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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1930)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930. Treharne Mr. and Mrs. Sherer and chil dren were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Sun day. Mr. Peterson of Crescent City called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc Donald. Bain Thompson and S. An derson met with an auto accident at Treharne Sunday evening, but no one got hurt. Cars were damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Voshel motored to Klamath Falls last week. Mrs. E. Sunell and children, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. F. O. O' Donnell and children motored to Arcadia park on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Treharne and family have been to the beach over the weekend. Carpenters are busy finish ing the work at Pleasant Hill school. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and children of Sherwood spent Sun day with Mrs. Baker's sister at Treharne. Edgar Crawford returned home from his vacation on Sunday. William Anderson is digging a well for his new water sys tem. Mrs. Rex Palmenter spent the past week visiting with relatives at Salem. Clifford Bergerson threshed for 0. Hyland on Saturday and baled the straw in the after noon. The steam engine from the rock crusher was moved on Fri day for road work down the riv er. Mrs. Chas. White from Med ford, Oregon, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald* one day last week. Loretta Baker returned home from her vacation on Sunday. She was Visiting with her cousin, Thelma Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haden and children motored to Astoria Sat urday evening, returning home Sunday. Mrs. E. Monger and son Gar land and Mrs. M. John made a trip to Mountain Dale Sunday. A weenie and marshmallow roast was enjoyed by all pre sent at a big bon-fire at the home of Henry John Saturday evening. Mist Mrs. A. A. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lane were down from Buxton and visiteo Friday and Saturday with his brother Ernest and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keaton went to Estacada Saturday to bring back Goldie and Buddy Keaton, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Manwell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland were Portland visitors Monuay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundlano and Mrs. A. Dowling were bus iness visitors in Clatskanie Thurs day. The school house was wired last week for electric lights. Mrs. G. Devine and Mrs. Mont gomery and son Richard were Clatskanie shoppers Wednesday. James Hill has been crippled up the past week with a lame leg. < Mrs. E. T. Wallace was a vil lage shopper on Saturday after noon. W. R. Johnson is getting the highs chool bus ready for use. Mrs. Fred Parknon and little daughter Evelyn were visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. Ernest Lane, Monday. Trucks started hauling crushed rocks from the crusher to the new piece of road this side of the N. D. Peterson place. Mr. Carmichiel was binding grain for Grover Devine Satur day. The Montgomery family, who are occupying the Walter Tur ner property on the heights, left Sunday for a few weeks at the hop yards. Shady Lane spent Sunday in the vicinity of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wallace and son Delmar are taking in the Round Up at Pendleton this week. Sunday afternoon Ralph George tipped his motorcycle over and it caught on fire, but not very much damage was done. The Austin Dowling family has as their guests Sunday their nep hew from Everett, Washington, Warren Dowling, wife and daugh ter Billie and son Roy, and Mrs. N. O. Swanson and son Rodney. Joe Banxer and George and Dave were shopping in the vil lage Monday evening. Wm. Bridgers was a Clatskanie business visitor Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland made a business trip to Jewell Wednesday evening. Loise Devine visited a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. John Devine, at Clatskanie. One week from next monday the school bell will call the youn gsters back to their school duties once more. Anne McMullin has been away on a two weeks vacation. Part of the time was spent in Port land and Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Salmi from Marshland spent Monuay with their daughter, Mrs. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Salmi and baby were also there from Wood- son. j,t- v Mr. and Mm Nelson and uaugi.ter Jewel from Portland were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanson. James Jones was injured in an automobile collision Saturday night or early Sunday morning and his car was damaged con siderably. His hand was cut quite badly. The Berg brothers threshed with their machine for Hansons, Sunday and for Carmichiels on Monday. Mrs. Grover Devine and Mrs. Eastman were Clatskanie shop pers on Monday. There were some prospective buyers in the valley Monday looking over the DeRock timber. Women Shrewd Buyers of Tires Riverview’ Mrs. Lee Hall Mr. and Mrs. E. J.. Mills and son Conrad of Pomona, Califor nia, were guests of Mr. and Women motorists are becoming Mrs. Lee Hall Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Wilson returned just as shrewd buyers of tires as home Monday after a two week’s i of other merchandise, declares tour with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Kerr, of the Kerr Motor Dr. Laraway, in California. They company, local Firestone dealer. visited a number of cities in No longer, he says, are they sunny California and had an making their purchases on a bas is of exterior appearance, but enjoyable trip. Mrs. S. V. Malmsten has been want information on features of suffering a severe attack of neu construction. “It is really remarkable the ritis the past week. T. C. Biggs made a business number of women who have come to our stores and asked to trip to Portland last week. Mrs. A. L. Parker was among see cross-sections of tires,’’ says those who went to the Mission the Firestone dealer. “The av ary Society picnic at the home erage women today wants to get of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Weed the inside facts. She wants to make sure that she is not only ob at St. Helens Tuesday. Mrs. Bud Robins spent a few taining the greatest dollars-and- days this week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Bill Mason, at Keasey. tend at the Court House in Co Chas. Wilson entertained Mr. lumbia county, Oregon, and pub and Mrs. E. J. Berneche from licly examine the assessment Portland over the weekend. They rolls for the year 1930, and cor have a peony farm near Portland rect all errors in valuation, des and Mr. Berneche does land criptions, or qualities of land, scaping. Mr. Wilson says it’s his lots or other prcgperty assessed first attempt at entertaining la by the assessor; and it shall be dies when his wife is away, and the duty of persons interested that i* wasn’t so bad after he to appear at the time and place got over his nervous shock— and Mrs. Berneche was a good cook. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs went to Portland and back Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Adams and children went to Portland Satur day afternoon. Rev. G. W. Plumer and wife visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten Saturday. A. F. & A. M. A. L. Parker and S. V. Malm Vernonia Lodge No. 184 sten were business visitors in A. F. & A. M. meets PortlancJ Monday and Tuesday. ( at Masonic Temple, Leonard Malmsten, who is j Stated Communication working in Longview, was home First Thursday of each here over the weekend. Three month. Special called friends accompanied him and vi sited at the Malmsten home ov meetings on all other Thurs day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors er the weekend. cordially welcome. J. Bertrau is hauling his wood most J. E. Tapp, W. M. off the mountain and storing it J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. in a building here while the roads are dry. After the rain begins it is hard to get off the Order of Eastern Star mountains. Mrs. J. E. Cropper of Tun- 163, O. E. S. iunga, California, and Mrs. Dave Nehalom Chapter Regular commu Marshall were guests of Mrs. S. nication first V. Malmsten August 20. and third Wed nesdays of each Mrs. Cora Akers and daughter month, at Ma Melisse of Pocatello, Idaho, visit sonic Temple. ed at the home of her brother, All visiting sis Lee Hall. Friday and Saturdav. ters and broth Fred Rainey and son J. F. ers welcome. Rainey left for Pendleton Wed Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. nesday to attend the round-up. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Cline mo tored to Cornelius Sunday and back the same day. Pythian Sister« Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall and son Burley left Sunday for Weis Vernonia Temple 61 meets er, Idaho, where they expect to every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in make their home. W.O.W. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hal! and MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. Mrs. Kern left for a visit to DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. friends and relatives for a couple of weeks in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holmes visited friends at Natal Monday. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS cents value for her investment but that the tires she buys will give her the maximum of trouble free service. “The new patented double-cord breaker developed by Firestone is proving particularly interesting to women motorists as this ex clusive Firestone feature practic ally eliminates punctures and blow-outs under normal driving conditions. “It is quite evident that more and more men are leaving the responsibility of selecting tires for the family motor car to their wives, judging from the number of women who are making tire purchases this year.’’ SEVEN factory warehouse corner 12th costs and disbursments and the ¡and Washington St., Portland.4c2 costs of and upon this Writ, commanding me to make sale I FOR SALE— Two-wheel baby of the following described real carriage, good condition. Tel. property situated in the county ,274, Mrs. M. D. Cole. 33c of Columbia, state of Oregon, FOR RENT to-wit; WANTED TO RENT—3- or 4- The South half of Lot three, FOR RENT—Furnished 2 and 3 room house on plot of land and all of Lots Four and Five room apt., hot and cold water. suitable for raising chickens and of Block One Rose Add to Clean, light, close to business. garden. Preferably near route Vernonia, according to the of Call at Hotel Nehalem._______ 5 : of school bus. Enquire Eagle ficial Plat thereof and on file office. 4tf in the office of the County REWARD for large red hound Clerk of Columbia County, with collar on. Goes by the Oregon, together with all and name of Steve. Notify H. E. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE singular tenements, heredita ---------- Burtraw. 5*2 I In the Circuit Court of the State ments and appurtenances there ATTENTION—SCHOOL Supplies of Oregon, County of Columbia. unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. of stationery and all the trim Alexander Sword, Plaintiff NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue mings. Supplies of candies and vs. of said execution, judgment or lunch goods. We have plenty of R. A. Sesseman, Defendant der, decree and order of sale service for you. Midway Gro cery. Opposite new school 5* By virtue of an execution, and in compliance with the com judgment order, decree and or mands of said writ, I will on FOR SALE der of sale issued out of the Monday, September the 8th, above entitled court in the 1930, at 10 o’clock a. m., at CUT FLOWERS for sale. 1024 above entitled cause to me di the front door of the county First Ave. Mrs. W. L. Van rected and dated the 26th day court house in St. Helens, Co Doren. 4tf. of July, 1930, upon a judgment lumbia county, Oregon, sell at rendered and entered in said public auction, subject to re SEASONED WOOD for sale— court on the 22nd day of July, demption, to the highest bidder call Earl Snyder, 7F52. 4» 1930, in favor of Alexander for cash in hand all the right, FOR SALE—Block of eight lots I Sword, plaintiff, and against R. title and interest which the with in Malmsten’s Riverside View A. Sesseman, defendant, for the in and above named defendants Hundred and had on the 12th day of May, at a bargain. Also single lots. sum of Seven Easy terms. Two 4-room houses, no/100 ($700.00) Dollars with 1928, the date of the mortgage pay like rent, or will rent houses interest thereon at the rate of herein foreclosed or since that very reasonable. Near O.-A. 8 per cent, per annum from the date had in and to the above Mill. Inquire at 242 Bridge St. 12th day of May, 1928, and described property or any part Vernonia.___________________ 42* the further sum of Two Hund thereof, to satisfy said execution, red Twenty Four and 84/100 judgment and decree, interest, WAREHOUSE Piano Sale—100 I ($224.84) Dollars with interest costs and accruing costs. Dated and posted this 6th used and shopworn pianos, thereon at the rate of 8 per player pianos, Baby Grands, go cent per annum from the 25th day of August, 1930. ing at $45 to $125 and up. day of Jyne, 1930, and for the OSCAR G. WEED, Greatest values ever offered in further sum of One Hundred Sheriff of Columbia Northwest. Terms to suit. Free ($100.0,0) Dollars Attorney’s County, Oregon. delivery. Nearly all sizes, makes, Fees and the further sum of First Publication Aug. 8, 1930, finishes. Call or write Cline Twenty One ($21.00) Dollars Last Publication Sept. 5, 1930. Classiiied Ads appointed. The Board of Equalization will continue its meetings from day to day, until such examination is completed, but will not be in session for a longer period than one month. W. S. ROBERTS, Assessor. A15-S5. Club» ‘"«t- - - - Lodges WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. IS ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Audrey Austin, Recorder ' i Legion Vernonia Post mander. 119, American Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. m. Connie An derson, Com P. Hughes, Adjutant Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. 0» O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. Edna Linn, Noble Grand Grace Sunell, Vice Grand Myrtle John, Secretary Margaret Shipley, Treasurer I. O. O. F. HARDING LODGE 11« \ NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on the second Monday in Sep tember (September 8, 1930) the Board of Equalization will at- Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. C. W. Kilby N. G. , H. Culbertson, C.C. John Glassner, Secretary. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. FINNEY OF THE FORCE Maybe the Man’s Right