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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1930)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 10, 1930. 'h ffitr [Iff "BY UNITE THE VERNONIA EAGLE ram, manager of industries there. I “Most of the prisoners are morons, abnormal or subnorm al, and while I believe in doing everything possible to correct their mental attitude towards 80- ciety, 1 have not much faith in permanently reforming them as a whole.” a. BY EARL H. LIEF tains high hopes that the sup- Insurance and pharmacy do not (U. P. Staff Correspondent) ' reme court will uphold the law. mix, so the resignation Af Frank PAGE FIVE mus proceedings to compel action if they delay or postpone appli cations beyond a reasonable time. 5. The duty of the engineer is clear to approve all aplica- tions for power, regardless of the size of the project, unless he finds the proposed project conflicts with existing rights or will prejudicially affect the pub lic interest. On the basis of this opinion, Governor Norblad announced no special session of the legislature would be called this fall. cellaneous selling 3, anti miscel J. J. Inskeep, county agent re laneous buying 7. ports. These fields have been inspected by farm crops spe BEND—(UP)—A light honey cialists of the Oergon Experi ment station. crop was harvested in central * Oregon this year, according to W. T. McDonald, Deschutes coun (A. Supplied U. P. by O.S.C.) ty agent. The shortage was • * • said to be caused by the cold O.S.C., CORVALLIS, Or.—(UP) weather occurring last spring, < —Of the 778 farmers cooperative particularly during May and June. « « « associations in the Pacific coast « OREGON CITY—(UP)— Hill ■< states this year, Oregon has 143, units from seed grown by the •d Why save pennies according to information compil tuber unit method with Garnet ed by the U. S. Division of Co Chili potatoes selected in the < and waste dollars operative Marketing and received field last fall on the Doris Young farm give promise of producing here by George 0. Gatlin, secre Cheap printing may save tary of tile Oregon Cooperative a new strain of certified seed. < you a few pennies of cost, ► it will cost you dollars Council. * but ► in results. Just another ■S ► Fruits and vegetable organiza- ► way of saying CURLY ’ S TRANSFER tions with 59 and other dairy ► « > Phone Business 221 products with 43 comprise the « ► Residence 653 ■« majority of Oregon cooperative, <¿0059 ► ■« the others being divided as fol « Local and Long Dis « lows: grain 15, poultry and poul « ► tance Hauling try products 6, nuts 6, livestock PAYS * ► LI 2, wool 1, forage crops 1, mis-1 JtJ What’s Doing On Oregon Farms . . _—~~_ I if ‘t does and if the voters ap-[S. Ward, as secretary and mem- SALEM, Or.—(UP)—The line prove the income tax at the polls ber of the state pharmacy board up for the 1931 session of the next November, property taxes was requested by Governor Nor* state legislature will probably be for all state purposes will be en- blad. '. The Portland Retail Drug something like this: tirely eliminated. I gists ' ’ association urged Ward’s On New Year’s day, Justice President of the Senate and It la is pusisuie, posisble, of because he was u oi course, that tiiat ' ; removal ---- — --------- . ..... selling ..... Henry J. Bean will become chief Lieutenant-Governor of Oregon, some counties may immediately! insurance to durggists over whom justice of the state supreme Willard L. Marks, of Albany. increase the county or local tax had certain police and super- court succeeding Justice O. P. Speaker of the House of Rep and thus lessen the benefit of visory Powers thus creating an Coshow whose term as chief ex- unhealthy condition. resentatives: Either Frank J. the tax commission’s efforts, but “ ‘1,r,hoolfhw nnnJihnn [ pires that day. It will be the Lonergan or Herbert Gordon. this is a condition which the [first time in a judicial career ' “ Crime cannot conceal itself | Both are Portland men. commission intends to provide I of more than 20, years that Jus . behnd the cloak of charity, ” Personnel: At least eight new safeguards against. tice Bean will be Chief Justice. senators and 25 new representa The commission has already ■ said I. H. Van Winkle, attorney That position, is rotated among general, in an opinion holding tives. Based on average number turned over to the state treasury the members. of defeats at general elections, the sum of $310,000. represent that slot machines, even when used at a charity bazaar, are il- there will be 35 or 36 new law ing second half payments of the Again the gentlemanly secre makers in 1931 of a total of 75. intangibles tax due September legal in Oregon. tary of state, Hal E. Hoss, was This issues: Municipal vs. pri 1. It also turned over $103,0,00, Confronted with evidence of [ forced to turn “thumbs down” vate development of power will excise tax payments, which were further irregularities in his of- °,n a proposition of a lady. This be the most vital issue, Taxes, due October 1. ficial funds, Rhea Luper prompt- time, Mrs. Myrtle Wilson, erst- free text books, old age pension, ly resigned as state engineer. while independent candidate for band issues, education, commet- The pleasures of motoring in Luper recently returned $1800.20 governor, wants Hoss to append For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on cial fishing, legislative expense Oregon were marred by 32 this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and appropriations, will also fur deaths, 453 injuries, and 2,510 or irrigation fund interest to the a note to the November ballot and professional people. instructing voters to write her nish ammunition for legislative accidents during the month of state. The board asked him name in on the bollot. questions regarding another dis battles. August according to reports of crepancy of $2429.50. Luper, Nay, Nay! said Hoss, in effect, Two governors will place their the state traffic division. BEAUTY SHOPS promising restitution within 10 explaining that Oregon statutes, recommendations before the 1931 Hotel HyVan Columbia county contributed days, resigned his office. unlike mere men, cannot be al session for enactment. Governor STEAM HEAT tered to please a woman. Norblad has been working on the its share to the death total of C. E. Stricklin, assistant that month. One person The best for those material for his speech to the Oregon gineer for many years, was Nevertheless, Mrs. Wilson was was killed in the county, Paul| pointed engineer by Governor legislature for some time and it making speeches around the state who appreciate the will contain an unusually large Beilke, in a collision near War- Norblad with the unanimous ap in behalf of her candidacy. The BROWN MORTUARY ren. best. and complete program for the proval of the state reclamation petitions sfie presented to the ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 593 Fifteen were killed in Ore- legislature replete with .impor commission. secretary of state were rejected Phone 431 ?on in collisions between motor tant recommendations. Power magnates, k n o w in g as incomplete and tardy. The new governor will also be vehicles, six in operating acci- Stricklin, hardly hoped for a Bafford Brothers dents, five when struck by an expected to have some sort of b change in policy from that voic A brand new state capitol Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy rutomobile, three in colliisons program for the legislature based ed by Luper, delaying all major building for Oregon, one of the DR. R. A. OLSON General Plumbing Local & long distance upon his campaign platform, al with a fixed object and three power applications until the le finest and most expensive ! in the Chiropractor when their car was struck by a though he cannot be expected gislature convenes, Stricklin nation and constructed “ ‘ ■ without HAULING 1117 Sta* Vernonia to have all his proposals in ship falling tree. promptly announced no large cost to the taxpayers” was des- Tel. 671 Vernonia, Ore Phone 923 shape form for the 1931 ses- power applications would be cribed in glowing terms by Sena ANNOUNCEMENTS No cases of communicable dis sion. The test of the new gov granted unless authorized and tor Charles L. McNary in a Office in CONTRACTORS ernor’s policies and strength will eases were reported in Columbia ordered by the state reclama- speech here. ANNOUNCEMENT Workingmen ’s Store not be known until the 1933 ses- county during the week ending tion commission. Funds for construction and I have leased and am now ■September 30, according to the sion. "It would be a physical im- furnishing of the new capitol JOHN A. MILLER operating the Sessman Governor Norblad turns the date department of public health. possibility to complete the pre would be provided by the sale Blacksmith Shop. There were 110 new cases re- liminary work on any of the reigns of átate government ovei General Contractor I of a tract of timber land to be Repairing of All Kind* to the incoming chief executive □orted that week as compared pending applications and have ceded this state by the federal W. M. Faulkner on January 12, when he will re with 104 and 138 during the two them in shape for action by this government, Mason Work, Building He estimated the tire into private practice of law previous weeks. Most predomi department in six months so cost of the sort of capitol he LAWYERS in either Salem or Klamath Falls, nant were: mumps 22 cases, in that in no event will I allow any has in mind HOME COOKING would involve the DENTISTS with his eye on congress two fluenza 17, measles 16, scarlet major power applications until expenditure of WE AIM TO PLEASE between $30,- fever 13, tuberculosis 13, pneu after the legislature convenes.” years hence. 000,000 and $50,000,000. It is the opinion of competent monia 8. Meanwhile, I. H. Van Winkle, M. D. COLE attorney general, completes and political observers here that there Attorney-at-law PASTIME Until some enterprising scien Nearly 82,000 automobiles makes public the opinion regard will not be a general anti-Meior Dentist tist develops a robot cow with »earing ■ visitors and tourists to ing the power issue, requested Joy Theatre Building feeling in the, legislature this CARDS AND Vernonia, Oregon session in the event that candi Oregon were registered this by Governor Norblad perlimi- a cast iron stomach, Oregon Vernonia, Oregon LIGHT LUNCHES farmers must take care their live A total of 9,228 were nary to a statement of his po- date is elected governor. Meier’s rear, stock does not consume those PHYSICIANS test of power would come in (ooked in September, bringing sition on the proposed special Lloyd Baker, Prop. articles not commonly included forcing the issue of abolishing the the total of the year up to session of the elgislature. in their daily diet — nails, bail DR. W. H. HURLEY Van Winkle makes the follow- public service commission this 81,969. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. ing wire, tin cans and other Grants Pass registered 22,299, ing points: session. Otherwise, observers be Dentistry and X-Ray sharp objects. 1. Theer is no provision in the lieve Meier will get a fair hear the largest number in the state, Physician and Surgeon Says Dr. W. H. Lytle, state ing on all his proposals. Candi and Ashland was second with statutes by which the state may Hoffman Hdwe. Building develop its own power resources, veterinarian, “Practically 30. per dates Metschan and Bailey, with 19,508. Phone Hospital 931 The Right Place to Eat although cities and towns may cent of cattle losses for 1929 Vernonia, Oregon many friends here, would have Town Office 891 There are 39 motorcycles in enter into the power and light were caused when animals swal Excellent Cooking fairly smooth sailing throughout Columbia county on which the business. lowed sharp penetrating metals the session, it was agreed. HOTEL >um of $159 was collected for 2. Existing statutes fail to pro which subsequently found their Dr. J. A. Hughes The fate of millions of dol icense fees, according to the vide any airtight method of pre way into vital organs. A modest HOTEL GORDON lars in state tax money rests ■>tate motor vehicle department, venting private utility corpora estimate 4>f losses attributable Mary Kato Phyaician and Surgeon Newly Furnished Rooms today with the state supreme n the state as a whole, there tions from developing Oregon’s to that cause would be $75,000 Hot and Cold Water are 1,256 motorcycles netting streams and rivers. annually. court. Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Next to Post Office 3. Neither the state engineer Taxpayers of Columbia coun -he state a revenue of $5,263 Res. Phone 664 Oregon Very Reasonable Rates fees. on nor the state reclamation com ty may look forward to a defi mission may defer for any un nite and concrete, tax reduction OPTOMETRIST A textbook commission exists reasonable time, action upon ap on the state levy next year if the recom- Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted plications of power utilities cov supreme court upholds the in n Oregon to select and tangibles tax law which ha» been nend elementary and high school ering the appropriation of water Dr. C. O. Anderson contested by certain Portland books for general use in the from Oregon Streams. You'll enjoy a bowl là Eye Specialist—Optometrist 4. The state engineer and com firms and is now under con state, but a survey showed that of delicious Chop sideration of the high court for a large number of local school mission are subject to manda- 1st Monday in Each Month. officials prefer to make their a decision. Suey after the show. At Kullander's Jewelry Store hotel c onald I Approximately $3,000,000 of own choice, instead of abiding state taxes will be knocked off by the selection of the comms- the state tax rolls by the com sion. Uniformity of textbooks in the mission and Columbia county will PAPER HANGING feel the benefit of this reduc state was adopted in order to save children from the handi- AND TINTING tion. proportionately, if the in tangibles tax is held constitu- cap of new text studies and for also to eliminate unnecessary Notice is hereby given that the budget committee of the City of Vernonia, Columbia tional. J. C. Henderson County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, has filed in the office of the levying board, to-wit; If, on the other hand, the ■xpenditure of funds in buying The City Council of said City, its detailed estimate estii of the total amount of receipts, and also pu- supreme court invalidates the another set of books, if the Phone 1021 the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal cor- intangibles tax, there will be an pil’s family moves from one dis- poration for all purposes for the fiscal year of 1931, which estimates are as follows: Book« of 1930 Wall Paper increase in the state tax next trict to another. Democratic Candidate Sample* Now Here year and Columbia county tax for GENERAL FUND WATER—Operating Fund On Display Most of the inmates of the payers will have to bear their Supt. salary ......... ............ County Judge $ 1620.00 “Big Hopse” in Salem are hope City dump ..................................... 100.00 $ share of the increase. for commission cntcr- lessly criminal, says W. B. Bart- 2100'00 150.00 Fuel and city hall ex..................... Supplies, maintenance .................... Professional and Business Directory COMPLETE. ^FUNERAL, . Pmondl Service J ' Reasonable Ratesj Cason Transfer The Dixie Grill G or don R. Walt Terminal Cafe Chop Suey Restaurant House And :SIGN PAINTING M D VOTE No. X 37 A. M. WINN COLUMBIA COUNTY I pledge myself to an econo mical businesslike adminis tration of all county affaira without favor to any sec tion, corporation or organization. Freight Notice of Budget Meeting Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Delivered To and Called For At Yfllli' Door Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Dally Long Distance Furniture Hauling Accounting ...................................... Recorder’s salary .......................... Supplies ........................................... Treasurer’s salary ......................... Supplies ....................................... „. City Atty., salary .......................... Marshal salary ............................ — Dept, salary ................................. .. Supplies and jail ex......................... Payment on new jail and city hall improvement ................ Fire Dept........................................... Health Dept.................................... * Street dept., maintenance and Street lighting ..................... Legal publications ......................... Emergency fund ........................... Payment outstanding warrants and interest .......................... Librarian salary ............................ Transportation books ................... New books and shelving ............. City park ......................................... Total W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Portland-Vernonia Truck Line for Freight Orders 100.00 1200.00 150.00 240.00 10.0,0 480.00 1800.00 800.00 250.0Q 1050.00 500.00 200.00 1350.00 50.00 1000.00 1000.00 260.00 5.00 200.00 500.00 $11395.00 Total ............................. WATER—Bond $ 4320.ÜÜ Fund Sinking fund ........ .............. $ 1500.00 Investor’s syndicate sinking fund ....’ 2220.00 Interest .................................. 3210.00 Total .... ......................... $ 6930.00 SEWER—Bond Fund Sinking fund .... ............. Interest ....................................... $ 9400.00 Total .... GENERAL BOND FUND Sinking fund ................................. Interest ............................................... Total ........................................... TOTAL $ 7000.0.0 2400.00 $ 600.00, 195.00 $ 795.00 .................................... . $21445.00 GRAND TOTAL .............. $32840.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From licences and fines From water system ...... «... $ 2500.00 13000.00 Total ................ J......................... Balance to be raised by direct tax $15500.00 $17340.00 And notice is hereby given that the »aid City Council of said City sitting as a levy board, will hold a meeting at the City Hall in said City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Ore gon, on Monday, October 27th, 1930. at which time ___ ____ ___ __ _____ who ... ___ ___ and , place all , persbns. shall __ be __ subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard in favor of or against said tax levy, or any part thereof, Dated this October 1st, 1930. (SEAL) Attest: D. B. REASONER, City Recorder. G. R. MILLS, Mayor. 102c