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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1930)
7 - Friday, July Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon a , 1930 1- M-s. Wayns Lappe Soc ety Reporter Phon. Rainier, mother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schrieber, Dor othy and Kenneth Schrieber of Rainier, Mrs. Lillian Meserve, Miss Alms Johnson, of Portland, Miss May David and Ralph Dav Mrs. John A. Miller gave a par-! id of Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. I and Mrs. - Wm. Hodge close ty Monday afternoon in honor of-"-;- , her son Junior, who celebrated! friend» ofjtojroom. his sixth birthday. ERRATUM Many games were played by the At the shower that was given youngsters present after which to Mrs. Loel Roberts (Nee Miss refreshments were served. (Violet Phelps), Misses Katherine Those present, were;/»"•'Mur-' Hoffman' and” Dorothy Hoitham ro, Patty Tisdale, Colleen Fogle, I were hostesses. Miss Helen Hie- Elinor Miller, Glenda Miller, Ber-I I her was a guest and Miss Merle tha Dorris, Alneda Littleton, I ¡Mills sent a gift but was unable Gene Mason, Vernon Dooley,* to attend. Harry and Allen Campbell,1 The above names were omit- Jack Jean, Raymond Sheeley, Ju ted in the article on the above nior Miller. shower last week. Celebrates His Sixth Birthday FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE ENTERTAINS FRIENDS We are glad to extend a hear- j Misg Charlotte Green enter ty welcome to the people of Ver-1 taincd 8everai of her friends at tea Jast Wednesday afternoon. nonia to the Full Gospel laber- nacle.. | Guests included Miss Phoebe and .... her guest, , Miss We believe and preach r------ the old , Greenman ....... ..... time Gospel, and are expecting to I f)oris Lichty of Eugene, and Miss see our God come forth in old prances Lappe. time power. We enjoyed two very blessed meetings last Sunday, and arc I Laramore-Heath looking forward to a time that will far surpass it this coming Wedding at Kelso Sunday. Meetings are as follows: Sun Miss Mary Laramore, daughter day school, 10 a. m., come and of Mrs. J. C. Laramore and Ilar- bring your children. Preaching J < vey Heath, son of Mr. and Mrs. service at 11 a. m. Sunday even-; William Heath of Reardon, Wa ing Evangelistic service 7:45. shington, were quietly married Mid-week services Wednesday Tuesday in Kelso, Washington. and Friday at 7:45. You are in- The bride graduated from the vited. Vernonia high school this year M. G. Hixson, Pastor. and has made her home in Ver nonia for the past four years. Mr. Heath has been in the em ploy of the Oregon-American Lumber company and for the past month has been associated with his brother at the River view Service Station. The young couple plan to Miss Irma Ruth Strong, daugh spend the summer at the Heath ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Strong ranch near Reardon. and R. Lee Johnson, son of Mrs. Robert Lee Johnson of Rainier, Oregon, were united in marriage; at a simple but beautiful cer- I Garden Hints emony at the home of the bride’s I parents last Sunday at noon by ■ the Rev. G. W. Plumer. Watch for rust on your per The bride, who was unattended ennial phlox and hollyhocks wore a beautiful frock fashioned Bordeaux mixture sprayed or of pink georgette crepe and sil both the upper and underside o‘ ver lace. She carried a bridal the leaves at least once a weel bousuet of carnations and rose will control this disease. Al buds in varying shades of pink badly diseased leaves should be and lilies of the valley, Her taken off and burned. travelling costume was an en Bemble of black and white flât Caterpillars, which are a ter crepe with white hat and shoes rible pest in the valley this yeai in -keeping with the type typo of can be controlled if persisten frock. care is taken, The tents cai The rooms of the Strong be burned with a torch in th» artistically decor home were evening when the caterpillar! ated for the occasion; the arch have returned to their night’.' under which the bridal pair lodging. Bordeaux mixture i» stood being of vine maple and effective when sprayed on th< ferns. Huge baskets of blue lup plants affected, the mixture be in ferns were placed beside the ing deadly to all chewing pests arch and vases of pink sweet peas and snapdragons were Soak the lawn and flowei placed about the rooms. garden—do not sprinkle, The luncheon which was ser ough soaking penetrates A thor soi’ ved immediately following the thus causing the roots to the react ceremony was served in buffet down for the moisture. Sprink style. An elaborately decorated ling causes the roots to staj brides cake and wedding cake close to the surface and whei were the features of the lunch nn unusual dry spell is exper eon. • Mrs. Johnson was educated in ienced one wonders why thoii lawn and flowers have a dry Canada and taught in the schools wilted nppearance. Cultivate of Alberta before coming to lightly with the hoe after wat Vernonia to make her home with her parents two years ogo. ering (the next day). All ex For the past six months she has perienced gardeners say, “Us-, been in the employ of the local the hoe more and the hose less.” Keep the dead flowers picked telephone office. The groom is and you will he rewarded with a in the employ of Koster Prod- “ continual bloom until the natur ucts in the capacity of engin- al life of the plant is over. eer. I>o not let your perennial The young couple will reside phlox go to seed. Chances ar. in Treharne after their return from a trip of several weeks to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. Guests at the wedding were the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Strong; Mr. nnd Brown, Dwight Strong, Robert Johnson Irma Strong and R. Lee Johnson Married Here tom of a noon luncheon a pot received high score. Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Thor Roberts and Eastern Star Fashion Show in Vernonia luck dinner will be served at I Miss Macile Roberts substituted. o’clock so that those who wish served luncheon to play a round of golf will be At J. C. Penney Store Draws late The in hostess Have Picnic the afternoon after the able to do so. Husbands and play of cards. The Eastern Star Social will Large Crowds Saturday Guests were Mrs. A, L. Kul- hold the first of a series of pic families are invited to attend. lander, Mrs. K. A. Me Neil, Mrs. nics planned for the summer M. Grunden and Mrs. M. F. next Wednesday afternoon. The VISITS LAPPE HOME An unusual treat for the fash- of the younger set and a petite | Ruhl. picnic is planned to be held near ion wise of Vernonia was en-!m>ss °f f've years, Frank Warrens of Forest Grove the Golf course, the members to joyed last Saturday morning at' ,M*88 Zelma New was partic at the Masonic Temple -t has been the house guest at the he fashion show given at the ular1/ «“"« >" a white Un BRIDGE CLUB MEETS l meet - with a blue i 3 .o’clock. new Penney store. Between 10 en W. B. Lappe home for several entertained mem-' __ r from — the .i i cus- days this week. nd 11 o’clock, fully 30.0 personal polka-dot material and , Mrs. » Henry xi. « Hearts tt x i Departing usual mode in the princess style. The bers of the Queen of visited the show, the first of its "" I blue and white sport hat worn Bridge club at her home last Lind to be seen in Vernonia. r peneci Wednesday afternoon. i wild with thi> me nntfit. the outiiL outfit wqq was in perfect The center display window in accord with the quaint style of Mrs. O. T. Bateman received which the models were shown the frock, was beautifully arranged for the! Mrs. Thor Roberts, Misses Ma- high score for the afternoon, occasion; a huge basket of flow- cj|e Roberts, Zelma New anti The usual light lunch was 8?r- < rs being in one corner and the Charlotte Green were models, ved by the hostess after the l’lay background draped with g«>ld Miss Joy Willard, five year old of cards. metal cloth. [ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Members attending were Mrs. Simple wash frocks suitable i Willard, modeled the dresses for George Van Vleet, Mrs. Hi Blaker, - Mrs. Thor Roberts and or the home and shopping, pa-rthe little miss. Jamas for the busy house wife, i Mrs. Maude Space in charge Miss Macile Roberts. : ilk ensembles and afternoon of the ready-to-wear depart rocks in chiffon and crepes inent of Penney’s chose the were displayed by four members frocks shown. Solberg-Counts Are 114 Insurance LIFE FIRE AUTOMOBILE and all other kinds Courteous Service TACOMA Married Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard son motored to Tacoma, Wash ington, yesterday where they will visit Mr. Richardson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Richard- son. ATTEND BALL GAME Mr. Richardson will return Sunday but Mrs. Richardson will Several cars of Vernonia peo remain for several weeks and vi ple attended the baseball game sit relatives in Tacoma and Se- at Astoria last Sunday. In the attle during that time. Mr. J. Greenman car were Greenman, Miss Phoebe Green- :nan, Hale Greenman and Nick Genta. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard- son attended the game also Mrs. M. Grunden, Mr. and Mrs. C. Nirar, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holcomb, Harvey Holcomb and Accompanied by her mother, Miss Sarah McGee. Mr. and Miss Edna Ellis, daughter of Mrs. R. R. McGregor and son Mrs. Minnie Ellis of the Rose Iso drove down. hotel of this city, and Harry Emmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. ENJOYS BIRTHDAY Jqmes Emmonq were qi^ietly married at St. Helens Tuesday. Little Miss Margaret Yeo cel- Mr. Emmons is employed at brated the occasion of her fifth the local mill. The young drthday anniversary Monday af- couple will make their home in ernoon at her parents’ home. Vernonia. !he and her guests enjoyed an ifternoon of games and general GIVE BRIDGE PARTY nerriment after which Mrs. E. S. Yeo served the traditional Bridge enthusiasts who are in ce cream and cake to the guests. the habit of meeting every other Guests included Frances Childs Tuesday afternoon were the Eleanor Seiferts, Robert Lind guests of Mrs. W. R. Culver ’ey, Martha Tapp and Virginia this week. Mrs. Frank Dickson Yeo. Mrs. Nellie E. Solberg and Clifford Count were married in Vancouver, Wash. Tuesday of this week. Mr. Counts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts who have a farm near this city. hey will revert back to the ugly magenta of the original tock from which’ all our beau- phlox have originated, ful Phlox to be successfully propa- ated should be from root di- .isions. VISITS AT Edna Ellis and Itarry Emmons Quietly Married HOLDS ELECTION Miss Maybelle Drorbaugh, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. trorbaugh of Riverview was e- ’ectod Confedential Observer of the Grand Assembly of the order >f Rainbow for Girls at the con vention at Eugene last week. Miss Drorbaugh is Past Worthy \dvisor of the Nehalem Assem- dy of Vernonia. SEE PLANE No formal, commercial attitude here—rather an intense friend liness, a neighborly understanding and wish to help you find the best in baked goods at the most satisfactory prices. That’s because we are your neighbors. This event carries out that free. Come in, phone or send the children—you’ll always find good things to eat, pleasant, speedy and efficient attention and a usable economy. FLIGHT Friends of Knute Norby, whose airplane was success fully flown at the Gardner air port last week attended the Air circus at the airport last Sun day, several riding in the large four-passenger Standard, Norby’s plane. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lappe were among the first to enjoy a short flight in the air Miss ■ Edith Bailey and Herman Tur ner; Mr. and Mrs. N. Soden and Kenneth Martin were visitors at the airport. Ansi BeniPinber io take home a loaf off “MOTHEIFS BREA»99 Vernonia Bakery Martin & Forbes LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 CASING No. 92624451 (6.50-20 6-ply Silvertown) Taken from stock January, 1929. Placed on Silver Fleet . . . Driven 29,764 miles without leaving rim. Trans ferred to the 1930 Silver Fleet. This actual photograph shows exact condition of tire when retired from service. Total mileage, 47,892. Blow-outs, none. Carcass breaks, none. Reason for removal, two nails embedded in tread. Sewn rd Motel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Oregon Portland Excellent meals at pop- ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c and up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $L McNair, Manager Culbertson, Prop. Complete Careful Reliable Garage Service at last! after miles HF.RF. it is. In the picture Whatever form of Ter Summet' ENjOY'/ne/if There are lot of places to go—and there’s lot of true summer fun ahead for those who are properly equipped. For them our supply of sporting goods is adequate to meet every de mand for quality and price. garage service you demand for your car—storage, xvash- ing, tire, battery or repair, here you will fifid expert, coBscientious at- tention at reason able rates. That Silvertown we showed you in one of our advertisements a while ago. It traveled 30.000 miles with last year’s Silver Fleet. Made the entire tour through 46 states without ever coming off the rim. Transferred to the 1930 Goodrich Silver Fleet...and punished for 17.892 more miles. Now it’s through . . . with a service record of 47,892 miles. Proud? Naturally we’re rroud of it! Because we sell tires like that. Tires capable of giving unheard-of mileage. There’s nothing special about this Silvertown. Nothing out of the usual run. It came straight from stock for its grueling trip with tbe Silver Fleet. And it re- 9 ceived no care ... no attention . . . you can’t give your tires. That’s why we’re sure of our selves when we say you can get mileage like this from Silver- towns. They've proved they have the stuff. Proved they can beat all comers in open competition. Come in and see our Silver- towns. Blood brothers to this veteran of the roads. They never were expensive .. . and now, mile for mile, they’re the cheapest tire you can buy. Yes, we have your size waiting for you. Beat Mail Order Prices Goodrich Sftrertowns Cameras from #1.00 and up Armi tage r Drug Co above. Through! Worn T up out! Ready for the scrap heap! Motor Co. Ford Dealer RIVERVIEW SERVICE STATION Bill Heath Phone X57 T