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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
ff=—=—= Mist the Timber Mercantile company Miss Ellen Salmi from Port-; hire. land, Marie George, and Clifford Salmi and W'lliam Armstrong of. Mrs. Charles Farwell is visit Marshfield i ere recent visitors ing in Portland for a week. .t the Chas. Hansen home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Welter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Braden ■ nd daughter Jean drove to As- Mz. Montgomery went to work and family are visiting relatives on the road Monday for Super 1 jria Saturday night for a short in Parker, Washington. ior John Schlippey. tay at the beach. Miss Anita Schiffer and Court Mrs. Scarbarough, Mrs. Pow “Hayin’ Time” again—all the armers are busy in the hay ney Syverson spent Sunday ell, Gladys and Sylvia Schiffer, evening in Beaverton. Lon Rhea McCamphell and Ro ields. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilmore bert Gardner spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippey vere calling on her son Clyde and thete house guest, Mrs. afternoon in Buxton. A. W. Kilburg and family Fred Walker of Wheeler were in ane at Birkenfeld Sunday. ire leaving this week for Cali in Portland Monday evening to Mrs. Ellis from New York re- where they plan to lo ently visited with her sister, attend a club dance on the Swan. fornia, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Smail ot cate. 4rs. Chas. Hansen. Another sis- Art Spitler and Harold Beyers er, Mrs. Elias Coombs of Bend, Portland were among the guests are digging a well for Mike Iregon, and her husband paid of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hart’s Welter. twenty-fifth wedding anniversary i visit to the Hansen home. Miss Anita Schiffer, Courtney Mrs. B. E. Troy and Mrs. Saturday evening. Syverson and Anthony Kilburg Mrs. A. W. Kilburg and Mrs. Sari Olsen and son Loring re were in Vernonia Saturday timed to their home in Everett, Ben Hart spent Monday and evening and later attended the .Vashington, Sunday after a Tuesday in Portland. dance at Arcadia park. zeek’s visit with their aunt and Mrs. Geòrgie Wolfe, Elmer Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilmore, Mrs. Austin Wolfe and Emmett Schiffer mo Mrs. Mike Welter and daughter incle, Mr. and lowling. tored to Portland Monday. Jean, Mr. C. Denser and Lou The L. B. Eastman family Mr. and Mrs. Powell and son Rhea McCamphell motored to vere visiting Sunday evening , Robert Gardner are moving to Portland Friday. zith the Grover Devine folks. i a place near McMinnville this Misses Lou Rhea and Mar garet McCamphell and Harold Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, ■week. >. De Rock and the Misses Al- Mrs. Lou Gray, hostess at Ar Beyers were visiting in Vernonia jerta and Irene De Rock were cadia park, is giving a dinner Saturday evening. Miss Merle Schiffer is in For Seaside pleasure seekers Sunday. Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap the committee which has been est Grove with her aunt, Mrs. notored to Seaside Sunday and ' appointed to present constructive W. C. Tucker, for a couple of ¡criticisms for the betterment of weeks. pent the day. Levi Anderson spent Sunday Among those who Mrs. A. Buckley and Mrs. B. ; the park. .Tachiel from Vernonia were in ! will go from Timber are Miss in Portland. Anthony Kilburg, Roland In .he village Monday evening vis- Anita Schiffer, Courtney Syver galls, Fred Miller and Henry ting their mother, Mrs. Ed Rey son and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ferlaak were in Portland for a nolds. • «$ 43 Gilmore. About 40 people are show Sunday evening. S. J. DeRock is visiting at expected to attend this dinner. Miss Marlys Hefner, who has The sign painted for the Tim he home of his sister, Mrs. Wm. ber Mercantile company by Carl been employed in Portland for 3ridgers at this writing. some time, returned here Thurs Mr. Cartwright shipped out Kern of Westimber was put day to spend the rest of the everal cars of sheep Tuesday up Monday and is very attrac summer with her uncle and aunt, tive. norning. Charles Prouty, who had Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brinkmcyer. Mrs. Eastman called on Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bell and leynolds Wednesday afternoon. charge of the C. H. Wheeler son Lawrence were weekend Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson store at Cochran, is now with guests of Mr. Bell’s parents in ind Mrs. Melis spent Monday af- Portland. ernoon with Mrs. Hansen. Earl Knowles is working on Burley Tallman came over The Oscar Jones family are the road. from Wilark to be with his fa- vorking for Clyde Johnson hay- Wm. McMullin and family and :ng. Mrs. Jones is doing the (his sister and family, all from ■ooking. i Canada, are visiting _at the Elvin and Orville Jones are home of their brother, Dave Mc helping I. E. Knowles hay. Mullin, at Natal. Mrs. Chas. Sundland had as her guest on Saturday Mrs. Lou Ozan- and son Jack from Se- attle, Washington. Mrs. Boyd Nelson and son Jackie spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Elsa Knowles. Mrs. Grover Divine, Mrs B Troy, Mrs. E. Olsen and son Lorins and Mrs. Austin Dowling and daughter spent Thursday at Mayger visiting the Jack Dowling familyi Monday golfers at Vernonia were Mrs. Ernest Lane, Mrs. W. Keaton, S. J. DeRocks and Wm. Bridges. Mrs. James Jones and children are visiting at the Ed Reynolds home. Mrs. Chas. Sundland and Don ald were Clatskanie shoppers Tuesday. We are very sorry to have Mr. Schwab leave the employ of The Vernonia Eagle. He has done much to build up our val uable paper. We also wish him success in his new location at Hood River. Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Mont gomery were Vernonia movie visitors Monday evening. A large band of sheep (several hundred) passed through the village Sunday morning on their way to Delena. They were driv en through by the Werner boys. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son Bernard, Mrs. Troy and Mrs. Olsen took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Dowling’s daughter, Mrs. Newton Trotter, at Silver Lake, Washington. Mrs. Reynolds is improving from a recent illness and able to be out again. The Wm. Keaton family have moved to Birkenfeld, into the store building recently occupied by the Libel family. Ed Reynolds is haying for L. Bachman. James Jones and son were in the village Monday evening from Thompson's siding. Mrs. E. L. McCauley return ed home Sunday after a week’: stay with her sister, Mrs. Rey nolds. Mrs. McCauley lives nea> Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlipp} were Clatskanie business visitor Monday morning. Mrs. Grover Devine, Mrs. Aus « tin Dowling and daughter Flor ence, Mrs. Troy and Mrs. Olser and son Loring motored to Sea side Friday and spent the daj sight-seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland were Seaside visitors on Sunday Timber week to Hillsboro, where he will 1 ed a show in Portland Sunday mily over the weekend. evening. Mr. Riches is having some be employed. improvements made to his house. Emmett Schiffer and daugh Jack McGowan and C. I. Ander ters, Anita and Norma, drove to To buy, trade, or sell use son of Vernonia are doing the Forest Grove Sunday to visit work. Mrs. W. C. Tucker. a classified advertisement in the Mrs. Fred Walker of Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morse Eagle columns. It payt! is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. and daughter Julianne visited in i E. Gilmore for a few days. Portland Sunday. Frank Montgomery is moving Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott, who I Martin & Forbes his family to Timber. They have have been guests of relatives LEADING FLORIST been living at Hillsboro. Miss Shirley Bigger and Hal here for a week or more, return 387 Washington St. ed to their home in Foss. sey Bigger visited their father Portland, Ore., Phone Monday^ and also called on Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brinkmey- BEacon 3162 friends. I er and daughter Arietta, Mar- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hunting ' levs and Donald Hefner attend- ton and three children, Robert, Pauline and Mary Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arey of Port land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. I,. Arey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgom ery and daughter Marjorie mo- tored to Euger e last week. W. E. Gilmore played golf in Vernonia Sunday evening. The Southern Pacific emp loyees are having their annual picnic at Crystal Lake park on July 27. Several from here ex pect to att nd. Miss Leonoria Carlton of Port land spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy McCamphell and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. II. Morse were in Portland Monday. Clifford Bigger is moving this coiu/üiced That speculation has no place in sane finance; that the fruits of la ter should be so invested as to in sure saftey of principal and regular income return. ¿¡'if Lots of Money Can Be Saved by Having Your Shoes Repaired Right Come in and bring your old shoes with you. Get acquainted with our re pairing system. We can save your shoes and your money. Coining To Portland Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Dr. Mellenthio 965 Bridge St. Vernonia Repairing Done While You Wait It’s the Goodrich Cavalier . . . highest quality at unheard-of low prices! All Work Guaranteed Special Attention to Internal Medicine DOES Friday, Julyl i, 1930. Vernonia Easle, Vernonia, Oregon i a¿e Six NOT OPERATE Will be at BENSON HOTEL on Friday and Saturday, July 25-26 from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. I TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge For Consultation. Dr. Mellenthin’a visits are greatly appreciated and patron ised, •specially by those who are Buffering or ailing from troubles of the internal organa, in the chart or abdomen; also bead, ear, note and throat. The Doctor accepts only those who can be treated medicinally with the aid of correct diet and hy giene for which a nominal charge is made. Women if married please bring their husbands. Whatever your complaint may be it will be of interest to con sult the Doctor on this trip. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients, Mrs. Harriet Anstadt, Astoria. Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis. Chas. Dasch, Portland. W. G. Grubbe, Albany. Mrs. J. G. Huntsucker, Toledo. W.E.Hankins, Mt. Hebron, Cal. Denver Kincaid, Ashland. Bert Lamps, St. Helene. L, H. Martin, Moro. F. O. Pollard, Yreka, Calif. E. F. Smith, Heppner. Mrs. Wm. Schuening. Helix. Leo Oey, North Powder. T. L. Shown, Gotdendale. Emma Turned, Mihkalo. Henry Trowbridge, John Day. J. H. Wood, Eugene. V. P. Harris, Athena. < Mrs. B. Danka, Klamath Falls. Mrs. Walter Scott, Mt. Angel. Henry Schults, Pendleton. Mrs. O. N. Kimball, Crabtree. Mrs. Frank Simpson, Hood Ki ene. Loe Slacker, La Grande. Note above the enact date and place I Permanent address: 261» So. Serrano, Loe Angelos. Calif. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 \ A. F. & A. M. meets . \ at Masonic Temple, /A Stated Communication ^’rs^ Thursday of eacn A month. Special called meetings on ali other Thurs day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, XV. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the 1.0.0.F, hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. Here’s' the result . the 6-ply Bigger . . . thicker . . . Built to master any road. And on every tire . . . that familiar, meaningful name . . . “Goodrich!” A guarantee of qual ity .. . of ability to take punish ment ... of freedom from tire worries. We're featuring Cavaliers right now. Putting special prices <n them. Our line is complete . . . all passenger car sizes and tvs sizes for trucks. B Come in to see them .'. . bast come quickly.’»They’re going tn move fast at these price« .’.J. and we wouldn't want to be out of your size when you call.*6iake it tomorrow , , , and play safe. ’S news for you ... Mg news! A 6-ply tire .. . made Cavalier. H ERE tougher. by Goodrich . . . priced at figures you're used to seeing on 4-ply casings of only ordinary quality! Six plies . , . half again the carcass strength . . . not to men tion bigger air cushion, thicker tread, tougher rubber compound ... all for less money! Goodrich didn't make this tire overnight. They’ve been working on it for years. Finding ways to bring production costs down while holding quality up. Developing, in short, a tire for car owners who want to keep first cost low . . . without taking chances on second grade quality. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. IB ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR G'RLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Audrey Austin, Recorder American Legion Vernonia Post Nehalom Chapter 163, O. E. S. 119, American Regular commu Legion. Meets nication first’ second and ami third Wed nesdays of each fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. month, at M«-l sonic Temple. m. Connie An All visiting sis derson, Com ters and broth-I mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. Grace Sunell, Vive Grand every 2nd and Sth Wednesdays in Edna Linn, Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Myrtle John, Secretary MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. * C. Della Cline. Treasurer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE I. OO. F. 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. JslUH TWRmli, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glasaner, Secretary. RIVERVIEW SERVICE STATION Bill Heath Phone X57