, visiting his sister, Mrs. Hugh Koenig, Wm. Gartzke, Carl Kern,
and daughters Ruby and Lois of Dunlap.
J. Marchel, L. E. Stephens, and
Alfred Johnson is again engag­ Ed Wilson. Lunch was served
Vernonia were guests of Mr.
Howell’s mother, Mrs. J. N. Mor­ ed in his regular work as carpen­ after a pleasant afternoon of
ter here since completing the O.- stitching and chatting. The next
gan, Monday evening.
Rebecca Throop had a birth­ A. bridge at Vernonia last week. club meeting will be at the home
day Monday, and her grandmo­ Elder Chase of Portland was of Mrs. A. Baird on Thursday,
ther, Mrs. Spencer, presented here last Saturday. He delivered October 23.
her with a lovely wrist watch. a talk at the school house Sat-
Mrs. Ed Wilson, Evelyn and
A. B. Counts of Rock creek urady afternoon, and spoke to Jimmy Wilson, Mary June Gartz­
called on friends in Riverview the men of the camp Saturday ke, and Eunice Root walked to
Timber Sunday afternoon. Mrs.
Mrs. Geneve Hall of Vernon­ A number of the parents and Wilson called at the Morris home.
ia visited friends in 1,...-------
The Girls’ Sewing club met at
hoping for the organization of
Monday of this week.
the L. R. Kern home Friday
Leonard Malmsten is home a Sunday school here soon.
evening. Four new members
from Longview for awhile on ac­ E. E. Holman, radio man of joined
the club, Gladys Shiffer,
Portland, was a business visitor
count of slackness in work.
Shiffer, Dorothy Dean and
Grange met at the hall in Ver­ in camp Tuesday. He was ac­ Sylvia
Muriel Shiffer.
Also present,
nonia Saturday evening, and companied by his family.
beside the hostess, Isabel Ross,
made arrangements for entertain­ R. M. Holman and brother E. were
Ross, Vivian Miller,
ing Pomona Grange there Sat­ E. Holman of Portland were Evelyn Helen
Wilson, Arleta Brink-
urday November 1, and discus­ guests at the home of J. W.
meyer, Marlys Hefner and Eun­
sed election of the different can-I Wornstoff Sunday.
ice Root. The evening was spent
Mrs. J, . ~ W. Wornstoff t
playing games and charades.
Mrs. R. N. Rundel and Mrs. business caller in Portland
Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak was hostess
Nannie Hall were guests at the day.
at a card party Friday evening
H. J.
home of Mrs. Olive, Roberts on
at her home. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Rose evenue, Vernonia, Thurs­ confined
fey's hospital in Portland, is re­ C. Ahlgren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
day of last week.
Aunt Sally Spencer went to covering nicely from a recent op­ Gartzke, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Portland Thursday of last week eration on his face and nose. Stephens and Ed Alcorn were
to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. The removal of portions of some the guests.
Mrs. Dudrow has received a
B. Malmsten, who is in the Good bones was necessary.
Samaritan hospital and is very The buckers and fallers for letter from her niece, Miss Cons­
the O.-A. have been laid off for tance Jones, from Butte, Mon­
low with cancer.
Miss Ida Mae Hawkins return- two weeks. Most of them have tana, stating that she is enjoying
ed home from Portland Thuis- gone to Portland until their a snow storm there. Miss Jones
is enroute to Cambridge, Ohio,
day for a visit after several work is to be resumed again.
I Mr. Conley of Portland spent where she will play in a girls’
months in Portland.
dir­ I a few days with his daughter, orchestra.
S. V. Malmsten, being
Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Krebs,
ector of the Columbia county Mrs. Bemis, and family, returning
Eugene Krebs and Wm. Peoples
historical society, was in St. Hel- to the city Tuesday.
Lee Ridenour of Toledo, Ore- motored to Salem Saturday to
ens Sunday attending a meeting
gon, is visiting his sister, Mrs. visit relatives. Mr. Peoples ex­
of directors.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Adams Dodge, and family, and his fa- pects to start for Pennsylvania
and children went to St Helens ther, Wm. Ridenour. He spent soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak,
Saturday and Sunday with his
over the weekend.
brother, Harold Ridenour, and Joe Ferlaak, Henry Ferlaak and
Ronald Casselman attended a
show in Vernonia Sunday even­
Al Lounsbury, a former
ployee here, spent Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. John Marchel
Wednesday in camp.
spent Sunday with their daugh-
Vernonia visitors from
_ E. I ter, Miss Cecelia Marchel, at St.
were Mrs. C
A Boy Scout troop was organ­ last Saturday Ridenour,
and Mrs. 1 fare's of the VMley.
1.2.... 22.2i------ ,----
ized Friday evening by J. E, Westlin, Mrsf
Root, Scoutmaster. The follow­ Scott and daughter. Miss Bertha.
ing boys have signified their in­
tentions to join: - Raleigh
- - - Shiffer,
Walter Wright, Lowell Farwell,
La Rue Brown, Lenthal Brown,
Richard Goss, James Brandes,
Paul Hankins, Dean Keisel, Don
Keisel, Rudolph MacDonald, Don
Hefner, , Phil Castle, Milford
Mrs. Hillyard is a guest at
Cook, Billy Coade, Fred Miller, the Stephens home.
Billy Miller, Henry Ferlaak and
Mrs. A. Baird and Evelyn
Ralph Root.
Barzes spent the weekend in
The regular P.-T. A. meeting Vernonia, visiting Mrs. Br.idy,
was held at the school Wednes­ who is a sister of Mrs. Baird.
day afternoon.
Henry Ferlaak, Fred Miller and
Montgomery, Ralph Root motored to Portland
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. McCampbell and daughter, Sunday morning, to meet Joe
Della, motored to Vernonia Fri-
J. Cornell is in the Good Sa-
maritan hospital i on account of
an injury to his arm.
Morris Dean, who has been
working on a fox farm near
Portland returned to his home
here Wednesday.
Charles Main is now boarding
at W. E. Gilmore’s. Mr. Main
is a retired war veteran.
Fred Spooner, mechanic at
Shiffer’s garage, suffered ser-
folia burns Thursday.
Spooner was taken to Forest
Grove for treatment.
Mrs. McCampbell and daughter
to produce a letterhead, a
Della returned home Tuesday
statement, a handbill or
from Portland, where they have
whatever kind of printing
been visiting.
Mr. Brown of Timber vicinity
you wish done, in a manner
shot a deer Friday, Many deer
that will prove entirely
hunters spent Sunday in the
satisfactory to you.
Cochrane hills, and at least one
brought out a deer.
Camp • • •
W. F. Briot spent the weekend
Local firemen hold
in Portland.
banquet this evening
minai cafe.
Masao Tanabe expects to en­
A telephone line to Arcadia ter high school at Gresham next
park, replacing the old toll line, week.
was completed Thursday.
Mrs. Earl Smith has been one
Mrs. W. F. Browning, Mrs. H. of the operators at the telephone
S. Strong and Mrs. Lee John­ exchange during the absence of
son went to Portland Saturday. Miss Macille Roberts, who is vi­
siting relatives in Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight and
Truman and Mrs A. C. Hunter
spent Sunday in Portland.
Mrs. C. Nicar and Mrs. H.
Vernonia Brazing
The Ladies Aid of the Chris­
and Machine
V. Holcomb went to Portland
tian church met Wednesday af­
ternoon at the church with Mrs.
An eight pound baby boy was
born early Monday morning at
Wilcox Memorial hospital in Port­
land to Mr. and Mrs. William
The Sunday school hour is
F. Briot.
9:45 a. m., A. C. Knauss in
The Missionary society of the charge. 11 l. m., the pastor
Christian church will meet next will speak on “A Case of Blues
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. —Elijah.” Both Christian En-
J. H. Stubbs. The topic will be deavor societies will meet at
6:30 p. m. Preaching service
at 7:30.
Frank Honson suffered a heart
The mid-week Bible study and
attack while on a hunting trip
last Saturday and though able prayer meeting Wednesday at
to be up is still feeling the ef­ 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Thurs­
day 7:30. The pioneer church of
fects of it.
the Nehalem valley has a place
A. E. Veatch, editor of the for you. Come.
Rainier Review, was a visitor in
G. W. Plumer, Pastor.
Vernonia Tuesday. Mr. Veatch
has charge of the Meier cam­
paign in this county..
M. G. Hixson, Pastor.
O. Henry Oleen, of Columbia
school 10 a. m.; morn­
City, candidate for representative ing Sunday
worship at 11. Evening
from Columbia county, was in evangelistic
service at 7:30,
Vernonia Monday in the interest
Mid-week services on Tuesday
of his candidacy.
and Thursday evening. Tuesday
S. C. Morton, editor of the evening we have Bible study
When stocks are complete and you have
Columbia Informant, St. Helens, and Thursday evening is prayer
was in town Thursday i on busi- meeting. A warm welcome is
the widest range of choice ....
ness. Mr. Morton formerly pub- extended to all.
lished the St. Helens Mist.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick
and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bate-
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
man spent the weekend at Banks.
Services for this coming Lord’s
Mr. Hartwitk and Mr. Bateman day. 9:45 a. m., Bible school.
took : part in the golf tournament 10:45 Divine morning worship.
In Forest Hills Saturday and At this service the table is al­
ways spreadin memory of the
Mrs. L. H. Cates is visiting
here for a few days.
Mrs. F. D. Macpherson spent
Saturday at Camp McGregor vi­
siting Mrs. P. McDuffee and Mrs.
T. Scott.
Too Early For Q
Christmas Cards •
Vernonia Eagle
Dr. P. R. Brower of the Clarke
Optical Co., 202-203 Merchants
Trust Bldg., Portland,
Sight Specializt*, will be on his
regular monthly trip in Vernonia,
all day and evening, Thursday,
Oct. 23, at the Hotel Hy-Van.
See him about your eyes.
The Queen of Hearts Bridge
club met Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Frank Hartwick. Mrs.
O. T. Bateman hag high score.
Delicious refreshments were ser­
ved by the hostess. Present were
Mrs. O. T. Bateman, Mrs. G.
R. Van Vleet, Mrs. T. Roberts,
Mrs. H. Fogel.
Rolled Oats
P. & G. This is the bar of white
naphtha soap. Its popularity re­
mains supreme in its class.
We guarantee
to satisfy you
when we ac­
cept your order
for printing.
BARS .........................
No. 1 egg noodles in
Safeway, strike any­
where, non-poisonous
n Box
V Carton .... A
Max-i-mum — means
quality supreme.
Oz. tin .....
A delicious spread for bread. Note
the price—
Per Pound ........................... _Lt)C
You can always do better at Safeway, both in quality and price.
Small, fine grained, sugar
cured, Half or Whole, LB......
Pork Steak
Company, Inc.
Store No. 1436
Regular oats. Just the dish
for the school children on a
cold morning.
West ini her
James Ellis and Fred Veith
motored to Forest Grove Satur­
day afternoon to witness the
football game between Linfield
college and Pacific university.
M. Mulkins and Mrs. M. L. Her­
ron as hostesses.
Plans were
made for the bazaar which is to
be held December 17. Refresh-
ments were served by the hos-
tesses. Those present were Mrs.
H. Veal, Mrs. R. Charlesworth,
Mrs. M. L. Herron, Mrs. W. 0.
Porterfield, Mrs. J. L. Timmons,
Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Mrs. E.
Knight, Mrs. F. C. Stephens, Mrs.
R. L. Stubbs, Mrs. J. H. Stubbs,
Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Mrs.
Counts, Mrs. C. F. Hieber, Mrs.
Ethel Ray, Mrs. Sitts, Mrs. M.
Mulkins, Mrs. E. Robbins, Mrs.
C. Schumaker.
. Vernonia, Ore-
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