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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1930)
Friday, July 15, 19M Verrons Kaule. Vernonia. Oregon BY UNITE PRESS declares Fred E. Taylor, travel- ing passenger agent of the South ern Pacific, who was in town Tuesday. Travel has been retarded to the Tillamook beaches on ac count of the lateness of the jeason, but Mr. Taylor expects it to begin in full force now. Ü WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? disturbance on the telephone lines recently. The Burn, Natal and lower Vernonia lines have been crossed for several days. Oscar Jones is doing farm work for Clyde Johnson. Miss Beatrice Perry and her grandmother, Mrs. Oliver Bunas, spent Monday afternoon in Ver nonia shopping. Haying is in full swing in this country now. A few farmers have their hay all made, but most of them are still cutting and hauling. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellison and daughter Florence from Portland were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. There was a brush fire Satur day near the old Haycox place back on the Burns road. Mr .and Mrs. . Noble Dunlap and son Floyd and Mrs. Nels Peteson called at Mr. and Mrs. Four suits are pending in Ore SALEM—(UP)—A total of 4,- 422 passenger automobiles owned gon courts against the new in by persons residing in Columbia tangibles tax, three of which are county were registered during already before the state sup the period January 1 to June 30, reme court and a fourth held 1930, when windshield stickers in abeyance in Marion county Floyd Deeds made a trip to instead of license plates were be circuit court pending decision Vernonia on Thursday. ing issued to automobile owners of the first three. Lode McDonald from Vernonia during adjustment of the auto-; Approximately $1,000,000 will was a business caller at Natal year, according be lost to the state of Oregon if mobile license J . “ _ Sunday. in these suits are to the state motor vehicle régis-, the -— appellants .. Robert Berg from Birkenfeld It was also held tration department. j successful. ---- ---- called at the Jake Neurer ranch Automobile owners of Colum-; certain that the excise tax would Saturday evening. bia county paid into the state] be attacked if the supreme court Pete Benzer was a business the sum of $42,550.79 which will] invalidates the intangibles tax. caller in Vernonia Monday. If these two forms of taxation be used for highway construc Frank Peterson has been ill at tion, improvement and mainten were held unconstitutional, as his home for the past few days. the appellants contend they ance. Ray Taylor and his mother The sum of $2,411,094.14 was hould, a total of about $1,700,- were Vernonia business callers 000 would have to be returned paid to the state by automobile Saturday. owners in Oregon. There were to that class of taxpayer while Jake Neurer and Clare Blan- 236,191 automobiles registered the general taxpayer and proper chard spent Saturday evening in ty owner would be forced to Vernonia. during that period. make up the deficit, at least un- Reed Raiding and his son More than $2,000,000 was be til some new form of taxation George were visiting at Verno ing expended this year for con .■ould be found to replace the in- nia Saturday. struction, improvement and main angibles and excise taxes. Lee Osburn made a business tenance of the marketing roads trip to Portland Friday and re A force of 40,0 forest rangers, turned home Saturday. by the 36 counties of Oregon, ac cording to information received 'ookouts and others are now pa- Bob Linsey was a Saturday by the state highway depart rolling the lonely solitudes of evening visitor at Vernonia. 11,000,000 acres of Oregon tim ment. Fred Rumbaugh was a Ver Columbia county will receive ber and land for fires. Within nonia shopper Wednesday. a few days it was expected that the sum of $23,784.48 from the Jim Green was in Vernonia state for this work. Half this two airplanes would be droning Saturday evening doing some high over the mountains and val amount has already been distri shopping. buted to the county and the oth leys of the remote country or How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist nas Intentionally Lee Osburn and Reed Holding er half will be distributed in where access is difficult, to re made a hasty business trip to made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. See how long It will take port on smoke and fire. October. Vernonia Thursday. VOU to find them. Columbia county gets $17,- Jim Miller was a Friday caller Persons who paid a quarter in Vernonia. 126.82 from the funds produced by the state's one mill levy and fee for black and white automo More telephone poles w Ire few days last week with friends visiting relatives here for the $6,657.66 as its share of the bile license plates for one week’s hauled last week for the at the beach. past two weeks. West Multnomah county surplus and use will not be able to obtain a Coast Telephone company now Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Mrs. Fred Parlknon from the balance of 1929 funds left over. refund from the state motor ve under —!„• construction down the ri- Burn was a guest of Mrs. Lee In Mist calling on friends Sun The county itself produced $18,- hicle division, according to Hal ver. day. Osburn Thursday. 264.56 for market roads, accord E. Hoss, secretary of state. Miss Margaret Bennett from John Schlippy has charge of' William Pringle, Jr., was a ing to records here. Vernonia was a guest of Marion the road worlc which is being A serious condition with little McMullin for two days last week. Vernonia business caller Satur- done in this community now....... day evening. The superintendent of Colmi#- •elief for several months is cre Oliver Bunas butchered a veal Mrs. A. Wallace drove to Ver A. R. Mills hauled a load of bia county schools has been in ated by shortage of water on one day last week. fence posts to Vernonia Wednes nonia Tuesday to do some shop vited to attend the annual con- Oregon sheep and cattle ranges Mr. and Mrs Ira Peterson and ping. vention of county school sup- according to Dr. w. H. Lytle, son Norman were callers at Mist day. W. Taylor from Birkenfeld erintendents to be held here Aug- state veterinarian. Harry Morris, caretakdtr of Wednesday evening. was an all day caller at Natal ust 4, 5 and 6. Governor Nor- Many ranchers have been fore- Big Eddy park, is on the job and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nickerson blad, C. A. Howard, state sup- ed to haul water for sheep and I and children and Mr. and Mrs. is making many improvements, on business Tuesday. There has been considerable erintendent of public instruction cattle many miles, Dr. Lytle said. Dan Nelson and daughter called some from Portland out picking and several other county super some fro Portland out picking to see Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer intendents will be speakers on wild blackberries. An amendment to the state Thursday evening. the program. banking laws to permit closer Lincoln Peterson called at the Jim Louden worked for Lee supervision over banks and ad Osburn haying last week. ' A. R. Meilis home at Mist Wed Aroused to action by the in ditional power in regulation and Mrs. Thomas and two daugh nesday evening. creasing number of fires along!_________ ___ by ters spent one day last week at revocation ___ of ______ bank ___ charters The William McMullin family public highways, Hal E. Hoss, the state banking division, may Natal visiting friends. and Miss Ervin and Miss Noble secretary of state, has instruc-lbe introduced in the 1931 legis- Miss Annie McMullin spent a from Alberta, Canada, have been ted all state traffic officers to j |ature, according to A. A strictly enforce the state law Schram, state superintendent of making it a misdemeanor to I banks, throw away any lighted tobacco,] ______ i cigars, cigarettes, matches or oth The state capitol will be near- er lighted material during the ly deserted of state officials the closed season May 15 to October latter part of the week when 1. 1 the Republican state central A series of fires along road committee meets to nominate a sides, culminating one day in republican standard-bearer for three disastrous fires, one of governor. which burned over an area of 100,0 acres in Jackson county, The coffers of the state treas all starting from the same cause, ury will be enriched by more was responsible for the drastic than $1,000,000 from collections enforcement order. of inheritance taxes during the jear 1930, according to esti A. A. Schram, state super mates of the state treasurer’s of Modernistic Letterheads are splotched intendent of banks, was in Bos fice. The amount collected this ton this week attending the con year was expected to exceed the with color, with all kinds of ultra-designs vention of national association of former highest figure for in state bank supervisors. and fancy coloring. heritance tax collections made in 1929 when $1,000,311.69 was W. C. Hawley, United States collected. They attract attention—but are a trifle Congressman for Oregon, was ex pected to lie in the state next BUSINESS SLOWLY IMPROV (often more than a trifle) loud. week for a short vacation and ING SAYS FRED E. TAYLOR for conference with his consti tuents. 'SS is Natal Bob Linsey’s Saturday. Archie Green is worl ing away from home this summtr. ALBANY—(UP)—St: to traf fic officer Kenneth Blo< m passed kittens out to his friends. He had collected them on his high- way patrol. thefResources thislßani Are financially yours —which means that w e provide every type of business as sistance, information and councel; that we lend material encour agement to all justi fied construction and expansion; that we can render you an invaluable and thor ough commercial ser vice. Bank Of Vernonia Modern Letterheads C. BRUCE LUMBER Modernistic Letterheads There''s a Difference Wholesale and Retail Vernonia A. F. & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets Meets third Thursday of each Temple, month at the I.O.O.F. hall. at Masonic Stated Communication Mrs. May Mellinger, president. First Thursday of each i month. Special called ¡ NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 meetings on all other Thurs-1 ORDER OF RAINBOW nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors I FOR GIRLS cordially welcome. Regular meeting second and E. Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Audrey Austin, Recorder Order of Eastern Star More subdued, yet striking and taste ful, are Modern Letterheads— On Tinted Paper, printed with Colored . Ink. American Legion Vernonia Post Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. 119, . American Regular commu Meets Legion, nication first second and and third Wed fourth Tuesdays nesdays of each each month, 8 p. month, at Ma m. Connie An sonic Temple. All visiting sis derson, Com ters and broth mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart If you tire of the always correct, but somewhat unvarying letterheads on white bond stationery— Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. Grace Sunell, Vive Grand every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn. Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Myrtle John, Secretary MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. 4 C. Della Cline. Treasurer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« /k Let us Show You Samples of Modern Letterheads I. O. O. F Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth- at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis era welcome. itors always welcome. H. Culbertson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.G. John Glassner, Secretary. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. Vernonia Eagle