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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1930)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SIX Among Our Neighbors . • Under the direction of Her man Miller, head of the depart ment of Manual Arts of St. Hel ens high school, high school boys may work half time on a job in the city and receive school cre- dit. • • • Edison I. Ballagh of St. Helens was elected grand sachem of the Improved Order of Redmen held at Klamath Falls August 12 and 13. * • * Representatives of St. Helens industrial concerns were guests of the Portland Ad club August 20. » • » S. Heumann is to erect a one-story building in West St. Helens to house his bakery and four or five stores. * • • A. R. Marsh, former coach and physical instructor in the Eugene high school has been engaged as science instructor and athletic coach at St. Hel ens high school. ... St. Helens delegates to the Am erican Legion convention at Ba ker were Argyle Jones, Dr. Bail ey and M. R. Calhoun. Repre senting the Auxiliary were Miss Marie Walker, Mrs. W. Sul livan, Mrs. William Russell and Mrs. Argyle Jones. ... Thieves stole a picnic dinner, some tools and most of the gas oline out of S. F. Heumann’s car parked at Columbia City last week. • • • 200 employes are at work in the Rainier cannery, the bean canning season being at its peak. * * » The annual county picnic of the W. C. T. U. was held in Godfrey park, St. Helens, August 19- , , ... Between 250 and 300 dogs were killed since the first of the year in enforcement of the dog tax law in Columbia coun ty, according to Noble Van Dol- ah of Houlton, who is in charge of enforcement. He reported that to date 750 licenses have been paid by dog owners. The Harkins Transportation company has taken over the boat service into Clatskanie, the Grey- hound Transportation company having gone bankrupt. A small freight steamer from Clatskanie connects with a larger boat at Oak Point. • * * At the annual meeting oi landowners in the Beaver Drain- age district last week a tax of $1.00 per acre on all land with in the district was voted for road purposes. As there are 5500 acres. $5500 will be available for road work, which will be begun at once. ST. HELENS GIRL WINS ESSAY PRIZE WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? In the Dairy Essay Contest sponsored by the Pomona Grange of Columbia county the judges have awarded the grand prize to Rose Houser of St. Helens, and second grand prize to Roberta Smith of Clatskanie, Oregon, as saving the best essays on the ise of Dairy Products from health and economic importance to the county. The prizes in Division 2, first orize, Roberta Smith, Clatskanie; Second prize, Wilma Sheets, Clatskanie, and third prize, Charles Pilzer. In the third district the first nrize was awarded to Rouse Houser, St. Helens and second nrize to Velma Nelson, Warren, Oregon. The judges of the contest were W. L. Teutsch of the Oregon Agricultural college extension service, Mrs. George Conyers, Clatskanie and Robert Cahill of Clatskanie. There were no essays sent in from the first division which included the Nehalem valley. The essay which won first prize, which was submitted by Miss Rose Houser of St. Helens, ap pears in this week’s issue of the paper. Ill Milk Products The chief products derive»! from milk are cream, cheese and butter. Cream is the fat of the milk, which rises to the ‘on being lighter than the other substances. Cream should con Permit us to cre tain 20 per cent butter fat. Ol whipping cream 25 per cent. ate a personality in Cheese is the casein and fat your printing work— of milk, drained, salted, pressed and cured. In this concentrated such personality as form it can be stored for fu you would prefer in I ture use and transported to dis tant markets. There are many the human salesman kinds of cheese manufactured, that you would em- but mainly hard and soft cheese. Examples of hard cheese are ploy. New York and SwissA of soft cheese are Dutch and Roquefort. Butter is made from the fat We plan and print of milk by the process of churn ing. It is washed, salted and ALL ABOUT MILK . . . booklets, inserts, then packed. Butter is one of sales bills, broadsides, the most easily digested fats, The Cow announcements, office The 1 friendly cow all red and is very appetizing and health- , ful. It contains vitamin A l’n white, forms and supply esti plentiful quantity. After the I love with all my heart: mates. butter has been removed, the She gives me cream with all might How good are you at finding mistake«? The artist has Intentionally milk that is left is called but-' made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them termilk. It is very good for To eat with apple are easily discovered, others may be hard. See how long it will take people who suffer from stomach She wanders lowing YOU to find them. trouble. there, Therefore prosperous dairymen And yet she cannot stray, pint a day. ed in the blood, bones, teeth are very important in the wel- All in the pleasant open air, fare of Columbia county. Ar About a pint of milk a day and tissues. The pleasant light of day. should be taken for each adult Milk is an absolute necessity And blown by all the winds that and about a quart for each child. for growing children. It is also ! This much should be supplied a good food for adults. It is pass And wet with all the showers, ' even if one has to save on oth- especially valuable for the sick. She walks among the meadow ' er foods. Milk costs more than When cow's milk is used for it used to, because other things grass, sugar, in easily digested And eats the meadow flowers. that affect the price of milk cost more too, such as cattle Milk feed, farm labor and transporta- Milk is our best all ’round tion, But even so, milk is cheap .'ood, the most perfect food we in comparison with other foods. have. Milk is not just a beverage, j INSURE It is one of our cheapest foods, but is a complete food, No diet , too, even at present prices. is complete without it and ones ; Dll) ESTABLISHED It is also one of our most health depends largely upon it. HOUSE popular foods. The man at the Milk contains all the elements Compare CONSTRUCTION that the human body needs such loda fountain could hardly do and VALUES business without it, as it is as proteins for body building; the chief ingredient in almost fats and sugars to supply heat every drink he serves. Some and energy; vitamins to assist Our Mail Order Size people who do not care for growth and ward off disease, and Tire Tire 4.50-» plain milk are often fond of ice I mineral salts, such as iron, pros- cream, milk shake, malted milk, phorus and lime, which are need 4.7Z in. Width ...... 4.75 in. eggnog, junket, or milk soups. Weight............... 16.80 lbs. 15.68 lbs. It is said that the vigor and —Ji— success of a nation depend lar • 55® in. Thick nessofTire .598 in. EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED gely upon the quantity of milk 5 plies Plies at Tread . . 6 plies it uses. In the United States Rubber Volume. 165 cu. in. 150 cu. in. we use about 52,00,0,000,000 EYE SPECIALIST—OPTOMETRIST Price .............. ... $6.55 $6.35 quarts of milk a year. _____ About I « half of this milk is made into I One Full Day at Kullander’s Jewelry Store Convince Tourself. Come In and Examine butter, cheese, and other nutri These Actual Tire Section* tious milk products. The half; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 that remains is used for house-j FROM 9:00 A. J* TO 9:00 P. M. hold purposes and is enough to supply to each individual a PRINTING oi r Hit VERNONIA EAGLE W e S ell Q uality * • • Twelve granges of Washing ton county will participate In annual grange day at the county fair September 13. Precisely and Promptly Ôwe LINDLEY & McGF.AW Dr. Chas. 0. Anderson Here is EXTRA SAFETY and PROTECTION for Your Labor Day Trip U\DER the non-skid tread Announcing The arrival of the General Electric Full Toned Radio loi for Free Delivery Armitage Drug Co. NYAL SERVICE • Our Tire -A Mail Order (Cash Price) Tire $5.55 $5.55 4.50-21- 6.35 6.35 4.75-19- 7.55 7.55 5.00-20. 8.I5 8.15 5A5-18- 8.98 8.98 5.25-21- 9.75 9.75 6.00-20.12.55 12.90 •-»b Other Sisee Proportionately Low B. D. TRUCK TIRES 32x6—34:10 19.45 34.10 on display ¡11 our show rooms BATTERIES For complete des cription and de tails, see this week's Saturday Evening Post or Collier's. oi these famous Firestone Tires . is a double breaker of two plies of cord fabric anchored in cush ion rubber. This special con struction absorbs road shocks —protects against punctures and blowouts — provides the foundation for the thick, tough tread with deeper grooves— giving longer non-skid wear. O t IIER makesof tireshave only a single breaker of old- fashioned square woven fabric which Firestone discarded when they developed the bal loon tire. Some makes do not have any breaker at all. The Firestone Tire is set apart as an “All Cord Tire”. Weeteae ANCHOR Super lleMvy Duty Oar Tlr. ,M.II OrSw (Cash Price) Super Tire 4.50- 21. 4.75-19 5.00-19 s.25-20 5.50- 20 6.00-20 6.50- 19 7.00-20 ▼ DOUBLE GUARANTEE ▼ Every tire we sell bears the Firestone name for the protection of our good customers. Every tire carries the unlimited Firestone Guarantee and ours. $9.75 10.25 11.75 13.65 15.15 17.10 18.95 23.45 Other Sizes Proportionately Lew A Department Store for Motorists We have joined with Firestone to bring you these extra value tires at low eost. We also sell and service the complete line of Fireetone Tires, Tubes, Batteries, Brake Lining. Rims and Accessories, also Gasoline, Oils and Lubrication. Use our complete service—we will save you money and serve you better» $9.20 10.20 10.95 12.35 13.90 14.70 17.40 19.05 COURIER Oar Tlr. Orfcr (Cuh Prie.) Tir. 30x314 LW-21 4.50.21 $4.20 $4.20 4.79 4.79 5.35 5-35 A-A “Mail Order” or “Special Brand” tire is made by some unknown manufacturerand sold under a name that does not identify him to the public, usually because he builds his “first grade” tires under his own name. Drive In Today and Let Us Equip and Service l our Car! W. call for your proscrip tion. fill, and deliver it without extra charga. We deliver anything from our store anywhere. Mail orders promptly filled. OLDFIELD 30x5___ 19.45 as Doctors order themiall Tlmtoae 4.40-21. fill Prescriptions 4Í that is not duplicated at these PRICES with an I I • * Only one retailer in Forest Grove was found to be comply ing with the state law providing for the grading and inspection of potatoes, according to C. A. Cunningham, deputy state potato inspector, upon a recent visit to that city. form called dextros, is added, thur M. Hyde, Secretary of Agri-i previously how important it is making it nearest like mother's culture, says “Regulating market- from an economic and health milk. ing alone is not enough. Some- standpoint. Better citizens for Milk is very perishablf and re thing must be done also to re-' our country are produced through quires very careful handling. Many dairies pasteurize their gulate production. Here begins an abundant supply of good milk which kills dangerous dis the chief respon$ibilty of the milkk. As President Hoover says ease germs. The secret of clean I farmers, individually and col- “The white race cannot long milk is 1, to buy from pure, - lectively.” It has been stated survive without dairy products.“ .sanitary sources; 2, buy milk in covered bottles; 3, keep milk cold I for germs develop less rapidly then; 4, keep milk covered from flies, dust, and odors; 5, keep milk and butter in lower part of ice box as it absorbs odors rapidly. I Oregon Gas & Electric Co Vernonia Kerr Motor Co. Vernonia