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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle. Verronia, Oregon Eight % M.UT6NY OF THE by ------ WYNDHAM MARTYN“ torraicHT w.a.u StRVICt in the v s nlngsi Metzger, now serene In tri umph. would not allow the boy N A sense the breach between to be hurt. But Slivers saw mur Bettington and Mrs. Kadwuy left der written In Pereira's look. He him better able to carry out his abandoned his sandwiches and plans. He was, at least, relieved slipped off. On deck he went straight to Bet of the necessity of trying to con vince her of Ills Integrity. They tington. "The cook’s going to murder me,” had condemned hint already and no more would he have to seek for he said, trying to smile. "I’d like to stay up here. He's scared of excuses. In keeping the upper deck free you." "That might be managed If I of the crew lie was seeking to less en the risk of sudden attack. could trust you.” Bettington stifled "Talk There was always a danger that the boy’s protestations. men who had been so much at sea makes no Impression on me. I want action. You say the cook Is going would notice he «’ns not steering a southern course, and his arbitrary to murder you. Why not beat him ruling about keeping the deck dear to It? I’m not wanting you to kill Make him clmse .von up her- must have engendered misgiving him You've got among men whose natures were and I'll attend to him to make him so mad that he for given to suspicion and fear of the gets its against orders to come on motives too obvious to them. They would make a concerted deck.” The Idea met with the approval rush some night. Perhaps not ail would come by the easily watched of the boy Instantly. There was companion. They would swarm sport In It. And to lie able to tense over the stanchions In the dark the cook ns long as lie wanted to I ness and that would be the end To bait him and make him rmdi of Howard Bettington, painter of enraged to Ids fate! Slivers hnd no definite Idea wliv II was the sur seascapes. Bob, on his way to the bridge, geon espoused his calisi*. He sup paused a horrified second when lie posed It was the result of some saw Sum's twisted body. Under quarrel to which he bad not been Crosby Todd's advice he hud deter witness. Bob saw Hie doctor take n coll mined to be very brusque and mi of rope and cross tlm main comp.-in- bending with the doctor. He was lon. It was as though a cat watched to seek to give the Impression of for a mouse to come out of Its hole. one working for the common good, Slivers found the cook In the hut not to be Influenced by threats storeroom whore the stock of wine or a show of consideration was kept. He r-leni-bed his fists Contrary to Tod |'s declaration that the doctor would try and In rind darted about the huge form of the cook ns lie hnd seen a favorite gratiate himself, there was no wel lightweight do: bls footwork was coming smile. marvelous He mdy stopped when “What do you know about the compass?" he was asked. It was the ..... .. after the punse r ite and humiliating to admit that lie knew astonishment indirei d. gave eli-r* <* Like n skillful doeov Silvers led nothing. For almost an hour Bet tlngton talked to him. “Yon will Pereira to the companion irmi then actually si ruck him a quick blow take a few hours at the wheel dur lug the day. At night you can sleep. In Hint great mid proud middle. At the top of the stops Antonio Wake me up directly you see a face anywhere near. I've forbidden this da Silva Pereira was seized with In deck to every one except Slivers credible suddenness. He was tripped up. The fall deprived him of and I’m fur from trusting him." "What would anyone want?” Bob breath. When lie recovered It. lie asked. He was still staunch In bls was neatly hound band rind foot, a gag was thrust between his teeth belief that Crosby Todd’s suspl mid he could only roll his eyes, cions were correct ones. “To kill me and you first. After with their yellowish whites, In inr | that, break In down below. Look potent fury. Slivers was nt first Inclined to 1 here. Bob. I'm not In any mood for conversation, but let me tell be disappointed nt the mildness of ! you this. I'm to be obeyed abso the punishment meted out to his ! lutely. If Todd comes looking up enemy. The tarpaulin was removed the companion and I see him, I from the slxteen-foot cutter stepped ; shall shoot. If he comes when I'm on davits outside the roll and the [ sleeping, send him back; for I shall cook lifted with difficulty and most certainly discipline him." dumped Into It. Then the covering When he saw Bob quail at tills he was replaced and the boat swung smiled. “What would you expect over the rail. from a desperado like me?" “This Is an Interesting sort of When Slivers came up with a game. Augustus.” Bettlngtnn re tray of food he was minded to be- marked; "and your part In It. so loquacious. The cook and Metzger far, Ims been worth lifty dollars to were gambling. Krause, Hamner. you. Ho you want to earn more?" Mike and G ran inn nn, too, were play “Is each of them guys worth fifty ing. Only Kenzie and bls hankies bones?” were working. "Mot? er ts worth a hundred. I "Tell Metzger to send some of want them one at a lime. How can them up here—two only—to heave you get Metzger here?" Sam over the side." "That's n pipe," said Augustus. Metzger had forgotten all about Ills eyes glistening, "lie’ll want to Sum. Now he recalled with sud know where the cook Is. I'll say den pleasure that In Sam's pockets he's up here with the Jane lie's was gold enough to continue that stuck on mid that you've got the game and win back whnt Pereira other." had taken. Hamner was sent on "All right." sold Beltington. “A deck with Mike. Hamner was In hundred dollars If you work II structed to remove the gold. lie right." reported that a more enterprising Silvers found Metzger sleeping person hnd been there first. It was easy to make enough noise Infuriated, the engineer accused to awaken him. He sat up with an the cook. It was well known that oath and demanded that the cook the cook had very little and yet, be scut In with something to cat before luck turned his way, he hnd Sliver's sly smile angered hint. He lost a lot. Murder might have seized the boy's arm mid spun him been done but for l'ereira admitting round. that what he hnd he took from Au “What are you grinning for?" he gustus Condon, whom he had cried. caught robbing Sam. The hoy edged toward the door. Thus It was that Silvers, mak “I was Just thinkin' how cook’s ing sandwiches, was seized upon mid put to the torture lie admit put one over on you utter all. While you ’ve been sleiqdn’ him and the ted quickly that he had robbed Sum, bat be put the amount at a larger Doc Ims been showing the skirts n sum than It was. Pereira thus hnd good time on deck." With n bellow Metzger drew Ills to pay back not only nil of Sam's money hut nenrly all Ills wln- knife and rushed up the stairs Ju Bettington Captures the Cook. I n. >inents of rage iticb hh these he c. red nothing for caution. He had been a fool to spare the handsome <!• tor so long. The handsome doctor dropped the n<>ose accurately over his neck and cl oked hl in into submission. Motzger. gagged and hound, d oppod t»y the cook's side. ’That’s a hundred and titty.” said S ¡vers happily. Bob had witnessed the two en- r< untera and wanted to know what w is coming Was it possible that T«dd had been wrong In his esti- ii. ite of the doctor? Bettington would tell him noth ing. Instead, he changed the course of the vessel. “We’ll run for New York.” he said. “We shall have favoring winds and it won’t take much longer.” He felt certain that there would be no trouble with the gi inblers for many hours. By that time some new plan could be « oo I vpi I for lheir overthrow lie was rather rtinivniiil for lilm- In the tight with Sam he had h If. In on badly bruised and now the great exertion of lifting the two in**n Into the bout agonized him When ht» had sent Silvers below and cautioned him to report any in w development, he stretched him fa if on the couch. ’ I’m going to try rest,” he told Bob. iiocesaary and let no one come on <l< < k but Slivers. Those men In tl o cutter can’t get adrift.” Bob forgot the perils which bodged him and his about In this now found joy of guiding a big boat. 1’nll steam ahead was Indicated on Ho gauge and he was heading for Ii.nne. Crosby had told him that the only explanation of the doctor's cl ange of heart—if It were genu ine and borne out by deeds—was tl..» hope of winning a pardon. He hod insisted that a double murder- or would have little hesitation In ending another victim to Ids score If It seemed necessary. But Todd wmld not believe licit Orme, as he called him always In speaking to Mrs. Radway, had repented. They wore bound for a foreign port and when they were no longer under He jurisdiction of the American 11. g anything could happen. In his romentj of depression .Crosby Friday, June 27 1930 Todil Thought uneasily of what would happen to him. Dr. Andrew Orme had looked at him with an expression that did not speak of mercy. Todd experienced bitter moments to be married to Russell Berg the Pacific Ocean; thence east , or created by said district or its FOUR JERSEY COWS f< r sale, on June 28. During the after- ’ following said township line 48 ' trustees, if said district is form- good milkers. Oliver Burris, noon the guests hemmed and in- miles, more or less, to the rang , cd or created, may appear and Mist, Ore. 453* itialed tea towels for the bride-. line between R. 2 and It. 3 W. ■ .hall be heard by the State to-be, and later a large loveship W. M.; thence south along said Highway commission, and any FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart carrying a »cargo of precious range line 15 miles, more or land nil p i-sons favoring or op- ment house on First street. Ing. lie hhd allowed himself to gifts was piloted into port to less, to the southeast corner of i p> -ing the creation of the said See George Bell. 36tf be fooled bv Ornttmann over the the honored guest, Much interest Section 13, T. 3 N., It. 3 W. W. I district may appear and be wireless and had lost the opportu was manifested as the cargo FOR RENT M.; thence west following the heard at the said meeting. nity to send messages that might Dated this 20th day of June, i OR RENT OR SALE—3-room have served them. It seemed neces was unloaded, displaying many i section lines 24 miles, more or sary for the common good to re lovely and useful gifts. At the i less, to the southwest corner of I 1930. and 4-rooni houses, furnished. fuse to listen to any of Mrs. Rad conclusion of the afternoon a 1 Section 18, T. 3 N., R. 6 W. Oregon State Highway Com- O. II. Llrorbaugh, 992 Second way’s speculations about the pos delightful lunch was served by W. M. on the line between mission. avenue. 46tf sibility that the doctor was their the hostess. Those who enjoyed ranges 6 and 7 W. M. ; thence By II. B. Van Duzer, chair- sincere friend. Mary made com the afternoon with the popular north along said man. mon cause with her fiance against MISCELLANEOUS C. E. Gates, commissioner. Bettington. , bride-elect were Mrs. J. F. John- I mile, more or less, to the south and daughter Leila, Mrs. east corher of Section 12, T. M. A. Lynch, commissioner. What a brave and steadfast child «ton LOST—A foreign gold watch, she was, thought the elder woman, | A. M. Berg, Mrs. E !. T. Wallace, 3 N., R. 7 W. W. M.; thence Attest Roy A. Klein, Secre- was lost at Bringle’s Bend, Here at the threshold of a new and, Mrs. Rachel Hedlund, Mrs. F. west following the section line tarv. 474 l> ;i day afternoon. It is a 24- fuller life, she «as likely to be I Larson, Mrs. A. A. Schwab and 12 miles, more or less, to the hour time piece. If found please stayed by death. For her own part, daughter Geraldine, Mrs. Ed southwest corner of Section 7,1 leave at theatre. Reward. 471 life held no more prospects. And | Bollinger, Mrs. H. Larson, Mrs. T. 3 N„ R. 8 M. on the 1 W. W. like Mary, she. too. was to be halt 8 and 9| i F. Rumbaugh, Mrs. Anna B. line between Ranges ed on the threshold. For a few NOTICE TO CREDI1TORS glorious moments she had been con | Johnston and daughter Ethel, W. W. M.; thence along said In the County Court of the scious of her destiny; and now she Mrs. W. E. Wells and daughter range line to the east and west knew they were only moments of : Ruth, Mrs. Peter Wanstrom, center line of Section 13, T. 3 State of Oregon for Columbi» FOR SALE self-deception. Women had always 'and Mrs. Gust Wanstrom. N„ R. 9 W. W. M.; thence county. ------------- ---------- envied her for beauty, wealth and west following the center lin" FOR SALE—A-l high grade In the matter of the estate position. None had ever envied her TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: of Sections 13 , 14, 15, 16, 17 Guernsey and Holstein cow, of Mat ¡ette E. Schneider, de- for her happiness. Happiness was, and 18 of T. ;ii N„ R. 9 W. W. fre. Ii, good milker, gentle. Bud ceased. You are hereby notified that broadly speaking, the common lot. | She had been given everything else, there has been filed with the M. and T. 3 N. , R. 10 W. W. M. Baldridge, Mist, Ore. 471* i Notice is hereby given, that There was no morbidity in dwell Oiegon State highway commis to the shore of the Pacific l---------------------------------------------------- I the undersigned has been duly ing on the lute that was enwrap sion a proposed form of petit ocean ; thence northerly along 1 G’.t SALE—1923 Nash louring, appointed administrator of the ping her. She could not have lived the shore of the Pacific 1 ocean good mechanical condition, e itate of Mariette E. Schneider, so long and seen so much, without ion proposing the organization to the point of beginning. $25 spot cash. See it yourself. deceased, by the county court of a highway improvement dis- being aware of the lawlessness of men's desires. She thought of Metz | trict under the provisions of You are further notified that 11. Dickson at Aunt Sally Spen of Columbia county, State of 471* Oregon, and has duly qualified General a meeting will be held on the cer’s. ger’s burning eyes: Sam was gone, Chapter 399 of the but her menace remained And per Laws of Oregon for 1921, as 23rd day of July, 1930, nt the to act as such. All persons hav FOR SALE—3 grade cows. E'. ing claims haps this strange man. whom she amended by Chapter 254 Gen- hour of 2 o'clock against said estate P. M. of said knew ns Andrew Orme, escaped con eral Laws of Oregon for 1927, T. Wallace, Mist. 471* are hereby notified day, in the High School Gym- to present vict and twice a murderer, loved some, duly verified. with pro- her. In her heart she was con as amended by Chapter 46, Gen- nasium at Jewell, Clatsop Coun- per vouchers, within six months vinced of it. . . . Never, never eral Laws of Oregon for 1929, ty, Oregon, for the purpose of would she let any human being said district to be known as the passing upon i the matters set from the date of this notice to | "Vernonia Nehalem River-Coast out in said petition and for the (Continued Next Week) en- the undersigned at his oft ice at ¡Highway Improvement District.” purpose of approving said pe 626 Hirst street, Vernonia. Ore- In- I The land which it is proposed by gon. tition ns to the boundaries ns Shower At Birkenfeld or Dated first Dirkenfeld, June 24.- .—On | said petition to include within set our therein or as modified by published June 20, I.ast publication Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. R. ! said district is described as fol the State Highway commission. July 18, I Any "and all persons having Mills, Mrs. Robert Berg and lows, to-w-it: Beginning at a point where property in the said proposed Winifred Berg entertained at A. HARRIS, the former’s home, the occas the township line common to district appearing upon the tax of the Estate townships 5 N. and townships rolls and subject to any indebt- ion being a miscellaneous shower Schneider, de for Miss May Johnston, who is 6 N. of the W. M. intersects . dness which may be incurred THIRD AND BRIDGE STREETS, VERNONIA, ORE- Since last October America has been passing through a period of depression—a condition that has caused unemployment, re trenchment downward revision of prices. To help meet this condition, to Stimulate industry and to reduce unemployment— Jov Theater A D VELMA BANKEL In— •< “Nation Wide” Sheets and Cases Sheets 81x99, Eacs Rex Lease and Dorothy Guiltier In— P A R T M E N O i 98c Belle Isle Muslin Summer Gretonnes House Frocks Excellent for all household purposes. Bleached or unblea ched, 39 inches wide Per yard— Attractive patter n full or summer gar den gaiety. Yard, Styles that you will like arrd priced to please. "Troopers Three’' Slips 42x36, Each Betty Jane Singleton, young popular ra dio singer, to sing Saturday evening Tubing 42 in.. Yard, 22c 10c Saturday June 28 Bath Towels Blankets Cambric Percale Camp Blankets Size 70x80. Cozy Covering or Comfort in all the new pat tern. Percale becomes a greater value than ever! Fast Colors, yd. 60x80 New Low Prices EDMOND LOWE In — "Born Berk less" Sun. & Mon., Jun. 29-30 R i has radically revised prices downward throughout the store "A Lady to Love” Friday. June 27 E 25c Of Double Thread Terry Cloth, Each 15c 19c 29c $1.98 Wizard Sheets "Penco" Sheets 81x90 Sheets 81x99, Each and Pillow Cases 75c Slips 42x36, Each Pillow Slips 15c Tubing 42-Inch, Yd. Style Showing Saturday,10a.m. from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. 18c $1.49 89c Live Models Will NOW OPEN—WELCOME TO OUR STORE Show in our Windows