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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1930)
A Longview Bolleo, Timber Events You’ll Always Remember, Aug. 8-9 tillage Mail Delivery on July 1; Install Your Mail Box Today. ---------------------------------------------------------- I,—■■■-___________ i Vernonia, Oregon Volume 8 HOLD City Mail Delivery Is Started WRECK SOON Grand Officer of 40 et 8 Visit# Vernonia City Plan BUILDING DONE FAST Knute Norby, Successful As Airplane Builder; Building Test Flight Friday New Jail New ■ Number 48. Friday, July 4, 1930 School to be Completed By August 31 WORK AT BIG EDDY Building New Service And New Road Station Celebrate At Arcadia Park, 4th Those wishing are invited by Natal July 2—A service sta the school board of school dis tion is being installed at the Big trict No. 47 to visit and inspect Eddy camp grounds several miles the construction of Vernonia’s from this city towards Mist, ana new *75,000 school which is now Knute Norby of this city, who ship last year wiien testing out work started grading and gravel under construction. has been working for the past the “Golden Eagle,” at the ing the road leading to the park Many Prize* Offered in To Buy Cells From City With two full months to go year, building an airplane was Gardner saved his from the highway. ______ airport. Two Deliveries a Day __ r___ He __ ______ towards the completion of the rewarded for his labors Sunday, life with a parachute, when at j The __ work ____ _ is being carried on Many Contest* Of Hillsboro Within City Limits building it is predicted that the when the plane made a success a 2000 foot elevation the plane, b(y members of the 1’omorui building will be finished by Aug- ful flight at the Gardner air- went into a tail-spin, 1 Barnum i giange, who also hope to cons- ust 20 on account of progress . port in charge __ of Oroville Barn- stayed with the plane until it i truct a lunch room at the park made since the work was started. um> well known pilot. was 200 feet from the ground. [ in the near future. A large per cent of the mason I Norby has been employed for Norby, who is very modest “Big Eddy,” is one of the most work has been completed. the past five years as scaler on and retiring, has unusual me beautiful natural parks along the 1 the log deck for the Oregon chanical ability and his work on Nehalem river. Construction on New Cabins, To be Constructed Under First Delivery Starts at 8:00 HERE American Lumber company. REMAIN I TO the plane has been highly com WORK STARTS SOON Rustic Bridges and City Hall; Plan Rais O’Cloek in the I The machine is a standard bi- mended by those connected with INJURED ON MONDAY ¡Crawford Plan. Staying this City ' P ,an «> Salmonson motor, ' " ' ‘ , made Hall Completed ing Hall Six Feet airplane mechanics. Morning The Johnson and McGraw shin in France, with nine cylinder Norby and Barnum will go ----------- Tom Crawford, who several gle mill which has been idle for While Working Atf The Mill radial motor of 260 h. p. barnstorming in eastern Oregon Plans were discussed at the months ago sold the local Ford Vernonia’s Fourth of July cel- Village mail delivery went in several weeks will probably re Norby served as mechanic in next month, Barnum as pilot In Birkenfeld ebration will be conducted this to effect Tuesday, with two car sume operations the latter part of last council meeting to remodel agency to the Kerr Motor com- the Army air service for one and Norby as mechanic. Martin Van, employed on the this month, according to word the city hall, construct a new Par,y> has decided to remain in year, stationed at Mather field. . year at Arcadia park, where the riers handling the city limits 1 ice mill pond of the Birkenfeld log- in the ..., I The PIane W111 be in service, and Oregon American hill 1 ter received from one of the mill city jail and build a garage for'Vernonia instead of tfoing into in 1921, and an observer ... the B'nir comPany at Birkenfeld broke management announces a three- passengers for officers. the fire department equipment, (business in Klamath Falls. Forestry air service. 1taking UP ritory for delivery and mail his left leg Monday when he fell day celebration, lasting three The city hall would have to Mr. Crawford may in the near When resuming operations, the The original plane was com- next four weeks at the Gardner off a log on the loading deck. pick-ups. days, July 4, 5, and 6. C. R. Watts has been ap- company plans to run a dauble be raised six feet from its pres- future enter into some business pletely overhauled, with the mo- allPort. Log rolling contests, swim- Repair work on the loading to in this city other than that for ent foundation, according can be ac- shift. mount changed from a wood-| Four passengers tor pointed regular village delivery deck has been in progress dur ming and running races, danc- merly engaged in. present plans, where the city en mount, replaced with steel commodated. The classification of shingles carrier with Gene Shipman an ing, fireworks, outdoor games. tubing. I | The plane has a wing spread ing the mill shutdown. other local postoffice employe turned out by the local company jail, city marshal’s office and I and many other attractions will The local airplane 1 — • - - - ■ garage would be built. builder of 44 feet and seven inches. getting the auxiliary carrier po were rated as of the finest grade feature the grand opening cele INJURED EMPLOYE Two sets of cells have been Few in this city were aware I on Rock creek road and lives sition. Shipman will worn part at a recent exhibit held in Seattle bration. purchased from the city of Hills I that Norby had been working 1 C st street. where mills from thy entire time only. The large log cabin dance hall, boro, which will be used in the I av I *T <*■ I ''SI*/! The succe8!>ful flights at on his plane, and many of his While Chopping Wood At Home recently completed draws hun Two deliveries a day, the first Northwest competed for honors. new jail department. JjCxX.1 I>^_ vJCtl CI Gardner air port was witnessed friends are delighted with news starting at 8:00 a.m. covers bus- ’ Timber July 1—Arthur Market dreds every Saturday evening, i of the successful flight, The cost of construction, if ------------ ' by many from this city. iness houses and city Umit3, the employed here cut his thumb on where with excellent music from The airport where the plane plans presented to the oouncil NELSON AND MURPHY FIGHT Orville Barnumb has had second delivery after Portland Portland the dancers < and mayor are approved, would, is now stationed can be reach his left hand off last week hours of dancing on the enjoy more than 200, hours in the air and other incoming mail is as SIX ROUND DRAW floor while chopping wood at his home. be between *1500, and *1850,1 ed on the Section Line road I in varied types of flying, and sorted should start between the kept in the best condition pos- Markee was taken to Forest with construction starting in all ' and Rockwood road, ' is a member of the Caterpillar miles 2« hours of 10:45 a.m. and 11:00 sible. Grove for medical attention. probability within the next six Davis Wins Semi-Windup From ciub. Barnum won his member- from Gresham. a.m., this mail covering the C. C. Shay, manager, an- St. Helen« Fighter weeks. I --------- Oregon American hill, which has nounces the completion of many The new quarters will also NEW SECRETARY Before a crowd, small but ap- ¡n an interesting match last Sun- i WELL KNOWN PIONEERS TO one delivery a day only. new log cabins for use of tour provide space for the fire de- __ prBV1BV „B, Roy V (.Swede) u>«<.-uv, Nelson day at Vancouver. preciative, Parcel post of medium size ists and campers, and oonstruc- LEAVE BIRKENFELD ------- » Port- : partment hose and other equip-, f0UKht Spud Murphy of Port-J Members of the local team packages will be delivered by To Succeed Lee Schwab For tion of several rustic bridges ment- | land to a draw last Friday, in a which played Sunday are Dr. M. the carriers. over small streams are now fin Chamber Commerce , . . , Settled in Nehalem Valley 40 ' six round main event. I D. " Cole, 'n — n ------ zr-i — Tom Brown, Helen Plans are now being worked ished. At the next Chamber of Com Years Ago LOSE BALL GAME Murphy with a reputation as1 Hieber, Della Cline, Harry Hix out for the regular pickup time I merce meeting Thursday, July 10, Nearly 200 were present Wed on, Edward Condit, Dorothy Von Miss Kathryn M. Didtel, home O. A. hill and city ¡ and on the ■a slugger kept Nelson busy and a new secretary will be announc demonstration agent, and the limits, seven i mail boxes have nesday of last week in the J. O. TO ASTORIA BY SCORE I for several rounds Nelson chang-, Hbene and Fred Spring. Libel hall at Birkenfeld, where 6 TO 5 Columbia county delegation of ed to succeed Lee Schwab, who been placed for the convenience ' ed his usual style of fighting,I will leave this city shortly, and a farewell party was held in of the public. slugging along with Murphy. LEGION IS ACTIVE 24 4H club members returned has resigned his position as secre Vernonia baseball team wes Saturday from the two weeks tary of the Chamber. The mail boxes are placed in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lee Davis'in a fast six-round the following locations: corner Libel, who are leaving tomor defeated last Sunday by As- semi-windup won the decision Work will be started within summer school at the Oregon President' J. C. Lindley will ap Texas and Bridge streets, on the row for Newport, Ore., where toria with a score of 6 to 5 be- from Johhny Snell of Portland. the next two weeks on building agricultural college. Every one The closing date for the Co point a committee at this meet fore one of the largest crowds reports the time of their lives O. A. hill, corner First and they will make their home. Snell was outfought through a swimming hole for the young Bridge street, State and A St.,! Friends of the popular pio- witnessing any game of the Two out the entire battle by Davis, folks in this city in Rock creek and are making plans now for ing to handle details for a spe- lumbia County Dairy Essay con cial stunt at the Longview Rol- test is Saturday, July 6, and all ___ _ ____ _ neers presented Mr. . and Mrs. State league this season Bridge and ____ Rose _____ avenue, , Bridge next year. essays must be in by that date or and "Third streets, First and Ne- Libel with a set of silver candle The local team will meet Rai who used his wicked left to good by members of the local Ameri-. Miss Didtel reports a wonder- leo Jtugust 8 and 9. Legion post. 1 . - bear the post mark of July 5, in halem streets, and on Bridge sticks as a gift showing their nier next Sunday here at home. advantage, wearing Snell down. I can Commander Anderson will ap- ful showing of the county group to be accepted. All those Joe Magoff fought a draw' street, city limits, eastern. (sincerity of friendship. TO RE-OPEN SHOP order who contemplate entering this with his opponent and again the, point a committee under the su- and special recognition was giv- Vernonia at the present time , The Libels have resided in the pervision of H. E. McGraw to the 8 rou P on several occas- costest for the *60 in cash prizes youngest of promising local j is the only city in Columbia, Nehalem valley for nearly 40 ions. J. D. Collins, of De Ridder, for the best essays on the "Eco boxers treated the fans to four] enrry on the work with the as county having village delivery, years, and during the past years A judging contest was held Louisiana, has been engaged by nomic and Health Values of Milk rounds of fast, speedy action. ! sistance from local boy scouts. however a survey is now in pro- j Mr. Libel conducted a general ' during The next smoker will be held'__ __ „ -- the . , two weeks in -- which ------- J. H. Stubbs of the Square Deal and Milk Products” should send gress in St. Helens, where it is' store at Birkenfeld, which was Saturday, July 12, at the Legion DIES AT EUREKA, CAL. ad the students were given the Service station to take charge of in their papers by that time to assuied that the Government i built into one of the largest re ----------- [same opportunity to judge and the shop, which has been closed Mrs. Edith I. Sheets, Clatskanie, hall, when efforts are underway will approve such a request of1 tail business in the county. LARGER PROGRAM LINED UP to have a rematch main event Mrs. Harry Johnson formerly winners to be announced the for the past three or fo>vr Oregon. mail service. The majority of those present Material on the value of milk THIS YEAR fought between Nelson and Al Freddie Lee Alexander, who re- last day and receive ice cream months. at the farewell party were mem sided in this city three years for a reward. Twelve of Colum- Mr. Collins was in the employ products may be obtained from Truman. bers of the Nehalem valley pio- ago, and is well known in this Bia counties 24 made scores as of Mr. Stubbs for 6 years in the the County Agent’s office, at St. Truman won the decision over neer association and their fam- Vernonia Day I* Set For Thurs Nelson in the local ring several city, died a week ago at Eure— follows: Betty Jane Gramis, south, and is regarded by him as Helens. ilies, who regretted one of their day, September 11 ¡Clatskanie, a first; Ora Dell Reed, a highly efficient mechanic. ka, California. Columbia county fair will be months ago and boxing fans are íAii l/vr*i i frisiti most. Prominent and popular p ° f She was a daughter of Mr. ’ H°user, St. Helens, a second; anxiously waiting for a rematch POWER AT TIMBER V_/11 Ill olvFll members leaving the valley -J af larger and more elaborate than fight between these two boxers. and Mrs. Roy. Alexander of Nancy Karvonen, Clatskanie, a ter spending many years in their ever,” said Clyde Watson, sec second; Dorothy Guin, Goble, a Burns, Oregon. New Plant Starts Operations retary ond manager of the fair second; Florence Karvonen, "The farmers excursion from midst. Timber—The new ] power com board, while in Vernonia, |Satur- Clatskanie, a second; Ralph Columbia county to the John Ja HERE ON VISIT pan(y here started te install AT NIGHT Bangsund, Columbia City, a cob Astor experiment Station on ROBBED I lights into several of ' the homes dates for the fair have second; Billy Reid, Clatskanie, a Monday of this week was the in this vicinity. At the Vista Hotel Early Sun been set for September 10, 11, host J. E. Cropper, who has a second ; Lydia Savela, Clatska delegation to attend this largest Most of the Timber houses are of friends in this city, arrived nie, a fourth; Viola Hokenson, day Morning 12, and 13. annual event, as there were 47 Betty Jane Singleton, who is now receiving service from the Tuesday from Tujunga, Califor- Clatskanie, A new feature of this year’s A prowler entered the room ’ , a fifth; Hazel Mc people present,” states Geo. A. nia, wherp' he has been for the1 Guire, ~ of J. T. Scott at the Vista hotel fair will be the large sports pro Goble, a fifth; and Alta well known through her singing new company. Nelson, county agent. County Engineering crews who Butts, Columbia City, a fifth. over radio broadcasting station “We gathered at the station at early Sunday morning while gram, which will include boxing, have changed some of the lines past few years. Mr. Cropper’s son-in-law, E. E. [ _ ___ __ ____ the Colum- KOIN, pleased hundreds who CO. BANKERS MEET By special request 10,:30 a. m., and Mr. Engbretson, Scott was asleep and stole *38 racing and other games. From county agent George run in the first primary survey Hays, now with the Long BelLbia 'county group made up "the heard her sing Thursday of last the superintendent, showed us in cash from the sleeping man’s Nelson’, we find that with the for the Vernonia Rainier cutoff, company at Longview, was the special choir for Sunday at the week, at the Chamber of Com Member« Hold Quarterly Meeting around, visiting fertilizer demon pockets. the completing link of the West Other valuables among them, exception of two counties, Co Side Pacific highway extension, superintendent of the O. A. mill Christian church in Corvallis. merce, at the Joy theatre Sat strations, where they were test st Scappoose ing all kinds of fertilizers, and a small diamond was not touch- lumbia county fair sponsors the hope to complete their survey in this city during the construc Two special numbers were given. urday evening and the Evangeli Members of Columbia County- cal church last Sunday. ed by the robber, which made largest county fair in the state, for the proposed new road with- tion period, and the timekeeping Because of the fine work they variety trials of forage crops.” Bankers association met at Scap was kept by Mr. Cropper. At the Joy theatre Betty Jane poose Saturday afternoon for “Mr. Engbretson explained that the local police authorities be with much credit for this be in the next six weeks. did in singing, as a special num who is only 12-years-old, danced longing to the granges of the lieve that the job was done by ■* .’he station has been operating While only *35,00 has been TO START OPERATING ber for one of the club assem and sang several times, receiving their quarterly meeting. Visiting county, who have devoted much blies, the Columbia county ¿ince 1913 and that its purpose is an experienced thief. Bankers viewed the delta farm appropriated by Columbia coun- a faltering ovation. of their time to make the fair It is thought by Scott that lands. to demonstrate the best pract work Eagle Lumber Company to Start group sang two songs, “Around ty this year towards the If Miss Singleton can be se ices in growing forage crops in the robbery took place between each year a success. Her Neck She Wears a 4H Em A banquet was given at the July 14 Large prizes are being offer on this road, it is reported that the coast regions for dairy cattle. the hours of 1:00 a.m. and day- blem” and “Busy Bee Workers” cured during the month of Aug Masonic temple in the evening. outside interests have raised suf Westimber July 1—The Eagle the latter a song written by a ust, we hope to take her over ed for the horse racing events ______ Some of the crops showing the light. and other track events will re ficient funds to be applied to Lumber company, who shut their member of the Busy Bee Work to Longview for the Rolleo cele GRANGE HOLDS MEET best results were clover and vet words the completion of the cut mill down June 28, announced ers club, of Clatskanie, Miss bration, when our Chamber of semble a round-up program. ches grown with the use of lime Many concessions, side shows, off, with hopes that eventually that they would resume operations Madeline Yamane. Another oc Commerce will have a special and Ladino clover for pasture. Mist July 1—Following the re the county may take the road July 14. and usual carnival attractions casion the group lead the as publicity stunt to give this city gular meeting of Natal Grange “Danish Bortfield turnip has over. Nearly 300 men are employed have been booked. some favorable publicity said sembly singing the song “Fol proved to be the best variety of Saturday evening, refreshments Engineers estimate the 12 to Special prizes for members of 13 miles of new construction to at the Westimber mill of the low the Gleam.” George Ford, an active member were served and dancing enjoyed root crops, of some 40 odd varie clubs have Eagle Lumber company. the numerous 4-H ties that have been tried out. Miss Alma Wilson, a teacher of the local Chamber of Com during the social period of the cost approximately *175,000. been secured in many events. Many other forage crops of less of the Clatskanie school and a merce. evening. At the completion of the new TO ELECT DELEGATES A Vernonia day will be fea value are grown on small scale prominent club worker, deserves Charles, Gilbert and George road, Vernonia would be only 18 At the next meeting of Ver a great deal of credit for her for experimental purposes to Holt, Bob Spencer, Johnny Glas- tured for September 11, as last miles from the bridge head on show their comparative value to sner and Joe Davis motored to year, when hundreds from this the Oregon side at Rainier, the nonia Post, American Legion, training of these young people the better crops grown.” Portland Wednesday night to city attended the fair in the af present distance being 44 miles. delegates for the State conven in singing and was chaperone tion at Baker in August will1 for the Columbia county dele attend Samaritan Lodge No. 2, ternoon and evening, where a be elected. L. W. Baker spent Tuesday I. O. O. F., and helped confer special program was arranged in gation. Miss Didtel speaks very PLAYS VANCOUVER honor of the city of Vernonia. in Portland on .business. highly of her splendid coopera the third degree. Rav Fisher, new publisher of The firework program in the The boys went expecting mere Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg and Defeated In Tennis Match Last the Vernonia Eagle, spent Thurs tion and work with the young evening will be in charge of an people which helped a great family spent the Fourth at Sea ly to sit in, and wet a called on Preliminary steps toward or membership, so that Sunday day in Washougal on business, deal for the success and pleas- expert, the special program will ganization of a Columbia Coun face the necessity of « side. ___ | to help put on the degree. returning to Vernonia the fol- The Vancouver tennis club de be featured every evening dur ure of i their trip, ty Pioneer association were tak a later date of art feated the Vernonia Tennis club lowing day. in? the four days. A radio program from Sta- en Saturday afternoon at a meet county or forming tion KOAC was broadcast on ing in St. Helens, when a tem successor organizatior June 12, all members of the porary organization was formed the work of the pare county taking part and Miss Al and a date set for another meet automatic change '< ley, county nurse, who was on ing when the permanent organiza date will provide i the campus as a nurse in charge tion will be perfected. membership of perse (Of the young people, and Miss Judge Martin White of Houlton to the county or w< ! Didtel, also gave a word of was elected temporary chairman at least 45 years Nearly every Grange in the passed by Yankton Grange: greeting. This was a great event and Grant Watts of Scappoose county along with several Am- Another meeting "Whereas, there are a large for the young people. was placed in the chair as tem ' erican Legion posts have shown number of unemployed laborers A pageant "Hands Across the porary secretary-treasurer. The ed for July 26, to an unusual interest in the action in Columbia county, Sea,” was one of the evening temporary secretary was instruct Helens, at which ‘ of E. E. Wist, of Scappoose, who And, Whereas, E. E. Wist and programs given this past week ed to draw up a constitution and manent organizatiot with his business associates have associates have imported Filipi and those from Columbia coun a set of by-laws, which are to be pleted. This meet imported Filipino laborers into no laborers who are a detriment ty taking an active part were presented at the meeting late in 11 a. m., as it is Columbia county, to work for the both socially and economically to Bob Conyers, of Clatskanie, and July for adoption by the perma- there will be a grei California Packing company. » this county. Therefore, be it re ness to transact, Ruth Houser, of St. Helens, nent organization. With a larger number of un solved that Yankton Grange unan dressed and acting to represent All persons who came to the date will be set f employed than any period since imously passed the following mo Scotland, and Viola Hokenson, county or were born here prior oneer reunion, and the American Armistice was sign tion. of Clatskanie, representing Nor- to 1885 will be eligible to mem selected for that ed, the action of Wist, regardless That' we condem the action of wr*-. In the meantime, a group of bership. A new feature it is of alibis as to cucumber itches, E. E. Wist and associates for The pageant illustrated in a planned to embody in the consti interested persons will meet In etc., is meeting with little sym bring Filipino laborers into very lovely way the help other tution of this organization is the Rainier Monday night, July 14, pathy even among those living this county and that a resolution countries have contributed to us. provision that the limit year will to organize a county historical in Scappoose, who somehow be to this effect be sent to Membership in the dividing it in four parts as the be raised at set intervals, possibly __ society. 1_______ - Ut lieve that those Filipino labor grange in Columbia county. club emblem representing the in every five years. In this way, ter organization will not he limit ers, even if as Wist says are signia of the four H’s, Head, it is pointed out, the membership ed to the time requirement in The above resolution college men, will be detrimental adopted unanimously by Deer any way. but will be governed by Heart, Hands and Health. Head: will be perpetuated. both socially and economically, as Island Grange June 22. (countries contributing book It was brought out at the meet the individual's interest in col stated in the below resolution learning) England, Scotland and ing that many of the pioneer or lecting and preserving historical Maud J. Mills, passed by Yankton Grange. ganizations now are dwindling in data of the county. (Continued on Page 8) Secretary Deer Island Grange. The following resolution was Have Two Carriers Herb Sichel, Grand Chef de Gare of La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, spent Be veral hours in Vernonia last Sat- day lining up with Chef ! de 1 Gare E. A. Ritchey of the local Voiture for a wreck to be held within the next two weeks near this city. Vqyageurers of La Sooiete plan staging one of the largest wrecks ever held in Columbia county when four will be initiat ed. Is Grand Opening Presents Good ' Farewell Par tv For J. O. Libel Return From Club School Dairy Essay Con test Closes County Fair In September Many Farmers Engineering Crews Busy On ftew Bo id Radio Singer Pleases Large Crowds Here Vernonia Men Attend Portland l.O.O.F. Lodge To Form Columbia County Pioneer Association, To Met At St. Helens on Jul Deer Island Grange Con demns Action of E.E. Hist Importing Filipino Laborers