Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregori Friday, June 27, 2930 -1« --------------- Page Seven ----------------- — iting his brother, Al Love. visiting E. A. Ritchie. spent the week end visiting with Mrs. Root who is recover of trout I Portland — $50,000 locker John Nelson, the plainer fore- Melvin Odgen and James Sel friends here. ing from a recent operation at 'room under construction at Wa Mr. and Mrs. Earl Startup of man of Eagle Lumber company,' lers from _______ Portland __ came out __ ____ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferlaak the St. Vincent’s hospital. Elleijsburg, Wash., were visiting verly Country club. spent Saturday in Portland. ; Saturday evening to visit Fred and Harold and Joe Ferlaak mo- Mrs. Clarence Nelson is re- Mr. Startup’s sister, Mrs. Wal- ’ Kalmath Falls — Runways at | Mrs. Art Baird and Evelyn' Sellers, they were accompanied tored to Hillsboro Sunday. ported ill at her home here. . local airport being surfaced with lace Boomhower last week. ■ Barzee spent Sunday in Verno-iback by Mr. Selters who spent Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Morse J Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nickerson crushed rock. nia with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. the week end there. and daughter was here from made a trip to Cochran Sunday. Miss Isabelle Ross spent Sun- Rainier—Knights of Pythias Brady. Cochran Monday evening. iom irawiorc o w roru ---- i Mr - and Mra ’ Rudol Ph Harde- day at her home in Gaston. Jack Dunn of Mist was a Ver Tom Crawford, G. W. Ford, Joe Koehler was in Portland lodge plan to reconstruct Mahaf Mr. Frost and Mr. Coop | r . M. Aldrich and Lee Schwab - Haro l d and Joe Ferlaak - Mrs. beck and daughters, Shirley and nonia visitor Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clevenger fey building on the highway in- ‘ Betty ” “ " " ' returned to ! came up from Portland Satur- over this week end. EnHland and son " Dan, mo- of Yamhill, 1 attended the Lower Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig and and W. H. Krebs made a trip j to lodge hall and clabrooms. ---- «... ,... after spend- day, Mr. Frost is a large lum- Jack Bush spent Tuesday in Chambers of Commerce meeting, tored to Portland Sunday. their . home Sunday, family were in Forest _ I Grove to Portland Saturday. Portland on business. at Seaside, Friday of last week. -j Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert and ! ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. her buyer from Lincoln, Nebras- Monday to attend a show there. daughter Loraine were in Port- Tom Olson. ka. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe G. W. Ford returned Saturday Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Moe and' land over Sunday for Lorraine’s Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt, were in Forest Grove Sunday, Mrs. C. K. Christianson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blair of evening from lucoma where he daUghter Joy, attended the Ore-!birthday party, daughter Florence, Herbert and Woodburn were dinner guests of E. R. Burt and Leonard Nel- they brought James Ingalls, who spent several days on business. |gon state Editorial convention The regular meeting of tile Ralph Root drove to Portland I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern Sunday son motored to Lost Lake Sun day, they were joined there at was injured in a motorcycle ac R. L. Berg and A. R. Mills at Astoria, Friday and Satur- school board of District 78 was Sunday to visit Mrs. H. L. Root. | night. held Wednesday, the usual bus- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cummings' Mrs. D. C. England, Lillian a picnic dinner by a group of cident in for medical aid. of Birkenfeld, spent Saturday j day. iness transacted. of Portland were here Sunday, [ and Don England, Fred and Roy friends from Hood River, which evening in this city. Robert Hoffman returned to La Grande—New golf course Mrs. Russel Burt and Harold I visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mat- Miller, went on a picnic and included, Mrs. L. Cullander, Hel Vernonfa Friday from Madison, Mrs. Julia Whittig of Mist en and Pete Peterson, Lynn and opened to public recently. Koenig were shopping in Forest hof. i hike Sunday. Wise., where he has been teach was a Vernonia visitor Saturday Grove Thursday. I The rock crusher near Coch-I Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kern Cecilia Burt, Tessie Hudson and ing at the University of Wis evening. Everette Hodge. Dan England has gone _ .. ___ ___ _____ , spent __ ______ , ... to __ ran is ___ now built and machinery Sunday in Portland. State highway department will consin. Springfield to spend the sum-’is being installed. It is expected ' | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clevenger Alfred Wallin of Forest Grove install markers along west side Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Culver mo mer with his grandmother, Mrs. to be in operation by Thorsday. were shopping in Portland Sat- and Al and Dan Love went Charles Kuckenberg, a partner tored to Cottage Grove Sunday fishing on the Salmonberry in highway between Junction City of the successful bidders for Gorrie. He was accompanied as I J. B. Wheeler of Portland urday. to spend several days. building the new Rock creek far as Portland by his mother, was in Cochran and Westimber I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boom- Tillamook county over Sunday, and Portland, designated it as | Monday, looking after business hower and Mr. and Mrs. Earl they returned with a good string Federal Road No. 99. Mrs. Elmer Bush and son Fred bridge arrived in this city to- Mrs. D. C. England. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern and > interests. i Startup motored to Salem Sun- Jr. attended the carnival in this day. — . ---------- . day to visit friends. Mrs. Kern’s mother, Mrs. Shef city Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stock went Roy E. Smith, well known in field of Portland and Charles to Vernonia Monday evening to Carl Startup who was injured George Miller and C. C. Mur-,this city who has been in the Christianson played golf at Ver see a show. in a motoreycle accident is back ton of Portland spent Friday in Veteran hospital at Portland was nonia, Sunday. I to work. Donald Braithwait, who hurt A this city. transfered to a veterans hospi Richard Harriet and Margaret his hand in the planers last Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren had the tal in Arizona, last week. Lacy Kern are recovering from misfortune to injury her amkle Wednesday, returned from For William Armitage spent the __ Grove ____ to _ ______ _______ resume work at last week. week end in Longview visiting Speck Ford, with the Pacific a severe attack of whooping est James Ingalls took quite a friends. Fruit and Produce company, cough. They are the children of' the mill Monday. spent most of Monday in Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kern. I Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt spill Sunday afternoon north of Mrs. Albert Schmid- Mr. and Henry Ferlaak has been tak- were in Forest Grove over the town, when his motorcycle over nonia on business for his com- lin and daughter Anna spent pany. ing in enforced vacation for a, week end. turned in the loose gravel, Tuesday in Vernonia shopping. few days, he ran a bad sliver He Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nelson knocking him unconscious. his hand last week. Mrs. Anna Schultz has been sustained several bad cuts and spent Saturday in Hillsboro. Charles Uhlin of Portland was confined to the Vernonia hos A son was born to __ _ __ _ Al __ _ and Mr. ___ and Mrs. Koenig and bruises, he was taken to Forest a business visitor here yester- pital for the past week serious Mrs. Harry White of Mr. Portland children were in Hillsboro Sat- Grove for medical attention. day. White A. L. Stubbs, brother-in-law ly' ill, but ’ ' is ’ reported progress- Sunday, Mr. is well urday. known here. I Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis of Al Knight is doing some elec Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Carkin ing at the time of press. R. H. I' Hood ' made a trip to jja<j a9 their week end quests. i trical work at Timber. motored to Chehalis, Wn., over Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Van Du- Portland Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls the week end. Ray Davis and Betty Cooper of Nourishing, appetizing, inviting meals—meals that savor of luxury—at a real sen of Lakeport, Calif., are vis- and family spent the week end Charles Pronty who 1 _ has Portland. saving! All this is possible if you maki your personal'Selections from the wide R. D. Fisher of Washougal, iting at the home of their charge of the store at Cochran, I I with Mr. Ingalls mother, Mrs. •r — , I an( j Mrs. £ Ahlgren .... , . , , . mr. nuu mrs. n. nuiKrcii variety of famous foods you find attractively and conveniently arranged in spent Wednesday and Thursday daughter, Mrs. E. N. Robbins was visiting friends here Friday and (lau(,hter Mary Ellen, visit J. E. Crites at Vancouver, Wn. and family. every one of our dependable, progressive food stores. in Vernonia on business. , „ r . „ . 1 Hazel Ingalls is staying evening. I ea with ed ivirs. Mrs. Van Forest , . 7 , .. . J van Lor ijor at purest , A nine and one-half pound Mr. and Mrs. A. < C. AhlgTen Grove Sunday, Mr. Ahlgren go- fT. gran mo er or a onB< 1 Miss Melba Laramore is visit baby boy was born to Mr. and met a party of friends iends from ¡n? on to play golf at Forest, 1 ’ ing her sister in Bellingham, Mrs. James Emmons Friday at Forest Grove at Gales ales Creek Hill I Mr. antI Mrs- A Koen,£ spent Wn., for the summer. the Vernonia hospital, conducted for a picnic dinner Friday even-! Mrs. D. C. England visited in Sunday visiting in Vernonia. Burgess of Port- Mrs. R. E. by Mrs. R. A. Olson, registered ing. Mrs. Carl Brostrom and her , Forest Grove Saturday. land is an employee of the Ter- I nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis, ____ r ' ___ Mrs. Deeks and Mr. Mark- daughter Eleanor, were Sunday minal Cafe. GRAPEFRUIT, Florida SHRIMP, For Summer Sal Ray Davis and Betty Cooper ham of Bucoda, Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman Fancy No. 2, Polks, ads. No. 1 Cans. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. | Olson. C. WhiHig and Mr. and Mrs. motored to Portland Tuesday to hiked to Cochran Sunday. H. L. Root and family spent Mr. and M m . Carl Kern were Ahlgren Tuesday. Joe Banzer and family were say goodbye to their son Robert Cans For Lynn Burt of Hood River Wednesday evening in Portland Vernonia visitors Saturday even- and his new bride, who left for in Vernonia one day last week T Vero Broken Sections No. 2 SWANSDOWN CAKE ing. Madison, Wise., where Robert FLOUR will teach at the university. Cans Fay Olsen of St. Helens spent LARGE First quality, Freshly Saturday in Vernonia posting PACKAGE Miss Catherine Hoffman re SALMON, Happyvale Pink baked. A Portland Pro- up bills for the Roundup at turned to this city last week, No. 1 Tall. PINEAPPLE, Doles Sweet Deer Island, July 4 and 5. after having spent several weeks Treat, Fancy Sliced No. Cans 2W R. G. Noble left Saturday for with friends at the coast and Hussar, Alberta, to attend the in Corvallis visiting the summer PORK & BEANS, Van Cans funeral of his nephew who pass session of the Oregon State Camp, full med. size cans, WESSON OIL, Salad Size college. ed away last week. 17% oz. HONEY, First quality strained honey in regular Quarts friends — of Mr. and Mrs*, Architect Stokes of Portland 1 Many ---- . --------- For Mason jars. Our own pack. Frying Size. who drew the plans for Vernon-'Louis Blackburn will be pleased (W gal.) ia’s new school spent Tuesday in ¡to learn of the arrival of a QUAKER MACARONI, Pints 11 pound baby girl, born to SPAGHETTI, NOODLES. this city on business. MALT, Light or Dark. the happy parents June 20, at Quarts Mrs. O. T. Bateman returned their home in Vancouver, Wn. Packages Puritan Sunday frof Portland, where Mr. Blackburn formerly worked she has been visiting friends for for A. L. Kullander in this city, Blue Ribbon the past few weeks. and married Lillian Wellington, who taught school in this city. INSTANT POSTUM, 8 oz. Sheriff Oscar Weed spent can. Wednesday in this city in charge Libby or MacMarr, Tall Each of hunting for the man Accused Cans. of shooting Bill Singh. HERSHEY CHOCOLATE j 6 Meals that Savor of Luxury Features for Saturday and Monday, June 28 and 30 z MORE BARGAINS Miller’s Westimber A baby girl was born to Mr., C. E. Wilson exhibited a and Mrs. Pete Wideman, June 10. Mother and daughter are re catch a very fine fish to his friends last week. ported in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wallin Mrs. Harry Culbertson and and family of Forest Grove' three sons are visiting Mr. Cui- were Sunday guests of Mr. and bertson’s parents at Clatskanie Mrs. Al Love. Ray Bristow and family have for a couple of weeks. gone to Wauna to live, he ex Miss Marjorie King returned pects to go into commercial last Friday from a month’s vis- fishing with a brother there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stock ar it with friends and relatives at rived home from Tacoma, Sun Spokane, Wash. day, they were called there by Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Moe of Mrs. Stock’s sister’s illness, she Hood River, spent Thursday of! is reported slightly better. last week visiting at the home | Dan Love, who has been em- of their son, M. E. Moe, and ployed by the Tidewater Log family. Iging company at Astoria, is vis- r A Smashing Finish The Sale Ends Saturday Night— An interesting and lively finish to this anni versary sale is being made possible by the addition of many new bargains. Be low are a few picked at random. 16x31-Inch Turkish Towels This is a deisrable size for general use. Cut in half, they make two ex tra large wash cloths. Each Women’s Fast Color Prints Yards and yards of beautiful new pat terns to choose from. Per Yard 12»/2 c Silk Hose Free With each pair of blond Enna Jettick Arch shoes we are giving you a choice of any of our 98c silk hose. Watch Our Dresses A special shipment re- ceived for this sale. Di- rect from New York. Amazing value* in high quality silks. Each Than at Prepare Now for The Fourth Remember! Before you buy, shop at Miller’s and save money FINNEY OF THE FORCE ”F ° See Hoffman About It! It Pays! Hoffman Hardware 4 2 45c 2 35c 10c 2 25c 47c 4 pt 87c 3 25c 45c 55c 3 25c 45c 2 29c 49c Milk 4 For 49 Lb. Sack 43c 29c High MACMARR FLOUR, $1.59 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 10 37c Bars BARS 3 For 10c BALL MASON JAR CAPS, PER DOZEN 25c SALAD GOLD MEDAL DRESSING. The salad sea- son is here— 12 oz. Jar 19c SEARCHLIGHT MATCHES 6 23c BnypR WALDORF TOILET PER TISSUE— 3 RINGS. PA- 19c Rolls JAR 4 ” window9 old chair or table that has become shabby * plunge a good clean brush into a can of KYANIZE Floor Finish — in any of the eight shades or "clear” — and go over the surface with a few easy brush strokes. One coat — that’s all as a rule unless the surface is particularly far gone or brand new wood — then two coats. Dries with the most beautiful and brilliant ftnlsL you ever saw. Tough, too, cannot scratch white — and waterproof, absolutely. Transparent and brilliant. Especially made to endure the hardest kind of wear on a floor. It J for that very reason the most satisfactory finish you can get foe tables, chairs, dressers, deeks and all kinds of furniture. Results are guaranteed to be satisfactory or “money back foe th empty can." Try refinishing with KYANIZE today. « Heavy Red Rubber. 1 sCuanize 29c quality, low price. founder’s month sale Ginger Snaps 29c 2 Packages 25c Sugar Pure Cane. Fine Granu lated. 100 Lk$4.83 SPLIT PEAS, First qual ity. 4 * Pounds 25c JELL WELL, Choose your flavors. 4 Packages 25c HOT WEATHER BREAK FAST FOODS— Original Shredded Wheat Biscuit Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Kellogg's Pep Any Assortment— Q Packages MARKET FEATURES Milk Fed Veal STEW, per pound . ROAST, per pound 17c 24c Prime Ribs of Beef BONED AND ROLLED, per pound .............................. COTTAGE CHEESE (fresh and sweet) 2 pounds ... WEINERS, 2 pound. .......................................................... HENS, (3 to 4 lb».) per pound ....................................... 29c 35c 55c 32c 1 MACMARR STORES Vernonia, Oregon But She’s Real Busy