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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernofria, Oregon Friday, July 4, 1930 •w- • Three ___ _____ — ___ r____ will be if the the | . age has a feeding value about relics, etc., are desired. Full in- Pendleton Proposals Walterville—Bids opened for .500 space around them has become [equal to > that of cam silage. formation and details may be I received July 7th for construc- some supplementary feed secured by communirating -' - of - frame - . construction of bridge over Eu .429 bare. Land to be used for rais- Usually ’’ ----------- - with' ---- 1 tion residence at East- .346 ing the pullets should not be rich in protein is desirable, es Mrs. George 3. ’ Workman, To-1 cm Oregon State hospital, one gene power canal on McKenzie the Lin- and one-half miles west of here. 1 highway here. are of th» .333 j fertilized with poultry manure, pecially for breeding cattle. For I ledo, Oregon, in rare .313 as this may spread worms or di- growing and fattening cattle and | coin county Chamber of Com Toledo—$16,000 bond issue ■ ' Salem—New $500,000, vow.vvv, state stare sheep, and for high-producing merce. .286 seases to the growing stock. i approved for purchasing addit-1 office extension building formal- tie the score was not forthcoming. cowi, it should be fed with a .273 1 The type of house best suited I tonal right-of-way for Newport- , dedicated Next Sunday the loetl club Coquille—Plans proposed for Corvallis highway through this * acalcatea- .250 j for rabbits depends principally liberal ration of concentrates. plays Rainier at home, the game Treatment with borax or hell construction of building at State city, .2501 on the climate, but the essen- JL | Marshfield—Construction will starting as usual at 2:30 p.m. ebore will destroy many of the highway department shops in I •200 1 ti*l features of any rabbit Coquille—Two blocks on Hen- start in future on Isthmus inlet Sun- The box score of last stable fly and house fly larvae / .167, house, wherever located, are this town. ry street will be paved. bridge here. day’s game follows: .143 ¡light and fresh air. A moderate- that breed in manure. Use the PO E A VERNONIA AB R H W L Pct. Team • 133 sized house is preferable to a powdered form af borax at the 6 0 3 1 0 0 6 2 .750 Linn, CF Toledo .000I very large one, as rabbits kept rate of 1 pound to each 16 cu 1 1 3 5 0 0 6 2 .714 Laird SS Ryderwood ------ in small units are less likely to bic feet of manure, scattering 5 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 .500 Hawkins LF Astoria 63 .281 contract disease. The United it over the pile and then sprinkl 224 Entire Team 5 1 0 1 3 0 429 McGregor P 3 4 Hellebore Vernonia States department of agricul- ing it with water. 6 0, 0 0 0 0 2 4 .350 Brooks RF costs more than borax. If it is < Rainier Select the Best Gilt* request Leaf ture will send on 0. , 4 .000, Greenman IB 4 2 0 12 0 0 Clatskanie Every hog raiser should look 15-L, containing drawings used, soak one-half pound of ! Malmsten 3B 3 1 1 1 2 1 over his pig crop each year and let bills of material for a rab- the material in 10 gallons of and Marshall 2B 3 0 1 4 2 1 I pick out a few gilts to improve At Astoria 6, Vernonia 5. bit house, two types of hutches, water fob 24 hours and use this 3 0 0 4 3* 0 the breeding herd. Sometimes i Heniges C (Only game scheduled.) a portable nest box, and a col- quantity to treat about eight bushels of manure. Neither bor there is an outstanding animal ony-growing house. The local baseball club moved j 38 6 6 24 13 ax nor hellebore will injure the that may be chosen soon after j into the Astoria Netel Grange ASTORIA A PO Many brick masons say that AB R H ' weening, but it is usually bet- all flues leak, but agricultural fertilizing value of manure if territory Sunday and were de Turner RF 0 0 4 1 l ter to wait until the pigs are 5 engineers of the U. S. depart applied in these quantities and feated by that club 6 to 5. This Quilling IB 8 0 4 1 I or 6 months old, as by that time ment of agriculture assert that if not more than 15 tons of the loss shoved Vernonia down into John Coma 3B 4 0, 1 2 treated manure is applied per their faults are evident. Gilts fourth place and moved Astoria I). Deane CF 4 0 a flue can be made tight and acre. 0 0 selected for breeding should be into third position in the Two j ■ A. Deane „ that it should be subjected to 8 2 C 4 1 1 put in a good pasture by them State league. Although the Kame Tol7nb‘e'rg LF 3 0 a smoke test before a heater is Salmon River Cutoff Pioneer 1 0 selves and should have a liberal was very exciting at times the Qs(ronl gg connected to it. Build a paper, 2 2 4 2 Celebration July 19 ration. Corn should be fed only locals did not put up their usual Lut[)e 2B straw, or wood fire at the base 6 2 3 0 in limited quantities — from one- Counties bordering on this good brand of ball and failed to j(|(, Qoma P of the flue and when the smoke 2 6 2 1 fourth to one-third the total makes a dense column, tightly cutoff route are sponsoring fit come through in the pinch when ( feed. Shorts or middlings, to block the outlet at the top by ting ceremonies to commemorate hits would have meant runs. 32 6 10 27 13 6 which is added a little tankage laying a wet blanket over it. the opening of this highway and Malmsten was the outstanding Vernonia 020 000 030—5 or fish meal, fed either dry or all indications point to a great star at hat for the Redshirts, Astoria 020 040, OOx—6 in a thick slop, together with The blanket must be kept wet celebration. as long as it is in place. Flues getting a home run in the second, Summary: Two base hit, Quill- ' ¿“j tested in this way often reveal Tillamook, Willamina, Sheri- inning with Greenman resting on ' Malmsten; Sacri- t'on- Mineral mixture, salt, and leaks into adjoining dan, McMinnville, Dallas, as well first. Malmsten thus took Haw ing; Home run, __ Stolen bases, i water should of rourse be sup- serious as the towns of Lincoln county kins’ place as the big hero of flee hits, Luthe; :, Coma, Linn’ Plied- If a R'11 does not develoP flues, directly through the walls, have been taking part in forma- Quilling, Ostrom 2, or between the linings and the although the latter tried the club i \ tion of plans. balls J" off Mc well she should be discarded walls. awfully hard to regain his po- Hawkins; Base on • Struck out by from the breeding herd and fat- Other sections of the state are Gregor 2, Coma 2; sition in the ninth hitting a long “Farming is not only a bus Double tencd f°r market. ■invited to participate and such high fly to left field which just McGregor 4, Coma 8; iness but a mode of living,' living,” lacked inches of going over the plays, Marshall to Laird to Green U. S. Department of Agriculture says a recent U. S. department pioneer equipment as covered fence. The two runs brought in man ; Coma to Luthe to Quilling, ! Cattle should not be fed with- of agriculture publication, ‘Ru- wagons, stage coaches, Indian by Malmsten’s homer over the Time of game, 1:40. in 24 hours before slaughter, ral Buildings for Business and left field fence were the first | though they may have accesa to Social Uses,' “and in recogni- of the game and were the only ■. . * tion of this idea modern farm fresh water. earned runs brought in by the xSilllUlJ’J To get the greatest yield and business organizations are erect Redshirts against only two earn- | . . t' ,| quality of clover seed, cure ing rural buildings to relate the I ed runs for Astoria. The sal-j I 111G L lei j (Io best and store the crop with as lit economic and social factors of mon snatchers tied it up in their j Whether by pound or car load, you’ll receive the same careful i agriculture. ” This publication, tle wetting as possible, says the half of the second, getting two j The batting averages of the lo-' U. S. department of agriculture. ¡which can be obtained by send and considerate service, the Vernonia Trading Company is off several; Rotting clover in the field or ing to the department of agricul runs on a single and a lot of cal sluggers fell noted for. ' dumb baseball on the part of points last Sunday when they | stack, or sweating it in the mow ture for Farmers’ Bulletin 1622- the Vernonia club. ¡went up against a southpaw who: before hulling, is unnecessary. •F, contains descriptions, plans, They added four more in the ’ curved them to death. This was Let it become as ripe as pos- ,'and photographs of rural com- ' 1 different| fifth on a walk, a single, a contrary to what >t should have gib]e without loss from shelling:, ¡'»nunity buildings in u ’ ---------------------------- ‘— double and two errors by the lo been for every one of the l°-|cut it in good, bright weather, j parts of the country. tect it frOm~ the rain. | For stockmen in the south- cals. This ended their scoring cal players hit right handed and Iand for the day although they were, the port sider should have been ■ Range where growing poultry. west, silage made from grain I uinnr Linn - I, ~ , , _ - . ---- - .. - ------ . t . .. sorghum8 is gOod a constant threat during th« re easy meat for them. Vvait Walt insurance however, was the me only oniy one one who| wno ■ ha’ been ke . Pt continuously .... . is mainder of the game, getting, in summer, drought to get next to his , bke >y to be m poor condition m against 965 Bridge St. Vernonia men on in the sixth, seventh and j could seem „ 1 m,t thm» hit, in Ute summer. If the range or These crops make good silage curves as he got three hits in I yard is bare, the chickens should which will 4ceep for several eighth. Repairing Done While Vernonia scored their final five trips to the plate, Malm ' he changed to fresh land, or i years deterioration. | without in the sten also got hold of one three runs in the eighth, which You Wait the soil should be spaded up or ’When cut at the proper time— runs were donated them by a second inning and poled out a cultivated. such as [when the seeds are in the stiff tuluv„lcu, Equipment ____ _ ______ homer. flock of boots by the Astorians. feed hoppers and drinking ves-1 dough stage—grain-sorghum sil- The bases were still loaded after1 The individual averages to and these throe markers had been including last Sunday’s game are i M rung up but the necessary hit to as follows: AB 4 28 26 33 16 14 11 28 8 5 12 7 30 2 Johnson McGregor Linn Hawkins Ilupigee Malmsten Marshall Brooks Black Drorbaugh Greenman Gibson Laird George Lose Game To Astoria R H Pct. sels should be moved 2 6 2 99 3 4 0 4 0 1 4 0, 4 0 2 12 • 11 5 4 3 7 2 1 2 1 4 0 We can handle your order for Construction Material regardless of quantity Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Vernonia Trading Company n '^7 Freight Delivered To and Called For At YOUF Door Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Daily Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Portland-Vernonia Truck Line for Freight Orders A. F. & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Meets third Thursday of each A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Stated Communication Mrs. May Mellinger, president. First Thursday of each month. Special called NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18' meetings on all other Thurs ORDER OF RAINBOW day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors I FOR GIRLS most cordially welcome. Regular meeting second and J. E. Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Audrey Austin, Recorder Order of Eastern Star New Ford engine gives outstanding accelerations speed and power without I sacrificing reliahilitg or economg It Do all your No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in I Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand Edna Linn. Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. _ „ Myrtle John, Secretary. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. Della Cline. Treasurer DELLA CLINE, M. of R. * C. I ____ * 1--------- !— — = Pythian Sister« I. OO. F. r, Z J w f TflE good performance of the Ford car, so apparent on every highway, is due largely to the sound mechanical design of the engine. school with your children? It has outstanding acceleration, speed and power, yet that is only part of its value to you. Greater still is the fact When they’ve trooped off to grap ple with fractions and phrases, can you look forward to an after noon—or a whole day—of leisure —or needful recreation? Or must you sacrifice precious hours to the kitchen? You won’t need to make this sacrifice if you have a Westing house Flavor Zone Range. For getting lunch for the children—or dinner for the family—becomes one of the easiest things you do— »I» trritiugk»tin Q»ick-C»»i Unit, arili fin J»a 3»% I» S0% fmler mi 10% I» 20% ptaitr e|L risacy, iefeuiiat •• tie Hui »»i vaeaHly •f f»»i beiaf e»»M. Vernonia Post 119, . American Meets Legion, and second Rebekah Lodge No. 243 •T J cares go to American Legion Nehalim Chapter 153, O. E. S. i Regular commu nication first' and third Wed-1 fourth Tuesdays nesdays of each each month, 8 p. month, at Ma m. Connie An sonic Temple. derson, Com- All visiting sis- ] ters and broth mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secrotary. Mountain Heart KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS T he V alue of S ound D esign * I* that it brings you all these features without sacrificing either reliability or economy. That is the reason the Ford car has requires but a few minutes of your time. Since this new electric range operates by automatic con trol of heat, you can slip a meal into the oven any tiirie in the morning... and do what you wish with the remainder of the day. Cooking will be done while you’re away from home. When you come back to the kitchen at serving time, you’ll find everything done to a savorincss and melting tenderness rivaled only by the famous Dutch Oven cooking of old Colonial days. THE AUTOMATIC FLAVOR ZONE cylinders during compression. The spark given such satisfactory service to mil thus flashes quickly through the whole lions of motorists all over the world ■fuel charge, resulting in quieter and and has been chosen by so many large more effective engine performance. companies that keep accurate cost fig- Other factors are the direct gravity ures. In every detail of construction it gasoline feed, the specially designed has been carefully planned and made carburetor, the new hot-spot manifold, for the work it has to do. aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy The design of the compression cham valves of larger diameter, statically and ber is an important factor in the effi dynamically balanced crankshaft and ciency of the Ford engine. It is built to flywheel, the simplicity of t he electrical, allow free passage of gases through the cooling, lubrication, anil fuel systems valves and to thoroughly mix the fuel and accuracy in manufacturing. NOTE THESE PRICES Roadster •••••• Phaeton........................... • Tudor Sedan • • • • • Coupe........................... • YVëstingbouse electric range WITH by producing turbulence within the Sport Coupe • • • • • De Luxe Coupe • • • • Three-window Fordor Sedan De Luxe Phaeton • • • • Convertible Cabriolet • • De Luxe Sedan • • • • Town Sedan . • • • • OVEN Oregon Gas and Electric Co. HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth- at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. halL Vis era welcome. itors always welcome. Noel Hammack, N.G. James Nanson, C.C. John Glassner. Secretary. ^*SjSST U. A. Scott, K.R.S. G. W. Ford, Sup’t. T h *. N k * E obd T own S edan Aalr the ntentt Ford dealer far a deatanalratie» •á 49* 49$ 525 S45