FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 10, 1930. THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE SEVEN morning. He injured his arm were up from Kenneys camp Fri- i'icio Tax Collector of Columbia uay evening, where they are County, Oregon, by authority of in the football game. both employed. Mrs. Lane is an order made and entered by Marvel Graven receive«’ a “Wa­ cooking at the camp. , the County Court of Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland 'County, Oregon, sitting for the terbury” from Professor Wilker­ son last Friday. It was given were business visitors in Port- - transaction ol County business, { on the 1st. day of October, 1930, Mt Enure wad elected class ad- as an award in a contest in the land Monday. Tom Brewer was in the village I will offer for sale at public auc­ Civics class. Vance Larafore tied Editor Larry Marshall j • visor. with him but a coin decided in from Ryderwood, Washington, tion for cash a certain piece and A**t. Editor Christine Rainer! Monday. parcel of real property located Sport* Ed. Marvin Porterfield The sophomore class as a whole “Gravy’s” favor. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Burn­ in Columbia County, Oregon, Senior Reporter Grace Condit have settled down to real work. Larry Marshall, Ervin Smith ham were dinner guests on Sun­ heretofore bid in by said Jr. Reporter Kathryn Malmtten This year members of the sopho­ Soph. Rep. Melville Malmsten more class will probably take a and Arthur Nanson went hunt­ day of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis. County at a tax foreclosure sale The A. R. Melis family have I and to which said County now Frosh Reporter Florence Wall more active part in athletics and ing Sunday. This is a “good” Jilierent school socials than they remedy for stiffness and bruises a new Atwater-Kent screen grid holds a deed by virtue of said football. electric radio purchased from sale; that said real rpoperty will The strong Scappoose eleven did last year as freshmen. Ev­ received while ——o playing I be sold to the highest and best — Chas. Sundland this week. defeated the Vernonia High Log­ eryone of them are working for Bruce Cummings (Admiral) Frank Peterson was in the vil- bidder for cash but in no event gers in a thrilling game Satur- the betterment of the class and MMcD shipped out on a lumber steamer läge on business Monday after- for a less sum than Seventy-five day, October 4, by the score of school as a whole. from Seattle this summer. He noon. Dollars, said property to be sold 19 to 0. Henry Crouder sprained his being described as follows, to- Scappoose scored twice in the A new grading system is be­ visited the Orient and teh Philip­ ankle Monday while working at I wit ;- first half on breaks, Johnson ing used in the high school this pine Islands. the Riggles Logging company. 10 acres in the Northeast Quar­ intercepted a pass on the Ver­ year. 1 indicates excellent; 2, ter of the Northwest Quarter nonia thirty yard line and when good, 94-100; 3, average, 87-93; STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP of the Northeast Quarter of the Loggers line held Scappoose 1, fair, 80,-86; and 5, failing, Section 26 Township 5 North e ... downs a ____ 72-79. for on the five yard i:«« line, 79.7Q Statement of ownership, man ­ of Range 5 West of the Wil- I Dowling the head linesman called Verno­ Because of shortage of library agement, circulation, etc., re­ lamette Meridian as described nia offside on the fourth down, books, each student can only quired by the Act of Congress in deed recorded in Book 33 thus giving Scappoose a first check one out for seven days of August 24, 1912, of the on Page 373 deed records of Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Sundland down on the one foot line. They at a time, although they may be Vernonia Eagle, published Columbia County, Oregon, were business visitors in Portland scored and plunged off right renewed. weekly at Vernonia, Oregon, said sale to be made on Saturday one day this week. tackle for the extra point. for October 1, 1930. George Turner was visiting State of Oregon, County of Co­ the 1st. day of November, 1930, They scored in the second quar­ The largest class in the history at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. ter in tile same manner. After of Vernonia high school is now his mother, Mrs. Reynolds Thurs­ I lumbia, ss: day, He is moving his family! Before me, a notary public in at the West front door of the recovering a fumble on the twen­ taking Typing I. ty five yard line they drove to “I am well pleased with their back on the Burn. The Turners! and for the state and county County Court House in St. Hel­ Vernonia’s five yard line where work and the Typing II class is have been doing some logging1 aforesaid, personally appeared ens, Columbia County, Oregon. OSCAR G. WEED, they were held for downs again, doing remarkably well,” stated near Scappoose during the sum-i Ray D. Fisher, who, having been Sheriff of Columbia, County, The head linesman again ruled Miss Ruth Martin, who has mer. duly sworn according to law, Oregon. that a Vernonia man was offside charge of the commercial depart-,I Mrs. James Jones and baby deposes and says that he is the By H. E. VEAZIE, Deputy. and Scappoose had a first down ment. ¡daughter were shopping in the publisher of the Vernonia Eagle and first published October The The bookkeeping class is using village Friday from Fishhawk, on the one foot line. and that the following is, to the Dated 3rd. 1930.. touchdown was only a matter oi mimeograph problems instead of Mrs. Ed. Reynolds visited for best of his knowledge and belief, Date of last publication October course but the determined Ver­ sets. a few days last week with her a true statement of the owner­ 31st. 1930. nonia line broke through and ship, management, etc., of the niece at Vesper. Begining with this week the smothered the try for point. Mrs. John Schlippy returned aforesaid publication 1 for the NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Civics class is giving It seems peculiar that the two five min- to her home here from Vancouv- date shown in the above > capticn, costly offside penalties were the ute talks at one o’clock. Grace er last week. She has been un- required by the Act of August Notice is hereby given to the only two called in the whole Condit talked Monday on “What der the doctor’s care, and is a 24, 1912, embodied in section holders of the following bonds of a freshman should do to get little improved in health altho 411, Postal Laws and Regula- the City of Vernonia, Columbia game. Vernonia’s greatest threat came the greatest good out of his not well. tions, printed on the reverse side county, Oregon: in the third quarter. They re 'ershman year.” Bond No. 6 of general obliga- Mrs. Merl Tiderman and small of this for, to-wit: Allie Simmons, Larry Marshall daughter were up from Jewell ceived the ball on the kickoff 1. That the names and ad- tion bonds dated May 1, 1926, and ran and passed the ball to and Robert Holcomb are to talk visiting her sister, Mrs. Hanson, • dresses of the publishers, editor, said bond being in denomina- the six yard line where they were later this week. Saturday. managing editor and business tion of $500.00. held lacking two inches of muk The William Bridgers family|managers are: Bond No. 7 of Improvement “Our enrollment at the end spent Sunday at Birkenfeld with! Publisher, Ray D. Fisher, Ver- district No. 3. dated May 1, 1926 ing a first down. Scappoose came back in the of the fourth week of school is the Keatons j nonia, Oregon. said bond being in denomination fourth quarter and really earner 179, which is three less than Irene Holce entertained a num-; Editor, Ray D. Fisher, Ver­ of $500.00. a touchdown, Their weight ad- last year,” stated Professor Wil­ ter of her little friends on Sat- nonia, Oregon, Bond No. 9 of Improvement vantage began to show and they kerson, last Thursday. urday afternoon, the occasion | Business Manager, Ray D. ^district No. 8, dated May 1, There are 36 freshman, 52 being her eighth birthday. The i Fisher, Vernonia, Oregon, reeled off first downs on straigh: 1926, said bond being in deno­ off-tackle plays, which were suc­ sophomores, 52 juniors and 29 guests played games, and had ai 2. That the owners are: ~ Ray D. mination of $500.00. All of ml cessful only by sheer power. The; leniors. Of these 88 are girls I good time in general. Mrs. Hol- Fisher, Vernonia, Oregon. the above bonds being redeem­ I failed to convert as the Log­ md 81 boys. ce served a nice ltfnch to the | Harriet D. Fisher, Portland, able at the option of said city gers put forth one last effort I youngsters. Irene recieved some I . Oregon, on November 1, 1930. That pur­ and stopped them. Vernonif | 3. That the known bondhold- suant to said option, said bonds very pretty presents. ) showed lots of fight and a good PERSONALS Jim Spilse is back in the vil- ers, mortgagees and other se- will be redeemed within 30 days passing game. lage again after a summers ab-1 curity holders owning or holding from the date of this notice, | 1 per cent or more of total to-wit: On the First day of No­ Mr. McEntire and a “friend” sence at the Camp. The ’.ine-up for both teams: There was a large crowd out amount of bonds, mortgages or vember, 1930, upon presentation Vernonis notored to Oswego Sunday. Scappoose to the sale on the Lewis Bach- other securities are: to the fiscal agency of Ore­ O. Sorlei J. Magwood L.E.R. Miss Crail and Miss Gehring man place on Wednesday. There Mark E. Moe, Hood River, gon in New York City, to-wit: M. Graven J. Green L.T.R. The National Park Bank. D. McPherson L.G.R. Porterfieli .vent to Portland to spend the were people from Jewell, Marsh-1 Oregon, land, Woodson, Clatskanie, Astor-1 RAY D. FISHER. In case the holders of said Herbert Olson C L. Christensoi weekend. ia. The household _ goods brought _ ’ Sworn to and subscribed be- bonds fail to present same at D. Mortor R.G.L. F. Levin Levi Austin spent Sunday with a fair price, not too high, and fore me this 9th day of Octo- the time and place mentioned RTL B. Cumming; F. Michek herein for the redemption there- REL L. Marshal' his wife and children in Rainier. the stock and farm implements her, 1930. F. Tufts JOSEPH SCOTT, went very reasonable. Sandwiches of, then the interest aforesaid G. Adam QB C. Grewell Notary Public for Oregon. will thereafter pay only the Miss Drake has had a rumble and coffee was served at noon R. Holcoml C. Josephson LHR | My commission expires February «eat installed in her new Ford by the auctioneers. amount of such bond and the A. Nanson RHL A. Niblock Miss Sieverts spent the week­ ;1. 1932. interest accrued thereon up to J. Kirk coupe. FB O. Johnson end with her parents in Astoria. the said first day of November, Niblock, Johnson and Joseph Mrs. Bert Eastman was visit- NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL Miss Martin and Miss Drake son made touchdowns for Scap «pent the weekend in St. Helens. ing Mrs. Devine one day last PROPERTY BID IN BY COLUM­ 1930. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on poose. Adams and Nanson show Miss Drake is taking vocal les- week. BIA COUNTY AT TAX SALE. this 1st day of October, 1930. ed up well in the backfield whil< sons there. Mrs. Sundland and Mrs. Dow­ Notice is hereby given that the LINDLEY, Treasurer, Marshall played a fine game al ling called on Mrs. Osburn one undersigned Sheriff and Ex-Of- 113c City of Vernonia, Ore. end. Mr. Wilkerson attended the day last week. Northrup, Smith and Malmster football game at Scappoose Sat- Mrs. Mary Peterson is at Cor­ saw service in the game as sub urday. He took two students. vallis keeping house for her stitutes. grandson, Floyd Deeds, who is Miss Zelma New, alumna, visit- attending college at that place. We freshmen of this year have ed the high school Friday. Mrs. Fred Parrknon spent become accustomed to the high Tuesday with Mrs. Lee Osburn. school ways and all seem to be Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane John Kirk was absent Monday pleased with the high school work. We find it is very much dif ferent from the grade school FW but we like it. The Timber Line 1 Call for County Warrant* | ceased, by the County Court of I the State of Oregon for Colum- I have money on hand to pay j bia County, and has qualified. all the endorsed General Road All persons having claims against Warrants. said estate are hereby notified Interest ceases October 10, to present the same, duly veri­ 1930. fied as by law required to the GLADYS PETERSON, undersigned at her residence, Treasurer Columbia County. 924 State street in the City of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Vernonia, Columbia County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the THE STATE OF OREGON date hereof. FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY BESSIE TAPP, Administra­ IN THE MATTER OF THE trix of the Estate of Hannah ESTATE OF HANNAH BERG- Bergerson, deceased. ERSON, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS GORDON R. WATT, NOTICE is hereby given that Attorney for said estate. the undersigned has been ap­ Dated and first published Sep­ pointed administratrix of the tember 12, 1930. Date of last Estate of Hannah Bergerson, de- publication October 10, 1930. Mist The sophomores held meeting and the following of­ ficers were elected, Edgar Craw­ ford, president; Julia Banzer, vice president; Melville Malmsten secretary and treasurer. —---- —------------------------------------. 25 White Leghorn pullets, good Neat Cottage, next to Cleveland strain, 5 months 15 days old. Apartments, furnished $12.50. - Chas. Schmidlin, Phone 13F51. P. Hill, 875 Second St. _______ 112* FOR RENT—3 room furnished Repossessed ’29 Ford Fordor Se­ house and 3 room unfurnished dan for sale, car like new. house. O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 Specially priced this week. Kerr Second Ave, 1 ltf. Motor Co. 111c WANTED BABY BUGGY for sale, $30 val- | ue; will sell for $15. Slightly WANT—pasture, for sheep or i used with storm curtain. Phone cattle, stubble field or brush [272._______________________ 112* field prefered. Beaverton, Ore- gon, Route2 Box 299 102c Brunswick Phonograph, about 50 records, $15.00. Machine is WANT—to buy hay, clover, or good as new. Mrs. A. E. Jones, oats and vetch prefered, loose or Vernonia Timber route. 114* baled. Beaverton, Oregon, Route 2 Box 299. 102c I Use Eagle Classified ads. I Joy Theatre JOHN McCORMACK in Seng ef Hv t-ieart A Movietone Romance with Song, Comedy and Sentiment— FRIDAY BUSTER KEATON in “DOUGHBOYS” SATURDAY Flights 6iTOP SPFÆD" 1‘ Per Pound Sat-* Sun OCT. 11-12. For such Nationally Known Lines as— FOR SALE Passenger 1 dollar minimum. Exclusive AGENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—2-room apartments, j FOR SALE—fresh Jersey cow. new, clean and quiet. Hot I Mrs. A. R. Counts. 8f525. 102c water; water, light and wood $15 month, P, Hill, 875 Second St. CUT FLOWERS for sale. 1024 First Ave. Mrs. W. L. Van FOUR Room house, Second St., Doren. Phone 1136. 4tf. near R. R. track, $8.00. P. Hill, 875 Second St. 200 Pullets 3Hl-months old for sale cheap. Dozen or all. Above FIVE room house, Bridge St., and Weed Ave., (Sesseman Lindsay's old mill. Cal Stillings. 93c house) $12.50. P. Hill, 875 Sec-' Chicken reed Dairy Feeds Oats, Vetch With Joe E. Brown, Bernice Claire, Jack Whiting, Frank McHugh, Lama Lei SUNDAY-MONDAY Men of the North ” Vernonia Airport PARACHUTE JUMPS Sat. 5 P. M. Jump by Vern Westphal. Sun. 2 P. M. Jump by local man. Sun. 5 P. M. Jump by Sammie Dare, Hollywood Movie Stunt Act ress. Vernonia Trading Co ED TAPP CASS BERGERSON With Gilbert Roland, Barbara Leonard Arnold Ko>e< TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY CHRISS FLYING SERVICE, Vancouver WHITMANS CANDY PENSLAR PRODUCTS SARGON EASTMAN KODAKS ATWATER-KENT and MAJESTIC RADIOS REXALL PRODUCTS Hi('f Pharmaev FINNEY OF THE FORCE The Truth