Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 22, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930.
A daughter arrived
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Tisdale Tuesday, August 19.
Mr. ___
and ___
Mrs. Olin Robbins
are parents of a son born AuguA
Lloyd Baker and Frank Han-
in motored to Lebanon last
Thursday, returning Saturday.
Mrs. W. E. Linn returned tc
Vernonia last Thursday after
spending a month at Fort Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lappe and
Frances left Tuesday for San
E lis Saulisbury, who has been
employed at Cline's Shoe shop,
is very ill at this time.
Grandma Colter has been suf-
fering from a heat prostation the
last week, but is somewhat im-
proved at present.
R. N. Raynor
went back to
work this week after being laid
up since August 10 with a badly
bruised knee.
R. B. Early of Portland has
been in Vernonia on business for
several days. He is registered
at the Hotel Gordon.
Mr. and Mr3. C. S. Hoffman
and daughters Catherine and Al­
ice are spending the week at
Wilburn Charlesworth return­
ed Sunday after spending a two
weeks’ vacation in Silverton and
Misses Leona and Florence
Hamsher of Kansas City are
spending a month with their
aunt, Mrs. C. L. Brock.
nesday evening at Vernonia hos­ MRS. JACKSON HOSTESS
pital. She weighed eight pounds TO LOYAL GLEANERS
four ounces.
Mrs. W. Jackson was hostess
Charlie Moulton, 12-year old
the Loyal Gleaners at the
son of Charles Moulton, is con­ to
Christian church last Wednes-
fined to his home with a severe day. Mrs. R. A. Olsen gave a
nfection of his heel which he review of the book, “The Recrea-
bruised a week ago. The lad tion of Brian Kent,” by r Harold
will probably have to remain in Bell Wright.
Mrs. E. Knight
bed another week.
and Mrs. Olsen sang a duet,
Miss Erma McMannus of Long- “Send Out Thy Light.” Plans
ziew was the guest last week of were discussed for a play which
Mrs. W. J. Armitage. During is to be given in the near fu­
the weekend Miss McMannus and ture.
The next meeting will be held
William Armitage drove to New­
port for a visit with the latter’s August 27 at the home of Mrs.
Harry Culbertson on Weed ave-
grandfather, B. M. Armitage.
nue. Those present were Mes-
Mrs. Tom Magoff, who has dames R. A. Olsen, E. Knight,
□een confined to her bed since M. L. Herron, T. Wann, R.
August 11 with a bad case of Charlesworth, C. Stevens, M.
nfection where she bruised her Mulkins, A. C. Hunter.
•ight shin bone, is reported im-
,roving. Mrs. Magoff is an em
oloyee of the Vernonia laundry.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Drorbaugh
had as their guests over the
weekend their daughter, Haze
Bean, and friend Hienie Larsoi
,f Portland, and their daughtei
ind husband, Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Wash- ­
Buckley, of Centerville, Wash
Hulan Thacker, connected witl
the Koster Products company, ha:
been suffering since Tuesday
from an attack of acute cedar
poisoning resulting from handling
His doctor
reports that
■edar. Ill-
- ’
he will be all right in a few
Claire, the seven-year old
daughter of P. H. Melis, has a
you. lacerated
________ leg 88 8 reSU^
>f getting caught on a barbwire
fence while playing last week.
V number of stitches were re­
quired to close the deep gashes.
However, the little lady, is get-
sing along fine.
Miss Lenora Kizer, teacher ii
the local grade school, who hat
been ___
_ from infection
which developed after she ha<-
run a blackberry thorn in hei
linger about a week ago, is get-
ting along very nicely.
Kizer is living at the B. F. Ro-
gers’ home.
Ralph Nance left for Eugene,
Medford, Grants Pass and othei
points Wednesday of last week.
He is employed by the Union
Oil company.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hall, whv
have been running the Ivory Bun­
galow at Mist the past four
months have sold their lease ano MISSIONARY BAZAAR
are moving to Weiser, Idaho.
W. M. Nance and Mrs. Roy F.
Nance and little son Jackie have
The Ladies’ Missionary society
been visiting relatives at Hood of Birkenfeld are giving thei.
River and The Dalles the past bazaar and program at the Bir
ten days.
kenfeld gymnasium August 26 at
J. M. Mackenzie, a representa 8 p. m.
A small admission will b<
tive of the Marshall-Wells com­
pany, is stopping at the Hotel charged and delicious refresh
Gordon while he is in town on ments served free.
Dwight Findley, son of Dr.
M. C. Findley of Salem, was a PICNIC AT ARCADIA
Sunday guest of his aunt and
The Rainbow Girls held a de­
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hair,
at Hotel Nehalem.
lightful picnic at Arcadia park
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Burk oi last Friday. They assembled at
Portland spent Tuesday night the Masonic temple at 11 o’clock
at the Hotel Nehalem while they and left immediately for the
were on their way home from park where they spent the morn­
a trip to the coast.
ing swimming. A picnic lunch
Other guests of the Hotel Gor­ was then enjoyed by all and the
don this week are E. E. i Arm- afternoon was spent in dancing,
strong of Salem, and N. . W. singing and swimming. Water­
Younger, A. E. melon and ice cream were the
Scrugg, H. E. Smith, and F. M. final treat of the afternoon.
Those present were Mrs. E. A.
Williams, all of Portland.
Green, Charlotte Green, Nelle
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brock had Green, Bonnie Jean Campbell,
as their guests last week Mr. Mrs. F. D. Mcpherson, Mrs.
Brock's brother-in-law and two H. Roberson, Louise, Joe and
sisters, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Hamp Roberson, Mrs. George
Trueblood and Mrs. Pearl Rhodes Drorbaugh and Maybelle, Mrs.
of Ferndale, Washington.
Rainey, Christine
and James
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brock Rainey, Mrs. Judd Greenman.
and family and their guests Phoebe Greenman, Mrs. Good­
Misses Leona and Florence Ham- win, Mrs. R. A. Simmons, Allie
sher of Kansas City and I Miss Simmons, Mrs. Louise George,
Arlene Brock of Hillsboro spent I Catherine Malmsten, May De
I Throop, Audrey Austin, Florence
last week at Seaside.
and Elizabeth Wall, Velma and
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindley are Alberta Veal, Joy Bush, Marg-
the proud parents of a baby girl, aret Nelson, Verla Messing, Mary
who was born about 5:30 Wed- Ann Childs, Elna Spencer.
of the W. M. S. are urged to
G. W. Plumer, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sunell and
and children motored to Cornel- children motored to Astoria on
ius to visit with her sister, Mrs. I
(Continued on Page 7)
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
Service of the church for
Lord’s day, August 24: 9:45
a. m. Bible school, 10,:45 a. m.,
Divine morning worship. Theme:
“In our Communing with the
7 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
A good time with our young
folks, both young married and
the unmarried, 8 p. m. Evening
service of the day. "Why do
People go Fishing?”
M. G. Hixson, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at 11. Even­
ing Evangelistic service at 7:45.
Lively singing and praise ser-
vice with special message in
Mid-week services on Wednes-
day and Friday evenings at 7:45.
We have services on the street
followed by a meeting in
We cordially invite one
The Sunday school meets at all to these services.
9:45 a. m., in charge of A. C.
Knauss. The Christian Endeavor
If you have anything to
7 p. m. The pastor, G. W. Plu­ rent, or want to buy,
mer, will preach at 11 a. m., classified in the Eagle.
and 8 p. m. Morning subject,
“The Glorious Beauty and Use­
fulness of God’s Children;”
Leave Your Kodak
Evening: “The Blessing of Pray­
ing for Others.”
work at
The Sunday school is planning
to hold their annual picnic in
the ball park Thursday, August
28, beginning at 2 p. m., and
picnic dinner at 6 p. m.
The Woman’s Missionary so-
ciety is planning an all day pic-
We give you a 40 cent en­
nic and social time at the home
largement free with each
of Sheriff and Mrs. O. G. Weed
50 cent order of Kodak
near St. Helens Tuesday, August 11‘ work.
26. They will start from the
church at 9 a. m. All members
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Proutzman
were Vernonia shoppers on Sat­
Mr. and Mrs. R. Palmenter,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmenter and
daughter Echo motored to Sal­
em over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitchell mo-
tored to Portland Saturday. Ruth
Burdick accompanied them.
Mrs. H. Bearer called at the
home of Mrs. Gilbert Holt one
day last week.
Mrs. Chas. Uhlin was a Verno­
nia shopper on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmedlin
and family of Burns were at
Vernonia on Sunday.
Clifford Bergerson is threshing
for H. Wilson on Monday.
Miss Helen Burdick of Port­
land is visiting with her aunt
at camp.
Shoe Prices
All Shoes have been cut in price,
there being a reduction of 50 to 75 cents
on dress shoes.
A full line of 4 makes of—
Averaging from $12.50 to $20.00 per pair.
Workingman's Store
• •you have never enter
ed our clean, orderly stores
or seen our attractive displays oi
good foods to eat;
you haven’t given our friendly
salesmen an opportunity to show
you what Safeway service
really means;
Then you owe it to yourself to
visit yotrr nearest Safeway Store
and experience a new
Drug *
shopping pleasure.
Safeway Savings For Friday, Saturday and Monday,
August 22, 23 and 25
For Friday and Saturday
With Every Pint Boil Ge
of >1131 Solution
Saleway Flour
Blended and milled to our specification. The all-
purpose family Flour. Every sack guaranteed
Pound Bag
Citrus Soap
A cleansing, non-irritating deoderant
to be used as a mouth wash, nasal spray,
It’s a real labor savor for the family work
gargle, douche or lotion.
io© Tablets
Puretest Aspirisi
F Pharmacy
Large Clean White Beans. They cook
up nice and soft.
Straight Grain
10 Pounds
Max-I-Mum Hominy
Superior Quality
19c Tomato
No. 2>/2 cans
Pork and Beans
Campbells Slow-Cooked Golden Brown
A healthful and
quickly prepared
item for lunch.
Washing Powder will be found very ef­
ficient for washing, scouring and
(Hold 50-lbs. ice.)
Savings In Our Market
Beef Pot Roasts
From Fine Beef
POUND ...........................
A Pure Vegetable Shortening
7 Pieces of Beautiful
Crackle Glass
Very Special
Mellinger Hdwe. Co
Well Streaked with Lean, By the
-STORE NO. 225
Boiling Beef
Short Ribs