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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1930)
Friday, July 2 », 1930. Vc.mmia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon I and a better flavor w 11 result [for improvement in the lumber in Vemohia Tuesday. if sugar is added to fruit sauces dustry have lingered for several Mr. and Mrs. Al Knight and after cooking. Cooking fruits in years over the prospect of dimin i son Douglas drove to Portland sugar syrup helps to preierve the ished production in Southern Tuesday to spend a few days with shape because the cel) ulose of pine, which could be supplanted friends. the fruit is toughened by the by the product of Northwest for Portland J. B. Wheeler of sugar. ests. Instead of this relief for From the School of Home Mr. Wheel- spent Friday here, * • • the sorely beset producer of fir, I Economic«, OSC er is manager of the Eagle Lum- I One cup of molasses in a re- another formidable competitor 1 ber eompAny. I cipe is equivalent of 1-3 cup of appears in one of his best mar- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Folts sugar and one cup of liquid. One City officials who ordered and , k ets. Not having been a lumber- To insure a flaky product in I of Cambridge, Massachusetts, l egg equals 1-2 teaspoon leaven- ' were the weekend guests of Mr. supervised the improvements are man> Job is thought to have had pastry have all the ingredients ' ing agent. If one cup ground cold, then cut the fat into the i nuts is used 1-3 cup less butter i and Mrs. Arthur R. Baird. Mr. more or less to blame for the a shade the best of it. 1 Folts is an instructor at Har- deplorable condition in which the I The problem of Russian lum- flour in particles about the size is required, Three tablespoons ¡vard college. He formerly was city finds itself at this time. Iber is of no small consequence, of small peas. cocoa equal one square of cho. • * * i on the faculty at the University Yet, it appears, that the people [for it is well adapted for the colate. [trade to which consigned. Local have not yet had all they can I of Oregon at Eugene. Mrs. In making oatmeal muffins the lumbermen report that it is a stand of this sort of mismanage | Folts is Arthur Baird’s niece. milk is heated, then poured over FOREST GROVE—(UP)—Ar- I They are vacationing in the ment, but continue to retain men I highly marketable product, free the oatmeal which is added to the thur Stipe got drunk, drove his [ from blemishes, and discolora- in office who are largely respon i Northwest. rest of the mixture. This method autqmobile, tmto a neighbtor’s Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koehler sible for improving property Itions, thoroughly dried, and ad- gives a finer texture to the porch, fell asleep. drove down from Cochran Tues which was not worth the amount , mirably manufactured. Although product. inferior to Dopglas fir in tensile * « • day evening. Mr. Koehler has of the assessments against it. —Rainier Review, 'strength, and running mainly to charge of the C. H. Wheeler If flour is browned for gravy • * « [smaller sizes, it is distinctly com- store at Cochran. or sauce add a small amount of I 'petitive, and must be taken ser- will in- 1 The Portland ball club [ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maethof as a contender in the white flour or cornstarch be I and family are away on a plea-! auKurate night baseball at the liously [struggle for one of the world’s cause browning flour changes I grounds next [sure trip. They be Vau«hn »treet ground . ---- expect .— to — — greatest lumber markets, the At come of the starch to sugar and1 Tuesday. So far the. Beavers [gone for a week or more. power. lantic coast region of the United lessens its thickening Fred Miller had hts tonsils haven’t been able to do any • ♦ . LIFE States. removed in Portland last week. thing in the daytime and so let Baked potatoes will have tend FIRE West coast lumber has already Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls us hope the bright lights will sold in successful competition er well-flavored skins if they are AUTOMOBILE BE CAREFUL OF FIRE and family spent the weekend make them feel at home. —Hillsboro Argus. against the Russian product in oiled before baking. To hasten[ with relatives at Oregon City. and all other kinds baking the potatoes may be dip * * * Europe during several years past. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson, A tiny match can do enormous . damage, particularly ,who Mr. lived The Salmon short-cut to the Approximately twenty per cent ped in hot water until warmed across the river, have sea will be opened officially Sat of the lumber imported into Wes through. in the summer, and in a forest region. moved into a company house. « * * The tragedy of forest fires is that they are so often I Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens urday. It is to be hoped that a tern Europe and the Unted King- Less sugar will be required short cut through from Portland dof comes from the Douglas fir due to gross carelessness. Lightning is responsible in ™eJ^S“"day. vv here, and »»u our p>vuuvt district product | Cooke returned with them af will be celebrated in the not too[„.„„. some cases, and man’s only part is to be on the alert ter having spent a week with distant future and the route will ¡has continued to hold its own. This fact, nevertheless, does not and quench the blaze as soon as possible, Sometimes Mrs. Stephens' sister, Mrs. A. be through Hillsboro. —Hillsboro Argus. dispel alarm; for European ship fellows whose motives are altogether selfish start fires I Lockwood, • * * ments are mainly large clears, Miss Maxine Brady „“ of f 2®^ Ver- wilfully, but such cases, particularly in this locality where ' nonia And just when the cool weath-1 quality products of the Northwest is the guest of her uncle there is no deep-seated hostility between lumberman and an(j aunt> Mr* and Mrs. Arthur er disappeared and thoughts turn-' forests, for which none of our ed to vacation tours the big competitors can offer a counter rancher, are rare. But carelessness..................... - Baird. • - gasoline companies got together part. Mrs. Rube Nelson and family Failure to put outj camp fires is a long standing[ ^ Although our exclusive line of and Mrs. Gartzke and daughter and moved to end the gas war. Hillsboro Independent. goods is not easily displaced with cause of forest devastation. The embers left as supposedly Mary"June,'1* are"pfeking ^berriVs * * * the European buyer, the fate of Newberg. harmless may be fanned by a fresh breeze, or creep into1 [at -1 K, ‘—*•— A Portland judge has ruled smaller sizes and lower grades in I Al Love and Charles Chris- inflammable underbrush. I tipnson played golf at Vernonia that an officer's nose is all that his hands is quite another story. is necessary when he smells mash, Riga, it should be remembered, Blameworthy as the careless camper is, even more I Tuesday. destructive, forest service men tell us, is the smoker who Mrs. Seth Noble and two sons and he may follow it to the evi being only seven hundred and dence without first securing a some odd miles from London, can heedlessly tosses a match where it may set a fire going, | are at Newberg for several days. search warrant. ship as cheaply and as easily as I While visiting at Newberg Mrs. or a lighted stub where it may lurk smouldering for hours, ’union of the Versteig family. Hillsboro Independent.1 we move our lumber from the * • * unsuspected but dangerous. . Mrs. Noble is a daughter. Columbia River to San Francisco. This summer offers an excel-| Even if we could undersell the Besides the out-of-town danger, too, is that which' lent opportunity to explore the [ Russian product on an f. o. b. may arise from within. Fire chief Earl Smith’s warning | HOOD RIVER PAPER wonders of Oregon. Do not let freight differentials would TELLS OF SCHWAB it go by without the thrill of ‘ | | basis, about uncut grass should be heeded. Adjacent buildings [ tell the tale. Against a rate of having made the acquaintance of [three or four dollars a thousand, are imperilled as long as dry grass offers itself as fuel. A change is being made to'day at least one of the beauty spots for which Baltic carriers would In town, an hour of fire prevention is worth more in the staff of the Glacier with to be found in our own state or make London deliveries, we have than a year of replacement,and outside, a moment of the employment of Lee Schwab, county. a present rate from this coast whose duties will include the so —Forest Grove News-Times. of 50/, which is 12.15 per thous carefulness may save two generations of trees. licitation of advertising and job and. Although such figures are printing. a permanent resident of Hood the lowest in years, they are still enjoying an innovation in the form of Portland is Mr. Schwab has been employed River.—Hood River Glacier. too high to permit any substan night baseball, A bigger innovation yet would be a first- the past 18 months as editor of tial lumber movemept in other the Vernonia Eagle, until recent RUSSIAN LUMBER than the higher grades.—Oregon division Portland team. ly owned by Mark E. Moe. The Voter. SERIOUS MENACE Vernonia paper enjoyed the dis ' Mrs. Sheffield, who will visit tinction of constantly carrying SALEM—(UP)— Three Sa- ! here a few days. a larger volume of advertising Instead of subversive propa lemites each owed $100. By than any other newspaper in ganda, latest shipments from So ' Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Christian- telling each other about it, they lon, Charles and Florence Chris Oregon located in a town of that viet Russia comprise some twen were able to write off their re ty-four million feet of lumber spective debts without exchange tianson and Herbert J. Root size or smaller. “Lee,” as he is generally recently reported for delivery at of a penny. Mrs. C. K. Christianson and motored to Mill City Saturday daughter Florence and Herbert to spend the weekend with Mrs. known, is a member of the Am Poughkeepsie. The shock was PENDLETON—(UP)— Twen- Root motored to Cochran Tues- Christianson's parents, Mr. and erican Legion, having served as not diminished by news that the | ty five years ago, Charles Rich commander of the Vernonia post. importer happens to be an At mond lost an engraved cigar case Mrs. O. C. Farmer. day. __ _______ Arthur Baird, W. H. Krebs] The past six months he was sec- lantic coast distributor widely | , here. __ It was returned ___ him the Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens and Billy Coode were guests of ind L. E. Stephens spent Friday I retary of the Vernonia Chamber known here as a large custom-1 other day by Minnesotoans who ! of Commerce, and his work was er of Douglas fir manufacturers.1 found it there. Mrs. Stephens’ i sister, Mrs. A. chasing the elusive berries. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kern and so well thought of that his resig Although the spectre of Rus-; -------------------------------------------- Lockwood of Portland, Sunday. nation was refused and he was sian importations may have ral-[ Joe Winans spent Friday in family were at Seaside for a given an indefinite leave of ab lied support for the enactment I few days last week and return Portland. of a protective tariff on lumber, sence. ed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris and Mr. Schwab arrived here Mon imminence of arrivals in such Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burt and family motored to Forest Grove Mr. Burt’s brother, Johnny, who day and his family came Tues heavv quantiti-s was scarcely Friday to visit friends. is visiting here from Hood River, day. He is a live wire and a realized, either by lumbermen, or Ray Stock is away on a pleas went to Forest Grove Saturday booster and will be welcomed as by members of congress. Hopes ure trip. to spend the day with Mrs. Burt’s Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig and parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fri- • • son Shirley motorad to Ver day. Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak, Joe and nonia to see a show Saturday Delivered To Yoilt' Harold Ferlaak and Miss May I evening. Bolin drove to Portland Monday. and Called Burt Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry White of Portland, who Door and Elmer Burt made a trip to For At is connected with the Eagle Lum Forest Grove Tuesday. Westimber presented almost a ber company, spent Friday in deserted air last week while so Westimber. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koenig many families were away pick ing blackberries. Among them and son Shirley drove to Port were Mr. and Mrs. Al Love, Mr. land Sunday, to spend the day, and Mrs. Seth Noble, Mr. and at Jantzen beach. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt and' Mrs. L. Nicholls. Alta Wolfe of Portland, who Elmer Burt were at Arcadia I is visiting at the home of her park for the dance ¿Saturday' brother. W. A. Wolfe, stepped in evening. Billy Miller and David Eng- j to a bee's nest while picking berries last week. The little land, who are spending several I i ■ miss was quite badly stung but weeks in Springfield with David England’s grandmother, Mrs. is feeling pert again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak, Gorrie, were thrilled by their W. A. Davia, Local Manager. Miss May Bolin, who is visit first airplane ride Sunday. Mrs. Sheffield, who has been ing at the Ferlaak home from Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Minneapolis, Minnesota, Joe and the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Kern, for a few days re Harold Ferlaak went on a sight Portland-Vernonia Truck Line seeing trip on the Columbia turned to her home In Portland Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Kern go highway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren ing in with Mrs. Sheffield to for Freight Orders and daughter Mary Ellen spent spend the weekend. A. C. Ahlgren played golf at a few days in Forest Grove last week. Archie Jones of Portland, and FINNEY OF THE FORCE The Music Critic Wayne and Percy James of Kin- sua. Washington, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dud- row. Mrs. Carl Kern motored to Portland Thursday. She was ac companied back by her mother, I I What Other Editors Think . Home Pointers Insurance] Jos. Scott Oregon-American Lumber Co. Westimber Some Suggestions for Yonr Dinner Table . Freight Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Daily Between Vernonia and Portland Fresh Crisp Rfills Delicious Cookies—All Varieties Cakes that Melt in Your Mouth Pies that You’ll Like and............. "Mother's Bread” VERNONIA BAKERY SERVICE STATION U. S. Koval ('ord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed