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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1930)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930. VERNONIA ÉAGLÉ. VERNONIA, OREGON SIX in Timber and Westimber. Mr. charge. Edith were at the beach over Sunday. laak, Eunice and Ralph Root pic The Misses Bernice Thurston Sunday. Mrs. Irene Morse, postmistress Wheeler is the owner of the nicked at Arcadia park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Haskins and here, underwent an operation Timber mercantile store at Tim- and Elma Spooner of Forest Mr. and Mrs. Marchel also vi Mr. Stone of Portland motored Monday for sinus trouble, at the her, which was opened for busi- Grove visited the latter’s brother, sited relatives in Vernonia dur Fred Spooner, Sunday. He is out to visit at the Charles Far- Emanuel hospital in Portland. ing the afternoon. * The employed in the Shiffer garage. ness several weeks ago. well home! Sunday. A birthday party was given Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins are go Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clevenger Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Root, Forest Miss Helen Kappel of ‘ ~ building is new and quite mo- Carl Nelson, who has been ing xo move into the house va dern in design, the interior is Grove visited friends in Timber Jr., Mrs. C. K. Christianson and were Sunday guests of Mr. Clev for Mrs. Wright at her home Sunday evening. The evening foreman at the local Southern cated by the Floyd Tefft family. painted white presenting an at Sunday. son Charles were in Vernonia vi enger’s mother, Mrs. R. T. Clev was spent socially and a delicious Pacific shops, moved his family enger, at Oregon City Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wheeler tractive siting friends Tuesday evening. Miss Anita Schiffer and Court- appearance. Charles among the to Portland last week. He will Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudrow were lunch was served ney Syverson spent Sunday even J. B. Wheeler came out from and two small sons, Kelly and ( Prouty, who was with the C. H. Portland visiting relatives friends present, who came to be foreman at the Brooklyn shops. Jimmie of Portland spent Sunday' Wheeler store at Codhran, is in ing in Vernonia. "V Portland Monday looking after in wish Mrs. Wright many happy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilmore for a few days last week. business interests. Those pre spent the w’eekend in Portland. returns of the. day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peoples sent were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. They enjoyed golf while there and daughter Irene went to West made a business trip to Forest Gilmore, Mrs. A. T. Kilburg, and also took in the ball game Grove Monday. Fir, Oregon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Beaver, who is working Miss Rose Koebuck, Mr. and Mrs. at Vaughn street. William Peoples, son of Mrs. M. L. Welter, Burleigh Tallman, who is work- at West Fir, Oregon, visited Mr. W. H. Krebs, is now working Riche, C. Bigger, C. Holburg and ing at Wilark, spent Sunday in the mill at West Fir near and Mrs. Rube Nelson last week. Miss Joyce Harris. with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Dayl of Eugene. He had been employed Mrs. W. F. Brinkmeyer and Mr. Norton of Salem has mov in the local mill here for the i Portland were guests of Mr. ed to Timber. He is employed Donald Hefner were in Hillsboro past 2 years coming here from and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe for a few Saturday, Mr. Brinkmeyer motor Pennsylvania, where he had been days. Mr. Dayl is Mrs. Wolfe’3 on the Southern Pacific. ed to Hillsboro in the evening the uncle. Arthui Elliott moved making his home with relatives. Glen Peoples and his mother, household goods of Reed Ingalls to bring them home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beyers left Mrs. W. H. Krebs, were in For- from Westimber to Longview Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mont for West Fir Sunday. They est Grove Saturday, Mr. Peoples Sunday. gomery and daughter Marjorie may locate there. going there for medical aid. Floyd Tefft has gone to Eu and Mr.and Mrs. Percy McCamp- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crites of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls gene to work for the S. P. His bell and daughter Delia spent Vancouver, Washington, were moved their household goods to family, who recently moved here Tuesday in Portland. here over the weekend with Mr. Longview Sunday. Ed Berger made a pleasure Mr. Ingalls from Beaverton, is leaving for Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls. Mrs. has a job at the Weyerhaueser Eugene this week to live. trip to Portland Sunday. Crites is Mr. Ingalls’ mother. Berger is with the Southern Pa- mill , there. For the past four C. A. Chilton of Oakridge re- cific here. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Winans years he was log scaler for the turned to Timber as foreman of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Arey had of Aberdeen, Washington, were Eagle Lumber company here. the local Southern Pacific shops, as their Sunday guests Mr. and weekend guests of Mr. Winans’ which position he held before Mrs. H. L. Arey of Portland. mother, Mrs. Vida Winans. They WRECKS CAR STALL leaving for Oakridge. He is Miss Margaret Elliott, who has also visited Mrs. Clinton Winans’ again domiciled at the W. E. charge of the local telephone of WOODBURN—(UP)—A minia Gilmore home. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Il- fice, spent the weekend with her Frost at Hillsboro. ture twister scattered a 200,-foot Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Willis, who brother, Ray Elliott, at Foss. Wm. Ferlaak, head carpenter 24-car stall about the premises have been on an extended motor Miss Helen Kappel of Forest for the Eagle Lumber company of the Ray-Brown cannery here. is at Cochran building a service Nearby, a huge stack of boxes trip through the mid west, re Grove and Anita Schiffer visited turned home again Sunday. They friends in Vernonia Sunday. was untouched. station. visited relatives and friends in Mrs. A. T. Kilburg, Anita Mrs. Isabelle Ross, accompani Minnesota and also toured Schiffer and Courtney Syverson POLICE SEIZE CARGO We wish to announce that we are now handling General Electric ed by Harriet and Margaret around the Great Lakes. motored to Beaverton Monday Kern, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. THE DALLES—(UP)—An au Cleaners. We believe them to be the best values offered at or near Charles Farwell and son to visit friends there. Mrs. evening L. R. Kern, spent Sunday at tomobile equipped with 172 gal die prices. They have General Electric motors that need no oiling. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harris and _ Gaston with Miss Ross’s par lons of pure grain alcohol was Lowell ----- ----- son of Rockaway visited the for They have forceful suction that cleans with get-to-the-bottom ents, who reside there. siezed by police. The cargo was ‘ friends in Portland. I Mrs. Sam Morelli and daughter mer’s sister, Joyce Harris, Mrs. C. K. Christianson and valued at $1000. thoroughness. They have every feature that makes for ease of Mrs. Herbert Root, who have use. And, above all, they are guaranteed by General Electric. been guests of relatives at Mill City for the past week, returned Their low prices give you no real indication of the high home Saturday. quality of the cleaners. Come in and see them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole of Portland visited at the H. L. Root home Monday. Mr. Poole is Mrs. Root's brother. He is employed in the post office at Portland and is enjoying his an Standard Junior A nual vacation, having spent sev Model Model eral weeks at Ocean beach, Washington. ieaa attachments Alex McIntosh, Miss Ann Gor- leas attachment* rie, Jeannie and Harry Withers Two sets of attachments arc Tested and approved by available at $6.50 and $10.00 and Marvin Gorrie of Springfield Good Housekeeping Institute were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. England last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burt were Sunday guests of Mrs. Burt’s cousin, Melvin Galloway, at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Baird went to Portland Saturday. They the high powered, high speed cars of today, with needed quick starts and were accompanied to Forest slops, you should have this extra protection. Just look at the inside of this Grove by Isabelle Ross, who spent the day with friends there. Firrstcne Anchor Super Heavy Duty Tire. There are eight plies of cor Is under Fulton Harrison and three chil the «1! Yon-Skid, Center Traction Tread. It is a big—tough—strong tire— a con- dren of Longview, Washington, •i'U<«o-on that insures against punctures and blowouts. was the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kern Friday. Mr. Har Come In and See for rison is Mrs. Kern’s brother. Mrs D. C. England and chil Yonrnelf! For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on dren, Maxine Withams, who is a Everyone Should ¿Ttsvo this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business We have cut up various brands visitor at the England home from and professional people. Portland, and Billy and Roy of tires, so that you can see the Miller picnicked on the Nehalem inside construction. Come in Everyone Can Afford Io l*ay river near Westimber Sunday BEAUTY SHOPS and make these comparisons, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Noble had Hotel HyVan E HAVE JOINED with Firestone's Co-operative Plan hr» section for section, ami you will as their guests Sunday, Mr. PASTIME give you lower prices and plus values by reducing op< 2- STEAM HEAT Noble's brother and family from ing costs, and with volume business on a small margin of pru.ii readily see the superiority of CARDS AND The best for those Newberg. we are able to make you the«e substantial savings. Firestone. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burt and k Personal Service j who appreciate the LIGHT LUNCHES We sell ami service the com Miss Tessie Hodson spent Thurs best. ■ wiV'ÓÌ' ¿ Reasonable Ratesj Lloyd Baker, Prop. day in Forest Grove with friends. plete line of Firestone Tires, ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE Miss Maxine Withams of Port OI.nilEI.D z.xruon Tubes, Batteri?s, Kims, Brake Phone 431 land is visiting at the D. C. I Sup« .• Heavy lluiy Our Tire -A Mail Order Lining ami Accessories, and England home for a week. (Cash Prie«» Tire Oar Tire ★ Mail Order M. Dygert, who has been work actually give you greater Hupor Tira <Cazh Price) Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy 4.40-21 $5.55 $5.55 4.S0 si $9.20 ing in a logging camp at Ripple values. $9.75 returned home Wednesday. 4.50-21 . 6.35 6.35 DR. R. A. OLSON 4.7J-19 10.20 »TINTO P0U8U CORP 8RIAkfR THICKfR IW 10.25 Jack Axtel, I). C. England Local & long distance Chiropractor 4.75-19 7.55 HOME COOKING 7-55 5.03-20 and Mr. Williams went to Port 11.35 11.95 Tel. 671 1117 State " HAULING WE AIM TO PLEASE 5.00-19. 7.98 land Sunday, Mr. Williams going 7.98 5.25-20 Vernonia, Ore 12.35 13.65 on to West Fir, Oregon, where Phone 923 5.00-20 . 8.15 8.15 6.03 19 he will work. 14-45 16.65 Office in MORE RURBFR IN 5.25- 18 Leonard Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. 8.98 8.98 6.50-19 fREAD AND SIDFWALL CONTRACTORS 17.40 18.95 Workingmen’s Store Russel Burt and their house 5.25- 21 9.75 9.75 7.00-20 guest. Miss Tessie Hudson of 19.05 23.45 6.00-20 12.55 Hood River, attended the dance 12.90 Other Size« Proportionately Law The Right Place to Eat IMIIilll « Ply JOHN A. MILLER in Balm Grove , Saturday night. Other Sizes Proportionately Low Super Heavy Bniv Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert and Excellent Cooking General Contractor Bafford Brothers daughter Lorraine went to Port II. ». TRUCK TIRES land Friday. They were ac < Ot BIER Mason Work, Building companied home by Mrs. Stone General Plumbing ★ Mail Order Oor Tire 3o,s $19.45 $19.45 and son Junior, who visited at Tira (C*nh Price) ANNOUNCEMENT the Dygert home for a few days. 32x6 34.10 34.10 30 314 $4.20 $4.20 Vernonia I have leased and am now DENTISTS Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Marchel operating the Sessman 4.40-21 4-79 $<if swnwviiirtiaHt 4-79 made a trip to Portland Monday NO fit W M All Blacksmith Shop. evening. Mr. Marchel is head •■50-21 5.35 5.35 Repairing of All Kinde clerk for the Eagle Lumlser M. D. COLE r A 1 F A 1 W. M. Faulkner company here. Mary Kato MAU ORDIR TIRÍ [ SIANWW BÍANP Mrs. R. Dudrow had as her Dentist house guest last week her mo LAWYERS ther, Mrs. A. E. Jones of Port Vernonia, Oregon BATTE» IES land. 13 Plate Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig and The I ire.loiie Anchor Super Heavy son Shirley spent Sunday in Port Sentinel Dutv Balloon lias a double cord DR. W. H. HURLEY land at Jantzen beach. breaker — It plies under the tread. Miss Tessie Hudson of Hood Some other makes have no breaker Attorney-at-law Dentistry and X-Ray UL. A “Mail Order" or “Sperisi Brand" tire is made by some nt nil nml some a sfhgle breaker made River was the house guest of You 11 enjoy a bowl with old-fashioned, square woven Joy Theatre Building unknown manufacturer and sold under a namr that does Mrs. Russell Rurt last week Hoffman Hdwe. Building fabric that Firestone discarded when not identify him to the public, usually because he builds his of delicious Chop Vernonia, Oregon Elmer Burt, who has been lhev developed the balloon tire. “best grade” tires under his own name. Vernonia, Oregon employed in the mill of the Suey after the show. Eage Lumber company for the PHYSICIANS past year left for St. Louis, Mis HOTEL ■Mil RLE Cal ARANTEE. Every lire Fimlune make. bear, the name "FIRESTONE". souri. last week to visit relatives «”'1 every tire we sell carries the Firestone unlimited Guar antee and min. >011 are doubly protected-aln dutelv assured every dollar you spend buvs real quality and nnd friends there. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. satisfaction, w e guarantee that you will get all vfca miles out of your tires that have been built in by Firestone. HOTEL GORDON Mr. and Mrs. Mat*vin Howlett and son Marvin, Jr., of Elk Riv Newly Furnished Room» Physician and Surgeon Hot and Cold Water er. Idaho, were guests of Mr. and We Mount Your Tires FREE ♦ Drive In Today! Mrs. J. B. Marchel last week. Next to Post Office Phone Hospital 931 DROWN MORTUARY Very Reasonable Rates Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren Town Office 891 Phone 593 Mr. and Mrs. Dudrow's mother. Mrs. A. E. Jones, who is visit ing at the Dudrow home from Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dr. J. A. Hughes Kern made up a party for the Physician and Surgeon id dance at Arcadia park Saturday evening. Office Phone 663 'Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Marchel Res. Phone 664 — -Oregon Ä. Renai reef afi and daughter Cecelia, Henry Fer- i hotel c onald TOM H. KING, SR., TAILOR Timber West im ber Important Announcement We are now selling ELECTRIC GENERAL CLEANER $30o60 and $21.75 » » Him is EXTRA S afety ! Oregon Gas & Electric Co G. W. FORD, Stipi SAFETY. . . Professional and Business Di redory PRICES___ W The Dixie Grill Cason Transfer Terminal Cafe Gordon R. Watt Chop Suey Restaurant COMPLETE« «^FUNERALS Kerr Motor Co Voriionhi FUTINC r frifcKAIIN® S L AT IK Ml j M D € leaned-Pressed 4