VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, PREGI-N FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930, I THREE also made a pleasure trip to Jan- Agriculture Making Great guest of Mrs. R. L. Dudrow, “ROCK OF AGES” TO BE tzen 1 each and Lotus Isle while Strides in Clatsop County will return to Portland Tuesday. SHOWN AT STATE FAIR there. A. C. Ahlgren was in Portland Astoria BUDGET: Census fi- on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Jones and SALEM—(Specia’.) — “Rock Elmer Burt and Glen Peoples childri .1 spent the week end with Kures just released show tilled of Ages,” widely-known silk X Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland left Monday for Westfir, where Mr. J nes’ sister, Mrs. Reynolds. acres in Clatsop county jumped patchwork quilt with 18,125 sep Mrs. Peoples spent Saturday in Portland where they will work, The Maxon family are spend- 6024 inl920,tol2,830 in arate pieces, has been entered by more ing several days in Vancouver. I 1930; assessed valuation * Committee for the next Cham has gone to Vernonia to get her they went on business. Mrs. Peter Bergerson was tak than doubled, increasing from Charles Pratt of Philadelphia in Ira Peterson cut his hand the sister Grace to stay with her for Wm. Bridgers was a Portland ! the Oregon state fair, Septem en to a Portland hospital Wed ber of Commerce meeting is as some time. last of the week and had to have business visitor Monday and $438,035 to $934,360. Dairy ani ber 22 to 28. Pratt is said to follows: Mesdames George Dror- nesday. mals increased from 4800 to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burt a few stitfaes taken. Tuesday. haugh, F. M. Ruhl, Albert Childs, spent more than 1500, hours 6450 but with a greater increase have Lee Osburn was a Mist visitor Goldie Keaton of Birkenfeid Lee Beveridge, and G. R. Van were at Hood River Sunday to in its manufacture. The Wm. Meadows family are in production per cow. visit his mother. Monday morning. underwent a tonsil operation at Vleet. moving down on the Mire’s place, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kern and John McMullin was down to recently occupied by the Wm. the Vernonia hospital Thursday. POULTRYMEN WANT TRAIN ENTRIES FOR 2:20 TROT Misses Esther and Ruth Hev- Mrs. Sheffield, Mrs. Kern’s mo the village Sunday. Keaton family. RECEIVED TO AUG. 15 erling of Seattle spent the week Mrs. G. Devine and Mrs. A. I ther, were in Portland Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lincoln A committee of members of motored to Silverton Sunday to end as the guests of Mr. and and Sunday. Mrs. Sheffield re Dowling were business visitors in [ A. R. Melis recently purchas SALEM—(Special.)— Entries Clatskanie Wednesday. Mrs. Dow-! ed a new binder from Wm. Brid the Oregon Poultry association visit Mr. Lincoln’s mother, who Mrs. A. C. Knauss and also re- mained there. has called in Paul V. Maris, di for the 2:20 trot stake race for newed acquaintance with a num- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gratzke ling went to have some dental gers. is ill. rector of extension at Oregon the Oregon state fair will be re her of old friends here. and Mrs. Van Domen went to work done. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, State college, to urge the opera- ceived up to August 15, it has Frank Hartwick and H. D. Portland Monday. Mr. Gratzke Clyde Johnson has been putting noias ana nnaay Lane - Ed R" , nolds and Shady > Miss Mabel Robinson arrived will undergo an operation. Blaker went to St. Helens Tues- an addition on Earl Holce’s barn' were > i llor8 in Buxton on Fri-1 y?ar been announced by Mrs. Ella S. in Vernonia Wednesday and will similar to the dairy special run Wilson, secretary of the fair day for the opening of the Mrs. M. Dygert returned last last week. I day. spend about two weeks visit week from recently. Director Maris told the board. Prize for this event is Fir-Tex plant. a visit Mrs. Charles Fenton came over to her mother ¡ng- her brother and sister-in- Miss Norma Anderson came delegation the college is well $500. in Seattle. from Ostrander last week for a Mrs. Jack Heenan was taken law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ri- Mrs. W. Stone and Mrs. M. visit of a week or two with down from Vernonia Tuesday for pleased with the results of the suddenly ill Monday and was re chardson. few days’ visit with the De dairy demonstration train and A meeting of the Board of Dygert motored to Portland friends in the valley. She spent I ia Rock moved to a Portland hospital girls. would be glad to do the same Forestry will be held in Port several days with Mrs. Dowling. George Lindley of Hood Riverì Thursday. Tuesday. thing for the poultry industry if land on August 22 at the Mult Lewis Wickstrom went through was the guest over the weekend Mrs. D. C. England and chil- THE DALLES—(UP)—Do pe- cooperation of the railroads is nomah hotel. A baby boy was born to Mr. of his brother, J. C. Lindley. He dren returned from Springfield the village Friday on his way and Mrs. J. P. Kaphammer Sat was accompanied by his sister, Tuesday night, Margaret and to Astoria, and called on the De nalties due those who “ i drive obtained and if funds to care for AUSTIN—(UP)—Screams of vine family. He lives at Taft. | while intoxicated,” apply to one the special expense to the college urday, August 2. He has been Miss Fern Lindley, of Leaven Anne Gorie taking them home. Mary Khuehl brought men visi who “steers while drunk?” That’s are authorized. worth, Washington, Little Goldie Keaton had her named Kenneth. who will M. Dygert is now working at tors of an auto camp here, scur spend the balance of the sum the Edwards Logging camp at tonsils removed Thursday at the I w“at authorities want to know Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeil mer here. ASHLAND—(UP)—I. Edwall, rying to her tent. A porcupine Vernonia hospital by Dr. Hughes. J, ° . captured drunken Wesley Ripple. were in Portland Monday and She is getting along nicely at the __cJ"-U(.ey who^ steered an* auto 81, applied here for a license to had crawled under the covers Mr. and Mrs. John Brady of An old fashioned quilting bee Tuesday for buyer’s week. They mobile towed by another Indian. marry Mrs. R. Stack, 67. with Mary. last reports. also attended the first showing was held Tuesday at the home Vernonia visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Barlow Mr. and Mrs. of the new Atwater-Kent radio. of Mrs. Judson Weed when those Baird Sunday. Sunday school reopened last were up from Warrenton for present were Mrs. Van Blaricom, Gerald Riley underwent a ton Mrs. L. A. Roberts, Mrs. Sarah Sunday with a good attendance. ■ Pomona grange Saturday. sil operation at the Vernonia Spencer. Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Al Knight con-1 Mrs. N. D. Peterson and hospital last Wednesday. Grant, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs- template leaving Westimber Wed-’ Grandson Floyd Deeds spent a j day last week with her sister, Mrs. M. D. Cole and two chil Dave Marshall, Mrs. J. A. Mc- nesday. Dow’ at Mayger. Art Baird, while operating a Mrs. Jake Dowling, dren Shirley and Donald went Donald, and Mrs. J. Morgan. The Dowling family were cal- trim saw in the mill, cut his I to Portland last Thursday Bessie Rife, five year old i lers at the Ira Peterson home spend a week there with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. finger quite badly. Sunday evening. aunt, Mrs. C. W. DeGraf. Rife, accidently had the end of j Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone and I Mrs. B. Rachiel came down son Junior of Portland were vi- Mrs. the middle finger of her left , LeRoy Malmsten returned to siting Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert from Vernonia Thursday and vis- ■Portland, where he will attend hand almost chopped off Tues last week. her mother, Mrs. Reynolds. the school of commerce for a day afternoon by her brother ----------- .----------- | Mr. and Mrs. Folger are visit- short time before taking a posi Frank, who is 10. She was tak SILVERTON—(UP)— Goose- in* Mrs- Folger’s mother, Mrs. en to the Vernonia hospital and tion. the severed portion was sewn, berries measuring three and five- Knowles. eighths by four and one- eighth1 Mrs. Charlie Hill and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss and back into place. inches, were displayed by grow- Dave McMullin were Portland Misses Esther and Ruth Hover- The Eastern Star social club er John Reinhardt. visitors one day last week. They ling attended the Evangelical church camp meetings at Jen will meet at the Masonic temple at three o'clock next Wednesday nings Lodge Sunday. and will hold their regular Mrs. Fred Milne and Elmer monthly meeting out near the Smith have been the guests of, golf course. A pot luck picnic j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel for lunch will be served at six o’- the past week. They returned j clock. Members are urged to to their home in Portland yes-! be present and to invite their terday. husbands for the supper. Mist I Cesselman are back from a weeks trip to various parts of the state. Warren Smith, who has been working for the Eagle Lumber Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haskins company for the past year, left and son returned from Salem for Seattle Wednesday, where he Sunday, where they have been will be employed. visiting relatives there for sev Mrs. C. H. Wheeler, Sr., of Portland was in Timber and Wes- eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Al Love were in timber on business Friday. Portland Friday. Mr. Love is G. B. McLeod and Henry Cha- taking treatments from an eye, ney of Portland were in Cochran and Westimber Friday on a busi- ear and nose specialist. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Christian ness trip. Mr. McCleod is gen ________ _____ of ___ ______ ___ son, daughter Florence and Her- eral manager Hammond Lum- bert Root drove to Mill City her company for Oregon. Mrs. Sunday to visit Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Arant pas O. C. Farmer. sed through Westimber Friday on Charles Christianson and A. C. their way to Mr. Arant’s bee Ahlgren were playing golf on ranch near Cochran. the Vernonia Golf links Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Root has been Leonard Nelson is driving one in charge of the store at Coch- of the trucks used in gravelling ran for a few days while Mr. the road between Cochran and 1 Koehler has been assisting Mr. Timber. White in inventorying the general J. B. Wheeler of Portland, ma- merchandise stores of the Eagle nager of the Eagle Lumber com- Lumber company at Timber, pany, was here on business Fri I i Westimber and Cochran. day. Many people are in the hills Harry White of Portland has ¡ picking blackberries, which ap- Wood ’ s work ■ taken over H. R. pear plentiful this season. and is busy supervising the stores Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls and belonging to the Eagle Lumber family were guests of friends in company. Longview for several days last Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls week. have as their weekend guests, Mrs. E. J. Brown, ,who is the Mrs. J. E. Crites of Vancouver, Mrs. Anton Wenzel and Mrs. Al bert Richards of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Len Versteig and family and Mr. and Mrs.’ El lis spent the weekend with rela- tive? at Newberg. Friends are regretting the de parture of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls, who are leaving this week for Longview, Washington, where Mr. Ingalls has secured employment with the Weyerhaus- er company. Mr. and Mrs. In galls have been residents of Wes timber for several years. Louis Clatt is now working in Portland. He was engineer the local logging train before erations were closed down. Mrs. Glen Chenowith 'and mily will soon leave for Long view where Mr. C’nenowith is working for the Weyerhauser company. George Kellar, who has been working for the Pacific Coast Inspection Bureau here, left Sat urday morning to locate else where. Mrs. Lewis Nicholls has gone to Portland to live. She has em ployment there. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson and baby son are visiting Mrs. Wilson’s parents near Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maethof and family are away on an ex tended trip. They will also visit in Salem with Mr. Maethof’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mae thof. The road between Westimber and Cochran is being put into shape and gravelled. Three trucks are busy hauling gravel. Harold Ferlaak and Roland Special Close Out Price— WHITE ENAMEL West i m her Only $22 WHITE MOUNTAIN x REFRIGERATORS 1 Glass Refrigerator Set Free. 100 Pounds Ice Free on 500 pound ticket. Best Make—and Made to Last. Hoffman Hdwe PURE SILK FULL FASHIONED LISLE TOP Light Service Weight Guaranteed Perfect “The best for the mon ey I have worn.” Time after time people say this of our B. V. May hose. We know they are right. Why Pay More than at PAIR