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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1930)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON EIGHT --------- ----------------------------------------- commission can easily select the ter Margaret left Monday for larger projects, which will be, Mrs. Grenfel, county secretary at this 1 to 0 count until the most feasible and practical route Tigard, Oregon, for a week’s backed by the more localized un of Yamhill county union. fifth when Cathlamet broke the visit with Mrs. Fisher’s parents, ions. from there to the coast. ice and tied up the affair. The The meeting was opened by H. No unselfish person or commu Mr. and Mrs. James Moore. inning opened by Marshall let CURLY’S TRANSFER M«Bee of Dallas, state president, nity can offset by any local ar ting one roll through his legs. who called upon the members Phone Business 221 The Vernonia Eagle will be gument the important fundamen BUILDING OF NEW This man was sacrificed to sec The Vernonia Tennis team was of the various locals for short Residence 653 ond, took third on a fielder’s printed next week, according to tal features of this route. SCHOOL NEARS END defeated by Longview in a tour talks. Those who spoke were choice and later came home on * present plans, on a Babcock drum ! The early completion of the Local and Long Dis nament held here Sunday. The 1 , cylinder press, which was moved Oregon Coast highway makes Construction work on the new Theodore Flink, Downing; Jack a single. tance Hauling local team was unable to win The battle continued all tied to Vn.nAni'i Vernonia from Washougal, [action by the highway commission Washington grade school is near Anliker, Beaver Homes; Than I any matches, though some of Brown, Yankton; J. Mickleson, imperative to meet the demands apiece until the | Washington, last Friday, ing completion. It is expected , them were hardly* contested. Carl up at one run with one away ! T of the traveling public by the Downing local; Theodore Peter The new press is of the same that the class rooms will be fin — — eleventh when Davidson lost his match to P. J. „ ‘ sj® ' e ■ as the Cottrell selection of the straightest, short- ished September 1, but the gym- ! son, Warren; R. E. Stratton, Al Brooks started things again by type and Landry after taking the first set i est and safest route because it on which the Eagle has ! nasium will not be ready until [ der Grove. i tripling between center and left press c.. 6-1, and forcing the third set to I Visitors to the meeting were fields and then scored the win- been printed ever since it was I will save time and money. Time later. 9-7. Neal Bush also forced his for beach recreation, the real ob Plastering will probably be State President McBee, Mrs. Bet ning run a moment later when i founded eight years ago, but man, C. Elster to three sets, 6-1, McGregor hit a long sacrifice ’ having been rebuilt last January jective of the trip, and money completed this week. ty Cappahf of Edgene, state sec I 1-6, 6-3. Other matches result operation of equipment VERNONIA SERVICE GARAGE School begins September 15, retary; E. R. Jackson, seed cer fly to center field. The Bull [ it is in much better mechanical in the ed as follows: C. Bain vs W . W. Dogs made Fredrickson tifier of the state college, and >uc a a desperate .............. one week later than attempt shape, and will give greater satis- to get there. W. Sharp vs Wolff 6-1, 8-6. the game in their half faction, not only in printing the school. to win I.— „----- -- ----- ----- HUNTING SEASON NOT T. Brown, 6-1, 6-0. Sharp and of the eleventh but the rally fell newspaper but also in commer- DEER TO BE POSTPONED LONG and T. by the wayside when they start-1 Gal printing too large for t e Elster vs H. Hixson Brown, 6-0, 6-3. Bain and Land ed running wild on the bases. ! job press. It is equipped wit The opening of deer hunting and M. D. putting a thrilling end to a most j a variable speed control, a iea- ry vs R. DeGraf season under no circumstances will Cole 6-3, 6-4. I ture rarely found on drum cy- marvelous game. be delayed longer than October Next Sunday a tournament The box score of Sunday’s, Under presses. 1, and should it be necessary to will be played here with Van- game follows: 1 | The Cottrell press has been postpone the opening hunters will A Columbia county unit of the Haywood couver, Washington, and the fol Vernonia B. AB R H PO i A E|bought by the C. This Farmers’ union was formed at the machinery be given ample warning. lowing Sunday the Athletic club Linn SS printing 5 0 3 2 3 0 company, was decided recently when Gover county meeting on the fair are planning an outing at Sea [ Greenman IB 3 0 0 8 2 0 dealers of Portland, who will in nor Norblad, officials of the fed grounds August 6. J. Anliker of side. Tentative arrangements have 1 Hawkins LF 4 0 1 2 0 1 i stall the Babcock press early eral and state forest service, Beaver Homes was elected presi- been made to play Astoria here I Brooks CF 5 2 3 2 0 0 next week. I leaders in private timber associa I dent, Theodore Flink of Downing August 31 and to journey to | McGregor P The Cason Transfer company 4 0, 0 3 4 0 tions and officers of the state i vice-president, Mrs. R. H. Mc Longview September 6 for a tour- ! Malmsten 3B 5 0 1 1 1 0 brought the new press to Ver- 1 game commission met in Port nament. Marshall 2B 3 0 1 1 2 I nonia. with the assistance of Fred land. Last year a great deal of Adam of Downing secretary, John It is not something the bank gives to Brand of Delena door keeper and 0 H. Veith, of the Eagle shop Lillig RF 4 0 0 1 0 inconvenience was experienced by Thon Brown of Yankton conduc you or anyone else. It is something that q force, who went to Washougal to Laird C 4 0 0 12 ' hunters because the opening of tor. An executive committee was __ __ assist with the loading. The press you create for yourself through good in the season was delayed when they 37 33 13 2 was formerly the property of (were “all set” to go into the formed consisting of Adolph Bo tentions, ability or character. dine of Mayger, J. Mickelson of E The Washougal Record, now pub- .the woods and mountains after Cathlamet AB PO A Bradbury and County Agent 0 I lished in Camas. ' deer. 0 0 5 Hunters as well as tim- ------------ Stoner RF A. Nelson. The individual who has established 2 2 0i= =77^=. , bermen are hopeful that by Sep- George Lew 4 In their most exciting game of ^B of Beaver Homes was Jack his credit at the bank, may justly feel t 3 0 other a single, in five trips to tember 15—the date scheduled the season and in one of the J” Doumitt SS 5 I elected purchasing agent for the 0 7 o ( the bat. Walt Linn also helped for the opening of deer season— most thrilling contests ever wit-I 9oumitt P 5 that he has attained a high personal I county unit. 2 1 o.| his average getting three hits out rolls around sufficient rain will 5 nessed by any baseball fan, the [Faubion 3B About 125 were present at achievement. 2 0 j of five times up. 5 12 have fal! “ n to cause no hazard I Hanigan C Vernonia Redshirts battled for i the meeting, which was called for averages to 1 0 ot The _________ _ - . and including in going into the woods. In de I the express purpose of organiz- eleven innings of scorching base j Sauvinger LF 5 are fol- 0 0 last Sunday ’ s game as 3 3 ciding to under no circumstances ball last Sunday to defeat Cath ; Boylan CF [ mg a county union of farmers. postpone the opening later than This is a strictly business or- 12 0 0 lows: 4 lamet 2 to 1. The game was an Boyles 1B — I Player AB R H October 1 the state and federal I ganization, which will devote it- old fashioned pitchers’ battle 4 fi 8 21 officials were convinced that they l self to cooperative marketing 38 1 it i 33 15 0 McGregor from beginning to end with Mc 48 13 18 0.10 000 000 01—2 Brooks ........... were being fair to both sportsmen ! and buying of farm produce and Gregor of Vernonia having a lit Vernonia 43 10 15 and those interested in saving our ■ necessities. During the past year tle the best of Doumitt for Cath-i Cathlamet - 000 010 000 00—1 Linn . 52 14 18 forests from fire danger. lamet. Each pitcher allowed only j Summary; Three base hit. Hawkins ...... ' the union has been quietly or-1 22 5 7 nine hits and each walked only Brooks: Homo run, Brooks; Sac Heniges ' i-anizing local units, and locals 24 1 Marshall 7 Hawkins, one man, McGregor whiffing 12 rifice ....... hits. ....... Greenman, ............ COUNTY BANKERS already have been formed. 8 7 Greenman 27 men and Doumitt retiring 11 via Marshall and Boylan- ■ Sacrifice MEET HERE AUG. 16 Through the central union the 8 31 6 Mnlmsten Although fly, McGregor; Stolen bases. the strike-out route. I farmers intend to carry out their 8 2 2 Doumitt allowed the same num-¡Linn °. Stoner. Risk and Sauvisr- Tnho-on The Columbia County Bank'it 2 9 0, ber of hits as McGregor did, ner; Brise on halls off MeGre'-or Black association will meet in the Bank 5 3 1 he had the misfortune of having 1. Doumittl : Struck out bv M •- Lillig 'of Vernonia Saturday afternoon ... 5 1 1 to pitch to the “Terrible Temper- Gregor 12. Doumitt 11: Left on Drorhaugh •and evening. Sam Baker, presi- 49 7 8 ed Mr. Brooks” who was indeed bases, Vernonia 7. Cathlamet 7 ; ■ Laird I dent of the Oregon Bankers’ as- ¡Gibson 7 0 1 on a batting rampage Sunday. | Umpires. Zellner and Norris. Lociation, and Ted Kramer, secre- This aforementioned Brooks got I Baiting Average« ' tar.v will be present. E. A. Boa* a homer, a triple and a singlei The batting average for the Commission Investi of the Columbia County bank of in five trips to the plate. local baseball club slipped slight- gates Coast Routes St. Helens is president of the As a matter of fact “Ducky- ly Sunday, dropping from .314 county association. DEPART STORE Wudky” Brooks won the game to <307. McGregor still leads The association meets four or (Continued from Page 1) for the " ~ Redshirts single handed, the club with an average of .457. five times a year, going the for he started the fireworks in Brooks jumped into second place I route for the great majority. rounds of the county banks. the second inning when he slapped when he went on a big hitting The Baseline road is a straight, Visits Parents out a home run far out beyond spree, getting three wallops, one1 route from Portland to Forest center field. The game went on a homer. triple and the Grove and the engineers of the I Mrs. Ray D. Fisher and daugh- Longview Tennis Team Beats Locals Eagle To Have Press From Washougal 7re BRAKESi Service on f . reuiued /^ iis H Form County Unit Of Farmers Union Credit Vernonia Defeats Cathlamet 2 to 1 of Vernonia SiorrXo. I486 Buy Blankets today on Now Announcing Amazing Price Reduction \/ A Small Deposit Will Hold Until Wanted Ask About It! Be Prepared for Fall! Our Stocks Are Complete—And Low Priced! Double Part-W ool Blankets Extra large size 70x80—And Onlv $2.98 DOUBLE COTTON BLANKETS Wire or Disk wheels Optional Call 491 for Demonstration Gilby Motor Co Extra large size 70x80 and made of fine giade of cotton. $1.98 SHEET BLANKETS Extra Large Size 70x80 89c WE HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD VALUES TO SELECT FROM. c