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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
Friday, Julyl 1, 1930, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon i------------------- where the party enjoyed visits and Mrs. Estey this week. Mrs. to Lotus isle and airplane flights Deaver is with the Odd Fellows home in Portland. at the Rankin flying field. Mr. and Mrs. Redmon are Mr. and Mrs. Gust Larson spending several weeks with rela to Portland recently. Astoria—The Lower Columbia moved tives at Baker and Prinville. : i.ry association’s June produc Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle were Miss Rosemary Hertshell of tion was the highest for any one visitors with the latter’s parents, Rainier is the guest of the Sath County Official Paper month in the history of the as and spent last week at Long Member of National Editorial sociation, it was announced at (Received too late for inser er family this week. SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI SAI Assn, and Oregon State Edit I Beach, Washington. Monday's meeting of the direc- tion last week.) Mrs. Bessie Cummings will orial Assn. The construction of two new | take charge of the post office MILLS OPERATING tors. The Astoria plant with several new shippers from Clats- bridges near Keasey was begun 1 at Keasey as soon as certain HALF CAPACITY kanie, produced 53 per cent Monday by Al Johnson and his I legal papers are accepted by the more butterfat than in June, crew. Joe Wornstaff is oper postal department. ! .... , Washington—A total 1929, while the Grays River ating the crane. Mr. and Mrs. John Wornstaff! . ’ plant, with no increase in num- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dusenberg | and little daughter are visiting of 345 mills in the Douglas fir daughter returned relatives at Prinville. They pur region of Oregon, Washington bcr of shippers, showed a 10 and little Tuesday after spending several chased a car recently. Pacific Coast Representatives per cent increase. and British Columbia operated at Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. Helen Boyer of Portland is 55.55 per cent of capacity dur Enough milk to obtain 75 tons days in Portland. «Su San Francisco of butterfat was turned in by Mr. and Mrs. Hickey are visiting her sister, Mrs. Westlin. ing the week ending June 28, ac Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rose are dairymen. spending their vacation in San visiting relatives at Port An cording to their weekly reports Farmers in the association had tiago. $2.00 Per Year in Advance Issued Every Friday to the West Coast Lumbermen’s a 4 ‘i cent premium over Port Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Peterson! geles, Washington. Entered as second class matter Augu t 4, 1922. at the post land prices, for the association and little son are spending this | Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred DeClu- association. Production of the office at Vernonia, Oregon, un ' ir the act of March 18/J. paid 35 cents for grade A but week in Portland sion are again living here, Mr. 345 mills for this week totaled terfat as against a Portland av- R. B. Fletcher, cashier, is off DeClusion having recently been Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per uich, erage price of 30b4‘ cents. discharged from St. Vincent’s 166,305,189 feet, as compared for a three-week vacation. legal notices, 10c per line first i: sertion, 5c per line succeeding hospital in Portland. He was to an output of 167,-22,613 feet Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morgan and insertions; classified lc per woi min i'ium ___________ | children of I. P. headquarters confined there three months on or 56.20, per cent reported by COURT MEMBERS are spending their vacation account of fractured ankles suf 345 mills for the previous week. RAY D. FISHER, E< itor and Publisher INSPECT ROADS I camp fered in an accident in the Production reported for the first with relatives at Falls City. 26 weeks of 1930 by the 345 Oscar Sider and family moved woods last spring. County Judge John Philip and into camp here Sunday and are Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Holman mills was 20.6 per cent below not a mandate Commissioners J. N. Miller and j occupying the home recently va- j and little son of Portland spent their cut during the comparable The action of the Jost ] h-for-Governor club in de T. B. Mills made a trip last i rated by the Cummings. Mr. Sunday and Monday here. Mr. to Bend and Klamath Falls ¡Sider is a donkey doctor. He is Holman is proprietor of a radio manding that the republic 11 state central committee ■ week inspecting the oiling work that now working on the new bridges. shop in Portland, and sold sev name a candidate for goveiror who will be completely had been done on the highway. The fire warden for this place eral sets in this vicinity. and unreservedly in favor of the views of the late Senator They returned by way of Wil at present are Clyde May of Jew- I Recent purchasers of electric Valley and saw the pav i ell, Everett Beach and Louie washing machines here are Mrs. Joseph is unwarranted. It as .nines that the voters chose lamette ing project now under way on the platform first, and Joseph because he stood for it. ■ the Santiam highmay near Leb- Foote. They are boarding at the T. F. Scott, Mrs. I). F. O’Don Dunlap home, while the cook- nell and Mrs. J. W. Wornstaff. As a matter of fact, Joseph received a plurality not anon. house is closed. Mr. Heber of the Oregon Gas Wednesday Judge Philip and because those who voted for him necessarily favored the J W. Wornstaff and family and Electric company spent Mon Roadmaster Chandler inspected returned to camp Sunday after day here demonstrating washing state development of hydro-electric projects to the ex- i road and bridge work in the Ne a week with relatives in machines and contracting for el elusion of the federal government or ot private corpora- halem Valley and stopped at Rai spending Central Oregon and at Clacka ectric service. nier to inspect the road leading tions, but because, he was G orge V>. Joseph, In other mas. Mr. Wornstaff recently Mr. and Mrs. D. F. O’Donnell to the Longview bridge. This and family spent last week visit words, they voted for a personality—a dashing, brilliant approach is being paved by the | purchased an Auburn six car. L. Towner and family of I. P. ing relatives at Creswell, Ore leader who voiced the protest of Portland street car riders bridge company and the road headquarters camp are visiting gon. against ten cent carfare, who was at outs with the old bed was found to be in condition relatives in Portland. The Amato family moved into to complete the paving to the Mr. and Mrs. Boyer returned camp last week and are living in guard, who crusaded fearlessly tor what he wanted, who full width. —St. Helens Mist. to Portland Friday after spend the Fox house. was loyal to his friends ar.d a hard-hitter towards his ing a fortnight with their daugh The Johnson and Sather fa enemies; above all, a man v.lio had the “it" that defies INTERSTATE CREAMERIES ter Mrs. C. E. Westlin and fami- milies spent ___ ___ ___ ___ last week at ____ Sea- FORM NEW COOPERATIVE I ly. The Westlins, with John Kir-' side and Newport. analysis. ■ by and Raymond Meadows, ac- Mrs. Deaver and daughter of The election was not in any sense a conflict of issues, Overlapping and competition l ompnnied them to the city I Portland are the guests of Mr. would such as a battle over prohibition, wherein the drys for Pacific coast markets has vote for a retired street-clean« r for mayor if he happened been eliminated for one more so LOWER COLUMBIA DAIRYMEN REPORT RECORD EARNINGS Hr r mini a nir €amp . • . MeGregor ii- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L 12 ¡13 14 15 16 17 18 (19 20 21 22 23 25 2é ¡27 28 29 30 31 1_ i period of 1929. Prodm tion ha» declined steadily Bince (he week ending May 26 when it was ap proximately 65 per cen; of ca pacity. Orders reported by £ 16 mills during the week ending June 28 were 14.5 per cent under pro duction, which parallels the sea sonal decline which normally oc-* curs at this time of year. Orders reported by 183 identi cal mills were 22 per cent below those received by the same mills during the first 26 weeks of 1929. SQUARE OEAL SERVICE STATION U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed She’ll Appreciate . . a Rest....................... ¥ Take lier out for supper one of these warm evenings to Terminal Cafe to be the only candidate on their side, ami the wets would industry with the organization late in June of the Interstate! approve of any old soak who would promise to quench Associated Creameries, which their thirsts. The race for the governorship was a will form the final link in a struggle of personalities. That Senator Joseph was the coastwise federation of coopera-1 tive creameries. only one who seemed to have a definite platform to of The new association will op- j fer was a point in his favor, but not an endorsement of erate under the national market-' ing plan of the Federal Farm I the platform in toto. board, and will act as a central For the club to threaten nomination of an inde agency for cooperative plants of. pendent candidate if their demands are not complied with Oregon and southwestern Wash is unsportsmanlike, to say tl.e least. Not in that fashion ington. It was perfected through cooperative efforts of the did any of the five candidates defeated in the primaries the marketing service of Oregon I treat the nominee. State college and the northwest I It is to be hoped that the republican candidate for neprescntatiVe of tjie federal board. Its formation, ac-' governor, whoever he may be, will have the manliness, as farm cording to the officers, will per-I did Tom Kay, to assert the right to think and act for mit working agreements between himself, That quality was one of the reasons that won Í the Oregon cooperatives, the| United Daries of Washington votes for George Joseph. GOOD WILL Good will is often a mere conventional business term, to designate that whieli a buyer purchases over and above the physical stock and equipment of a business, Occasion ally there goes with the sale the hearty cooperation of the seller and his employes. Such indeed has been the case when disposed of The Eagle, In particular, Lee ing editor, has done a very great deal to smooth the way of his successor. With Mr. Moe and Mr. Schwab, good will had a de finite meaning. The selection of George Ford to take the place of Lee Schwab as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce was a wise one. If anybody can fill Lee’s shoes, it is George. and the Challenge Creameries of California. Organizations in the new fed- eration at present are the Eu- (Continued on Page 5) insurance LIFE FIRE AUTOMOBILE and all other kinds Jos. Scoll —1/ ® VL/ sPr I Kv M mTY ! ■ui ñUAÁJJL : ríe.' 35 I k ¿ & . McCormick Deering Tractors -8 Ft MO3IEIRNIZE FA IK HING Vernonia Trading Company are exclusive agents for McCormick Deer ing products for upper Nehalem Valley. Vernonia Trading Co. r 5 -V LY \ I Or a good Refrigerator Could keep things Cool these warm days « Our Prices > Are the Lowest Note Display of Refrigerators in Our Window this Week FOR HEALTH’S Sake, Keep your eatables Cool and Sanitary Hoffman Hardware Vernonia ♦