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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregofl Friday, June 27, 2930 banking develops tendencies that give rise to public fears, we must so conduct ourselves as to reassure all doubts. “For this is true,—that business succeeds only by serving society— that no business can permanently Dairymen should grow more prosper which does not both render root crops for their cows. There service to the public and at the should be one acre of roots for same time convince the public that every ten or twelve cows. There it is rendering that service. Bank- are four factors that influence ng, therefore, must take cognizance this crop; the variety planted, c* what the public is saying ot this the fertility, the care and the new era in its development. weather. This article deals with “it must be part of the technique ot modern banking administration, the fertility. The natural fertility of the whatever form our enlarged insti soil is the most important fac- tutions take, to avoid the creation tor. On the rich bottom or tide ot monopolies, or even the appear lands a fair crop of roots can ance ot such a centralization ot be raised without the addition tiuancial power as to be able to of fertilizer. The use of barn exercise an undue influence ever yard manure is always advis public or private nuance or other able. On the bottom or tide lines ot business. The public's right lands of good fertility, ten to to the safeguards ot fair competi twenty tons can be used to ad tion must bo observed. vantage. On the poorer types Must Preserve Individual Initiative “It must also be an Item ot man of upland or bench land, 20, agement that individual Initiative tons or more should be used. and opportunity shall be main The root crop can stand any tained. If America has outstripped amount of fertility as its yield o'her nations In the distribution ot is in direct proportion to the the beiK-tlts ct its progress, It Is due fertility, The larger the yield to the tact that there are no bar per acre the more profitable it riers ot social caste or business tra is. It is better to grow 40 tons dition against advancement tor on one acre than 20 tons on character, ability, and Initiative. two acres. American business has learned that From experiments at the As- , 1’ serves itself best by encouraging tor Experiment station, it has by every practical means Individual been found that one ton . of ambition and initiative, and hurts manure will produce 1.2 tons Itself most by repressing or neglect of roots. On tideland one ton . ing them. Colupetitlon for effi of manure will produce 1.8 tons I ciency, both within an organization and between organizations, will of roots or more. has already ' prevent any institution from long Superphosphate enduring in which maintenance of proved profitable, Every dairy opportunity and recognition of man should apply 400 pounds Initiative are not controlling prin of superphosphate per acre and ciples ot management. As heads disk it in just previously to ot tlie greatest ot our financial and planting time. This will increase , industrial institutions stand men the yield 7 to 11 tons per acre. I who started from the humblest ot It often saves the crop from a beginnings. Through all the grades total failure. Phosphorus is the ot executive authority and reward plant food that all coast coun-;____ stand men in positions In keeping, ty soils are weakest in. Dairy-1 generally speaking, with their indl- men using superphosphate £pr vldual merits. I, personally, see no the first time should leave a reason for fearing that the enlarged part of the field untreated to ' banking organization which the I future may hold would necessarily demonstrate its value. Lime increases the root crop I supply future bank employees with 6 to 9 tons per acre. The ad any less opportunity for achieve dition of lime just previous to ment than unit banking. "Again, a major consideration of root crop does not produce this result, but lime used in a rota administration in any multiple form tion of crops will. The lime o banking organization must be its should follow the clover sod in public relations In every community it touches. Its foremost considera the rotation. No other fertilizers have pro tion must bo actually and visibly to serve tho economic upbuilding of duced any marked results on that community. No system will the root crop except those men be long tolerated whose local mem tioned above. bers work, or are suspected as Twenty tons of manure and I working, to draw economic strength 400 pounds of superphosphate from one place to enlarge the finan should produce about 33 tons; cial power ot another. The local on upland and 40 tons on the ualt bank has always been part bottom lands or tideland. This and parcel of the communities amount of roots has a feeding where it lives—and no system can value equal to four tons of corn last which does not make it a major meal. principle ot operating technique to serve, and not exploit, the commu nities into whose business lives it enters.” Growing the Root Crop I American Bankers Association Official Declares That Bank ing Changes Creating Large Bank Systems Will Call for Broader Social Viewpoints. Larger scale group or branch banking will Inevitably bring a new era ot banking organization and op erations to the United States and bankers will have to develop “new conceptions, new administrative methods and new economic views,” Rudolf S. Ilecht, Chairman ot Economic Policy Commission ot American Bankers Association, cently told the members ot American Institute of Banking. The institute Is the educational section ot the association and he emphasized the point that the new era in banking demanded ‘‘that wo must step-up our education so that banking shall be fortified for new responsibilities.” What the Future Calls For “We must broaden our social con ception of banking," Mr. Hecht said. "Not only for the technical oper ations of the new banking must we , fit ourselves, but both as Individuals and an organized profession we must charge ourselves with serious consideration jf the social problems that are involved. Already we hear murmurings and fears and doubts as to whether the changes that are coming about in banking in the ex tension of group and branch sys tems do not constitute the looming ot a new financial menace, a mo nopolistic threat not only to the individual unit banker, but to the financial liberty of society In gen eral. I am stating these things merely as facts that must be taken into consideration in our studies. "Public opinion cannot be ignored by any business, least of all by banking, which is admittedly semi public in character and is, there fore, subject to special supervision by the constituted authorities. If To Picnic At June 29 Attend Hillsboro Pioneers of Columbia County have been invited to attend the annual reunion of the Washing ton County Pioneer Association which will be held at Shute park at Hillsboro Sunday June 29, starting at 10:30 A. M. A morn ing and afternoon program is being arranged and those attend ing are asked to bring a basket dinner, with coffee served by the committee in charge. The president of the organiz ation, Mrs. Alice L. Redmond especially invites pioneers of this county to attend and get acquint- ed. Forty Years Ago (From the Nehalem Journal of April 29, 1890) The carpenters’ strike has now assumed definite i shape, ___ and become a settled, or more properly an unsettled fact. It demands that carpenters, painters, plumbers and metal roofers should be paid $3 per day and that eight hours be a day’s work; that for over time a price and a half should be paid and double price for work on Sundays. Little Locals Roads improving rapidly. Thomas Lavender is building a very neat stable back of his residence. John Campbell was employed Friday in laying off the new cemetary on the Wilkinson place. The workmen up at the rain factory are on a strike. Latest ; reports indicate that there will j be no regular work until next fall. There was another small blaze in town last week, The house of Grandpa Hess was discover ed to be burning, but the fire was put out before any serious damage was done. Grandpa Hess, with his hazel pole, is about the only success ful fisherman in town, knocking out the sports with their fancy rods and triple-multiplying reels, He has taken some fine trout I lately. The surveying party under' Engineer Robinson ran their preliminary survey from the Beaver creek pass to the Ne halem river at Sol Sheeley’s place Saturday, and were then compelled to return to the Washington county portion of the line to do some necessary work there. So far no complaint has been heard, although the line runs through every door yard on Beaver creek. A By JOHN G. LONSDALE President American Bankers Association XS7E ALL remember the story of ” Ichabod Crane and the headless horseman. There was the dark form by the side ot the road—thunder ing hoofs on the Sleepy Hol low highway— and I c h a b o d ■SM»*' fleeing in con fuse d terror before this ter- rible monster. If Ichabod had only known that his hob John G. Lonsdale goblin was an inventive rival disguised with a pumpkin head, he would have had a good laugh and gone on with the business of van quishing hiti competitor. What Ichabod really needed was a modern flashlight. Then he would have discovered the trickery at once. Many business men need the flashlight of analysts to uncover the hobgoblins in their business and then they might sit back and laugh at their rivals who hesitate te In vestigate and learn the truth. At this time, when business and banking are making strenuous ef forts to have a clear vision ahead, it is especially important that the power of research and analysis be employed to their fullest extent When these twin brothers of good management have been pressed into service In all fields, I am con fident we shall see a further lessen ing of periods of stress. However, I believe business in general has learned the valuable lesson that any prosperity that is not leavened with a little adversity would not reem basically safe or sound. Invited Pioneers Broken Shoulder Blade Several days ago John Pringle had the misfortune to stand in the way of a pile of falling hop poles and received some severe bruises. Last Friday his con dition was such that the services of Dr. Newth were required. An examination disclosed the fact that Mr. Pringle’s shoulder blade w’as broken. Dr. Newth re- duced the fracture and made his patient as comfortable as cir- cumstances would permit. Rose Sees His lieS StOl*V Denies Story On -- Speed r-- Laws phold I ^r'end*’ no one *8 particularly her calling It is everybody’s diphtheria. banks in the Federal Reserve Sys .. J concerned; but if you have ty- business to be sure that the > “Has your child been protcc- tem should participate more largely fever, diphtheria, smallpox schools are doing their big part i ted?” in its net earnings through an in lor any ‘catching’ disease it is in making the next generation crease in the dividend rate above m Oregon: Jun« 25 Re- R«_’? : ve.n*<»dy’» business. In either healthy. Salem, Oregon: June ... 25 the present fixed 6 per cent "would , . InovMUVV instance yvu you will I call your fam “Community health is every cent news stories purporting to I ily doctor to tek Scxvard Motel be a very small financial induce quote ^rotary of th. SUU Hal “*. t'h’eVrLZ: body’s business. It pays good ment" to them, it is declared in a dividends in comfort and free- HOUSE OF CHEER recent study ot this subject by the affecting "the "state ’speed iaw"?f that* olheis"* are” Tt'1 Td f?d I dom from dis«"e- TENTH AT ALDER Economic Policy Commission of jo 35 miles miles an an nour, hour, have been am- em-;thB k. >.^.1?». Y°u are inrormed informed nave Deen B|tL . I “S.«e that you Portland ___w__ Oregon the American Bankers Association. piatically denied by Hoss, who I 9ent the nuhlir hn’ ♦ • i<n a11 matters pertaining to the Excellent meals at pop This is shown, the commission said in a recent statement: ’ r Certa?n d-f' public health “d that you do ular prices. Coffee shop. says, by a theoretical forecast, on I | mite duties to perform when in- Vour in . Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. This ihe snrJa ,„P .?:* “Oregon’s speed limits are fix- fectious diseases occur. the basis ot the past b I x years, ot Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining additional earnings that would be ed by the state legislature and health official will ask you a the spread of communicable di-! sense to others. room. Breakfast 25c and disbursed to member banks during there has been no change from lot of questions to try and find up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. “One of the best ways of do-1 the next six years under two plans the 35 mile limit. Reports recent out where you caught your di Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, (1. Introduced in bills before the United ly circulated would lead one to sease so that he can take the ing this is to have all children,1 W. D. McNair, Manager States Senate. believe that I had encouraged proper steps to control it at the especially preschool children, ex- ' W. C. Culbertson, Prop. ______ ,___ and "The Fletcher bill provides that fast travel on Oregon highways, source. It is also his duty to amined for physical defects, Federal Reserve Bank earnings, but the story was unfounded.: see that you i observe certain immunized against smallpox and after present « per cent dividends What I have in mind is a rec-' rules so that your illness will to members and completion of a , onunendation to the legislature not spread to others. You are 10° per cent surplus, should all be ^next Januory that they fix a1,compelled to obey these regula- distributed as extra dividends to ’ speed regulation in conformity to. tions in the interest of the the stockholder banks,” the report | the National code being adopted ^.health of everybody says. "If the earnings of each is everyDod everybody ;g ’s Dusln( business to Federal Reserve bank were distrib unkformily throughout all the, “It is kinJ water uted among Its own members there .Utes, which has its bauc pnn- know what ------ ----- — your ciple the substitution of *reck- . - would be no extra dividends In the community has. Is it good? Is lessness* where speed in excess ¡t 1° * V Boston, New York, Philadelphia. I of the limitations -is charged.,“. “fel Is “ . properl > super- 1 r j' Cleveland, Chicago and San Fran vised? Or is it potentially dan- ; This is strictly a matter for the ' cisco districts during the next six . gerous? It is everybody's bus- years, but the other six Federal ’ state legislature, and I am not I '" iness to know the kind and 1 usurping their perogatives. Reserve Banks would pay annual quality of milk which is being extras at the following rates: Rich | j And ................. .. . in the meantime, the Or-'peddled in his community. Are mond, 6.08 per cent; Atlanta, 4.09 , egon speed laws are just as ef- 'the dairymen 1 complying with per cent; St. Louis, 3.50 per cent; 1 fective as they ever were, and lithe sanitary code? Are samples Minneapolis, 9.51 per cent; Kansas have advised the Btate traffic di-1 regularly examined at the lab- City, 5.48 per cent; Dallas, 4.83 per j vision that anyone caught speed-’ oratory? Are santary and clean cent. Near Deer Island ling should be shown absolutly no,methods used 111 in the pro- asB^vssvuo being U»CU LI1C pro- "If the earnings were pooled and i consideration because he thought duction of milk at the farms? paid out to all members in all dis If these essentials in milk pro tricts each momber would receive I the limits had been raised.” Bucking Horses Relay Races duction and distribution are not an average annual extra dividend looked after everybody and ev i Chariot Races Trick Riding of .78 per cent. Under this plan erybody’s babies may become Growth of Banking Education no franchise tax as now would be FAST HORSE RACES DENVER, Colo.—At the Ameri sick. paid by the Federal Reserve Banks can Institute ot Banking convention to the Federal Government. “It is everybody’s business to Fancy Roping, Bucking asd Roping held here last month the growth tn ! know what the schools are do- Another Plan Analyzed Contest the effort among bank employees i ing to make healthy citizens. “The Class bill would provide to provide them-sives with bank . Has your school a public health that, after present 6 per cent divl- ing education was shown by the Each Afternoon at 2:30 p.m. dends, one-halt the remainder tact, as reported by one speaker, nurse who is intelligent and should be paid to member banks that 12 yeurs ago the Institute haff awake to the opportunities of as an extra dividend with the resi 80 study chapters, today 208, and due going to surplus and Federal that its enrollment in the study Government as franchise tax. The courses had grown from 11,000 to average annual extras to members tj.OUO, or an Increase ot over $00 would be as follows: Boston Dis per cent. The graduates number trict, 2.51 per cent; New York, .48 nearly 14,000. The institute Is the per cent; Philadelphia, 2.06 per educational section ot the Ameri cent; Cleveland, 2.09 per cent; Richmond, 3.26 per cent; Atlanta, can Bankers Association through 4.67 per cent; Chicago, 3.20 per which bank workers are given in cent; St. Louis. 2.02 per cent; Min struction in theoretical and practi neapolis, 4.75 per cent; Kansas cal subjects relating to their busi City, 2.74 per cent; Dallas, 3.31 per ness. Slightly Twisted cent; San Francisco, 1.87 per cent. "If these extra funds were pooled “Yes, sir. I have seen your ab the result would be an extra aver bey and your St. Paul’s and tomor age annual dividend of 1.73 per row T am traveling to Stratford to cent for each member. Under this look over the bathplace of your Im plan the system would still pay as mortal bird.”—London Opinion. now an annual franchise tax, Where They All Fail amounting to $1,941,996 on the aver “Most folks Is prepared for any age.” By way of concrete instance, the thing," says Scattergood Baines in American Magaclne, “till It com report says, a member bank having the mences to rain and then they's a capital and surplus ot $200,000, leak In the roof.” therefore holding Federal Reserve Bank stock amounting to $6,000 on which it is receiving $360 under the present 6 per cent dividend ar- rangement, would with the addition of each 1 per cent to the dividend In cooperation with rate receive an additional Income U. S. Public Health Service of $60 a year. “If each member bank will figure Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., Collaborating Epidemiologist I out for Itself the dollar-and-cents gain it would enjoy we are confi dent it will be agreed that the Everybody's Business gains are small as against the eco “If you break your leg, it is nomic disadvantages which can be your business. Outside of your pointed out," it concludes. family, your employer and your I Round-up JULY 4-5 Columbia County Fair Grounds State Board ot Health RESERVE SYSTEM'S DIVIDENDS ANALYZED The most worthwhile gift of all 1 A Westinghouse TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL fHappy Days’ Celebration House Spencer Rose came rushing into the office last Wednesday i morning waving his hat and yell ing in a way that would make a Comanche buck turn green with envy. He gave as a reason for his excitement that he had seen his own house from the middle of town. Something he had never seen before nor had ever expected to see. But Ver nonia is not a hole in the woods any longer and each day some marked improvement and change may be noted. The tall timber which has so long hemmed in the town is falling rapidly, mak ing way for the neat cottages or commodious store buildings. Everybody is preparing for the railroad and the good times which are coming. Five I FLAVOR ZONE RANGE Day and Night In every house, “somebody” spends tedious hours cooking ... cooking ... cooking. How grateful she will tw for a West inghouse Flavor Zone Range. This modern electric range, with its automatic control of heat, gets meals all by itself. And gets them so capably that she won’t need to go near the kitchen from the time the food goes into the oven until it comes ouL Yet bar dinners will have a full flavor and melting tenderness that rivals the matchless fare cooked in the good old Dutch Ovens. A Westinghouse Range is a gift that will give “somebody” three hundred and sixty-five afternoons a year ... all for herself ... a gift that will pre serve for her that freshness and buoyancy that clings to women who aren’t always tired out from endless kitchen steps. July 2, 3, 4 Shute Park, Hillsboro, Oregon Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Rides, Shows, Bands, Drum Corps, Champion ship Walking Contest, Fireworks, Aeroplanes, Baseball Games. Dancing in Big Pavilion, Music by KGW Orchestra Free Attractions, The Zerados—Cherry Stanley and SENSATIONAL CIRCUS PERFORMERS PATRIOTIC EXERCISES Boys and Girls Races, Indies Nail Driving Contest FREE ADMISSION Queen’s Ball and Coronation Ceremonies Thurs day Night, July 3. Bankers Find Increased Pay ments to Member Banks Would Be Small Inducement. Various proposals that member r TU1 *1 irvthfwt. thf Qafc5-f?»U Hail. »0! ft— M’k f st% grputrr tgppJ /• M% pweta' »0- tinep. ** tlu Had aaà guaalitp Are You Taking advantage of ordering’ Pre-sliced “ Mother’s ” Bread at our bakery? You’ll be pleated with the sanitary and easy manner the bread wrapped and served in this manner, can be served. VERNONIA BAKERY •f f—J Oregon Gas and Electric Co. G. W. Ford, Supt. f—M-