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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1930)
Among Our Neighbors • • Postmaster C. E. Lake of St. Helens has been notified that city delivery will be established there October 1. Service will start with one regular carrier and two hours auxiliary assist ance for parcel post each day. Six letter boxes will be erect ed for mailing of letters. An industrial golf tournament Helens, is being planned in St. i The entrants will be teams from the St. Helens Pulp and Paper company, the Fir-Tex : Insulating Board company, the Charles R. McCormick company, west St. Helens and St. Helens. The Greenvale creamery in Clatskanie will be discontinued July 31. Its owner, Paul B. Bor der, will be manager of the new creamery to be built for the Lower Columbia Co-operative Dairy association. Until about September 1, when the plant is expected to be ready, milk anc cream will be shipped to As toria. Clatskanie population is grow ing. Five babies were born there last week. All local people are being em ployed by the Oregon-Washing ton Water Service company in the __ laying d of new water maim through the business section ol Hillsboro, states R. E. Wiley, lo- cal manager. Out of 94 applications for en trance now on file at Pacific university, Forest Grove, 72 arc from boys. As a rule the girl: predominate in the enrollment. The street commissioner oi McMinnville has given warning that all vacant lots now harbor ing thickets of brambles, weeds high grass, etc., must be clear ed within the next two week or the work will be done by the city and the expense placed a a lien on the land. PIG CLUBS FORMED IN NEHALEM VALLE1 Two new pig clubs have re cently been formed in the Ne halem valley. One is the Vesper Pig club led by Leila Johnston of Birk enfold with Melvin Schwab president; Ludine Schwab, vice president and Geraldine Schwal secretary and Violet Schwab an< Leila Johnston. The other is the Nehalem Pi| club led by T. P. Johnson. Al bert Rosenberg is president Edith Carl, vice-president; an< Ceceile Nordstrom, secretary Other members are Nellie Car and Emmanuel Johnston.—Clats kanie Chief. GOOD FOREST UNIVERSITY HAS UNIQUE CLINIC Wes timber UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. (Special)—By methods Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis and ntirely uprecedented in educa Earl Davis were week end guests cional history, and in a clinic of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. chat is the only one of its kind Jack Davis. in the United States, 65 atypi Henry Irwin and son Jack cal children of all ages are at were guests of relatives .t Port tending the University of Ore land Sunday. jón summer session and are al Mrs. S. A. Masher and daugh most over night being changed ter Betty of Gladstone, Oregon, from school failures to normal were house guests of Mr. and jnd many times brilliant stu- Mrs. Reed Ingalls for several lents. days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sorrells These children, all of whom lave had difficulty in reading, returned to Portland Saturday pelling or arithmetic, many of after having been guests of Mrs. vhom have completely failed in Sorrels’ mother, Mrs. Louis Nic ichool, and even a few who holls, for the past two weeks. lave been diagnosed as feeble Ed Lindstrom of Mountaindale, minded, are learning by leaps Oregon, visited his sister and md bounds at this clinic for the brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al 'motor-minded.” Established Love, Sunday. hree years ago as an experi- Joe Winans drove to Portland nent, the clinic has this year Sunday to see a show. eached such firm proportions Mrs. Richard Dudrow was in hat its future success is assur- Portland over the week-end. d, and development will go for- | Miss Maxine Barber, of Eure- vard just as fast as means per-, ka, California, came north to nit. Increased by 20 this year, ¡visit friends and relatives last he clinic is crowded to the lim- week. Miss Barber was the guest t, having an enrollment half as'of Mrs. Russel Burt Saturday __ ___ arge as the university high’ and Sunday. •chool. | Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren and Dr. Grace Fernaid, of the daughter Mary Ellen were in Jniversity of California at Los Forest Grove Tuesday visiting Kngeles is the “discoverer” of friends. Misses Reba and Lola Alkern he kinaesthetic method of teach- ng, and when she met Dr. B. of Gaston are the guests of Mr. <V. DeBusk, of the University of and Mrs. William Gartzke this Jregon, several years ago, their week. Mrs. L. E. Stephens enjoyed vork fitted in so amazingly, hat they decided to combine a visit from her sister, Mrs. A. xperiences, with the summer Lockwood of Portland, over the ession clinic the result. Assist- week end. A. C. Ahlgren and Howard ng them this year are Ruth (neeland, former director of re- Ralston of Forest Grove drove earch in the schools of Modes to Vernonia Sunday for a round o, Calif., and Miss Lillian Ray- of golf. lor, teacher of remedial English, Mrs. Glen Peoples and baby Central Junior high school, Los daughter spent Friday at Ver kngeles. nonia visiting Mrs. Peoples’ mo The method itself is almost ther, Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern are inbelievably simple. Instead of ising the usual visual or aud- having as their house guest Mrs. tory method, which works per- Kern’s mother, Mrs. Sheffield ectly well with the majority of of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak, tudents, the child is given the vord through his muscles. While Harold Ferlaak and Warren nost children learn rapidly Smith and Miss May Bolin of hrough the visual or auditory Minneapolis, Minnesota, who is aths, some children absolutely spending a month at the Ferlaak lave these paths blocked, and home, went on a pleasure trip annot acquire knowledge in hat way, no matter how long nd hard they try. The kinaes- hetic method is not a better nethod. It is simply the right >ne for a certain definite type f person. What about your child? Is he handicapped? Do not wait until a school ex aminer sends him home for the attention you should have given him before starting him to school. An eye examina tion will give you the facts about your child’s eyes. Procrastination will only hinder your child’s progress. Consult me at Kullander's Jewelry store. August 4 and 5. Phone the store for ap pointment. Or. Chas. 0. Anderson Specialist—Optometrist and daughter Mary Ellen and Mr. Ahlgren’s mother, Mrs. John Ahl gren of Streeter, Illinois, who is spending the summer here were at Arcadia park Sunday for a picnic. Mrs. Virgil Davis is in Portland for a few days visiting her mo ther-in-law, Mrs. Jack Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt and Elmer Hurt were in Hood River over thé week end visiting with relatives; Johnny Burt, who has been staying with his brother Russel Burt for several weeks accompanied them to his home. Percy and Wayne James, sins of Mrs. E. J. Brown of Rochester Washinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudrow, Fri day. Wayne James will spend some time here. Mr. and Mrs. Fetch of Ver- nonia visited at the L. E. Ste- phens home Thursday evening. C. K. Christianson and son Charles and Herbert Root visit ed relatives in Mill City over the weekend. Mrs. Christianson and her daughter, Mrs. Herbert James Root, who have been spending a week there at the home of Mrs. Christianson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Far mer, returned home with them. Miss Emma Stephens of Port land visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens, over the weekend. Miss Geneva Wolfe of Portland is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe, for a while. arrested for reckless driving nnd side-swiping another car in Ten-1 nessee. He pleaded immunity J and constitutional rights as a1 member of Congress, and was; discharged. He ought to be dis charged by Congress.—McMinn-1 ville Telephone-Register. _ - -- ,. . - ■ —• HOTEL GORE’ON Newly Furnished R >oma Hot and Cold W, ter Next to Post Office Very Reasonable Rates C. BRUCE J LUMBER i Wholesale and Retail Vernonia The True Celebration of the Northwest Longview ROLLED 2 glorious days of logging feats. Motor boat races ------ circus acts Bigger this year—than ever before Educational—Thrilling To use the classified columns of The Eagle is a wise thing to do; not to,' will delay that deal. While motoring to his home, Congressman Box of Texas, was I I the Needs of M ¡liions of People ► LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING — INSURED TRUCKS Vernonia Service Garage Professional and Business Diredory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS HOTEL ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. The best for those who appreciate the best. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Electrotherapy, Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Ros. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon ECAUSE the automobile is such an im portant factor in the lives and pros Cason Transfer Physiotherapy Terminal Cafe DR. R. A. OLSON Chiropractor Tel. 671 The low-priced automobile ha» brought greater opportunity and added hourt of recreation to milUont of men and women. Dr. J. A. Hughes The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking 1117 stat - Vernonia, Ore I have leased and am now operating the Sessman Blacksmith Shop. JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Repairing of All Kinds Bafford Brother« General Plumbing W. M. Faulkner Vernonia LAWYERS STRAND Contractors & BERG and Gordon R. Watt Builders On all kinds of construc tion, estimates given with- out charge. Box 157, Vernonia Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon DENTISTS PHYSICIANS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Marvin R. Eby, M. D. ; Chop Suey Restaurant You'll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Physician and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 PASTIME CARDS AND Hoffman Hdwe. Building LICHT LUNCHES Vernonia, Oregon Lloyd Baker, Prop. Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Once it was thought impossible to cast gray iron by the endless chain method. more than the mere manufacture of a All precedent was against it and every up a machine or a plant and letting it turn out goods. The service extends into way was found. every detail of the business — design, Abetter way of making axle shafts saved produetion, the wages paid and the sell thirty-six million dollars in four years. ing price. All are a part of the plan. A new method of cutting crankcase« re The Ford Motor Company looks upon duced the cost by 8500,000 a year. The itself as charged with making an auto perfection of a new maehine saved a mobile that will meet the needs of similar amount on such a little thing as millions of people and to provide it at a one bolt. Then electric welding was de low price. That is its mission. That is veloped to make many bolts unnecessary its duty and its obligation to the public. and to increase structural strength. The search for better ways of doing Just a little while ago, an endless chain There is cease conveyor almost four miles long was in stalled at the Rouge plant. This conveyor less, untiring effort to find new methods I 4 previous experiment had failed. But fair prices to the public demanded that waste ful methods be eliminated. Finally the things is never-ending. Mary Kato Hard work usually finds the way. the Ford Motor Company is something There is no service in simply setting ANNOUNCEMENT ntcnl in tlie methods of the day before. perity of so many people, the purpose of motor car. Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’« Store CONTRACTORS Mason Work, Building “Send ili< Winde Child To Sunday up the Columbia Gorge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein end son Jackie were at Seaside last week. Mr. and Mre. Reed Ingalls and family spent several days last week with Mr. Ingalls' mother, Mrs. J. E. Crites, at Vancouver. Mrs. Herrick has returned to live with her daughter, Mrs. Ar thur Baird again. She has been the guest of relatives at Port land for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern play- ed golf at Forest Hills Sunday and also enjoyed a picnic there. Ivan Erickson, who is now working at St. Helens was in camp this week-end calling on friends, He was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al Love Sun- day. Mrs. William Gartzke and daughter Mary June, who have been away picking berries a t Newberg have returned. Burt Friday of Rainier, Ore., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt, July 25. He is Mrs. Burt’s uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brown of Rochester, Wash., arrived Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudrow. Mr. Brown has returned home but Mrs. Brown will visit here for a week or more. Miss May Bolin of Minneapolis, who has been visiting at the Ferlaak home for several weeks, is leaving this week to resume work in the health department at Minneapolis. Congratulations ar e b ei n g extended to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olson of Carlton on the birth of a daughter on July 26. The 01- sens are former residents of Westimber, having recently mov- ed away. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson and Mrs. W. H. Krebs were in Vernonia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe spent the week end in Portland with Mr. Wolfe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wolfe. Miss Cecelia Marchel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel, is home again. She has been picking berries. Mrs. Russel Burt drove to Forest Grove Tuesday to spend the day with Miss Maxine Bar ber of Eureka, California, who is visiting relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren BUFFMIIIE Transfer Co ^kODERN\ A GARAGE1 SERVICE MANNERS 1. Permits—Secure a camp fire permit before you start or. your camping trip, It’s free, The ranger or fire guard wil issue you one. Be sure youi 2. Matches ‘ match is out. Break it in two before you throw it away, It’s a good habit to have. 3. Tobacco—Be sure that pipe ashes and cigar and cigarette stubs are dead before you throw them away. Never throw them into brush, leaves, or needles. 4. Making camp—Before build ing a fire, scrape away all in flamable material from a spot 5 feet in diameter. Dig hole in center and in it build your camp fire. Keep your fire small Never build it against trees or logs or near brush. 5. Breaking Camp— Never break camp until your fire is out—dead out. 6. Brush Burning—Never burn slash or brush in windy weather, or while there is the slightest danger that the fire will get away.________________________ Eye FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 VÊRNON1A EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SIX and new machines that will save steps and has a daily capacity of 300,000 part« time in manufacturing. The Ford plants weighing more than 2,000,000 pounds. are, in reality, a great mechanical uni By substituting the tireless, unvarying versity, dedicated to the advancement of machine for tasks formerly done by hand, industry. Many manufacturers come to it has made the day’s work easier for see and share the progress made. thousands of workers and saved time and The greatest progress comes by never standing still. Today’s methods, however money in the manufacture of the car. All of these things are done in the successful, can never be taken as wholly intetest of the public — so that the right. They represent simply the best efforts of the moment. To morrow must bring an improve- V of reliable, economical transportation may be placed within the means of every one. benefits * F ord M otor company 4