FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. <930______________________________________________ VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON _ ______________________________________________________________ FIVE ►I Are You Fair to your home town Merchants? When Money is Slack . When Crops Fail . . . When credit is needed it is the home town mer­ chant whom we seek for friendly service. He tides us over with credits; he charges no interest, he pro­ vides us with reliable, guaranteed merchandise fair­ ly priced. In short, he “holds the bag for us.” That is why he deserves all our patronage in times of plenty as well as in. days of stress. And isn’t it a pity that there are many who use him only as a leaning post—to tide them over the slack days and use their cash to fill the coffers of the big town mail order houses who wouldn’t trust them over night—with, or without, interest. We all need that merchant—we need his confi­ dence, his friendship. Our town seeds his enterprise —the service he renders in handling only guaran­ teed, first grade goods that he is here to stand back of day in and day out. The Merchants of Vernonia C. Bruce Chamber of Commerce Gilby Motor Company Kerr Motor Company Lindley and McGraw Nehalem Valley Ice & Creamery Co. Twin Fir Super Service Station Nehalem Market Miller Mercantile Company A. L. Kullander Oregon American Lumber Company Joy Theatre Let’s give him our cash when we have it. Let’s pay his bills as promptly as we can. Let’s earn and merit, the confidence he has placed in us and in our community. Let’s support him—we need him and he needs us, our trade, and our selfish good will. Workingman’s Store Jos. Scott Vernonia Trading Company J. C. Penney Company Bank of Vernonia Armitage Drug Company Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia Bakery Oregon Gas and Electric Company Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Vernonia Laundry Vernonia Eagle “be fair!” « , Trade at Home! . .