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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1930)
Friday, June : 7. 193 Vernonia Eagle, Vemonia, òregoh 5 rs. » Wayne Lapp, So« iety R«t orter Phone 114 crown simply soaked with bor- deaux solution. Then the spray ing must be kept up regularly at least every ten days right through the season. The season of bloom of per may be greatly AT THE HOME OF MRS. E. E. ennial phlox lengthened by cutting them back Mrs. Margaret Dunlap’s 80th J. Kaphammer, Mrs. Murray, KNIGHT that is, removing the flowe; irthday anniversary was the oc- Mrs. G. Rainey, Virgil Mrs. head as soon as the first cro; asion of a gathering of a num- Powell, Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mrs. Plan* Made to Hold Party On i of bloom fades. Never allow >er of her friends at her home Earl Smith, Mrs. Noble Dunlap, July 12 them to go to seed, as practical ist Friday afternoon, the affair Mrs. C. S. Hoffman, Mrs. Sarah The Loyal Gleaners club met ly all seedlings will be worth >eing a complete surprise upon Spencer, Mrs. Lee Hall, Mrs. at the home of Mrs. E. E. Kni less and coming up among the le honored lady. Charles Wilson, and Mrs. Fowler. better named varieties will spoi ght, Wednesday, June 18. Those sending gifts but who Lunch was served by those Plans were made for a “barn the garden effect. /ho ararnged the affair after were unable to attend were, Mrs. Lawley, Mrs. H. E. McGraw and party” to be at the home of Mrs. general social afternoon. Jack Lindsay in Treharne, Sat SENIOR GIRLS MEET Guests attending were, Mrs. Mrs. M. Willard. urday, July 12. Mrs. George Stankey gave a For Get-To-Gether And Go Or. ON GARDEN TOUR home. Floyd Leff is moving his fam very interesting review of “Eup Hike ily here from Beaverton, they horbia”, by Gene Stratton Por Last Wednesday afternoon war lext Tuesday Afternoon; As- will occupy one of Al Riche’s ter, after which the hostess ser the occasion of a get-together ol semble At Hiebers ved refreshments. houses. some of the members of the Members of the Garden club Fred Spooner, Buster Hodges The following members were senior class of 1930 of the Ver- re requested to meet at Hieb- and the Misses Helen and Wil present; Mrs. W. Jackson, Mrs. nonia high school. F. C. Stephens, Mrs. M. L. Her The girls met at the home ol r’s Toggery, Tuesday afternoon ma Kappil of Forest Grove, rin, Mrs. Ray Charlesworth, Mrs. Miss Charlotte Green on the 0. t 2 o’clock, to assemble for made a pleasure trip to Mount he garden tour which has been Hood, Sunday. M. D. Mulkins, Mrs. W. A. Me A. hill and then enjoyed a hike lanned by Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Gilvray, Mrs. George Stankey, out the pavement where thej George Stanton and Roberta Mrs. Jack Lindsay, and Mrs. A.|ca |jetj 1 on their principal, Mrs hairman of the program com- Broden were among those at ------- aittee. C. Hunter. tending the Hilderbrand carni- J. B. Wilkerson. Many beautiful gardens will Val at Vernonia Saturday. The next meeting will be held Later in the afternoon the at t he home of Mrs. George members of the party were serv- e visited, among them being the H. N. Bergin, who has been Stankey, July 17. the “ staying at the W. F. Brlnkmeyer ed strawberries, and cream and ool and rock garden in **• ■ home went to Portland Saturday. cake at the Anderson home. The ireenman garden. Younger Set Entertain Guest* lunch being served on the beach B. Wheeler of Portland ELL COOK BOOK spent some time here Monday. Several of the younger set on the Anderson place. have been entertaining out-of- Those enjoying the afternoor I town guests the past two weeks. were Misses Katherine Hoffman The cook books on which me- I Miss Doris Lichty of Eugene, Dorothy --------- Balcom, , __ Mildred Tous- lbers of the American Legion has been the guest at the Green-, ley, Alberta DeRock, Norma An luxilary have been hard at work man home this past week. Miss derson, ’ Irene ----- • Anderson, and or the past year will be off the Mildred Hawkins returned Lichty and Miss Phoebe Green Charlotte Green. Miss Phoebe •ress shortly. home here, Wednesday of last man were schoolmates at St. Greenman was the guest for th« The books will be on sale week after two weeks visit at afternoon. Helens Hall. the home of Lois Peck at Gas- Vithin the next ten days, Miss Thelma Spencer visited 'he recipes contained in the bo- ton. Miss Ethel Tousley Monday and SHOWER FOR BRIDE ks are all favorite dishes of the Mr. and Mr». Bert Nelson left Tuesday of this week. Miss i number» and their friend». for Port Angel, Wn., last week, Spencer is now living at Rocka Held at Home of Mr. and where Mr. Nelson has a position Mrs way. -fiT* permanent, they will move there Harry Phelp* Miss Merle Mills’ guest for the in the near future. Mrs. past two weeks with Miss Kath-i Completely surprising Maybelle Drorbaugh is getting erine McDonald of Portland. “°e* Roberts (nee Violet ---- Anthony Kilburg and Ed Ber Miss McDonald ilved in Verno- Phelps) a bride of last week ger were in Vernonia for the along nicely after going to Popq- land and having her tonsils re many of her school mates ano nia several years ago. arnival on Saturday. moved. Miss Prudence Paulsen has —. ' friends gathered at the home ol Lynn Burt is visiting his mo Mrs. D. R. Fowler and son been the guest of Miss Selma the bride’s parents, Mr. and Scott for the past three weeks. | Mrs- Phelps, Tuesday her, Mrs. J. Dean at Hood Kenneth of this place went to Miss ~ Paulsen and Misa Scott ' evening. The occasion was a liver, he has been employed in St. Helens and back Thursday were classmates at Oregon State kitchen shower, the bride receiv- Vichita, Kansas, for the past of last week. ing many gifts from her _______ friends. ear, and formerly lived here. Aunt Sally Spencer went to University. Light refreshments were serv Portland Saturday of last week Miss Alberta De Rock of M ist, Timber Loses to Gaston ed during the evening. z to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. has been the guest of Miss Char The baseball game played be- B. Malmsten, who has been in Guests included, Mrs. Everett lotte Green for several days wcen Timber and Gaston last Prickett, Mrs. Loel Hieber, Miss the hospital there for two weeks, this week. unday, was won by Gaston by but is able to be out again. es Marjorie King, Mildred Tous i score of 11 to 20. Care of Perennial Phlox ley, Della Cline, Margaret Ship- Mrs. The batteries for Timber was George Bert Hawkins and Mrs. Hughes, Frances The following article appear ley, Amy motored to Gaston Wed- pitcher, Stanton, ed in the “Oregonian," Wednes Lappe, Charlotte Green, Zelma lyverson, nesday last week, returning atcher. Gaston: Martini, pitch the same of day. day, June 25, and will be of in New, and Macile Roberts. Mrs. Thor Roberts and Miss er, Brostum, catcher. Umpires, terest to garden lovers in Ver Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler is Ethel Tousley sent gifts but Shiffer and Hesacker. nonia. spending a week at the home of were unabje to be present. Perennial phlox has been chos Mr. Nelson of Portland, who the later's sister’s home, Mr. en as the Vernonia flower. will relieve C. A. Chilton is ex- and Mrs. A. J. Kirk at Pleasant Missionary Society Meet During the coming six weeks pect«! any .time to arrive to Hill. The Women ’ s Missionary _r So perennial phlox should be one B. T. Hall of Mist, was call- assume his duties here. ciety of the Christian church of the mainstays of the hardy Mrs. A. W. Kilburg spent Fri ing on friends in this place Sat border. — Fed perennials make a held its regular monthly meet more brilliant show, especially ing June 17, at the home of day and Saturday in Wheeler urday of last week. Bill Rachor and Harold Berry when planted in masses. But Mrs. F. C. Stephens. The topic visiting friends. Mrs. Morse and daughter of Portland, were guests at the much of the success with phlox for discussion was “Missions in Julian were in Portland for a depends on the care given them. Africa.” Mrs. II. Veal was the re-elect few days last Week. They are subject to two pests, Miss Nevada Coady of Marsh one a disease, the blight, and ed president, Mrs. F. C. Ste the other an insect, the red phens, vice president; Mrs. J. L. field, who has been the guest Bpider. This latter is not really Timmons, secretary; Mrs. Ray of LouRhea and Margaret Mc- a spider, but a tiny mite and Charlesworth, treasurer and Mrs. Campbell the past week, return it is especially prevalent in hot E. Knight, chairman of program ed to her home Thursday. C. A. Chilton was honored dry weather. The best remedy is committee for the year. The next meeting will be with with a surprise party Monday to spray with a strong stream evening, prior to his departure from the hose, getting at the Mrs. H. Veal, July 15. for Oakridge, where he will be mite» from the underside of the i Christian Church employed. The evening under and leaves. These same insects are F. Claude Stephens, Minister the direction of Percy McCamp- troublesome at times upon ever Services for Lord’s day in bell and W. E. Gilmore was greens and may be washed off June. 10:00 a.m. Bible school. spent at cards and a gift of a the same wny. The disease that bothers phlox Bring your Bible. 11:00 Divine silver pen and Eversharp pencil of the ' was presented to the honored most is the blight or rust, and Morning Worship. Theme: “ 'The guest. it is a fungus disease. Bordeaux Program of the Church.’ At seven o’clock p.m. Chris Levi Anderson drove to Ver will check it, and the spraying should be started early in the tian Endeavor, interesting pro nonia Friday night to take in spring and kept up regularly gram. 8:00 p.m. Evening services the carnival. Mrs. Rose Kobek of Portland right through the season. Be in song. Theme: “The Church of is staying nt the W. E. Gilmore pure to reach the underside of the New Testament. the foilage as well as the upper surface. Plants that become bad ly blighted may have to he cut back to the ground Loyal Gleaners Meet June 18 Mrs. Margaret Dunlap Celebrates Iler 80th Birthday Anniversary On June 20th ;o Riverview land police were here, will sing Bert Hawkins home over and play. week end. This will be a great service, Mr. and Mrs. Emit Lloyd and be sure and come early. Mrs. Lloyd’s sister visited their G. W. Plumer, pastor. son Jewel, at Camp Clatsop, Sunday, who is in Naval train Sunday School Picnic FOR MEMBERS AT LOCA AT EUGENE THIS WEEK; TO ing there. I The Sunday school of the MASONIC TEMPLE LAST THREE DAYS Mrs. Bud Robbins was called Christian church is to give a to the bedside of her daughter, picnic in the near future, to all Mrs. Bill Mason, at Camp Mc Officer* Of the Eastern Star the Bible school. Customary with the social lif Gregor Monday of this week. With Giri* The place is handy, large, and of the Eastern Star lodge th Elsie Parker spent Sunday at Several officers of the locul is fully equiped for play pur quarterly birthday party wa Camp Clatsop. order of Rainbow Girls and poses. Watch for further an held after the regular meeting h. Misses Mildred and Ida Ma® Eastern Star left yesterday for nouncements of the enjoyable last Wednesday evening — ¡ — n t <.>■_ I Mason,<: Hall. All members who» Hawkins went to Seaside an<* | Eugene to attend the state con- event ----------- ------------ I birthdays were in April, May an< Cannon Beach Sunday. I vention of the Order of Rain Grandma Miller spent last , bow Girls to be held for three AUXILIARY TO MEET, week at the home of Mr. and days during the latter part of birthday cake was the ever pon Mrs. Foust in Vernonia. [the week. Mrs. Virgil Powell entertained ular cake with strawberries* »nt the 1 The following are represent-' Miss Marjorie King of t..~ the members af the American whipped cream. Riverview Mercantile company, ing Vernonia at the ronvention : Legion Auxiliary at the regular I.. «« v, „ Mrs. Green, Mother Ad- E. A. meeting at her home in River-_ J* ,raw, ??rs' Geor returned home Friday from Spo j visor; Christine Rainey, Miss ge Drorbaugh and Mrs. Fred kane, Wn., where she has been view. Monday evening, Wall were the committee in cha visiting relatives for the past Worthy Advisor; Miss Allie Sim- The hostess served a very nice | rge of the evening. I mons, Associate Worthy Advis month. lunch after the business meet-1 or; Miss Nelle Green, Charity, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall visit 1 all officers of the local lodge. ing. ed at the B. T. Hall home at I Miss Charlotte Green holds the Mrs. ... u. McGraw .......... will ..... ile . Agness—Construction of sus- H. E. Mist Tuesday afternoon. | office of Grand Patriotism to hostess at the next meeting on !£®nsl0n I bridge across Rogue IRiver, near here, will start this Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and | which she was appointed last July 14. 'summer. children of this place motored I year ' at the state convention. down to the coast at Seaside, Mrs. F. D. McPherson, Worthy WINS AT “500” PARTY Tuesday of this week. Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star will accompany the At the Homo of Mrs. other members of the party. Opinion of Women Fetsch On O.-A. Hill It Is not easy for men to be open Mrs. Lloyd Baker received Evangelical Church and aboveboard with women be The Sunday school hour is high score at 500 at the home cause women have declined to be of Mrs. Paul Fetsch on the O. open and aboveboard with them 9:45 a.m. Be on time. selves.—Arthur Stringer, author of The pastor will have as his A. hill last Thursday afternoon. “Cristina and I.” After the play of cards the Pi'oor to subject at 11:0,0 a.m. “Poor hostess served a light luncheon. Rich.” Make Rich. Wasted Energy Guests included Mrs. Dan Nel- The young people’s time is “To worry over small things," 17:00 p.m. The pastor will speak son, M rs. Virgil Powell, Mrs. said Hl Ho. the sage of Chinatown, “Is to waste the energy you might i on “ Why Do Away With the Milton Throstrude and Mrs. L. wish to reserve for some truly Im 18th Amendment? at 8:00 p.m. E. Stephens of Westimber. portant en terprise.” — Wash I n gt on As a very special at the even- even Stir. I ing _ service, Betty Jane Single-1 Contract awarded for grading ton, who sang when the Port- Heppner-Spray road. Eastern Star Holc^Partj To Attend Convention limber >> The Vernonia Eagle offers advertisers the best circulation coverage of the Nehalem valley of any publication in existence. — If you could buy advertising space in the leading Portland daily for the Eagle’s price per inch, it would be worth less than one-fourth as much. Reliability Economy Ford Meets with the Public's your Sound a reville to arounse sleeping business to action. There is an army of economy seekers ready right now to file in and respond to the advertiser who calls them to “attention.” » h’ Service Ready Now! ror Summer ENJOY™«/ There are lot of places to go—and there’s lot of true summer fun ahead for those who are properly equipped. For them our supply of sporting goods is adequate to meet every de mand for quality and price. Throughout the Nation Ford cars are leading in sales over any other best material used each part—makes New Ford an ideal NEW LOW FORD PRICES Make your auxilliary forces the commanding illustrations and forceful copy at your disposal without cost, in THE MEYER BOTH ADVERTISING SER VICE for July. Here now. > Come in or call for de monstration Cameras from $1.00 ami up Armitrge r Drug Co. Motor Co. Ford Dealer Vernonia Eagle