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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Friday. June 27, 2930 . .. . JL'-l — J— J. 1 _____ Three S for their home in Arkanaas, last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Don- motored to Hillsboro Mon- evening. and children, Mrs. F. L. Davis, dents are wired and waiting to Mrs. R. Linsey, Mrs. Wm. be connected up. Bridgers, Miss Alberta DeRock, Mrs. Wm. Keaton was a din- Mrs. L. Carmichael and two ner guest Monday of Mrs. Ed. daughters, Ruth and Grace, Mrs. Reynolds. Fred Rumbaugh, Miss Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oaks and Wells Mrs. A. Dowling and infant son from Salem were here daughter Florence, Mrs. G. De last week and paid a visit to The A. R. Melis family were vine, Mrs. Frank Peterson, Mrs. Mrs. Oak’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Sunday guests of the Irving Ira Peterson. A delicioas buffet Taylor on the "Burn. »» (lunch was served during the af- Knowles family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson ternoon, each guest present Expressed in Sevens supper *gnesta of Mr. and made block ior the hos- were i_„_ _____ ‘ „ The term “seven seas" In litera tess, while there. ture Is used as a general term for Mrs. Lee Osburn one night last week. I Mrs. M. Aamodt is expecting all of the seas of the world, as known nt various times. In modern Mrs. Frank Peterson called at receive a visit from her mo ___ ______ ___ ther, , Mrs. Magunsen ot Hub- times II Ims been held to Include the Austin Dowling ____ home Wed- the great oceans such ns the North nesday evening. She also called bard, this week. and South Atlantic, the North and ; Chas. Sundland had the mis- South Pacific, the Indian. Arctic at the Carmichael home. Miss Alberta DeRock spent a fortune to cut his finger nearly and Antarctic oceans. The seven couple of days last week in Ver- off Saturday, while working in senses, according to ancient teach nonia visiting Miss Charlotte the garage. A car belonging to ing were those of understanding, sight, taste, hearing, smell Green. ! Miss Holmstrom that he had just speech, touch. The seven wonders of Earl Knowles and Chas. Melis been working on, having finish and the ancient world were the pyra went to Timber last week to ed it, the driver got in and mids of Egypt, hanging gardens of help on the fire, but returned started up the engine, suddenly Babylon, Mausoleum nt Halicormis the next day. ¡one of the blades from the fan sus, temple of Diana nt Ephesus. Mrs. E. G. Gordan from Port- snapped into and flew several Clossus at Rhodes, Pharos at land was a week end guest at feet away, hitting Mr. Sundland Alexandria, statue of Olympian ♦ho Holmstrom Hnlmatrnm home. homo )on the finger and nearly sever Jove. the Mrs. Maria Holmstrom and her ing it, he was taken to Clatska NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the daughter, Olga and Mrs. Goch- nie, where stitches were taken am motored to Astoria Sunday. to hold the finger in place with holders of the following bonds Scene from "Ingagi” (Gorilla, to be at Joy theatre Mrs. Wm. Keaton and children the hope that it will heal to of the city of Vernonia, Colum- bia county, Oregon. and her sister, Mrs. Mar.well and gether again. Bond No. 17, sewer improve- __ __ and Alberta De- L. sister-in-law of Mrs. Manwell,: r~ school gym this week has been den, Mrs. H. Fogel, Wm. — Bridgers ment bond dated January 1, Bolongia and Miss Irene Manwell, returned Rock started to help with the in- Greenia, Mrs. S. ~ indefinitely postponed. 1925, said bond being in deno the last of the week from Sea- ______ ventory , ____ down _______ at the _________ Birkenfeld mination of $500. The Jim Cahill sold a cow and Mrs. E. Crawford. John Cahill, Dick Lousegisout calf to B. W. Lousignout last Mrs. Elmer Boyer of Vancouv-'side, where they spent a week 8tore Sunday, which Mr. Bridgers bond being redeemable at above the and Fred Daggett were in As Friday. er, Wash., visited over the week at the Bridger Cottage. I bought some time ago. He takes option of said city on July 1, toria on business last Thursday. Cy Taylor visited at the Jessie end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ben-| 1 Mrs. Montgomery was a vis- possession this week. 1930. The pursuant to said op- The home of Andrew Nords Johnson farm Sunday. ¡nett, Mrs. Boyer is a returned itor at the Grove^,Devine home, tion, said bond will be redeem- | Mrs. Wm. Bridgers was a Ver- strom was broken into last week Paul Beach and Harry Saxton missionary from Belgian Congo, Saturday afternoon. ed within 30, days from the date Earl Knowles ------ and nonia visitor Friday. and some valuable papers and had a successful elam expedition Africa, and she is an old friend _ Chas7Melis* C’— ‘ ----------- of this notice, to-wit: On the checks taken. Up to date the umvvii I Bernard Dowling were Vernonia' ____ ' Mrs. N. D. Peterson was a first day of July 1930, upon down to Columbia beach early of the Bennett faimly. thief has not been apprehended. ^7*^ 'They“ I visitor at the home of Mrs. presentation to the city treas [ Miss Bernice Miller who un- movie visitors Sunday, TTip nintann ___ ~ and crabs. The Clatsop pniintv county rnnrt. court was was ' clams I derwent an operation for ap-i Marion McMullin was a guest Frank Peterson Thursday even- urer of Vernonia, Oregon, the viewing the road to Jorgen Frank Lousignout visited re-'pemiicitis I Dendicitis et at Silverton hospital of Irene DeRock several days ing. above sewer bonds will be re Johnsen’s farm last week. I , The latives in Washington last week, recently is reported as getting last week. ___ electric line is finished deemed. T i i Andrew * - alxvMxw ninnliT nnn wv 11 onAn rixx : Mg — cs . along nicely and will soon A large crowd from Portland be | Mr. Schlippey’s > new Ford ___ Jorgen Johnsen and ♦... ani] the power __ r ____ turned on. The In case the holders of said return to her home. camped at Dan Berg’s park over Nordstrom were in Astoria last able I coupe arrived last — week. garage <»,,<, and the Ivory « Bun- --- ---------- ----- . He had --- Mist ------ jjmnsc vii c x.v.j —••- bond fails to present same at r , F. O’Donnell has purchased a it ordered some time ago.--------- I ga|Ow are connected up and the time and place mentioned the week end. Friday. for r ¿7, his familv. John Cahill reports that the ' sedan ’,edRan,t¿° A special school meeting will x I We are sorry to hear that'have lights. Most of the resi- herein for the redemption there- be held at the Birkenfeld school Birkenfeld Lumber company are| Burton Miller has gone to Mrs. W. R. Johnson has been - - — " “ house Monday evening, July 7, through falling and bucking their Union, Ore., to spend the sun1'. seriously ill at the home of her mer with his grandfather, for the purpose of electing one timber north of his place. ¡sister in California, where she i Joe Davis has bought a tour- wag vigitjng for several weeks, director to serve for one year. The Johnston and Hansen con- ¡ ing car. MT. and Mrs. Fred Daggett »(ruction company purchased a| , the last report »he was improv- were in town Monday evening. large caterpillar last week, to - Miss Rose Mary and Ethel ing. Kelley asked a few friends in Dave Bocan was a caller at be used in clearing and grading f0"r“"Í picnic luncheon, which I Mrs. Ernest Lane had as her the Schwab home Monday. Towoh Tboxr ;he noiv new rnn/l road fr» to Jewell. They Jb‘ “aiiHal‘i^i supper guests Monday evening, Frances Larson is preparing report «... ............... • E Cond.t >nd M wm. Keaton and children that . a , large gas shovel j Mr. >nd and Mrs. E. Condit and to move to Jewell this week. will be in in a few days, —J and Mr. and Mrs. F. Barne. of Ver-1 A hou8P party was fr,v'n at Frances takes over the mail the work will be speeded up nonia were out playing golf on tho ■’ " ' *er* bofe Satur- ----- Wm. Brid hauling contract next Tuesday. more rapidly. ounua ,-day evening in honor of Miss Sunday. A. DeRosia was a celler in "UGHbert Holt made a business Grace Carmichael, the occasion town Monday evening. Mr. De trip to Portland Tuesday. (being her birthday. Qu.te a Rosia reports considerable pro -- j tit ci »1 i l ,'bunch of young folks gathered Mr. and Mrs. Slatlnicker and from tbf_ and t„ gress in the road building on Celebrates Birthday children Elsie and Lois of Sher- Graca celebrate her birth. the upper Fishawk. Mollie O’Donnell, daughter of .wood, called at the home of Mr. day jn a wfty befittin(t the oc. Dave Bocan spent Sunday at ■’v Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell and Mrs. Baker Saturday. the Schwab ranch. I caslon. The evening was spent B. S. Hanson of Portland is celebrated her fourth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. D. Palementer'£"“¡^1"' game9,■"dancTng'^nd spending the summer with his with a lovely party at their and daughter motored to Port- voca| selections, selections. She received son, J. R. Hanson. I home in Treharne, Friday after- ]an(j Monday, returning to Salem several nice gifts, Miss Eva Koberstein of Clats- noon, June 20. The afternoon spend their vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Klassie have ar crowd attended the' kanie was a visitor at the Wan- was spent in playing games af-j A , ter which refreshments were'soeial dance at Treharne Satur.l rived here onthe "summit” at strom home last week. Wm. Bridgers of Mist has served. Those present were La- d evening. I. their summer home for a vaca . ' TI _ ... , I tion. taken over the J. O. Libel store, wanda Stanton, Loretta Baker,; „ A stork shower was given at beginning his duties here the Colleen Fogel, Patsy Chapman.l “r- and Mrs H. Smith and Eva Jean Hayden, Billie Johns, i chl!d™ motored to Cornelius to the home of Mrs. H. B. Davis first of the week. on the St. Helens mountain, Fri R. L. Humble and Ada Cam- Maxine John, Dorothy Davis, vls,t wlth relatives. berg were united in marriage Betty Glassner, Myrtle and Al-' A surpris« party was given day afternoon for Mrs. Fred Saturday evening at the home fred Webb, Virginia and Fran- Wednesday afternoon, in honor Davis. Those present were Mrs. of the bride’s parents, Mr. and ces Dooley, Phyllis and Leonard of Mrs. F. O’Donnell at the Warner Phoender and children Bolongia, Clair and Bobby Sun- home of Mrs. R. Stanton. She from Portland; Mrs. Anna Low Mrs. N. A. Camberg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl and ell, Ralph John, Dale Greenia rereived many lovely gifts from den, St. Helens; Mrs. Jake .V Johnston, Miss Lois Johnston, ! family sepnt Sunday at Cham- and Mollie, and Douglas O’Don her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Urie Renels, Mr. Mrs. C. M. Johnston and child- nell. The mothers who werd poeg park. The Ladies Aid bazaar that present were Mrs. E. Sunell, and Mrs. D. Renels, Mr. and ren, Mrs. H. B. Davis, Miss was to be held at the high Mrs. R. Stanton, Mrs. Wm. Hay- Mrs. J. Renels and family left Irene Davis, Mrs. E. T. Davis Coming Tuesday and Wednesday ♦ ------- ■■-SJ.’.'.rg of, then the interest thereon the said first day of July, 1930. Bhall and vnv the agency atuic- afoie- ——— cease i>aieu v trnuiua, yjrvgau, Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, i ................ said will thereafter pay only the on this 1st day of June, 1930. amount of such bond and the J. C. Lindley, treasurer, interest accrued thereon up to 453 City of Vernonia, Ore. Due to Numerous Re- quests we are now serv ing a steak and chop din ner and— A Noon Lunch at t Moderate Prices Birkenfeld t lurks Sandwich Shop The home of Real Chili, Not Bean Soup ? Treliarne TRAD ai goA (ffC L' < it9 r'itw ‘lender Film ■ ■» (GO fDtfh SomuL THE GORILLA HUNT AND FINDING OF STRANGE CREATURES NMKENUY HALF APE HALF HUMAN THE ELEPHANT CHAUGE. LEOPARDS KILLED BY SPEARS. CAPTURE OF 65 FOOT PYTHON CORNERING OF 3 LIONSAND MAULING OF HUNTER.. RINO CHARGE INTO CAMERA i ¿MILLION TURJLLS.... ¿N. AUTHENTIC RECORD OF AFRICAN ADVENTURE/ Your old tires are worth money! We give you full value for the actual mile age Left in them. So make your old tires help yon pay for your new ones during this sale. The gener ous allowance we make on 1 them usually pays a con siderable portion of the pnrcliaee price on brand new heat-tested, speed- tested Ailvertowns. Those old tires are worth more than you 1 think. Bring them in. Get |j ? our prices. ? UM , Mk- The Picture Silrerliiwru! Tested orer the highways of the country. That's why we can pice you facts on mileage instead of vague claims That Is Rocking the World Is Ingagi [gorilla] 'a Sake? Judge for yourself! At Joy Theater Tues, and Wed., July I and 2 Goodrich Silvertowns RIVERVIEW SERVICE STATION Bill Heath Phone X57