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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
MANAGER Road to Camp SAFEWAY LEAVES VERNONIA E. A. Richey, who for some 8 Urged By time has been manager of the local branch of the Skaggs-Safe way stores, has been transfered to Kelso, Washington. He left George Ford Thursday for his new location. Special Levy is Another Feature of Committee Report Number 50. Vernonia, Oregon Friday, July 18, 1930. Volume 8 Relief in Sight MIST TOLL LINE IS NEARLY DONE The toll line from Vernonia to Mist is nearly completed, an nounces Earl Smith, of the West Coast Telephone company, Poles are on hand, holes have been dug, and all will be in readi- ness for the lines shortly. The extension replaces a far- mer’s line service between the two points. Mr. Richey’s successor is W. A. Naninger, who has been in the employ of the local store and is well known here. Mr. Richey has many friends in Vernonia and was noted for his hearty cooperation in all move ments of community benefit. CONVICT-MADE LUMBER TARGET OF 4L PROTEST Rolleo Queen Candidate Is Nominated Miss Charlotte Green to Represent Chamber of Commerce Miss Charlotte Green has been chosen by a committee of the local Chamber of Commerce as 7. PORTLAND — (Special.) — Vliss Vernonia, this city’s candi Emphatic protest has been re date for Queen Pauline of the 1 gistered by the 4L organization Rolleo at Longview August 8 and against the importation into the ». jit United States of lumber made Miss Green, who is the daugh -X s:. - .1 by Soviet convict and other en- ter of E. A. Green, assistant sup forced labor. In a commifhica- erintendent at the Oregon-Ameri- tion sent today to Seymour Lew •an mill, was graduated this year man, assistant secretary of the from Vernonia high school, where treasury, by W. C. Ruegnitz, -he was prominent throughout 4L president, the treasury de her course. partment is taken to task for At the Chamber of Commerce allowing this lumber to enter the meeting this spring at which Gov country under the provisions of ernor Norblad was present she the new tariff act. represented the school in a speech “At the request of the thous if welcome, and received from ands of employes organized in him later a cordial note which the Loyal Legion of Loggers and commended her as a "wonderful Lumbermen of the Pacific north example of the typical American west, I am protesting against girl.” your recent ruling as to entry She was active in girl’s athle- of Soviet convict-made lumber,” tics, a member of the Glee club, the communication read. “These editor of “Timber Line”, the employes, as well as many thous high school publication, in her ands of others who are not or •enior year, participated in class ganized in the 4L, are already plays, a member qf the junior OFFICERS NEW LOCAL GRANGERS WILL faced with insufficient work and class orchestra, and of the an income, due to short-time opera nual staff in her junior year. LISTED PICNIC tion of camps and mills, and The committee feels certain following are the new At the last meeting of Verno they feel that your ruling will that in Miss Green the city will but add to their difficulties and officers of Vernonia Lodge No. nia Grange No. 305 it was unani have a candidate who will stand O. O. F. W. C. Kilby,! to increased unemployment. 246, I. mously voted to hold a picnic an excellent chance of becoming noble grand; Lou Cates, vice on Saturday, July 26, at 6:30 p. “We have reports that some queen of the Rolleo. grand; John Glassner, secretary; m., at the Lester Mowe place large cargoes of lumber are George W. Ford has been de C. C. Brown, financial secretary; near Arcadia park. All Grangers now on the Pacific ocean and Miss Mildred L. Drake of A. P. Bays, treasurer; C. Holt, are invited to come and bring are consigned to the port of signated as one of a committee warden; Curtis Thompson, L. S. ! Junction City, Oregon, has been well filled baskets and a broad Seattle. We urge that you re- of the judges to select tho V. G.; C. L. Brock, R. S. V. G.; elected by the directors of the smile as a big time is antici consider your recent ruling be queen. Caravan Thursday George Saslington, right scene union high school district to pated. fore this lumber is allowed en A caravan of red-hatted Rol- supporter; Lee Rogers, left scene : teach junior and seni - English try. American employer and em- "school, supporter; George Holt, in I in the Ven,onia Receives Compensation ployers cannot compete with Con leo boosters is scheduled to ap- side guard; C. VanAlstine, outer ' taking the place of Miss Flos L. Mecklin has received 48 per vlct or serf labor, nor should pear in Vernonia Thursday, July sie Perce, resigned. Miss Drake cent compensation through the they be obliged to make the ■t- 24. The driagrtion will consist guard; Gilbert Holt, chaplain. is a graduate of Willamette Uni efforts of the local post of the tempt.” of leading members of the Long versity and has had six years American Legion, He was gass- Legion to Erect Roster view Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis Boys’ band, and jazz A public roster of the present experience in teaching. ed during the war. musicians from the Business and The local school board hn members of Vernonia Post 119 Professional Women’s club. of the American Legion is soon chosen two new teachers for the Pendletonians Here to be erected near Adam’s store. grade school, Mrs. Lulu Fuller Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hunter Mrs. Hickox from Portland ton of Powers, and Miss Cons of Pendleton are registered at spent Sunday with her daughter Portland Business Visitors tance Bougher of Portland. Mrs. the Hotel Hy-Van. Mr. Hunter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. C. Lindley, Mrs. Alma Fullerton, who will teach are, is engaged in organizing classes Michner. Prickett, and Mrs. A. L. Kulland- has had 12 years experience. in public speakiny. TIMBER — (Special.) — Satur er motored on a business trip to Her professional training was day was Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. B. Haywood of Portland gained in normal schools at Al Portland Monday. Hart’s 25th wedding anniversary, was in town Wednesday on bus bion, Idaho, and Monmouth, Orc Historical Society for which occasion Mr. and Mrs. iness. gon. Hart held open house. Many Miss Bougher, the new music Loggers Polish Formed In County friends called ruring the af Monroe Lewis of Portland was supervisor, has had specialized and in the evening they a business visitor in Vernonia Rolleo Peaveys training in music nt the Oregon Organization of the Columbia ternoon, were complimented at in infor Wednesday. State Normal school, Monmouth, County Historical society was mal party given at the Commer- Longview, Washington— Log and has taught for one year. started at a meeting in Rainier cial club. gers of the Pacific Northwest Monday night. The new organi Among the many lovely gifts Legion Auxiliary Spends Weekend Here are polishing up their peaveys zation, though not connected in present to the honor guests were Mrs. Lulu E. Fullerton of Pow any way with the county pio- and putting new calks in their a lovely silver pitcher with glass Names Candidates boots in preparation for the an ers was in town over -the week- neer association, will work with es to match and silver spoons. end. nual Longvew Rolleo, the big the pioneers in every way pos- L. J. Smail of Portland made Officers were nominated at the j fr— woodsmen’s carnival which will sible. the presentation speech and ac regular meeting of the Ameri be held in the Southwest Wash The purpose of the new organ ted as toastmaster. can Legion Auxiliary at the ington lumbering center August Watt Erects New ization is to collect and preserve home of Mrs. H. E. McGraw 8 and 9. This colorful and ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRE historical data concerning the * • • Monday evening as follows; For picturesque celebration means to Store Building FALLS ON PHONE LINE Keep Grass Cut county and its people. In the president, Mesdames Dan Nelson, A lot of the boys are cer the lumberjack what the rodeo past this has not been done, Mt- C. Davidson, J. C. Henderson, sorry to see Lee leave Ver means to the cowboy. Against An electric light wire fell on J. L. Timmons; first vice presi Attorney Gordon B. Watt has except through the individual ef- Says Chief Smith tainly nonia. a background of festivity in let to the West Coast Construc forts of a few who were inter the telephone line to Mist July dent, Mesdames L. W. Baker, which all the customary accoutre 9 and damaged the exchange No wonder, for it is safe to ments of a gala occasion are tion company a contract for a ested in such work, and the re board, burning out five jacks and H. Kerns; second vice presi Keep the weeds cut on vacant lots before the fire hazard starts, say that no one else has done expressed in terms of the logging store building on Bridge street sult of their accomplishments is and causing Olga Halmstrom, op dent, Mesdames Dan Nelson, P. is the warning of Earl Smith, so much to sell Vernonia to the camp motif, there is held a pro adjoining Reithner’s dry-goods still unavailable to anyone who erator, to get a shock, Service Wideman, H. Fielberg; treasurer, Work began Wednesday, finds himself in need of this da- Mesdames R. N. Nance, and C. outside world as has Lee Schwab.1 gram of thilling competitive store. fire chief. to Mist, Deep Creek and The L. Anderson; chaplain, Mrs. F. building will be of one ta. The A city ordinance requires that * * ‘ I events of a sort seldom offered two Burn was interrupted for story, 28x40, hollow tile and J. G. Watts of Scappoose is A. Gray, and Mrs. Anna Schultz; Besides, the fact the Chamber to the public view. all vacant lots must be mowed. brick front, with cement floor. temporary chairman and will act days. historian, Mrs. C. J. Nance; ser Where any such lots have been of Commerce is such a lively and In a setting designed to carry It is expected that it will be in that capacity until the perma geant at arms, Mesdames P. Wi neglected, especially during the hustling body is due largely to out the logging camp spirit they ready for occupancy about Sep nent head of the organization deman, L. W. Baker and J. L. dry spell, the marshal posts no Lee’s get-up and get-there spirit. assemble — woodsmen from ♦ ♦ ♦ tember 1. No announcement has Moe and Schwab Timmons. tices specifying the time limit scores of the more than 120D been made as to a prospective is placed in office. Miss Anna Jerzyk of Rainier is temporary As an editor, advertising mana camps in the Northwest, and The next meeting of the Aux- for performing the job. secretary. Families Leave iliary will be held at the home ger and community booster Lee thousands of the citizenry from tenant. was known throughout the state, miles around, most of them garb of Mrs. Harry Kerns July 28. The permanent organization Moves to Vernonia and it is a safe bet that he will ed in the colorful Rolleo cos Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe will be placed in effect at a Horse Falls On Mrs. Ray D. Fisher and daugh Visits in Vancouver be equally famous on his new tume of red hat, blue shirt and meeting that will be held in the and daughter left for their new ter Margaret moved to Vernonia form of a picnic on Sunday, home in Hood River Saturday F. H. Veith of the Eagle shop denim trousers which are the Boys, Injures One job. from Washougal, Washington, * • • Their household goods force spent the weekend in Van August 17, at a place to be design night. prevailing style for days and Joe Scott says he is the only weeks before the event, Over Friday and are at present living nated later. Any person who is were shipped that day by the couver, Washington, visiting his at 101 B street. Mr. Fisher’s Clifford Smith, ten-year old real Norwegian in town—the For wife and two-weeks old son. them rules Paul Bunyan, ihe mother, Mrs. A. N. Fisher of interested in this work is in Cason Transfer company, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, rest are merely imitations. the present the Moes will i vited to be present at the picnic, greatest lumberjack of them all. Portland, is here helping the fa- . with basket lunch and friends with Mr. Moe’s parents. ♦ * ♦ suffered a severe injury to his HAVE YOU LOST Log rolling, in which lithe- __ _ leg Monday when a horse he was We’re wondering if the rest limbed chaps ride spinning logs mily get settled. and family. Pioneer residence Lee Schwab and family ANYTHING! riding fell on him. of them have the same opinion of with light-footed ease—high top ' or parentage is not necessary early Monday morning while his Swimming Pool Completed He and Bob Culver were rid Joe. Buff- ping, in which daring riggers By constructing a big dam 1 for membership in the historical goods were trucked by the ~ A classified ad in The « • • ing double near the Riverview shinny up giant trees, saw off the across Rock creek at the city society, although several of the mire Transfer company, They Eagle will help you find Service station when the horse One reason why Vernonia is tops and then drop in great I park, a swimming pool from two pioneers and many of their chil- have rented a house in Hood it. took fright at an automobile, a good business town is that leaps to the ground, all within | dren already havo pledged their River. ; For instance, Mrs. M. D. slipped and fell, cracking the the merchants don’t sit in rock a matter of four or five minutes and one-half to eight feet deep, interest in and support of such has been formed, providing an Cole ran a classified ad two bone in Clifford’s leg. The oth- ing chairs and wait for trade —bucking, in which steel-muscled Vacation Started 'fe ¿l«e7o? the 1 ° r <«" i “ ti ° n - , A , adequate and sal. .---- weeks ago to the effect of erboy was not badly hurt. to come to them. Mrs. E. H. Washburn is Tho picnic planned by the shoulders send long saws sing children. , ————, nf • • « historical so- two weeks’ vacation from the Clifford is at home, with his having lost a piece of goods. ing through five-foot logs so The work was completed Mon-; leg in a cast, and is reported to | ciety is in no way connected Oregon Gas and Electric office, Saturday the MacMarr Believe it or not, some old- swiftly and smoothly that man' day. be doing nicely. -------------------- — with the meeting of the pioneer She is spending most of timers do—in other towns. Market called and said that and blade seem of one piece. , home. These are a few of the events, ber; F. G. Girt of Astoria, Ore- association scheduled for Satur- time the goods had been found I neorract Report Jewell Lindley bought a new which make the Rolleo a thrilling . gon, a log bucker; and Sam day, July 26, at St. Helens, al- and left there, and that the Accident in Store of Kelso, block turner f though it is expected that many Mrs. Margaret Dunlap of Riv-, golf bag in Portland Monday— spectacle. Among the champions j Harris owner could obtain it there. broken ammonia pipe in A holder of the world ’ s re- of those eligible to membership erview states that the report a nifty affair with a lock, so who will be on hand to defend , who is Safeway store Monday caua- the Miss Carrie Herron of , in the county pioneer association CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS that her farm, near the Big Ed- that any one who wants to swipe their laurels are Pete Hooper of cord. some discomfort for about ING PAYS. dy, had been sold is incorrect, one of his clubs will have to Kelso, Washington, star log rol Kelso, girl log rolling champion, [ will be present for the permanent ed hours until the damage two She has been negotiating a sale, take the whole outfit, bag and ler; Ed Sorger of Ryderwood, will also be one of the entrants! organization of the historical so- could be repaired. jciety. Washington, dare-devil high clim- in the forthcoming Rolleo. but no deal has been closed. all. Construction of a road from Al Parker’s place to Camp 8, and ROAD NEAR NATAL quick action on the road fund BEING IMPROVED protested by the timber compa nies, was urged by G. W. Ford, chairman of the roads committee NATAL— (Special.) — Con of the Vernonia Chamber of struction work is under way on Commerce, at the meeting July the Nehalem highway. The work is being done by the county to 10. It is estimated that there will eliminate a bad curve now in be 40 families in Camp 8 this' the road. The steam shovel is winter, Mr. Ford stated, and grading a hill on one side of the they will be unable to get to I road and the dirt is used in mak Vernonia unless a road is built ing a fill on the other side, tak there. The county court has ing out a bad curve. H. Price is operating the shov thus far looked with disfavor on the project, maintaining that el, Fritz Iler is running the cat the Clark and Wilson company erpillar, and John Schlippy is in should establish its camp at Pit charge of the road work. tsburg, situated on the highway. The matter of protecting the ROAD MEETING WEDNESDAY special road tax is vital, Mr. The hearing before the Oregon Ford asserted, as the amount al ready paid in would have to be State Highway Commission for returned if the levy be declared i the organization of the Ver unconstitutional, and without nonia-Nehalem River-Coast high this money there could be no way improvement district will be truck logging this winter. He held in the high school gymna maintained that if the county sium at Jewell Wednesday, July court needs legal backing, it 23, at 2 p. m. : should be provided. Returns from California Ivan Shearer spoke in favor Ed Buckner returned Tuesday of the road to Camp 8, de claring that the cost of 1 % after a trip to California, where miles of new construction would he spent two weeks. not exceed $15,000. T. J. Flippin of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce ex plained the project of advertis ing the state by the use of pos ter stamps on mail to Eastern correspondents. President J. C. Lindley put the question of the local chamber’s taking out a membership in the state organi zation, and it was so ordered. Lee Schwab prophecied that Schwab Remembered H. E. McGraw presented Lee the Chamber of Commerce mem Schwab, retiring secretary, with bers would be sure their glasses a fountain pen desk set in tok were clean when the Longview en of his services, and it was Rolleo girls performed. ♦ * • voted that instead of accepting Lee was right. And the near Mr. Schwab’s resignation, he be granted a leave of absence in sighted gents arejoiced when the hope that he might some Guy Anderson ihoooJ the girls away from back stage. day return to Vernonia. • ♦ ♦ President Lindley announced One thing, however, Lee ov the appointment of G. W. Ford as secretary and of Miss Lucille erlooked. He should have pro Roberts as assistant secretary. vided field glasses so that mem Guy L. Anderson, president bers might get a good view of of the Longview Chamber of Wesley Vandercook. • • • Commerce, waj. chairman for in Anyhow, The Eagle published troducing the Longview part of the program. Harry Hill urged l Wesley’s picture so that those this community to select a candi who did not get a good look at date for the ruling Paulino of him will know him the next time the Rolleo August 8 and 9, and they see him. * • * four Longview “cuties” staged Guy Anderson may be a syn song and dance numbers adver thetic logger, as he asserts, but tising the celebration. his “dog-gone” is worthy of Paul Bunyan himself. 3 New Teachers Are Selected For Public Schools Feathers And ... Talons. • Timber Couple Celebrate 25th Anniversary