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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
1 Camp ... Met*: egor _ Friday, Julyl8, 1930. Verncni.i Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon___ Two _________ l| Construction of bridge number 2 on the O.-A. logging road near Keasey was completed Monday and work on bridge number 1 it now progressing. H. W. Jones and family are spending their vacation in Port land. Mr. an<J Mrs. Dick Enkstrom re turned Monday from a two week; visit in British Columbia with the former’s bother there ami t 'veral days with friends In Port- I nd. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Holman r nd son of Portland spent Tues <‘ay here, Mr. Holman deliverin’ 1 ew radios in the homes of C Bradford. Jonar Larson, W Ttason, D. F. O’Donnell and re 1 ¡ring several sets. Word was received here of the birth of a little son to Mr. i id Mrs. U. W. Hansen in Port 1 nd July 8. The baby weighed t n pounds and is named Allar I ee. According to an announcement received here this week from tin 1 hilippine islands the little sor born to Mr. and Mis. Claude Knri rt Manila June 7 was named Caude Edward. The bab; t eighed nine and one-quarter pounds. Miss Marian Bassett of Port- 1-nd, sister of Mrs. II. W. Jones v ho is spending the summer here i staying with Mr. and Mrs. Di < fusion during the absence of th J >nes family this week. Fred Dny and family returned to camp recently after spend ing a week at Newport visitin; rt the home of Mrs. Day’s mo th er. The Peterson family return ed from I’ori land Monday when they spent a week visiting rela t ves. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Redman. V ho have been living in an ap r tment in Portland since th< Fourth, spent the weekend at t'-eir home here. Mr. Redman is taking medical treatments. A new Thor electric washing machine was delivered into th' h >me of Vern Dusenberry Tues day. Carl Linne and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pearson all of Port li nd were the guests of the Lai s' ns Wednesday and Thursday Mr. Linne was formerly a fall« h re. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Richard s< n and sons and Mr. and Mrs Chas. Cramer of Camas, Wash irgton, were recent guests of the Beadfords. Miss Rosemary Hertshell o Rainier returned to her horn list week after a week’s visi at the Sather home. Mrs. Joe Doyle is boarding John Kirby and Raymond Men dows of the surveying force while the cook house is closed. Helen and Louise Brusco o Rainier, who have been th' guests of their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Amato, returnee to their home Tuesday. Riverview KENTUCKIANS GIVE ; fCNIC FOR VISITORS noble grand Mrs. Grace vice grand! i Myrtle secretary; Miss Margaret Mrs. Zehna r, treasurer; Mrs. Margaret war conductor; Mrs. Rose 5, chaplain. M. A. Lynch, commise oner. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage Laws of Oregon for 1921, as ' 1930. Attest: Roy A. Klein, Stere- On Tuesday evening a party report a wonderful tnp to New amended by Chapter 254 Gen Oregon State Highway Com eral Laws of Oregon for 1927, mission. end weenie roast was given by port last weekend. 474 _______________ tary. about 50 Kentuckians in Poynter | They saved 28 miles by tra- as amended by Chapter 46, Gen park on Rock creek to welcome; peling on the new Salmon river eral Laws of Oregon for 1929, Dr. Samuel" Lewis and party, cut-off, which is not fully com said district to be known as the ‘ HWAB FAREWELL River-Coast who arrived Tuesday noon from j pleted as yet but is in fair “Vernonia-Nehalem ' LEGION HALL Highway Improvement District.” Oakland, California, to spend a ( shape. week's vacation in Oregon. Mr.| The land which it is proposed by number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and two daugh-i The clam season was at its said petition to include within Mr. Armitage and a height, Mrs. Lee Schwab gathered .1 ters are natives of Kentucky but dug 20 dozen one morn- said district is described as fol .it the Legion hull lust Wednes- have lived in Oakland about sev- friend ! lows, to-wit: ¡ing. ’ i7 evening " to >•'' bid “ them farewell. ----------- en years. They I ney have nave many inenu» friends ,, Beginning at a point where and Mrs. Armitage lived After a i pl ■ IH' 1 ' spent ¡ ... n and and Rai-|. L _— around --------- Vernonia ----------- ------------ - jn ‘ Newport nine years before the township line common to playing games and chatting " ' coming to Vernonia, and have a townships 5 N. and townships old times, ive cream and cake nler It is In his party from Oakland wije acquaintance there. I- — 16 N. of the W. M. intersects ' re served by the ladies. were Mrs. Lewis and two daugh-'the home of Mr. Armitage’s fa- the Pacific Ocean; thence east i Those present were Mrs. Sarah ters and their families, Mr. and jher. following said township line 48 ncer. Mrs. L. A. Rocers, Mrs. Mrs. Carrol Shumate and two ! miles, more or less, to the range i.ima Weed, Mrs. E. E. Garner, sons Carrol and Bobbie and FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE line between R. 2 and R. 3 W. ■). and Mi'.i. C. L. Andeison, daughter Margaret and Mr. and | W. M.; thence south along said A'r. and Mrs Carl Davidson, Mr. Mrs. H. K. Hancock and two sons Services for July 20: Sunday range line 15 miles, more or nil Mrs. II. Kerns, Mr. and Mrs. Hector and Tommy. ¡school at 10 a. m., morning ser less, to the southeast corner of tt E. McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. L. picnic vice at 11 o’clock; subject: “The Section 13, T. 3 N., R. 3 W. W. the attending Those Baker Mrs. Anna Schultz, Promise to All Afar off.” I ex M.; thence west following the r. and Mrs. Navinger and Mar- were T. A. Poynter, O. S. Poyn- pect to also give some of my own section lines 24 miles, more or ■ Navinger, G. W. Ford, J. ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hall, personal experiences at this ser less, to the southwest corner of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Hall, Mr. - It,and Jack Carkin. Section 18, T. 3 N., R. 6 W. and Mrs. W. L. Hall, Mr. and vice. Evening service at 7:45; sub W. M. on the line between Mrs. A. B. Counts and sons ». VF’GIL POWELL ; Halley and Arnold and daughter ject: ‘.The Quartet that Raised ranges 6 and 7 W. W. M.; thence ’ ’’ERTAINS CLUB 1 Eva Jene, Mr. and Mrs. Louie the Roof.” Also special mes north along said range line H sage in song. mile, more or less, to the south A very delightful afternoon Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Cline, Mid-week services on Wed east corner of Section 12, T. Mr. and Mrs. and son Robert, i. > spent Thursday at the home nesday and Friday nights at 7:45. 3 N., R. 7 W. W. M.; thence ■>!' Mrs. Virgil L. Powell when Chas. Justice, Mr. . and Mrs. C. Saturday evening street meeting west following the section line Raymond, Mr. C. Brown and son fie entertained the 500 club, at 7:15. 12 miles, more or less, to the Dr'nty refreshments were serv- and Mrs. James Morgan, Lee Young people’s meeting at the southwest corner of Section 7, I aftei' the play of cards. Mrs. Hall Jr., Margaret . Hanson, Cleo Tabernacle at 8 o’clock. T. 3 N., R. 8 W. W. M. on the Milton Throstrud obtained high and Lenord Hall, Isola Fowler We extend a hearty welcome line between Ranges 8 and 9 lire with Mrs. Charley Wilson and Gertrude Kirk, all of Ver- to all to attend these services. W. W. M.; thence along said nonia; Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall ai ri.i. g con. olation prize. M. G. Hixson, Pastor range line to the east and west i hose attending were .. 1 of Mist, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. center line of Section 13, T. 3 Gi irge Ogg, Mrs. Harry Kernes, ( Altman of Hoods Port, Washing- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc N., R. 9 W. W. M.; thence I 11. Charley Wilson, Mrs. Dan a,ton" Clellan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed James, west following the center line ___ i An old fashioned weenie roast '.'ion, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs.1 Misses Pauline and Josephine was had, after which cake and Hoydar of Portland, spent Sun of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ( sol Nelson, Mrs. L». E. Steph- !_ and 18 of T. 3 N., R. 9 w. w. and coffee was served. j ’n i, Mrs. Milton Throstrud day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. and T. 3 N., R. 10 W. W. M. FORMERLY PRICED $5.00--$9.50 the hostess. G. W. Long on First avenue. to the shore of the Pacific MRS. AUSTIN DOWLING Mrs. G. W. Long is spending ocean; thence northerly _ along _ ASTERN STAR .GIVES LUNCHEON this weekend in Portland. the shore of the Pacific ocean CIAL ( LUIS PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michner to the point of beginning. _________ a few guests Wed- I MIST—(Special.)— Mrs. Aus- entertained are further notified that The Eastern Star Social club tin Dowling gave a luncheon on nesday evening in honor of Mrs. a You meeting will be held on the i '<1 a very enjoyable picnic last Wednesday afternoon in honor Michner’s brother, Murdo Hic 23rd day of July, 1930, at the . odnesday on the banks of the'of hcr guests, Mrs. Troy and kox, who has been visiting with hour of 2 o’clock P. M. of said just this aid« of Mrs. Olsen from Everett, Wash- the family. day, in the High School Gym c gi ll course. 7 lie members ¡ngton. The decorations were nasium at Jewell, Clatsop Coun m I at the Masonic temple at in.cpn and orange, the favors ty, Oregon, for the purpose of ■ • c'oek and drove out to this Were orange and green baskets passing upon the matters set —- I’ightful pi.-nic ground, where1 filled with candy cherries of out in said petition and for the I .V held their regular meeting.,the same color. The menu con- purpose of approving said pe At 6 o’clock a number of themed of hot-buns, shrimp salad, tition as to the boundaries as FOR SALE '»’••■bands joined the party for frujt jc]]0 served in cookie char- set our therein or as modified by th-’ pot luck supper. I iots, wafers, coffee and cream, the State Highway commission. A Among thosi present were j The invited guests were Mrs. FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart Any and all persons having ment house on First street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hugh M,ss Chas. Sundland, Mrs. L. B. East- See George Bell. 36tf property in the said proposed Amy Hughes. Miss Winona Irv-| i man, Mrs. Grover Devine, Mrs. district appearing upon the tax p ", Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Mr. and Wm. Bridgers, and Miss Olga rolls and subject to any indebt FOR RENT Mrs. L. Beveridge and family, Holmstrom, besides the honored edness which may be incurred Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wall and fa-1 guests Mrs. Troy and Mrs. Ol y, Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Me-;’ sen, and the hostess, Mrs. Dow- FOR RENT OR SALE—3-room or created by said district or its and 4-room houses, furnished. trustees, if said district is form i ’ ’ ‘-aw, Atr. nnl Mrs. F. D. Mac-; •______ O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 Second ed or created, may appear and h arson, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. ling. avenue. 46tf shall be heard by the State uhl. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. IL Hur- DAUGHTER OF MRS. Highway commission, and any I 'ey, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Emil Mes- and all persons favoring or op MISCELLANEOUS ng, Gus Matson and Herman COLBURN VISITS posing the creation of the said Di Ason. Mrs. Birdie Souders of Deca Piano in storage, Looks and is tur, Illinois, is visiting her mo MESDAMES BRIOT. like new. Will sacrifice for AN VLEET ENTERTAIN ther, Mrs. Elizabeth Colljurn, and balance, $ 103.00. Terms $2.00 her sister, Mrs. N. A. Spofford, weekly or monthly or crop pay ments. Will discount for cash. Mis. W. F. Briot and Mrs. G. and family. Mrs. Souders is director of the Write Tailman Store, 395 Van Vleet entertained the 483c '■ mber.; of the Queen of Hearts high school cafeteria in Decatur, So. 12th St.. Salem, Ore. I e club and their husbands where they serve the noon meal t the home of Mrs. Van Vleet to about 600. students and teach TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNi il ’Vednesday evening. Miss Ma ers. You are hereby notified that She has been visiting another de Roberts and Frank Hartwick . rived the prizes for high score sister in Jerome, Idaho, and ex there las been filed with the r ladies and men respectively, pects to leave soon for Califor Oregon State highway commis liter ti e cards a delicious lun- nia via boat, where she will sion a proposed form of petit ’ heon of chicken snlad, 1 rolls, visit other relatives and friends. ion proposing the organization 'rape sherbert, lady fingers i and offec was served by the hos- Reithner’s Vernonia’s Progressive Store "Leaders of Style and Quality Summer . Clearance Sale OF HIGH GRADE QUALITY SHOES Sizes 3-7 1-2. Widths AA-D Price S2.75--$5.95 Do not miss this chance to be fitted with comfortable footwear. I Phone UOI C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia Courteous Service The Nelialem Valley lee & Creamery Co. Is Manufacturing High Grade ' Creamery Butter No formal, commercial attitude here^—rather an intense friend liness, a neighborly understanding and wish to help you find the best in baked goods at the most satisfactory prices. That’s because we are your neighbors. This event carries out that free. Come in, phone or send the children—you’ll always find good things to eat, pleasant, speedy and efficient attention and a usable economy. A Home Product for Home People. I We are again in the market for cream— I ; AND PAY CASH And Remember to take home a loai of ^MOTHER S BREAD" Ice Coupon Books, 500 lbs. for $4.00 Cash. Eat Nehalia Ice Cream It’s Nourishing And Delicious Vernonia Bakery _ FORCE Thursday evening the new of ficers of Mountain Heart Re bekah lodge were installed into their respective offices by Mrs. Grace Minor. district deputy president, as follows: Mrs. Edna Vernonia Classified Ads Those present were Mr. and Miss Ida Mae Hawkins went iTrs. W. F. Briot, Mr. nnd Mrs. to Portland Monday of this week, "rank Hartwick, Mr. and Mrs. where she has employment. >. T. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline an<. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. IL son Gordon accompanied the B 'Inker. Mr. and Mrs. T. Roberts,* J. Cline family to Seaside ami Air. nnd Mrs. Henry Fogel, Miss Cannon beach Sunday. ’■icile Roberts nnd Glenn Haw k Irene Spencer and daughtei kins. r/tehel of Treharne and Irene’? sister, Mrs. L. Ingham, and son DFLILAH CONDIT Howard of Bakersfield, Califor I IVES PARTY nia, were the guests of Aunt Sally Spencer Tuesday. Di lilnh Condit celebrated her Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMullin fourth birthday June 16, nt the Miss Dora Noble and Miss Mai home of her parents, Mr. and jorie Ervin of Alberta, Canada, Mrs. Edwin Condit, on North were guests of the Estes family street. Saturday. Many of her young friends at Grandma Rodgers was the tended the party, where they en- dinner guest of Aunt Sally Spen ioyed playing games, after which cer Tuesday. a delicious lunch was served to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mower and the young guests. family, formerly of Riverview Those present were Francis but now of Silverton, Oregon, I 'hilds, Fern Gough, Martha were the weekend guests of Mr. I I'app, Shirley Cole, Barbara Dus- and Mrs. C. A. Scamon. ' in, Margaret Yeo, Bobby Lind- K. M. Hall left Monday for I ley, Ronald, Kenneth and Del Canyon City. mar Smith and Billy Condit. ’ Mrs. O. B. Malmsten of Sea- aide, who recently left the hos Nr pital in Portland, is doing nicely. Rev. Mr. F. B. Culver, pre siding Elder of the evangelical church was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson of Port Angeles, Washington, were hack here Saturday to get some of their household goods. Mr. Nelson was called to Hills’,oro the first of the week on account of the death of his mother, who had been in ill health for some time. REBEKAHS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS 1 district may appear and be By H. B. Van Duzer, chair- MR. AND MRS. ARMITAGE of a highway improvement dis- heard at the said meeting. man. trict under the provisions of. ENJOY NEWPORT TRIP c. E. Gates, commisaiuner. Chapter 399 of the General] Dated this 20th day of June, By F. O. A.exander iC *» VMHra Love