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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1930)
% MUTINY CF THE bv ----- WYNDHAM MARTYN“ w.N.u. servici C0FVWI6HT IN THg U S know tiiaf sTFe, foo, loved him. 1 murderer! A man for whom Dot even the most splendid of heroism could win panion. A man for ever without the pale. • Friday, July 4, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, V jrnoniA, Oregon Eight ••*»•• Those elements of lawlessness In the Individuals of the crew, which Clements, by his adroitness and tlm terror he Inspired, had contrived I i keep In subjection, were not long to lie ilormanT. Already unaccustoiia I ease and freedom from duties ha.I awakened In nu n, to whom all hon est work was abhorrent, the desbe for a continuance of these romantic conditions. The four In the forecastle experi enced much of the feeling that Alai- din must have known when his lamp proved so obedient a servant. It w s with a certain timidity, covered by an air of bravado, that they fir t made demands on Slivers for food and drink. They ordered ; he obeyed. They sent hltn for Radway's fa mous cigars; Silvers brought a hi mldor tilled with them. Mike sil t- gested champagne. The genie they luid known us Silvers delivered It to them. Hamner was chicken-hearted. He believed that Ids arrest lit some time or other was certain. And there were lifers In at least two of those convict establishments Io which he might be sent who had threatened to kill him. And tiny would succeed. He had been a trusty and lie had been a stool- pigeon. Alone of the men he had a prpfountj distrust of Bettlngton. lie thought the surgeon was going to try to help Mis. Railway and to save his skin. Two could play at that game. If he so stirred up tl.e three plastic men before him—that they attacked Metzger nnd Pereira and killed them—and lie felt ties would be the result—lie could be hurrying to the doctor with the news nnd Implore him to mete out justice to the slayers. It was a pretty scheme and his expression annoyed Grnuinaiin "What are you grinning for?” he snarled. “What makes you so d—n happy ?" "I was thlukln," Hamner re turned, “how good and surprised them dagoes’d be If we went aft and turned 'em out of the Boss' quarters and make them come here where they belong. There they sit and wait till we get to Linton. They speak the lingo; we don’t. They'll speak us into Jail before we know It. You know wlint them (’entml American prisons are. Nothing won’t ever get us out. We won't even know what we’re In for.” "That's a fuck,” Mike agreed. “I was in one In Bulda and I don't "What Makes You So D—n Happy?” know yet why, unless It was for throwing a bull off the dock.” “If we had to shoot 'em,” said Hamner, “we'd sny It wns because they tried to get nt the women folk. Tluit'd listen good at home.” "He's got a good head on him,'” Mike salil, with genuine admiration “That stuff gets over every time, believe me. 'Brave seamen save the women and children first’ ” Herl Mike was one of those drunkards who, after a sufficient amount of poison, lose the more obvious marks of Intoxication. While the other three slept stertor- ously he wns kept awake by the growing ferocity he felt toward Metzger nnd Pereira. It was about seven o’clock when he roused his reluctant comrades from their slumber. They awakened sober but aavnge. It wns not hard to bring them to tlielr last night's mood of vengeance. The bot’les on the table helped them to that. It was decided then and there to hunt for the traitors. Every stateroom and storeroom wns drawn blank. The two must be on the up per deck with their crony, the sur geon. That would make three against four. Graumann was chosen to ask leave to speak with the autocratic navigator, and while speaking lo cate the missing men. Bettington listened to Granmann's story when he had given permis sion. through Silvera, for him to come on deck. He entertained a profound distrust of the man. "Well,” Bettington said, seeing him gazing about him. “What la It?” “1 was wondering If the cook was np here. sic. We ain't seen him in the galley nor Mr. Metzger, nei ther." "Do they look to be here?" Graumnnn glanced toward the wireless house. It was their only possible hiding place. Bettlngton watched him sidling to it “Are they there?" the surgeon asked, as If Interested In their ills- anpenmnet fjnt””*.!”’’ ’^ok this us an luvnaLiuu tv tu»c»iiguic. “I guess they're below," he said touching his cap. His news added to the wrath of the tricked four. It was plain they could only be In the fore part of the ship Immediately above the forecastle where the men were now sitting. “There they are, the stirikin' da goes,” said Hamner, “eating ami drinking with the women, while any thing Is good enough for us. If I was as strong as you boys I wouldn’t stand It. no, not for one minute. Just overhead, they are a laughin’ at rhe monkeys they've made of us. We ought too break In. Graumann here, he knows how to open any klester ever made; II won't take him long to do the trick." Mike battered the table with his Iron fists. "No, by G—d." he shouted "that's not the way I work. We'll batter the door down." With bars of Iron. Mike made his first savage onslaught. The noise In the quarters of the prisoned peo pie wns deafening; Mary clung to Crosby. She saw Mrs. Radway take the automatic. During Inter vals of tills buttering they could hear the most horrible oaths Imrled as they believed, at themselves alone. To Mrs. Radway It meant that the doctor had been, ns she hnd feared, tricked into helplessness This was the end. Bettlngton, on bearing the ex traordlnary racket, run to the head of the companion. The shouts of Mike and bls friends warned 1dm of grave danger. Mike, Graumann nnd Krause were trying to batter their wuy to the women; there wns no other explanation possible. "Stop,” lie shouted. His voice arrested them for a mo ment. “We want Metzger and Pereira." they told him. “They are not in there," cried Bettlngton. “Then where nre they hiding? Graumnnn snarled. The doctor's unreaduess to an swer promptly seemed direct prO'd that he wns lying. Krause pull« I out his revolver and took aim nt Bettlngton. shouting obscene abuse as lie did so. It was no moment for hesitation. Bettlngton shot first. Krause spun round—a bullet hnd gone through the hand that held the weapon. Another gun spat out ami Graumann fell shot through the heart. Bettlngton glanced round and saw Hamner's smoking barrel "Saved your life then, Doc." sold Hamner heartily. It was Hamner's treachery which staggered Mike and made film full an easy victim to arrest. Betting ton slipped a dove Idtch over Ids wrist. Mike was led to the chain locker nnd pushed In. Hamner, al though he wns betraying Joy at the result of the fray, knew in his heart that until Mike wns dead he was In deudly peril. Hamner cursed his In accuracy of alm. He had meant to kill Mike, and by a Jerky, ner vous pull on the trigger Imd slain Graumann. Graumann he could have managed. But Mikel Silvers had brought Kenzle up from his engines. The boy hnd be come panic stricken. lie could not understand how It was Hamner hnd emerged with so stainless n repu tation. Hamner was engaged In the necessary business of denning tip. No longer filled with visions of ven geance, Krause followed Bettlngton to tlie doctor's room where bls wound was dressed He did not venture to protest when tie was locked In a small room Things were going rather well for Hamner, but he still was tn some perplexity as to where Metz ger and Pereira might be Think Ing It over, and bearing In mind Andrew Orme's Justly earned repu tation for violence, wlmt wns more likely thnn they hnd been done away with and dumiied Into the ocean? Hamner wns evolving a story whereby he enacted the role of Sir Galahad and Providence together. In the end It would seem that, but for him the voyage would have fin Ished In utter disaster. He deter mined to attach himself to Mrs Radway. He hnd been, formerly, a specialist In those hard luck stories whose success depended upon feminine sympathy. CHAPTER XII Ths Treachery of Friends. FTER the first amazing clamor wns stilled and Crosby Todd had whispered some comforting phrases to Mary, two shots run- out. Then came Krause’s yell of agony. After tlint there w is a silence of half an hour. But the three, wnltlng as they expected for death, made no move. Out of the silence came three staccato double rnps, the signal by which the doctor was known. “Don't open I" said Todd, hoarse ly. "It's a trick.” "I must know," Mrs. Radway said, and unbolted the door. Bettlngton stood there, lie was pale and unsmiling. "I'm afraid you have been very much frightened." he begun. "Pm sorry; hut It bus turned out for tunnte after all. I control the boat at last nnd you are free to use the upper deck when you want to." “Do you tnvnn the dreadful dan ger has passed?” He looked down at her and smiled Just a moment ”1 think so. I shall want Todd np there at once.” Todd came forward. “Well?” "Don't go anywhere but on deck and these quarters of yours. I have very good reasons." He bowed to Mrs. Radway and went out. "What’s happened?" Boh cried eagerly when lie was relieved st the wheel. "Murder snd sudden death," sold Bettlngton. “You'll he able to see your sister and your esteemed friend Todd soon. Ah, here they A abandoned and they were occupy come " FOR SALE—Kimball piano, as as amended by Chapter 46, Gen tition as to the boundaries as ing six heni"lfullv appointed rooms Evelyn Railway seemed paler good as new, will sell reas eral Laws of Oregon for 1929, set our therein or as n jdified by in a mansion, whose gr< unds ran and more slender than he had ever onable. Also grand home elec said district to be known as the the State Highway commission. down to the Hudson. seen her. lie reflected that she River-Coast Any and all perso is hLving From a wide balcony on which tric ironer. Terms. Inquire at ■ “Vernonia-Nehalem had endured agonizing hours com Mrs. Unwin's couch was pul, one House 31, O.-A. hill. pared with which his own had been 464c j Highway Improvement District.” property in the said proposed could see wide stretches of the lord I The land which it i3 proposed by district appearing upo 1 the tax as nothing. ly river M.;.v ttnn.ghl Unit she FOR SALE—6-weeks old heifer, I said petition to include within Briefly he told them of the Strug rolls and subject to a ly indebt had never seen so beautiful a spot gle Just over. from pure stock, in good condi said district is described as fol edness which may be incurred as where the great house was "But what about Metzger and the or created by said district or its built Left behind was the shabby tion. Reasonable. 621 Rose Ave lows, to-wit: cook?" Todd asked. 481-* furniture of the old home. The nue, Vernonia. Beginning at a point where trustees, if said district is form- “I am coming to them." He only thlugk that reminded her of It may and vu i ed or — created, - -------z — —j appear . . the township line c vuiuuivn common to turned to Mrs. Railway and the was the collection of books that her FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart and townships! shal‘ be beard by tbe , State girl. “Don't be frightened.” townships 5 N. i ment house on First street. He swung the davits round so N. of the W. M. intersects i l^hway commission, and any father loved and a small seascape See George Bell. of the 36tf 6 6 N. that the cutter was over part of Bettlngton had once given him. the Pacific Ocean; thence east |and. a Persons favoring or op the deck. Then with the uld of It wns Unwin's mlsslou to go to following said township line 48' POs,nE the creation ot the said FOR RENT Slivers who had hurried up. he the Albatross and bring bai-k h list be miles, more or less, to the range [ 1 di8tr dlstrl ‘ct et may aPP«« and lowered It a bit and removed the of things Mrs tbidwav wanted On FOR RENT—8-Room House—on line between R. 2 and R. 3 W.|hea.rd at„the „“,ld meeting. covering. (Continued Next Week) Dated this 20th day of June, Rose Ave., $25. Garden and W. M.; thence south along said The two women shrank buck at nice grounds. See Mrs. W. J. range line 15 miles, more or 11930. the sight. Return from Club School King. “I’m going to make the cook Oregon State Highway Coni 481c less, to the southeast corner of work In the stokehole," he an mission. Section 13, T. 3 N., R. 3 W. W. nounced. "lie Is not dangerous, (Continued from Page 1) FOR RENT OR SALE—3-room M.; thence west following the I By li. B. Van Duzer, chair- without a knife and he'll have no and 4-room houses, furnished. section lines 24 miles, more or man. Ireland; Heart: Italy (music and chance to get one this side of eter art); Hands: France, Fashions, O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 Second less, to the southwest corner of j C. E. Gates, commissioner. nity. 1 shall lock Metzger up un 46tf Section 18, T. 3 N., R. 6 W. [ M. A. Lynch, commissioner. style show, culinery art; Health: avenue. til we reach New York.” Attest: Roy A. Klein, Secre- “New York," said Mary smiling Scandinavian (strong physics.) W. M. on the line between' tary. for the first time. MISCELLANEOUS 474 The National 4H club emblem ranges 6 and 7 W. W. M. ; thence ’ “We’re heading for home now." is the four leaf clover with the north along said range line 14 NOTICE TO CREDIITORS he answered. letter “H” on each leaflet run HOUSEWORK wanted by reli mile, more or less, to the south Todd wus bombarding Bob In the In the County Court of the ning parallel with the mid-rib able, experienced girl, neat. east corner of Section 12, T. wheelhouse with Innumerable ques “What’s It Matter They Do I of the leaflet. Write Vernonia, Box 39. 481* 3 N„ R. 7 W. W. M.; thence State of Oregon for Columbia tlons. He voiced again Ids suapl Laiinh at You a Rif Sir?” cion of the doctor and speculated as The four “H’s” represent the west following the section line county. thing, Tie hlui Up rhe swine, and I fourfold to what his motive might be. development < of the LOST—% yard green organdy 12 miles, more or less, to the In the matter of the estate then wireless fur h *lp That'll pul Hamner, polishing brass, crept ready for hemstitching in southwest corner of Section 7,. of Mariette E. Schneider, de It's my belief," the Head, Heart, Hands and Health, us in . .... I. near enough to hear wliat they The National 4H club pledge front of MacMarr store Satur T. 3 N„ R. 8 W. W. M. on the ceased. were saying. Evidently Hallett’s tempter went mi. “that hint and day evening. Mrs. M. D. Cole." line between Ranges 8 and 9| Notice is hereby given, that nephew writhed under the author Metzger plan to gel away What's is; I pledge, my head to clearer to stop them going overboard Just thinking, my heart to greater ity of Andy Orme. That wns a W. W. M.; thence along said the undersigned has been duly new angle to look at tlie future after we get through Ihe Bridge loyalty, my hands to larger ser Will take in washings. Mrs, Hat-1 range line to the east and west appointed administrator of the and escaping or lowering s bout In vice, and my health to better tie Brown, call Mrs. Lee Hall, I center line of Section 13, T. 3 estate of Mariette E. Schneider, from. Tel. 774. 482* N., R. 9 W. “Beg pardon, gentlemen," said the dark?" W. M.; thence deceased, by the county court “We mustn't let him get awa.v living, for my club, my com Hamner urbanely, "but Is there any munity and my country. west following the center line of Columbia county, State of from the police, ’ ’ Todd said wilier thing I enn get for you? You’ll be Looks and is Piano in storage. Boy’s and girl’s 4H club work lug, "und yet It seems hardly play taking command, sir, I suppose?" like new. Will sacrifice for; of Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Oregon, and has duly qualified is a publicly-supported and di R. 9 W. W. to act as such. All persons hav He addressed Todd. “You're the Ing the game to get him now?" Terms $2.001 .and 18 af T. 3 balance, $163.00. “If you're afraid. Just say so.'' rected educational enterprise of or crop pay-1?»' aad 3 N" ?' W' ing claims against said estate only officer aboard now your pore weekly or monthly 1 Hamner's manner was less polite. uncle's gone." j the United States department of i to the shore of the Pacific are hereby notified to present ments. Will discount for cash. “ Hut don't expect me to want to “You see,” said Todd, when Hum agriculture. State agricultural give a bloody murderer fair play Write Tallman Piano Store, 395 I ocean; thence northerly along some, duly verified, with pro- ner had gone away unanswered, colleges and countries co-operat same as I'd give you." A happy So. 12th St.. Salem, Ore. 483c the shore of the Pacific ocean per vouchers, within six months “wliat they think. It’s abominable to teach from the date of this notice to to the point of beginning. thought struck Idin “If the Judge ing. It is designed how a doctor, and such n doctor, through doing and is so organiz Is allowed to take command." He says to you, 'Why didn't you do WOOD BIDS WANTED You are further notified that the undersigned at his office at what Albert Hamner said? ’ what'll ed as to teach better practices forgot that Ills qualifications were Bids will be received by the , a meeting will be held on the 626 Girst street, Vernonia. Ore- you answer? I’ll have to tell him in agriculture and home econo nil. Bob's sympathy wus very School board of School district 123rd day of July, 1930, at the gon. everything. ” grateful. mics, and the finer things of Dated • •»•••• and first published No. 47 for 100 cords of four-foot hour of 2 o’clock P. M, of said it wus easy rur it.miner to mold At the wheel Bettlngton was rural life, while at the same yellow or red fir cord or slab day, in the High School Gym June 20, 1930. Last publication those young and enthusiastic ladi time developing wholesome, in nasium at Jewell, Clatsop Coun July 18, 1930. to his liking. Already they bad fighting against a desire to sleep. dustrious, public-spirited boys wood to be delivered by Sep commended him highly to Mrs. Never had he gone so long with so W. A. HARRIS, tember first at the Washington ty, Oregon, for the purpose of and girls. little rest. There wns a great deal Railway. But she persisted In her the Administrator of the Estate school grounds. Bids will be passing ,------- „ upon ......... .. . matters —------ set of shipping and he bad not much Membership is voluntary, boys mistrust confidence In Todd's seamanship. and girls may join by applying opened at 8 p. m. July 11. Cer-! out in said petition and for the of Mariette E. Schneider, 'Look at them." she said to tified check for ten per cent of purpose of approving said pe- < ceased, The dawn was breaking chill and Mary, when they hnd slept them- j , to Miss Didtel, home demonstra I selves Into heller spirits. “Are they ! gray when he passed Kort Han tion agent, or Geo. A. Nelson, the bid offered should accom-j cock. It was there that the three pany each bid. conspiring together?" ■county agricultural agent. Mail bids to Loel Roberts, clerk. “t'rosliv wants to gel nil tlie evl- flung themselves upon him. There deuce he cun," Mary answered. I was little opportunity to struggle. school district No. 47. 482c Hamner brought down a belaying “You see. lie’s really an ollii-i-r uud j pin on bls bead with enough force will have to he the chief witness. I to render him unconscious. He TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I He says this will he a celebrated wus awukened by the harsh spit You are hereby notified that! case." ting of the wireless. He realized “Not If I can help it." Evelyn ' there has been filed with the that the Albatross was anchored. Railway said. The Idea of wide- ' He was lying on the floor of the FOR SALE Oregon State highway commis-j spread publicity was nldiorrent. ! wheelhouse. sion a proposed form of petit-j Hi- was bound and “May I wireless to my law vers?” I gagged as neatly us ever Metzger FOR SALE — Farm machinery, ion proposing the organization j she asked of the doctor She had i and I'erelra had been. The pain In feed cutter, mower, rake, har of a highway improvement dis been told Indignantly by Todd that ■ Ills side was now very severe. And he had been locked out of tils own with It all was a racking head row, plow, hay fork, 150 feet trict under the provisions of of cable, feed chopper, gas en- Chapter 399 of the General quarters, ache. “Df course.” he answered. “1 for ,0 P. M Mrs Radway came on deck at gine and hay in the field. In- J Laws of Oregon for 1921, as bade Todd been a e he was for wir about eight o'clock. John or amended by Chapter 254 Gen- She thought quire of Mrs, ing accounts to the papers. May I that Crosby Todd and Bob looked phone 14F552. 473* eral Laws of Oregon for 1927, ask you to see that he sands no at her with a certain degree of etn other messages?” biirrassinent. And ILimner, the “1 will look after that," she said. Ill-omened, was with them. “When can we get to New York?” “The New York Yacht club Is "Let me see," he meditated. sending out some one to take us “This Is Tuesday noon. We ought In.” Todd told her. "They ought to be In by Thursday afternoon. to be here any minute now.” I tldnk you may safely promise “I thought the doctor was capa that." ble of that," she said, frowning. . Instead of Bob Unwin being al "lie’s cajiable of anything." Ham lowed to remain on deck nnd talk ner cried. “You don't know what to Todd, lie was sent below to aid we’ve done for you, ma'am." the weary Kenzle. It was plain "What does the niau mean?” she to Mrs. Railway that Bettlngton asked of Todd. had deliberately broken up the com “I had to seize the ship.” he sold. mittee on grievances. There was no question of evading “Mary," she said abruptly to the what he had done nr declining re- girl, “I'm going to live at my home sponslblllty. “We found that Orme up the Hudson It Is near had planned to escape and we are Peekskill and perched on the top of holding him for the police. You a hill with a marvelous view of the remember he wouldn’t let me use river. It’s very, very big. I was the wireless? That was because wondering If your father would he didn’t want to be caught It's care to live there, too, nnd net ns a easier for a crook to escape In sort of secretary and generally use New York than It would be in ful business man. There would lie Limon.” You will find this store stocked with merchandise. Things for the home and ev a great deul to do and I tldnk the “Where Is the doctor?" Mrs. Rad place would benefit Mrs Unwin. Of way asked. ery member in it. We will serve you with quality values at moderate prices. course, you'd be there, too." She followed them to the bridge. “Oh. Mrs. Railway,” cried the en The attack had been made In the raptured Mary, “there Is noli.Ing tn dawn, and Todd had no Idea that the whole world that make me Hamner's blow had been so se happier. How lie hates bls work, vere or that so much blood hud poor old dear. May I break It to flowed from the wound. He tried him?” to prevent Mrs Railway from see “You shall wireless him to meet ing tlie man. that are outstanding for She knell down at us on Thursday and tell him what his side and removed the gag. Style and Quality ever you choose.” “Are you very much hurt?" she On Wednesday night Bettlngton asked. Iler heart was heating wild informed Mrs. Railway that he ly. After all. they had betrayed hoped to be In early on the follow him. There were tears In his eves. ing morning. She could see that lie did not dis- "You talk as If you were glad to soclate her from those who had be In,” she said. made the assault. in Prints "I am." he answered. “1 want to “They carried out your orders be done with this nightmare busi most successfully," he said, and ness.” turned his aching head away, Airy chiffons and fluttering She could not understand why It The shrill sound of a siren georgettes that use all the was lie did not appear to dread the stirred Todd to action. end of the trip which spelled for charming little tricks of fem "It's tlie Yacht club launch,” he him—prison. cried. inine fashion! Ripples, floun “I shall Instruct my attorneys Mrs. Railway bent over Betting- to put themselves nt your service.” ton again. None else was near. ces, bows, ruffles . . . and she said presently. It was not “I suppose you can never, never some even have little jackets easy to say what she desired to believe It," she whispered, "but I tell him. “I know nothing of tlio had no hand In this. to doff while you whirl I shall al reasons you shipped on the Alba ways feel ashamed when I think through the dance. The prints tross. I know only that you have of It.” are the essence of summer col brought us Into safety and I mn When he made no answer she grateful." went out on deck. Perhaps what ors. Sizes for women, misses “You could have heard what had happened was fated, that hour Yj H »nd juniors. brought me aboard If you had want to which he hnd been drawing near ed to,” he reminded her. "Why for a lifetime. not listen to the whole thing now?” Mary Unwin hnd seized her arm She hnd a dread of hearing excitedly. How like youth, she some confession which must rob thought, to forget its recent perils Why envy the well-dressed man his smart appearance I You her of the confidence she stubborn and present a serene front to the ly held to, can be well dressed, too, and economically, at the J. C. Penney world. “Thnt would be useless.” she said "Look," Mary cried. "There'« Co. Store. We have here the right suit for every man and more coldly. He knew she was re Dad." lieved to see Mary coming to aril occasion, smart in style and rich in quality. Evelyn Radway looked down at her. He sighed. So there must the launch and saw that there he n little more sailing under the were men tn police uniform, too. skull and crossbones. Then she recognized the senior • •••••• partner of the great firm which transacted her business. There As the yacht neared Its destlna tlon Hamner became less certain was nothing she could do now for of Ills future His efforts to stir the Injured man than commend Todd and Bob Unwin into active him to Mr. Bigelow's care. It seemed an Interminable time Insubordination hnd not cotne tn fruitage. His alm was to awaken before the police questions were a certain proper pride In the breast answered and she was on the of the late Captain Hallett's Yacht club launch with the Alba nephew. Was be an officer to al tross lying astern. She had been low the vessel he should control by glad to accept the opportunity to right, to tie taken Into New York leave the yacht on the much faster by a murderous villain like Andrew launch. “Dad." Mary asked, her arm Orme? "They'll say," said Hamner, with through his, "wliat makes yon look Hat-wise men resigned sadness, "that you was so solemn now. when everything is afraid of him; they wou't believe just lovely?” wear this Milan "They've got someone else In my It was caution. I'll say he was bigger and stronger and you was place," he said dismally. "It Is aii Bcrsnss we bny shoes for thrifty shoppers wise to wait. What's It matter If ■ge of young men In budnesa; they In more than 1,400 eommnnittoz, ws can aay I mu not aggressive.” they do laugh at you a bit, sir?" bring each on» of yon smarter. more serrtrm "Daddy, dear," Mnry whispered. "Shut up." Crosby Todd said an »Me, bettcr-in-«vvry-way shoes. • .always tor "I ’ ve got s splendid new position grily. He resented these Implications le.n money I of cowardice. It happened that he ; for you which a younger man was courageous and had long felt couldn't possibly hold, snd you bls Inaction was unmanly. And It needn't be a-blt aggressive." aseball AT HOME Classified Ads Sunday, July 6 Rainier vs. Vernonia D E P R A VERNONIA OREGON TODAY’S THE DAY! SMART NEW SUITS SHEER DRESSES »24.75 51.98 Buy Your Shoes Here... and Put your savings in the bank/ SOLAR STRAW seemed that Bob, who had a spell off duty, ex|ieet«Ml him to betray more leaderlike qualities. "What do you think we ought to do?" Bob asked. Hamner sprang Instantly Into ac tion. "Seize him." lie said; "there are three to one and he don't suspect a CHAPTER XIII Mr. Unwin Spssks HI« Mind. THE Unwins Wers speedily to find what wealth and the <te sire to help them caMlii do With In twelve hour* of meeting Evelyn Railway, their snvvll flat had been Slightly swagger, with a brim that snaps smartly at front, side ot all around . . . as you prefer it! A soft, braided Straw, fitting the head with glorious ease Zephyr-weight, in three be coming shades . . . nat ural, sand, grav. A strik ing value at so low a price.