MUTINY CF THIL over the Fourth. Hr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and son Ermin of Bromnsville were the guests of Mrs. Smith’s par- Continued from Page 1) ___ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler, j o'.iron Wednesday of last week of timber was cut so that a [ until Monday. ev.- of Mount Hoed was had Mrs. E. E. Mills and Mr. and from camp. A spy glass through which the long string of climb­ Mrs. Ralph Barnard motored to ers could be watched as they Waldport Monday and back Tues­ wound their way up the moun­ day. Mrs. Sarah Spencer returned tain, was in constant demand throughout the day with a line home Monday alter spending a 100 feet long at times, waiting week with her daughter, Mrs. 0. for their chance to view the B. Malmsten. at Seaside, Oregon. climb. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler Follow Tram Trail with their son Kenneth motored long string of climbers, The to St. Helens Tuesday on busi- the night under the ness returning Wednesday. having ; spent . open sky, wrapped in blankets • E. Van Hall and sons Chester, they brought with them, follow Wilbur and Raymond of Wald­ the same trail up the mountain port came up to visit relatives w.u.u service I that the tram will follow. This ‘ over the Fourth, returning Mon­ fact will be interesting to the day. men!« In their own suite, but very visitors who come to camp un- often they were Invited to dine Martha Hall of Sunset camp able to climb but looking for- visited at the Frank with Mrs Hsdwjiy. Mills home the time when they will ward to The three of them—Mrs. Unwin on Friday. to ride to the top, from be able iviiM slill unnhle to move- were In Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hull of which a view of practically the Mist vlted to a dinner party, given by were Sunday afternoon entire state of Oregon is had. Evelyn Railway when she learned guests of their sons, Kessie and that Todd was to leave for an ap There are others who will come Gussie. polntmrnf m «’Idea««, exactly one to the Legion Camp to climb the E. E. Mills left Monday morn­ week after landing - ~ “ *“ ' grand old mountain once more ing for Canyon City, where he tress. while climbing is the only way and Carl Enstrom have taken a At seven. Mary heard her to reach the summit. ther’s voice on the telephone, contract to bund four miles of Jerry Owen, Jack Clary and said he should not be siile to get road between Canyon City and many others will remember the to Peekskill until nine Scott, well known Blue hardships of the first climbs Burns. “Your voice sounds cross. Dad Mr. and Mrs. John Estes spent dy,” slip said “Are you angry with Lose Admiral, has been adopted when food and baggage was by George Ford. Ford thinks packed to camp over a two and Sunday at Natal at the home of anyone?” “Angry I p too mild a term.’’ he : imething may happen to Tam one-half mile trail which many their daughter, Mrs. Dave Mc­ said, and hung up Usually he wishes to be prepared. No swore was not less than twenty- Mullin. called her by some pot name. t»ul one cares to be without a pet. live, and when Legionnaires car­ Rev. Mr. Moffit of Newberg lie was abrupt, different and uncoin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ried water continuously for the preher.fdble. Lee Hall Monday night. Army Kennard, man about Now camp is When he came they were silting t iwn, with pugilistic aspirations, camp kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnard reached in high gear over a around a wood lire in the large hall and daughter Beatrice, who have around which the house was built i hallenges the world at large. mooth highway, water is piped Unwin was one of thoseJyjciiy men r / rmy is looking for a manager. to camp and a huge hot water jeen guests at the Lee Hall home the past week, left for given tu of ” lt < «aings when he I tank makes washing dishes, pots So anxious was McGraw to their home in Los Angeles, Cali­ ’'ids people Tonight he bowed to them all coldly. Not even to v in a nickel that he bet Loel and pans much easier. fornia, Thursday, via Canyon Hood River Post invites every­ Mrs. Hallway did lie unbend. Roberts on« fat nickel that he City, Oregon, and Yellowstone “Daddy.' said Mary, plaintively couldn’t make a certain shot body to ioin them on their tenth National park. annual climb and a joint celebra­ ■•you haven t spoken to poor I’res on the golf course, giving Loel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson by yet. lie's hurt.” tion over the granting of the Loot made and Mr. and Mrs. Milo King mo­ “I have no doubt.” said Unwin a 40 to one shot, tram permit. Write the Legion distinctly. “Unit a young num of the shot, and Mac is flagging Climb Committee, Hood River, tored to Seaside and back Sun- day. rivals fcr one week. Oregon, for any information de- his resourcefulness anil Intrepidity Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of will recover from the shock " sired. Like a good fellow, Connie MeGregory were guests of Mrs- Crosby Todd flushed. Hr Imd Vernonia's famous Mason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. been told that Ids future futher-ln Anderson, Bud Robbins, over the Fourth. law whs of h kindly nnd affection Swede Legion commander, bhys VERNONIA WINS nte disposition Assuredly the additional popularity by being r. and Mrs. Merle Cline and FROM RAINIER smileless. middle-aged gray gentle free with his snoose. Connie has Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline and 5 TO 2 SUNDAY with man on the rug before the tire was a large following among the Mrs. Cline’s parents, Mr. I not running true to form. Norwegians. and Mrs. Burnham, of Clatskanie. ''I'm afraid you have had a tlr Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Lemley of ing day." Mrs. Railway remarked C. Bruce again walks about , > 1 J r r »»vmuuii, Reardon, v» Washington, aoil 1 llg VMil, JTWU1 returned HtJU "One of the most miserable 1 where it should be for a team ; home Monday after several several uays d nave ever spent." he answered. “It town with several fingers wrap­ ? 4-1» n nnlikrn rx-f t liACh TlliYVin«? . ; A«»«/aiici ’ . • • . ... — . _ - Is dlllleult to know just how to tell ped up, telling his inquisitive I of the calibre of those playing > vjsit wjth Mrg Lem]ey.s bro. ! fiends that he burned them in in the Two State league, you about It." I ther, H. L. King, and family. Mary came to his side and slipped hot grease. McGregor is leading the local I Christine Rainey spent Sun­ her arm through his Very rarely stickers with an average of .438- day at Seaside. hud she seen her father In such a Bruce, who loves to shoot It took him practically the en­ C. Bruce burned his hand mood as this Had lie, she won­ but dered taken some dislike to Cros­ “crap”, may have had some one tire season to get on top quite painfully with hot grease step on those wrapped up fingers he finally arrived and says he by? Ills tone seemed evidence of recently. Brooks did It. Essentially she was h peace- List week when he attempted to is there to stick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCallister collect after throwing “snake­ the heavy stick work last Sun­ and sons Jack, Jr., and Melvin maker. "Don't tell us now,” she begged. eyes.” day getting three hits, one of of St. Helens, were guests of In the morning this black mood i them a double in four trips to Mrs. McCallister’s parents, Mr. would have passed. W. W. Wolff, who doesn’t play I plate. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler. Floyd Unwin took no notice of golf, will play if some of his| ................. The averages to and including his daughter. He stood there med­ Mrs. E. E. Mills and daugh­ itating. The girl might not have friends present him with seven I last Sunday’s game are as fol- ter Leone and son Mickey left dozen golf balls next Christmas. lows: existed here Thursday for Canyon City, “Very dlllleult," he repeated. "1 AB R H Pct. where they will join Mr. Mills, It’s an eypensive game. suppose I had better commence by McGregor ....... ..... 32 7 14 .438 who has gone to begin a road proclaiming my own Inefficiency. I 29 4 10. .345 job which is expected to last I Linn ................ have been an economic failure Mrs. Tom Crawford (retired) con- Radwny. 1 have worked hard and fesses that he was the bird who | Malmsten ....... ..... 18 4 6 .333 until December. there Is nothing to show for It. A put little Meddleton up to sell- i Hawkins ........ .... 37 Hi 12 .324 Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ____ 32 5 10 .313 Hawkins and family the Fourth month or so ago I went to an old I Brooks ............ ing McGraw ’ s campaign posters .278 friend nnd asked financial aid from I Ileniges .......... .... 18 3 5 were his father, John Hawkins, him. It was for my children’s ed­ for a nickel a piece the day be­ Marshall 12 0 3 .250 his brother Frank and family, ...... Even McGraw ucation I needed It. He refused fore election. ... . 8 2 2 .250 Mrs. Frank Heibert and son me. I learned then something of fell, and purchased one—being - Johnson .......... I Black ............... ...... 9 0 2 .222 Frank, all of Sedro-woolly, Wash­ the acorn success has for such fond of that face. 14 4 3 .214 ington, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dris­ | Greenman ...... as I." . 5 1 1 .200 coll and children of Stony Point' “Don't Daddy." Mary begged, She i A. L. Kullander had a slight, Drorbaugh saw that for some reason, un- heart attack Monday, which hi» Gibson .......... ..... 7 0 1 .143 Mrs. Frombling and children of guessed by her, he was bent on .118 O.-A. hill. friends say was caused by some­ : Laird ............... . . 34 4 4 crucifying himself publicly. ..... 2 0. 0 .000 George ........... Ralph Peck of Longview was one leaving town after only mak- "Another num.” he went on, un visiting friends ' this place heeding, “a friend of equal stand i ing one payment on a watch Tuesday Ing In point of years, offered aid. bought of “Shorty.” It was not In Ills power to give It I Immediately. He set out to earn Jack Bush has several gold 1 hy tils unquestioned skill the few teeth inserted to compete with Mrs. Ed Zonlek and son David thousand dollars I needed, It was in Montgomery of Pengra, Oregon, ...--------- „------ for Boh and Mal y he took I Ids bur his more brilliant friends, dim upon him I remember Hint he outshining with the gift of gab. were the guests at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Bud Williams, said he would try nnd be a fairy Jack’s rather dull. godfather to them. Well, he failed." Unwin fell Into another tit of sl lent musing. When he spoke again It was of another subject. "I have Just come front the bedside of a man who Is dying." lie looked toward Crosby Todd sourly. "The num you nnd my son attacked, wounded nnd left for the police to drug to the Tombs. I commend your caution, Mr. Todd." Evelyn Radwny was glad that LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE the dancing shadows from the open tire concealed her face. INSURED TRUCKS HAULING “I don't understand you. Mr. L'n win," Crosby Todd stammered. “Dnddy. they had to do what they did." Mary told him earnestly. “You waited." Umvln resumed, "until he was worn out from sleep lessness he endured for you. You and my son took him nt a moment when lie was physically exhausted You attacked him when he was suf MBATSlOii ®Y WYNDHAM MARTYN“ CorvaioHT in rue us the night nr iii»' iii7> .’.of fo n.e yacht, he returned In i, mood of horrified excitement. “Do you retnonibei a man mimed Hamner?" he asked “I aliaII never he able tn forget him," his hostess answered “Why?" “A sailor they called Red Mike must have tied some grudge against Hamner who, from all aeeotmla. seemed a quiet, civil apoken man Mike got at him and lumped over board with il>e poor fellow In bls arms. The stream was running fast and they couldn't save them." “Horrible." she exclaimed •Thpre must have been a curse on the Ship. Death upon death.” "And there’s anol her likely." Unwin went on. "the prize crook of them all. Dr. Andrew Urine There’s not much chance for him Perhaps It's the better way I should like to have se. n him I’he police think he was the brains of the whole thing, even the limn you called Clements seems to have been less dangerous. They hsve Orme» rechrd complete and hope to be able' to flit tn the detail- of the years-they lost ‘„In of him" Unwin talked on asking limn merahle questions nnd setting ready replies from all hut Mrs Railway • •••••• Less than forty miles distant there were grouped «round the bedside of a man who was not ex­ pected to live, an Ins].... tor from headquarters. a pollie surgeon nnd an official stenogrHtdier “Now Andy." the Inspector begged, "be reasonable Why go to your Maker with a lie on your eon science?" The suspect held out nls hands The Inspector did not know wlmt he meant. “Finger prints," sold Bettineton fnfntly; “yon haven't verified them yet.” The Inspector did not like to tell him he was rushed to the bedside In order to take tils dying deposi­ tions. . A dead man’s hands were Just as good evidence ns those through which the blood coursed. “I thought you told me he was sll In." the inspector said to the surgeon. “You said you'd give him half an hour at the most.” "lie's one of those oh • tlnnte ctisses." said the surgeon. There was a certain admiration In his voice; he could not forget that here was a member of Ills own profession who had attained world wide fnme ore crime enmeshed him. “He’s gor the will to live." the surgeon added. "Why not hit mor him? He's crazy to be linger printed.” The Inspector came to the bed side. It was not often he could grunt a Inst fnvor so easily "All right. Andy." he grinned "I'll do It." ___ ___ lie looked nt the resit ¡It with In Merest, Until they had been looked up In the Index at headquarters • " lie they nieniu nothing to him. . could only nee that Andv Orme’s finger prints showed an unusunl number of arches and whorls, lie did not understand wli.v the crim Inal Insisted on such a curious for mallty. “See here. Andy." tie remarked, “when this old earth Ims got forty men on it for every one nt present, there'll be a msthiimntlenl chance «if two sets of linger prints being alike, but not till then nnd even then when that time comes. I wouldn’t bet on It." An hour Inter the surgeon was wanted on tlie telephone. “That bird ain't Andy Orme.” said the Inspector with n note of grievance In Ills voice "Ills prints are absolutely new ones to us." The surgeon found the unknown awake and In pain. The surgeon's look was not ns friendly ns It had been. He had been mistaking a person of probably no lni|ioriaiu*e with the discoverer of the eelebrnt ed Orme method of cerebral sur­ gery. “You’re not Andrew Orme," he nsserted. There was Irritation In his manner; he fell he Imd been fooled and the sensation was not pleasing. “I keep on saying so." Betting ton remarked, smiling grimly “Now enn I be allowed Io Bleep In pence?" ,•••••• Mrs. Uadwnv discovered In t'n win. a man whom alm could trust because he was honest and devot ed to her Interests A very great deal of business devolved upon him. For the first time In hl» working life he was happy. The Massachusetts Institute of Tech nologv was to receive Bob. nnd Mnry'wns to graduate from Smith before she married, Crosby had yet to win his wily. Hsiinll.v the I'nwlns took llirlr lent yourself to the betrayal. Isn’t there anything that looks from the soul of an honest i.ian to tell worn en with their finer intuitional senses, that he is to be trusted?” Evelyn Railway’« voice bad tears in it. “How could we know?” she wailed. “Madam.’ Unwin said coldly, “he told you. Many times he tried to convince you. but you would noi listen. After that. I suppose, he was too proud. He told you all his (Continued Next Week) ANNUAL MT. HOOD CLIMB JULY 12-14 Riverview Transfer Co faring fioin three ribs broken In the tight Willi the man he killed. You Inflicted such violence that the splintered ends of these fractured ribs penetrated the pleural sacs." "We didn't know that," B cried. "We hadn't any lilen was hurt; he never let nie know." "You must he fair to them Daddy." the girl Insisted. "I feel |ust ns bitterly toward yon ami Mrs. li i-lsv i>," he suki. Stray Horse Gray Horse, weigh* 1000 pound*; 8 or 9 years old- Now in City Pound. If not called for in 10 days will be sold Harry Phelps CITY MARSHAL in Aspect of MODERNITY The modern housewife has substituted companionship with her children or the reading of a good book for washboard drudgery. The modern laundry, with its wondrous gentle machines, pure soaps, rainsoft water, faultless service and mo­ ney-saving rates has won its spurs. I ernonia Laundry PHONE 711 Friday, J ' Vernonia Eagle. Vernonia, Oregon 193|, eral Laws of Oregon for 1929, ' hour of 2 o’clock P. M. of suid said district to be known as thé day, in the High School Gym- “Vernonia-Nehalem River-Coast nasium at Jewell, Clatsap Co un­ Highway Improvement District.” ty, Oregon, for the purpose of The land which it is proposed by passing upon the > ma ter» Bet FOR SALE said petition to include within out in Siii^ Pet‘tion “nil lor the purpose of approving s. id pe­ -------------------------- , said district is described as fol- tition as to the bounlariea as FOR SALE — Farm machinery, lows, to-wit: set our therein or as m< d fied by feed cutter, mower, rake, har­ Beginning at a point where the State Highway con .mission. row, plow, hay fork, 150 feet Any and all persons having of cable, feed chopper, gas en- the township iine common to townships 5 N. and townships1 property in the said proposed gine and hay in the field. In- 6 N. of the W. M. intersects district appearing upon the tax quire of Mrs. M. F. John or the Pacific Ocean; thence east rolls and subject to any indebt­ phone 14F562. 473’i following said township line 48 * edness which may be incurred FOR SALE—Kimball piano, as' miles, more or less, to the range qj . created by said district or its line R. v 3 W. trustees, ii if buiu said uiBiricv district in is luriii- form- .. — between R. 2 and ... ... nusLCfs, good as new, will sell reas-1 W. M. ; thence south along said e(j or created, may appear and onable. Also grand home elec-' range line 16 miles, more or sha’l be heard J>y the State trie ironer. Terms. Inquire at less, to the southeast corner of Highway commission, and any House 31, O.-A. hill. 464c Section 13, T. 3 N„ R. 3 W. W. and all persons favoring or op­ M.; thence west following the posing the creation of the said FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart-! section lines 24 miles, more or district may appear and be mont house on First street, less, to the southwest corner of heard at the said meeting. See George Bell. 36tf( Section 18, T. 3 N., R. 6 W. Dated this 20th day of June, W. M. on the line between 1930. I ranges 6 and 7 W. IV. M.; thence FOR RENT Oregon State Highway Conf- north along said range line % mission. FOR RENT OR SALE—3-room mile, more or less, to the south­ By H. B. Van Duzer, chair- and 4-room houses, furnished. east corner of Section 12, T. man. O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 Second 3 N„ R. 7 W. W. M.; thence C. E. Gates, commissioner. avenue. 46tf vest following the section line M. A. Lynch, commissioner. 12 miles, more or less, to the Attest: Roy A. Klein, Secre- southwest corner of Section 7, tary. MISCELLANEOUS 474 T. 3 N„ R. 8 W. W. M. on the line between Ranges 8 and 9 Will take in washings. Mrs. Hat­ tie Brown, call Mrs. Lee Hall, W. W. M.; thence along said Sewnrd Hotel Tel. 774. 482* I range line to the east and west HOUSE OF CHEER center line of Section 13, T. 3 Wanted— Modern house. Will N., R. 9 W. W. M.; thence TENTH AT ALDER rent, or trade good sales con-! west following the center line Portland Oregon tract to apply on purchase. In­ of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Excelient meals at pop- quire Turkington Sandwich shop. and 18 of T. 3 N„ R. 9 W. W. nlar prices. Coffee shop. 491c M. and T. 3 N„ R. 10 W. W. M. Merchant, Lunch 25c, 35c. to the shore of the Pacific Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining Piano in storage, Looks and is ocean; thence northerly nlong room. Breakfast 25c and like new. Will sacrifice for the shore of the Pacific ocean up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. balance, 81G3.00. Terms $2.00 to the point of beginning. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $1. weekly or monthly or crop pay- McNair, Manager You are further notified ments. Will discount for cash. Culbertson, Prop. Write Tallman Piano Store, 395 a meeting will be held on So. 12th St.. Salem, Ore. 483c 23rd day of July, 1930, at Classified Ads I I. WOOD BIDS WANTED Bids will be received by the School hoard of School district I No. 47 far 100 cords of four-foot yellow or red fir cord or slab wood to be delivered by Sep­ tember first at the Washington school grounds. Bids will be opened at 8 p. m. July 11. Cer­ tified cheek for ten per cent of i the bid offered should accom­ pany each bid. Mail bids to Loel Roberts, clerk I school district No. 47. 482c FOOD t hat is Pure and ÏUholesome TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that there has been filed with the Oiegon State highway commis­ sion a proposed form of petit­ ion proposing the organization of a highway improvement dis­ trict under the provisions of Chapter 399 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1921, as a» amended by Chapter 254 Gen- ■ eral Laws of Oregon for 1927, i as amended by Chapter 46, Gen- insurance LIFE FIRE AUTOMOBILE and all other kinds AT OUR MARKET And our Oraod off •WittUUir <* kocekii : s Are StilS Kang off All Kinds Vernonia Market and Grocery, Inc ♦