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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1930)
page two Eastman, Melis, George, Carmi- chiel, Devine, Aamodt, Dowling, Ti lerman, and Mrs. Magnusen from Hubbard. Mrs. Ho'.ce came The Loyai Gleaners class of the for a short time at the close of Christian church turned their the social event. regular meeting Wednesday into. A de iigntiui luncn delightful lunch was served a surprise party for Mrs. Alice at close of the afternoon. T indaav in hnnnr of rif her hpr birth- ~------ - —————— Lindsay in honor birth-1 day. Mrs. M. Mulkins present ed Mrs. Lindsay with a birth day cake. The afternoon was spent sewing. Sandwiches, cake, tea and cof fee were served during the af ternoon. i The next meeting will be held October 22 at the home of FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Mrs. Herman Veal. M. G. Hix»on, Pa»tor. Those present were Mrs. F. C., Sunday, October 12, Sunday Stephens, 1 Mrs. “ Ray Charles-School at Id a. m., morning wor- George Stankey, ghip at u. Evening evangelistic worth, Mrs. Mrs. Beulah Lindsav, Mrs. 1 M. _ service at 7:30. L. Herron, Mrs. M. Mulkins, ” ] Tuesday evening we have Bible Mrs. A. D. Lolley, Mrs. E. Study. We are now studying in Knight, Mrs. A. C. Hunter and‘tee Book of Revelation and are Mrs. J. Monger. i finding many precious truths, i Come and enter into the study PYTHIAN SISTERS ! with us. | ihursduy evening prayer meet- HAVE CARD PARTY j ¡ng at 7:30; Saturday evening The Pythian Sisters held a street meeting at 7 o’clock ii very successful party in the {the weather permits. Odd Fellows hall Wednesday EVANGELICAL CHURCH evening. There were seven tables of 500 and four tables I At the business and social of bridge. meeting Friday evening of last Prizes were won as follows: week the following were elected Bridge, ladies, first, Mrs. Frank officers of the Christian Endeav Dickson: ladies’ consolation, Mrs. or society for the remaining W. E. Bell; men’s first, Tom I three months: Grace Condit, pre Bateman ; men’s consolation, sident; May Throop, vice presi- Charles Richardson dSM% "" Jack Marshall, ”, secretary; dies’ first, Mrs. I. ___ Mike __ Miller; la- ! Harvord ... Malmsten, t treasurer. r dies’ consolation, Mrs. J. P. Mc- Next Sunday the Junior Chris Doan’d; men’s first, Mike Miller: tian Endeavor will start again mens’ consolation, D. A. Kram- at 6:30 p. m., meeting in the be- er. tinners’ room with Mrs. Cason Cake and coffee were served ¡s superintendent. after the cards. The committee Sunday school in charge cf A. in charge of refreshments were C. Krauss, meets at 9:45 a. m. Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. James There will be a short opening Nanson, Mrs. T. Crawford and program. Mrs. Van Peebley. The pastor will preach at 11 i. m., subject: “The World in us 25 DE MOLAYS ARE or we in the World.” The 1 two Christian Endeavor LOCAL GUESTS societies I meet at 6:30 p. m About 25 young men, mem- reaching at 7:30. There is a bers of the Oregon Chapter of big friendly welcome to all. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. DeMolays, were the guests Sat- urday evening of Vernonia Ma CHRISTIAN CHURCH sonic lodge. About 40 Masons turned out to witness the con F. Claude Stephen*, Minister ferring of the DeMolay degree Services for Lord’s Day, Oc- in the Masonic temple. Two lo 9:45 a. m., Bible cal boys, Johnny Roediger and tober 12. Delmar Morton, who are mem school; 10:45 Divines morning bers of Oregon chapter, assisted worship. This date and service in the degree work very credit :s set aside for “Dollar Day’’ as ably. Charles Wood, dad ad has been so fully announced— viser of Oregon chapter, was in Let’s not forget. Afternoon services one half strumental in getting the boys 6:30, Christian to make the trip to Vernonia hour earlier. Endeavor, where the young folks and accomnanied them. After the meeting delicious enjoy being. 7:30, Evening hour refreshments were served in the of praise and fellowship. Schedule for remaining Lord’s socinl hall. This, the second visit of this chapter, was heartily en- days of the month: the 19th, C. F. Swander, corresponding secre- joyed by all who attended. •ary of Oregon Christian church es, occupies the pulpit in the SIRS. CHAS. HANSON morning. The 26th, the Chris GIVEN SURPRISE tian Endeavor convention closes. Watch for the C. E. program, MIST—(Special)— Mrs. Chas. your name may appear. Hanson was pleasantly surprised on Saturday afternoon when The Vernonia Athletic club several of the Mist ladies burst will hold a business and social in on her and shouted “Happy, meeting next Thursday at the _.,c Birthday!’’ bringing with them a home of Mrs. E. E. Yeo. Officers generous supply of good things ¡will be elected for the coming to eat. as well as many lovely I year. Committees have been ap- and useful gifts. ¡pointed as follows: Refreshment, The afternoon was spent in ¡Miss Myrtle Pye, Miss Rae Davis playing games an dhaving a social and Miss Melba I.aramore; enter- good time. | toinment, Mrs. R. A. Olson, W. Those present were Mesdames McCrae and W. Thomas. GLEANERS SURPRISE MRS. LINDSAY Church Notices FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1930. THE VERNONIA EAGLE f- Second grade: Leola Fitzger 'Mrs. C. Barnes and Mrs. F. sident, Roy New; secretary, Ro- ald, Vaida Rae Bond. bert Petty. Barnes. Third grade: Harry Culbertson, Erma Thompson, Howard Mc- Lois Howell, Virgie Killian, Eun LINCOLN SCHOOL ; Gilvray, Stanley Overson, Stan- ice Russell, Harvey Holcomb. • ley Parker, Helen Scott, Toshi Fourth grade: Violet Johnson, The following had 100 Mr. . and Mrs. Frank O’Don-1 Mrs. McCampbell ana daughter Kuge, Kenneth Lewis, Robert spelling Charlie Koto. for the past week: _ friends in Culver, Eleanor Edens, Maxine neli i of Keasey were Saturday' Della are visiting Scribner, Elbert Borck, Harold I visitors at F. N. O’Donnell’sl Portland. • The Girls’ Sewing club met Cason and Hilma Berg, all mem- Home. Mrs. i. Walter Bennett entertain-' at the Brinkmeyer home Friday bers of the 7-1 class had 100 in ed Mrs. Beulah Baslington, Mrs. evening. All members were pre spelling last week. Irene Spencer and Mrs. Laura sent and the evening was spent The 7-2 class, Miss Taylor’s Bennett at a luncheon Thurs in sewing, followed by games room, had perfect attendance for meeting will be at the home of three weeks. day. Webb and Earnest Staley of Miss Eunice Root, at Westimber Miss Ruth Taylor has organiz-1 Battle Ground, Washington, vi on Friday, October 10. ed five 4-H clubs. The Junior Miss Bernice Thurston of Cooking club elected officers ’ »st sited at the A. C. Staley home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and Forest Grove visited friends in Wednesday as follows: Pre* ant, Miss Thurston Jean Hughes; vice presiden Hel- daughter Phyllis called at the Timber Friday. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sunell. formerly lived in Westimber. en Scott; secretary, Thelrr.. Lin Ed Berger attended the Forest coln. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Smith visit This club meets every ed with their parents at Cor Grove-Estacada football game Wednesday after school. Friday. nelius Sunday. Officers i of the Vernonia The Campfire Girls were or- Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Moore Cooking club president, Lor- Vernonia shoppers on Sat-jganized Monday afternoon by raine Space; are: were \ ______ __ .. secretary, Rose | Miss Bemis, guardian, and Mrs. Sitts. Other urday. members are: Le- J. Wattson made a business A. Knight, adviser. The follow ona Hillman, Otha DeHart, Mar- ing members were enrolled: El guerite Laird, trip to Portland Thursday. Mildred Walters, Miss Elaine Caldwell of Hills vina Flett, Julia Anne Morris, and Alberta Veal, They meet boro returned to her home af Maverine Tallman, Muriel Shif every Monday with Miss Taylor. ter spending a month at the ter, Lavern Killburg, Marjorie The Bachelor’s Cooking club, home of her uncle, F. N. O’Don Gilmore, Stella Brandes, Gene which meets every Friday, has vieve Bacon, Marjorie Montgom nell. elected the following officers: Mrs. Homer Smith is visiting ery, Evelyn Wilson and Eunice President, Floyd Nose; vice pre- Root. and their fa-' with her two sons I Oscar Shiffer and Fred Spoon milies this week. B. Brown has been driving shot a large bear near Sunset. the school bus the past week. I Miss Anita Shiffer and Court They are the same high quality Mrs. M. John and Jeanette ney Sy verson visited in Hillsboro SPECIAL ON John enjoyed a ride in the air- Saturday at the home of Mrs. as Mother’s Bread . . . and plane Sunday afternoon. j Norma i Green. S. Miss Florence Santee was the c D. n Willis of Roseburg spent MADE IN VERNONIA guest of her sister, Mrs. B. R. ¡ti.-* weekend at his home here. Bennett, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Sundland was a Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and chil dren visited at the Walter Ben Clatskanie visitor on Saturday morning. nett home one day last week. i Ethel Spencer lias returned to chool after an illness of a week. Mrs. C. B. Bennett visited at school on Thursday. WASHINGTON SCHOOL M. Dooley and John Price Including hair cut, have been doing some repair finger wave and Mrs. Rogers’ first grade is work at Pleasant H’ll school. Mrs. Sam Stowell visited at making a five room doll house shampoo. the home of her daughters, Mrs. and furnishing it. Most of the Hulan and Mrs. Wilbur Tracker. work is being done outside of Road work was finished at Tre- school hours. The following in Mrs. Wilker harne the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitchel! son’s third grale have not missed Exceptional Pastries motored to Portland on Thurs I any words on the Friday spelling test for three weeks; Marie day to visit with relatives. PEAUTY SHOP Wm. Hodg? and friends have Blount, Ione Liningc r, G1 nda motored to Southern Oregon on Rose, Helen Tisdale, Jean Page. Elsie Duncan, Bessie Beil, Do a hunting trip. Mrs. Allen, Proprietor Wm. Lindsay and C. W. Ben lores George. Wilton Rogers, Ma nett motored up from Siletz over deline Mich.df, Loren Kostur, Merle Tindall. the weekend. Philip Mil i who br-ke hi . arm Mrs. C. W. Bennett and chil dren motored to Salem Friday, one evening last week, will be back to school in a few da vs returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis had He is in the third grade. The following in Miss Kirk- as their guests Sunday relatives na trick’s room (4th and 5th from Clatskanie. grades) received 100 in spelling Auxilmry Meeting Monday last week; Rose McDonald, Hel- The American Legion Auxili en Barnes, LaVon George, Um- ary will meet Monday night at meray Blount, and Rose Lee Van the hall. There will be instal Buren. lation of officers, entertainment Visitors to Miss Kirkpatrick’s and refreshments. Officers and room since the beginning of members are urged to be pre school have been Mrs. Wood, sent. Announccm eait ! We are now supplying Mothers Cakes” lo Grocers P^rnianenl Waves $5.00 ! School Items Mother’s Cakes” VERNONIA BAKERY Annette CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who so kindly extended their sympathy to us in our recent bereavement, and also for the beautiful flor al tributes. Mrs. C. B. Davis and family. <. rsniurK Who’esale and Retail LUMBER Vernonia. Oregon Salmon Tall cans, good quality. Buy liberally. 10c $1.18 Dozen ... Food prices generally are at their lowest point since 1913. Price declines dur ing 1930. have been tremen dous. Safeway was prepar ed for the drop. We own our goods at the new low prices. You get the bene fit of lower prices first at Safeway . . . and the Quali ty remains the same always. Prices for Sugar Extra fine Preserving Cane 100 lb. Bags S4.65 18 Pounds 95c Fri.--Sat Fancake and Mon October Coffee All popular canned cof- Sperry’s famous pancake IO, II, 13 fee — Maximum, Hill’s, flour, large O A M. J. B. Golden O package, each West, Lb.......... Û Syrup Safeway or Maximum— Pure Cane and Maple Peaches Syrup, the Best at any Hominy price. QA Lamps BUY NOW—Cheap er than ever before —in lots of six. Ask your Grocer for Del Monte or Maximum in large 2’ » size cans. Fancy Melba Halves. 9 m I 45c $2.53 Cans ....... Dozen .. 2 Vs lb. Can ..... Ot/C Crackers Fresh Snowflakes and Honeymade Graham — 40c size. 2 lbs. 9(1,» each. Box Van Camp’s New Style Pack. Buy Liberally— Can Dozen 89c Case 36 8c Quality Meats Lowered Prices Why Pay More Than at Kraut Fancy sugar cured, whole or half. Pound ............ » 57? New Stock— 2 Pounds Surloin and Round steaks from steer beef. Per Pound