Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 01, 1930, Image 1

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VOLUME 9_______________
■■ ■ - ■
Miss Green
Sure Winner
Says Ford
Vernonia to Have Credit­
able Part in Long­
view Rolleo
Miss Charlotte Green has as
good as won the position ol
Queen Pauline of the Longviovi
Rolleo already, declares Georgi
W. Ford, who has been a judg<
in such contests before and ought
to know. Whether she wins the
coveted place or not the mer­
chants who are sponsoring Ver
nonia’s part in the contest are
confident that in Miss Green the
, community has a worthy candi­
date, one who will reflect great
credit upon it.
Grandma Spencer will ac­
company her to Longview as
It is likely that Betty Jane
Singleton, who sings over K01N,
will be on the program putting
on a stunt for Vernonia.
Longview, Wash. (Special) —
The champion woodsmen of the
Pacific Northwest, including Can­
ada, are signing up to enter the
prize competition at the second
annual Longview Rolleo, to be
held August 8 and 9 in tht
Southwest Washington lumbei
Center. Contests that will tesl
the skill, strength and dexterity
of these ‘‘knights of Paul Bun
yan” will be the highlights of
the two days of rapid-fire en
tertainment, and
for the event, including twc
“tanks” in the water arena of
Lake Sacajawea and scores of
attractions in Paul Bunyan’s
( Canyon of amusement, are now
nearing completion.
Pete Hooper of Kelso, winnei
of the log rolling championship
at last year’s Rolleo, will face
some stiff competition in the ef
fort to retain his slippery
throne. W. W. Beikie of Van
•ouver, B. C., known as the lof
rolling champion of Canada, is
one of the star performers whc
have entered. Others are Bi!
Delyea of Coeur d’Alene, Matl
Dillon of Hoquiam, Percy Willi:
and Russell Ellison of Aberdeen
Eddy Old of Seattle, E. W. Jen
nings of Cathlamet, Seth Harris
Bill Price, Sam Harris and Bol
Craig of Kelso, and Vic Green
wood and Chet Murray of Long­
Tree toppers who will take
part in the sensational high-
climbing races include Ed Sorger
of Ryderwood, last year’s win­
ner, Phil Grabinski, Ed Reppeto.
Jack Plamondon and others.
Block turning, ball rolling, log
jousting, fucking and wrestling
♦ will be among the other events.
Throughout the entire program,
which will be on the order of a
three-ring circus,
entertainers will perform.
The Brawny Paul Bunyan, idol
of lumberjacks, will rule over
the Rolleo, impersonated by the
tallest man in Cowlitz county,
and will be assisted by a mate,
Pauline Bunyan, to be selected
during the celebration.
community has the privilege of
entering a candidate in ' the
Pauline Bunyan contest, which
is now under way.
Mrs. Harry Kerns
Is Auxiliary Head
Mrs. Harry Kerns was elected
president of the American Le­
gion Auxiliary at a meeting held
,at her home Monday evening.
Other officers elected were Mrs.
Lloyd Baker, first vice president;
Mrs. Dan Nelson, second vice
president; Mrs. J. C. Henderson,
secretary; Mrs. R. N. Nance,
treasurer; Mrs. F. A. Gtray,
chaplain; Mrs. J. L. Timmons,
sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. C. J.
Nance, historian; Mrs. P. Wide­
man, Mrs. H. E. McGraw and
Mrs. C. J. Nance, executive.
Members of Vernonia Ameri­
can Legion will be the guests
of the Auxiliary at a picnic to
be held in the city park next
Thursday at 5 p. m.
Summer Visitor
Mrs. T. H. Wann of Tuolumne,
California, is spending the sum­
mer with her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hun-
, ter. •
Harold Holce
Killed By Log
Annual Fair
September 22-28
The regular meeting of the
Vernonia Garden club will be
The stork evidently likes
SALEM—(Special.)— Prepara­
Harold Dewey Holce, S3, was held Tuesday afternoon, August
Vernonia, and he is special­
fatally injured Monday after­
izing just now in baby girls-
noon at the Koster Product com­ Lilley' in house 5 on the O.-A. statue fair this year are declared
Four successive days he
to include every possible feature
pany’s camp where he was em­ hill.
came , last week end, and
ployed when he was badly crush­
Plans for the annual flower : to insure the largest and most
nary a boy in the outfit.
ed by a log. He was taken to show to be held earlier than here­ I complete exposition in the his-
Friday Mr. and Mrs. A.
St. Vincent’s hospital, Portland, tofore will be discussed and com­ ' tory of the event.
and died Tuesday afternoon.
C. Hunter were presented
mittees appointed for the event. I Premiums and purses aggre­
gating $80,000, horse race prizes
Funeral services were held
with a baby girl. On Sat­
[totaling an additional $17,500,
Thursday at Castle Rock, Wash- NAVINGER IS MADE
urday came Mr. and Mrs.
> ington.
Harry E. Condit’s turn.
Mr. Holce is survived by his
Next in line as recipients
[ wife and three children, George,
were Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
[ Lucile and Jewel. George is one
W. A. Navinger has been ap- 'gram to guarantee the success
Owens, Sunday, and the
of the Journal carriers.
pointed manager of the local of the state wide project to be
last girl of the series came
The family lived at 941 First, Safeway store, succeeding E. A. held September 22 to 28. With
to Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
the fair being held over through
avenue. They were residents of Ritchey, transferred to Kelso.
Crane on Monday.
i Vernonia for the past two years.
Mr. Navinger has been con­ I Sunday, a plan but once be-
'T is said that one phy­
nected with Vernonia branch for before attempted, total attend-
Charlotte Green, Vernonia’s
a year and a half. Previous to [ance is expected to far eclipse
sician and one hospital—
candidate for Queen Pauline of
time he was with one of any
. . previous showing, while the
but that's’ robbing the stork
the Longview Rolleo, August 8-9.
the Safeway stores in Portland.: additional day will thwart un­
of the credit.
Mr and Mrs. N Trussler, who' He has had considerable exper-1 seasonable weather in hamper-
have resided in Vernonia for six >ence in the grocery business ' Applications for entries to the
No Road Decision
or seven years, will open next an<* is highly resepected in this . horse show have been exception-
a restaurant in the quar­ I city.
Before August 28 week
! ally large, and the record purse New Optician To
ters formerly occupied by Mac’s
Pharmacy. Booths, tables, and I SELL TRUCK AND COUPE i offered this yeax' is expected to
| attract the finest stables of the
Salem, Ore., (UP)—Decision a lunch counter are now being
Come to Vernonia
The Kerr Motor company re- ¡ ' East and Midwest. Entries in­
if the state highway commission installed.
on boundairies of the proposed
Dr. Charles O. Anderson, Cor
Associated with Mr. and Mrs. ports the sale of a new logging i to the stake races closed July
coast Trussler for the present will be truck to Walter J. Turner, to be I 1, while class race entries will vallis optician, has arranged tc
highway, shortening the distance Mrs. F. D. Hanum.
make regular trips to Vernonia,
en­ making his headquarters at the
I Early applications
between Portland and beach re-
The restaurant plans to pro­ tween here and St. Helens.
<orts, will not be announced un­ vide regular dinners as well as
The company also sold a new
Kullander Jewelry store.
til the next meeting of the com­ I short orders.
Ford coupe to Charles Hoffman, tion indicate that this branch
Dr. Anderson is associated with
mission on August 28, Roy A.
vious exposition, according to his father, who has been in the
Klein, state highway engineer, !LARGEST SUMMER SCHOOL
Several garages report a very Mrs. Ella S. Wilson, secretary of! optical business in Corvallis foi
said today.
IN HISTORY OF U. OF O.1 excellent business in tires. “We [the state fair board. Exception- the past 15 or 20 years. He
If the commission is not at
are getting a good deal of the I al interest is being shown in all is a graduate of several reputable
he time able to announce its fi­
University of Oregon, Eugene, business that used to be going ! classes of stock showing, it is optical schools, and comes verj
nal decision, it will at least have (Special)—With the largest sum- to the mail order houses, ’ states
highly recommended.
oefore it full knowledge of the mer session in the history of the |one
He takes the place of Dr.
the proprietors.
acts upon which to act, Klein University of Oregon brought to
Luzader, who is ill, and will con­
a successful conclusion, an en- j TO START RIVAL
ing the Oregon event keenly to tinue until Dr. Luzader is able
Hearings have been held at larged post-session will open on j
the results of the first to resume his practice.
’—J 4,
* ‘ .. it ..........
Jewell, Ore., on the matter when August
“The many friends and pa
is announced by ;
I disease-free showing of cattle ev-
lèverai remonstrances were re­ W. G. Beattie, director. Work-1
! er attempted. A new rule ad tients of Dr. Luzader will be
ceived. The engineer has taken ing toward the eventual estab­
. opted by the 1930 fair board sorry to hear of his illness,*
up these and will prepare a lishment of a four-term year, in- publisher of the Maupin, Ore­ 1 provides that all dairy cattle states A. L. Kullander. “I con
nap for the commission showing tead of three terms and a sum­ gon, Times for several years over one year old must be pro­ aider that I have been very for
he areas embraced by the pro- mer sessiuil,
pvau-acaaiMii has
as«n P - ast
. » has
- - announced his 11 inten-| 1 Vlded 1 , with health permits is- tunate in getting as good a man
session, the
ests. The commission will then been greatly strengthened this tlon °f funding a weekly news-'
by an approved veterinar- to substitute for him.”
nnnnr in Rainier
/■iininr to
tn be
Im known
knntvn as
act on the boundaries of the i
The frequency of Dr. Ander­
! The Columbia River Pilot. The Jan* testifying that the animals son’s trips will depend upon the
proposed super-highway district, ¡year.
Students from Vernoma who fjrgt isRUe ¡R
cct(,d August 15 | have been duly examined and
'’ther approvinb or modifying 'attended the regular summer
. .
i are free from infectious abor- amount of business. He plans
the proposed route of the road i sesison, which
j i I Rainier will have two . papers,
The certificates must be to come twice a month for the
has just closed,
’ r
in accordance with the remon­ included Burford Wilkerson and ! . he
a','^ady ™
obtained witnin
within a month of the present and possibly may come
" t*ie fmid,be-
. .. , i ontaineci
,ing The Ramier Review, publish- ()pcnine, fair ()ate.
. ., ed by A. E. Veatch.
Members of a herd certified
Outstanding members of the |
to be free from the disease and
regular University o f Oregon
to which has been issued an abor- Watson Predicts
faculty and those of other im­ TO PLAY CHIEFS
portant institutions make up the
NEXT SUNDAY ition-free herd certificate will
Biggest Fair Yet
I be accepted as exceptions to the
instructors for the short term. I
Students going on the Alaska [ The Vernonia baseball team rule. Untested animals will be
cruise, which leaves Seattle on haR schedu]ed a game with the I subject to an examination on the
“Time for the 19th Annual
August 14, will also assemble on clatskanie «‘Chiefs” to be played [ fair grounds.
Columbia County fair is fast ap­
Work is progressing rapidly in proaching and will be here be­
the campus on August 4 to reg- Sunda afternoon on the local
ister for a week’s work before ' fie
! preparing the grounds for the fore we are aware of it. Pre­
Remarked a bystander to the the trip starts. Six hours credit
In order to encourage attend- huge crowds, and every effort is parations are being made and
young son of one of Vernonia’s may be earned in the post-ses­ i ance the management has reduc­ being made to have everything amusements, etc., contracted for
most prominent business men: sion.
ed the price of admission from in readiness in ample time to will make our biggest fair yet,”
care for early arrivals.
says Clyde M. Watson, secre­
“When little boys swear like
50 cents to 35 cents.
Visiting at Lange Home
that playing marbles do you
Mr. and Mrs Emmet Crow and
“The grounds are being put in
know what happens to them af­
family of Portland visited at Clatskanie defeated Rainier two
A flag-pole is being
ter they grow up?”
Dick Wilson, who operates a raised in the center of the cres­
“You bet,” was the prompt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
sight-seeing plane, gave up his cent and a large flag purchased
response. “They play golf and Lange over the weekend.
intention of staging a number to adorn the grounds, will be
swear like daddy.”
Portlander Visiting Friend
of flights from Vernonia when flown from it. All of the build­
« * *
after landing on the local field ings on the grounds will be
Miss Dorothy Crow is spending
George Johnson would rather a week at the home of her
The Woman’s Missionary so­ Saturday he found the ground provided with pennants this year,
sell gas all day than get up at friend. Miss Marjorie Lange. ciety of the Evangelical church too rough. He went on to Sea­ which will add to the carnival ap­
4 a. m., ’tis said.
will meet Wednesday, August 6. side instead.
She will return home Monday.
pearance of the grounds, and
* • • ,
to the spirit of the occasion.
Fred Veith has a spaniel,
“Fireworks will be shown on
“Blackie”, now in Vancouver,
two nights again this year. Dr.
Washington. The other night
Pasto, of Portland, who had
Blackie barked furiously, dis­
charge of the display, will be
turbing a cantankerous neighbor,
with us again this year and has
who called the Vancouver police
promised something new and dif­
department to have the nuisance
ferent in this line—more set
abated. A cop came, bent on
pieces, comics, etc. Dr. Pasto
gagging the animal and drag­
has charge of displays at Jant-
ging it to the city dog bastile.
7,en Beach and is an expert in
Blackie was still barking when
this line. We were fortunate to
the officer arrived—but up
get him back,
against a telephone pole, was a
“The premium list has been
fellow who had a bag of home­
mailed out. This year’’s copy is
made burglar tools.
larger than ever and contains
The cop decided to take the
88 pages, completely filled with
man instead, and
Blackie is
interesting matter. Read the ads
quite a hero.
of our business men, notice the
now projects included thia year,
May be a barking dog has
familiarize yourselves with the
a reason.
rules and regulations of the
board, and get your material and
stock in shape now.
“Every assistance possible will
be gladly given you by the
board. Should you need more
The Oregon Light and Power
entry blanks, the secretary will
company is extending its line
gladly mail them to you. Should
out Beaver creek and the Nick­
anyone have been overlooked in
erson road one and one-half
mailing out the premium lists,
G. W. Ford, manager,
a phone call o, card to the sec­
reports that people out that
retary will be promptly taken
way are putting in their lights
care of.
speedily and are buying various
‘‘Lets look forward to a good
items of electrical equipment.
fair and plan accordingly.”
The substation which has been
under construction at the Ore­
Kramers Take Trip
gon-American plant is being com­
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kramer
pleted, and the connection will
leave Sunday for an automobile
be made Sunday.
trip to Weiaer, Idaho, where
Mrs. Kramer’s parents live.
The company is also rebuild­
While there they will spend
ing its transmission line at Kea-
the time camping. They expect
sey. The work on this will con­
to be gone about ten days.
tinue until fall.
And ...
Talons. .
. -
Locals Win
From Chiefs
13-9 Sunday
Vernonia Administer«
Second Defeat of
The Vernonia Baseball club
¿raveled to Clatskanie last Sun-
lay and defeated that team for
he second time this year, the
icore being 13 to 9. The local
■lub previously beat the Clatskan-
e club 6 to 2 about a month
igo. Last Sunday’s game was a
ree hitting affair with the locals
retting a little the best of the
xkirmish, grabbing off 16 bingles
igainst 12 for the opposition.
McGregor was the heavy sticker
if the day getting four hits in
five trips to the plate.
Clatskanie drew first blood in
the very first inning, putting up
a marker when Gerry singled,
stole second and third and came
home when Heniges threw wild
in an attempt to catch him at
third. This ended their scoring
until the 7th when they shoved
icross three more counters on
singles by Gerry and White and
a double by Larsen.
s nine run lead Greenman went
into the box in the ninth but
due to his own wildness and
loose playing behind him ths
‘Chiefs” scored five runs before
McGregor could quell them. Al­
though they marked up five runs
in this canto they only garnered
me hit, errors at short and third
being responsible for the major­
ity of the runs.
The Vernonia Redshirts opened
‘heir attack in the third inning
when they scored three runs on
ingles by Malmsten and Marsh-
ill and walks to Greenman and
McGregor coupled with, an error
it second base. They came back
with three more in the fourth on
singles by Brooks and McGregor
a double by Linn and a triple off
if Heniges’ bat. Another trio of
-uns were added in the sixth
vhen Brooks was hit by a pitch­
'd ball and Malmsten and Mar-
ihall were walked to fill the
tags. Laird then cams through
n the pinch with a double (Edi­
tor’s note—his second hit of the
season) to center to score all
three men.
The locals added two in the
eighth on singles by Brooks,
McGregor and Heniges and two
more to make sure of the game
n the ninth to bring their to­
tal to 13 runs on singles by
Greenman, Hawkins, McGregor
and Marshall.
While the game was rather
slow in spots and featured by
no particular bright flashes of
play it gave the small crowd of
spectators on hand at Clats­
kanie to witness the game many
thrills. Besides the game sched­
uled with Clatskanie for next
Sunday it is quite pot-
lible that they will yet play a
series with St. Helens and pos-
ibly a game with Jewell for
(Continued on Page 8)
Pioneers of the Dixie Mt.
Pioneer association
Washington county will hold
their annual picnic on Sunday,
August 10. at 10 o’clock, on the
new picnic grounds just north of
the old Mountain View school
All pioneers and settlers of
Dixie Mountain district are in­
vited to come and bring their
families and enjoy the day in
re-union with old friends. Bring
a basket lunch. Coffee and ice
■ream will be provided.
Tom H. King, Sr., who bought
the Vernonia Cleaning and Press­
ing establishment from P. Paul­
us a month ago, is making a
specialty of the tailoring part
of the business.
He does all
kinds of repairing for men and
womens, cuts and makes clothes.
Mr. King was for 30 years a
tailor in Detroit, Michigan. From
there he moved to Berkeley, Cali­
fornia, where he operated a shop
during last winter. For a while
he was in business in Albany,
Oregon, but prefers Vernonia.
Mr. King expects to bring hie
family here soon.