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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
Three Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Friday, July 18, 1930. home Tuesday. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Al Knight and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens son Douglas were at the beach went to Hillsboro Sunday to at several days last week. tend the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Mr. and Mrs. George King Nelson. t I and family visited relatives in Mrs. Louis Nicholls and Portland for a few days last daughter and son-in-law, and Mrs. Sorrels, motored Irvin Smith and LaVerne Ad enjoyed a dancing party at Ar week. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Farmen Woodburn Monday. ams spent Sunday at Seaside. cadia Sunday evening. and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rider Mr. and : Mrs. Wm. Hoskins Mrs. Frank Hartwick spent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick, of Mill City spent the weekend son drove to Seaside for Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prickett, at the Christianson home here. weekend, They were accomp- Mrs. W. G. Walker at Banks. Miss Edith Bailey and Herman H. L. Root and son Ralph anied back by Mrs. Hoskin’s bro- Turner picnicked at Arcadia drove to La Center, Washing ther, Ervin Bailey, for a month’s W. R. Hammack motored to Thursday. ton, Sunday to bring home Mrs. stay. Klamath Falls Thursday of last Miss Winona Irving, who has Root, who has been staying Mrs. L. A. Chilson and week returning Monday. been the guest of Miss Amy there with relatives for some daughter Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Daria Sangster of Sea- Hughes for the past week, re- time. Curtis of Grand Junction, Colo side is visiting Miss Phoebe turned Thursday to her home in Mr. and Mis. Ray Stock mo- rado, arrived Sunday to be the Greenman this week. Crane, Oregon. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray tored to Vernonia Monday, Rockwell. Mrs. Chilson is Mr. E. Lewis of and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Everett : Prickett Mr. Verla and Helen Messing, who From here motored down the ] Roosevelt have been visiting their father, iSheridan, Oregon, were week- Rockwell’s sister. they expect to go to California Ray Rockwell end guests at the highway to Newport Sunday. Emil Messing, for the past few home. Mrs. Lewis is Mr. Rock- to visit other relatives. Dave Atkins and Phil Tweadie weeks, have returned to their well's sister. home in Hood River. Roberta of Portland were business guests CHRISTIAN CHURCH Fred Henderson of Vernonia of H. E. McGraw and J. C. Lind Williams accompanied them and Mrs. Earl is visiting his sister, will be their guest for about two ley over the weekend. F. Cl.vude Stephens, Mini,ter Beyers. weeks. A changed morning program Mrs. Frank Dickson and son Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein and A. C. Alexander of Vernonia son Jack spent several days in beginning July 20. Please note Ray went to Portland Thursday the change of time: 9:45 a. m.. and spent a few days visiting and Kathleen Lowry of Portland Portland last week. relatives. They returned Sunday. were married in Portland July 5. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel Bible school; 10,:45, morning do Mr. Alexander has been employ and daughter Cecelia visited Mrs. votions and worship, theme: “A Mrs. Ethel Ray, who is at ed as engineer on the Oregon Marchel’s sister, Mrs. Howlett at Major Crime Aejainst Society tending summer school at the American train for a number of Elk River, Idaho, for a week. and its Remedy.” University of Oregon at Eugene, years. They will take up their Al Knight, Earl Stubbs, and Endeavor societyl234566 OINP spent Sunday at home. residence in Vernonia in a few Mr. Gibson of Portland were Evening services: Christian En weeks. fishing on the Salmonberry Sat deavor society, 7:00; Evening Mr. and Mrs. Loa Faye Pace hour of services 8:00; theme Mrs. Judd Greenman, Phoebe urday. and daughter Virginia of S. P. to the Mr. and Mrs. Art Baird spent “Egypt’s Contribution and S. Bridge camp near Bux Greenman, Mrs. E. A. Green, World.” ton spent Sunday in Vernonia. Charlotte and Nelle Green, Mrs. last week at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern played Today the world is abiding A. Bailey of St. Helens, Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest H. Hewett of Wilark and Mrs. golf on the Vernonia Golf within the influence of these spent 10 days in Idaho visiting W. B. Lappe and Frances Lappe course Sunday. two themes, All are welcome to relatives. They returned last were the guests of Mrs. Isabel Mrs. Clarence Wilson has as these studies; as a fair and Friday. Warrens at a picnic at the War her guest for an extended visit thorough consideration will be her brother, Wilfred Cook of given these topics of the day. Mrs. Hannah Smith, Mrs. Liz ren Bulb farm at Gales Creek Salem. In all your vacationing—keep zie Coulter and G. B. Smith of Friday. and out of fire! Mr. and Mrs. Sorrels Portland spent Sunday and Mrs. K. A. McNeill entertain daughter of McMinnville were Sunday at the V. L. Powell home. ed the Bridge club at her new weekend guests of Mrs. Sorrel’s If you have anything to sell, Mrs. Chas. Nelson and daugh home at Orchard Acres Tuesday mother, Mrs. Louise Nicholls. rent or want to buy—an ad in afternoon. Mrs. W. R. Culver Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe The Eagle classified columns ters Beda and Caroline of Pasa dena were the guests of Mr. and had high score for the afternoon. spent Thursday evening in Port pay you.________________ present were Mrs. F. M. Those land with Mr. Wolfe’s parents. Mrs. E. A. Green from Friday Ruhl, Mrs. M. Grunden, Mrs. Mr. Wolfe’s little sister came to Monday. Vernonia Eagle classified J. C. Lindley, Mrs. Frank Hart- back with them for a week’s get results. About 25 members of the wick, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. visit. younger married set, high school II. l’eaise, Mrs. F. Dickson, and Mrs. Vida Winans and her graduates and college students Mrs. W. R. Culver. son Joe Winans were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Winans at . ¡Vancouver v auiuuvvi Ji nut Thursday to visit the Longview Sunday. I , Columbia River Paper company Al Love and Charles Chris- mill. tianson played a round of golf Mrs. George King is ill at on the Vernonia course Tuesday evening. I her home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.Ahlgren Henry Ferlaak, Roland In I Mrs. Herrick is staying with galls, Fred Miller and Ralph ¡her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Perk and daughter Mary Ellen have Root spent Sunday in Portland, ins of Portland, for • a short returned home after a week’s stay at the beach. while there they made a tour of time. Mrs. Russel Burt and Mrs. Al the battleship Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt and daughter Mary Ellen visit- Koenig motored to Forest Grove Friday. were in Portland Sunday. ed relatives in Forest Grove Mrs. Ray Clevenger and two Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Anderson I Sunday. sons spent Saturday with Mrs. and Mrs. Steve Tampa and son Johnny Bart of Hood River j Clevenger’s aunt, Mrs. C. R. Ol- were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. is visiting at the Russel Burt sen at Warren, Oregon. TVUNGSWE D0I*T UNDER Ray Clevenger Sunday. home this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudsow, who STAND O WHY WE BE ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren ’ ' ‘ have ! been visiting Mrs. Dud- Miss Cecelia Marchel is pick-1 little ohioh S so much were at Vernonia Monday play ing berries at Gales Creek. She row’s brother, A. E. Jones of and ho - tv strong » they COME R.AC.K/ ing golf. is staying and Mrs. 1 Jones Packard service, returned Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig and son Shirley drove to Vernonia Saturday evening. Tom Olson has moved his fa-1 mily to Carlton, where he will be employed in the mill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waters and family drove to Salem io visit friends near there. Mrs. C. K. Christianson and daughter 'Florence and Herbert Root were in Portland Friday. Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak, Joe and Harold Ferlaak and their house guest, Mis3 May Bowler of Minneapolis, Mineiota, drove to Rippling waters for a | picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maethof and family are home again. They spent several weeks with Mr. Maethof’s parents near Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls and family motored to Hillsboro Saturday evening. Wm. Hoskins, Ray Rockwell, and Clarence Wilson are stay ing a few days in Salem this week. Chance Hewitt has entered Refreshingly eliic ... the Veterans hospital at Port land for medical treatment. Ha and always so immaculate for hot was gassed in the war. midsummer days ... these Juanclla Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmen Frocks in sheer Voile arc designed returned home Saturday after visiting relatives in California in the manner of much more costly for some time. frocks...and are appropriate for al Mr. and Mrs. Al Love were most any day time occasion! You will in Mountaindale Friday with he delighted with tiieir youthful Lindstrom and family. Mrs. Clarence Wilson and lines; their variety in styling; and by are home from Salem. above all,their surprising versatility! Wilson went there Sunday bring them back. Mr. and Mrs. Art Baird spent last week in Portland. While there they played golf on the Tom Thumb course. J. B. Wheeler was out from, Portland Monday looking after business interests. L. R. Kerr, L. E. Stephens and Art Baird made a trip to West! in ber Gay Novelties J Polka Dot acce I c rm P&G Ssap Deal Economical Prices Effec live July 19 to 24, Incl. FREE—Large shopping bag with each Argo or Mazola purchase FREE Argo Starch Mazoia 15c summer $1.95 Why Pay More Than At Seward Motel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Oregon Portland Excellent meals at pop- ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c and up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $L W. D. McNair, Manager W. C. Culbertson, Prop. REMEMBER—-Before you buy shop at Miller’s and save money Quart Cans Each JELL-WELL SUGAR . . . SALMON . . CRISCO . . 45c Regular Value SI.60 Your choice of flavors Q O Pkgs. RICE—Fancy Ro. e, 3 lt>s. 19c Sporrvs PANCAKE FLOUR, 3 th. pkg. or Pint lrr Bottle lv’C TABLE Quart Bottle JUNKET TABLETS or Powder— Makes delightful summer desserts with DO — milk, 2 pkgs. fcJC CANDY—.Tumbo Jel- If !y Beans, lb. IOC HERSHEY CHOCOLATE BARS, Milk or Al- 1 A mond, 5c size, 3 barstVV CROWN FLOUR 49 lb. Sack , d* 1 C4 ’M-O'* MACMARR Cl 4C FLOUR, 49 lb sk.M>1»*«> «UC Powdered or Brown—C & H 6Y 1 Kn Brand—1 Lb. Pkgs. for IOC Happyvale Brand Alaska 4Y Pink 1 ib. cans “ . for 3 lb. can 69c ROYAL BAKING DER—12 oz. can Van Camp’. RED KIDNEY EEANS, Med size 9C — cans, 2 for JUAN ELLA FROCKS leerQZile fai ries All For Oil Corn or Gloss, 16 oz. HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR— cakes P&G White Naphtha Soap i Package Large size Oxydol i cake Medium Size Ivory Soap cake Camay Toilet Soap Six-quart Enameled Preserving Kettle Pineapple Jim Dole’s Sweet Treat Brand—8 large slices in heavy syrup No. 2»/j cans If „ 2 cans for £xelv- CIGARETTES — Old Gold, Chesterfields, Camels, Lu cky Strikes— O C ~ 2 Pkgs. None sold to Minors BROOMS— £”*" 98c 49c MacMARR COFFEE Always fresh roasted. Ground to suit you at time of purchase. Per Pound THREE Pounds 37c $1.10 POW DA «J «J C SHREDDED WHEAT BIS CUIT—The original 1 Q 2 Pkgs. Vero GRAPEFRUIT— Broken Sections No. QE_ 2 can, 2 for <5DC GULF KIST SHRIMP— Fancy quality—No. QQ- 1 cans, 2 for JulfC BOOTHS SARDINES— O Tomato or mustard—1 tb. oval cans, «JA 3 for ¿“C Libby* Evaporated MILK— Small A Large o,. size *** size O - - MACARONI — grade in bulk 3 lbs. Standard 10 — Ven Camp’. CHILI CARNE—No. 1 cans 2 for CON *)E — Z«JC MARKET FEATURES BONELESS CODFISH, 2 lbs......................................... POT ROASTS OF BEEF, Lean shoulder cuts, lb........ BOILED HAM (Sliced) Fine for picnic lunches, lb., CHICKENS, Medium hens for fricasse, lb.................. BACON, Breakfast bacon, Eastern Dry Sugar Cure, Whole or half piece, lb................................. .45 18 55 .25 33 MACMARR STORES Vernonia, Oregon