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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1930)
1 DernoJ Village Mail Delivery on July 1; Install Your Mail Box Today. ss E agl Library, I) Q , Longview Rolleo, Timber Events You’ll Always Remember, Aug. 8-9 Vernonia. Oregon Friday, June 27, 2930 Volume 8 Well Known LEAGUE Singer Will Appear here T O MEET J Number 47. Start Work ATTEND C. OF C. MEET Ray D. Fisher, Washougal Publisher, Buys Vernonia New Bridge Eagle from Mark E. Moe Next Weekl New Owner and Editor Former Professor At Wil- GETS A_PROMOTION;Hindu Jg A. G. Greenburg Is New Man At an excellent arranged pro gram, the Seaside Chamber of ager at Seaside Commerce were hosts to mem A. G. Greenburg, assistant un- A meeting of the Columbia bers of the Lower Columbia As der C. C. Clay, manager of the county taxpayers league will be sociated Chambers of Commerce Standard Oil company of this held in the court house in St. the Hotel Seaside, last Friday at city, has been appointed mana Helens Saturday afternoon of During the afternoon mem- ger of the Standard Oil plant this week, beginning at 2 o’clock. bers attended the salt making at Seaside, Oregon. This is the first regularly sche Be Associated lamette University; Moe To Spending Vacation Here; duled meeting of the organiza Portland Firm Gets Con at the Lewis and Clark Salt Mr. / Greenburg has been a Sheriff And Marshal On Cairn, near the beach, where With Brother on The Hood River Glacier.1 Standard Oil employee for the tion since the permanent or the famous explorers made their Man Hunt 24 Hours * Guests Of Relatives tract For $12,785 past five years. ganization was effected in April. i.alt from the ocean over 125 Ray D. Fisher former editor and Sidney Ratcliffe and Ernest The organization now has a — years ago. and publisher of The Washougal Nanson will also be retained. paid membership of GO and the Buys Cleaning Plant A delegation from Vernonia i (Washington) Recard, purchas- Lee Schwab will remain with meeting Saturday promises to were present and attended the Tom II. King of Albany, who ' ed the Vernonia Eagle yester- the Eagle for two issues more, ret several matters under way ______ • i hoard of governors meeting in I day from M. E. Moe. until Mr. Fisher gets his bus has been in the cleaning and which will ultimately result in the afternoon. new owner, who received iness affairs straightened up at pressing business in that city, Waiting for Stage at Tre- benefit to the taxpayers of the Well Known as Singer Over Contractors rromise to Give During the banquet, the well his The has purchased the Vernonia journalistic training in the, Washougal, county. harne When Arrested By KOIN During School Local Labor Chance | known Seaside high school girls’ j University of Oregon, has resid- : The new editor and publisher, l Cleaning and pressing establish- Similar organizations are be- band entertained the visitors. 1 ed in this state for 36 years. | whose paper at Washougal was ment from P. Paulus, the early Phelps and Monger Period ng perfected in several sections Where Possible Longview rolleo girls provided . . | Mr. Fisher formerly taught at regarded as one of the best part of this week. of the country looking to an Mr. King will be open for an.. Sin't Willamette University, as profes- weeklies in the state, should Since she has been six years equalization of the tax burden. Kuckcnberg, Whittman com some excellent dancing Throughout the day Wednes their hjgtoyy an(j economics and bring the Vernonia Eagle for business tomorrow. old, Betty Jane Singleton has Such an organization is now fun pany of Portland with offices ing, advertising held 10 eo a sQr day posses lead by Sheriff Oscar Longview to be ugu« a|gQ taught, jn the Eugene and ward as one of the best weeklies M. O. W. TO PICNIC Weed and Harry Phelps, were appeared before the public, sing ctioning in Cowlitz county, Wn. at the Board of Trade building , . McMinnville high schools, head on the coast, even higher than I All members and others inter- were the low bidders on Rock and 9. ing and dancing and is well searching the countryside look who E. R. Palmer, has been of the EngUsh department. known to radio fans throughout ■■sted are urged to be present at creek bridge at a special ses |it3 present status, where it is Sunday, June 29, At the Parker ing for B. S. Buttre, Hindu who sen at Seaside living along the j Mrs. Fisher, with her three- included as one of the ten se- the northwest where she sings •he meeting in St. Helens Sat sion of the county court last formerly worked for the Oregon Ranch many years and has an ex year-old daughter, will arrive lected Oregon Weeklies, over KOIN every evening dur- urday. Saturday, when contracts for two for I The M. O. W. and their American Lumber company and cellent pair of lunes, unusually within the next few weeks to M. E. Moe, who has been as- ing school term. concrete bridges were awarded. long-winded, read and told his who fired three shots from a seriated with the Eagle since friends will picnic Sunday, June small pistol at Bill Singh, a Spending her vacation with BREEDERS’ TO MEET Seven bids were received for audience of the Lewis and Clark make her home in this city. 29, on the Parker ranch lo and 1926, will go Mr. Fi. her will be editor to Hood River to her uncle Virgil Drorbaugh and each job, one bridge over Mil- countryman, striking him in the xpedition. family, in this city, she has been old Portland 1 An address by Major General also handle the advertising end be associated with his brother, cated one-holf mile west of neck, back and leg • early Wed- The Columhia county Hols- ton • creek on the .. v .. e Pittsburg. Those attending are Roger, who is editor of the flooded with invitations to ap tein Breeders’ association will road near the city limits of St. „ „ ' , . r i of the publication. nesday morning. . . A kt r>- pear and entertain with her re hold its annual meeting and pic- „ Helens going to O. N. Pierce ol r Wm. ,. G. , r Evorson, , , T> chief . of the ■ F. II. Veith, who was associat- Hood River Glacier, a newspaper requested to bring their basket Singh was taken to St. Vin- ' of lunch. oap r» 11 c* n *i i r National Guard Bureau at Wash- markable sweet voice, singing nic Saturday of this week, at 206 Russell St., Portland, for . , « i«,; by j cd with Mr. Fisher in Washou- which has been managed by the cent’s hospital Wednesday, in a • ( ington, D. C., was conceded gal, will be engaged in the me- boys' father for the past 25 such songs as has won for her the Fair Grounds, at Deer Is- $4481. critical condition. 1i':>‘’c present orc of the most many admirers in radioland. Several early risers saw But- The Rock creek bridge con inspiring addresses ever heard I chanical department of the Eagle years. land. Yesterday as the guest of Ver tre rushing down Bridge street Lewis Snider, president of the tract was awarded to the lowest at their m< ctings. nonia Chamber of Commerce, association, has requested all bidder Kuckenberg and Whitt-1 about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, fol POWER AT TIMBER WINS GOLF MATCH Betty Jane entertained the bus Holstein breeders and their fam man. their bid being $12,785,' The next quarterly meeting I lowing the shooting scrap, tear- held at Rainier in Scp- will be iness men with several selections ilies attend at that time. i ing across towards the HyVan while other bids were from t ember. New Plant Furnishing Power To Sunday at Local Course From of songs, singing “Aint-Cha,” hotel and entering fields owned $13,500 to $15,00,0. The Rock following resolution was Several DIRECTOR FOR FIVE YEAR Forest Hills and “When You’re Smiling” by Mr. Van Blaricom. creek bridge will replace the old 1 The Snd was extended a standing in TERM FOR HI SCHOOL What the fight started over Vernonia Golf club made up steel bridge, the new bridge to passed and approved: Timber, June 25.—The new vitation to attend the chamber Whereas, the thirty-third legis- power plant at Timber has start with a fifteen man team defeat no one seems to know, the men be 145 feet in length with a a 1-...... meeting when ever in this city ,ulus with sufficient volt- ed the Forest Hills golf club at Pioneer Of 27-foot roadway and a 5-foot L ____ b.tive assembly of the state of v(j ed upcrl operating Nehalem Valley appeared to "have been on friend by president J. C. Lindley. ly terms the previous day. | Oregon in February, 1 1925, ,nge furnish a portion of the the local course last Sunday sidewalk on each side. Since 1885 Saturday evening Miss Betty Buttre was captured by Har morning by a score of 26 to 19. Reached by phone Monday adopted House Joint Memorial Timber business district. A. R. Melis of Mist was with ry Phelps and Monger, Thurs will be the guest of Jack Bush, OUTLINED Following the game the local CARD LOOKS evening at his home in Portland . •'j T o • - A 13, which was addressed to Homes in the Westimber and out any opposition elected a di- manager of the Joy theatre, ap- GOOD TO FANS Henry A. Kuckenberg told t..._ The . Hie Honorable Senate and House Timber district hope to be f ur_ , club was host to the visitors rector for a five year term for day morning at Treharne, while waiting for a stage. pearing for both performances of the United i nished power within the next most of whom live at Forest Eagle that where possible bis I , of Representatives — Union high school district No. Alice Blue Gown, ” and singing “ ...... ~ ' j of America in Congress two weeks. Grove to a banquet served at firm would hire all local labor, i States 1, at the election held Monday, “Aint-Cha,” “When You’re Smil- Swede Nelson and Spud Murphy the only importation of labor Arcadia park. muur u.i as assembled, which memorial pet- where only a small majority of OPEN BEAUTY SHOP Featured in Main Go ing,” and will probably do some would be ‘ that of itioned Congress to enact legis- Last Sunday ’ s game will be he could see t____ __ _ fancy dancing if the manage A smoker to be held tonight, skillful labor, probably handling lation naming the Pacific Ocean , the last tournament played this the voters went to the polls. Mr. Melis, who was the choice In Cherry Tree Apartments; Friday, June 27, at the Ameri the steel construction and some end of the street known as ment requests her to. summer and the big event of of the voters in Vernonia and Owned By Mrs. R. A. Space Sunday evening the young can Legion hall under the aus J concrete work, I Broadway in the city of Sea- Aixrnul JI ‘111/1 Q ,he season will be the Ame- upper Nehalem for director has Mrs. R. A. Space will open a O dllU ^(rican Legion tournament, at Iside, Clatsop county, Oregon, as radio singer will appear at the pices of the Vernonia Boxing Evangelical church, where she Commission, will show three lo j Actual construction on the . the end of the Lewis & Clark which several trophies will be resided in the Nehalem valley beauty shop, in room one, at j bridge will start next week, ac- since 1885 and is probably one SECOND ANNUAL EVENT TO offered for different flights. the Cherry Tree apartments, in has been invited to sing and cal boys featured in the main, I cording to Mr. Kuckenberg who (Trail; and that, the Government of the best known and most charge of Miss Edith Bailey, render several selections. LAST FOR 2 DAYS semi-windup and special events. j is in this city today. [of the United States erect a popular farmers in the Mist ter- who was recently connected with “That Wonderful Mother of Roy (Swede) Nelson, in a I suitable memorial at or near ritory. the Annette Beauty shoppe. Mine” and ‘“Your Mother and six round event will be pitted said pl; co in commemoration of' Many From Vernonia Plan To The new director has in the The new shop will be equip Mine,” will be two of the songs against Spud Murphy. the patriotic work of the Lewis Attend Affair past years been a leader in ped to handle all kinds of to be sung by Betty Jane at Nelson recently fought a & Clark expedition. famous high The worlds such activities for the good of beauty culture, with the latest draw with Kentworth at Port- the church. Whereas, to date there ap- bridge,' over the Columbia, the valley, and has been active machines being installed. Since singing over the radio, land, and is again being sought j >> > parentlv has not been any defin- which is the main attraction for in Grange affairs. Betty Jane Singleton has sang for a return battle in the Rose |ite action taken by Congress to thousands of tourists, will have The Melis farm is located one NEW STORE, TIMBER from the broadcasting studios City. Helen Stranahan of Hood Riv j enact such desired legislation. competition Friday nnd Satur er, grand chief of the Pythian mil(‘ west o{ Mist on the Mi»t- of the Cohn Brothers company, In a six round semi-windup, Whereas the members of the Members of the American Le day, August 8 and 9, when Birkenfeld road. Lipman Wolffe, Star Furniture Lee Davis, fast and clever local Owned and Operated By Joe Columbia Associated Longview will in even a more Sisters attended the Pythian company and sang with the Jour boxer, will battle Johnny Snell gion Auxiliary, W. R. C. Ameri- Lower Sisters meeting Wednesday even- Wheeler Chambers of Commerce repre- elaborate manner than last year, , ing • nal juniors. of Portland. Snell will be re I can Legion, and relatives and on an official visit. uric urtiu i</» trit- thc;r Rolleo. Timber, June 26.—The new C. ’ For the past two years she membered by those attending friends of Mrs. Emma Weed senting 24 communities in Ore- I With Mrs. Stranahan was Rose tv n x-v , zn > H. Wheeler store opened for has appeared steady before the the boxing game in Vernonia, gathered at the Weed home yes- gan and Washington, assembled i Guy L. Anderson, ] president Sarington, Grand M. of R. & C. business at Timber Monday at Seaside, Oregon, this 20th ■ terday in honor of one of the of the Longview Chamber present as a clever ambitious boxer mber of of Portland. —£_ "mike” until at the morning in a new building es time she is one of the best who fought Johnny LaCruz, and • Nehalem valley’s beloved pion- , day of June, 930„ are giving' Commerce insists that Long- j ' preceding the meeting, Mrs. Pev. K. C. Prinzing, who has pecially constructed for the firm. known of younger singers on several others a year ago, Snell cers, who was celebrating her, snecial recognition to the Lewis view’s first attempt of a Rolleo m . D. Cole gave a dinner ad With a large stock of general & Clerk Expedition in Oregon. ' last year, which was witnessed })er home for visiting officers been head of the local Full Gos winning all fights he engaged i 69th birthday. the Pacifis doast. pel Tabernacle for the past year, merchandise the store is in in at the local arena. | Legionnaires of Vernonia post | Now therefore be it resolved , by over 15,000. people, will be of the grand lodge. Joe Magoff, who has shown presen ted Mrs. Weed with a that we recommend to the Hon Ibut a minature affair compared. Mrg Thelma Peebly was in- during which term his congrega charge of Don Williams and W. such remarkable improvement, large birthday cake containing orable W. C. Hawley, Represen Ito the rolleo planned for this ¡tinted and Mrs. Rose Fletcher tion built a new church, will A. Kilburg. leave next week for Evangelis Mr. Williams formerly worked as a skillful boxer in the past • 69 small candles with best tative of the First Oregon Dis August. transferred into the local lodge. tic work throughout the north in this city, for the Vernonia six months will be featured in i wishes from the Legion pont trict. nnd to the Honorable Chas. Log _ rolling, tug of war, danc- , ¡ Several gifts were preserved Market & Grocery. L. McNary and the ollnorable ing, parades, a l ruled over by to Mrs. Stranahan and gifts to west. a special four round event, his and its members, Rev. M. B. Hickson of Ever Frederick Steiwer, United States opponent, not yet named at the A large bouquet of beautiful Paul Bunyon, with a Pauline Mrs. Tom Crawford who is leav- ett, Wash., has been assigned as time the paper went to press. flowers were presented to the Senators from Oregon, that they Bunyon contest staged in the ling for Klamath Falls. DEFEATS TOLEDO TEAM BY minister of the church. Considerable agitation is voic- pioneer by members of the Aux- ! immediately take action to bring evening will pep the rolleo up Others at the dinner tendered SCORE OF 18 TO 9 Rev. Prinzing recently return ed by those who faithfully pat-1 iliary and members of the W. to proper consummation the leg- for the two d ly celebration. to officers by Mrs. Cole were an{j islation necessary to cause the ed from Tacoma, where he at ronize the boxing game in Ver-|R. C. presented flowers :...J I-ois Stranahan, a daughter of What the roundup means to Will Play Aitoria Team Next nonia on account of long inter- j many presents to the eelebrater desired memorial to be erected Mrs. tended a conference of the Full Pendleton, the Rolleo will bring Mrs. Helen Stranahan, vals between smokers, and an who is a member of their or- at Seaside, Oregon. — Sunday I Georgia Smith, Mrs. Dan Brown, Gospel churches of the north Longview, for although only one And that the secretary of this NEW STORE WELL ATTENDED Mrs. J. ~ P. McDonald and Mrs. west. Vernonia baseball team de- effort is under way to use pres- ganization. organization be instructed to ac event has been staged, the pub James i Nanson. ON OPENING DAY feated the Toledo team last Sun- sure on the boxing commission licity received, was world wide, Work On Jewell Road cordingly bring these resolutions day at the local baseball dia- and matchmaker to have smok- when newsreel and movietone Birkenfeld, June 26. — The 1 to the attention of the Honor least twice ers in Vernonia at mond by a score of 18 to 9. VISIT SCHOOLS Johnson and Hansen Construc To Hold Style Show Saturday worked for hours registering TO able gentlemen mentioned. The feature of the game was a month. every event. Morning 10. to 11 A. M. tion company purchased a large preliminary Several other Passed by Resolutions Com- Hawkins’ home run in the fifth Members of the Vernonia County Superintendent Now On caterpillar last week, which will The new J. C. Penney store ' mittee, G. Clifford Barlow, inning which brought in Shorty bouts are promised for tonight, Vacation be used in clearing and grading was open to the public yesterday l chairman, Warrenton, Oregon. Chamber of Commerce plan on Laird who was resting on first and the card looks promising. attending the celebration in a morning. Directors, Miss Elizabeth C. Murray, the new road to Jewell. I Passed by Board of base. or the eighth body either on The general public had an op county school superintendent, A large gas shovel will be in At a meeting of the American Seaside, Oregon, June 20, 1930. < Hawkins’ home run was the city from this ninth, the drive (Columbia county) is spending use within —..... - the _ nert ___ week ____ and portunity of visiting the new Legion Tuesday evening, Com first of the season on the local and Btore, its modern facilities and her vacation, again this year, work is being speeded up. mander Connie Anderson ap- ARE MARRIED FRIDAY can he made in one hour diamond, also the first in four thirty minutes. new stock. visiting various normal schools1 pointed a committee to take years in a regular league game, The Penney store occupies the charge of constructing a dam in in the interest of the Junior the home run hit, was over elft At Local St. Mary* Church; new Charles T. Early building on Red Cross organization, especial field and cleared the fence by TO VISIT JOHN JACOB ASTOR Rock creek for a swimming hole Many at Wedding the corner of Third and Bridge ly emphasizing exchange of cor for the kiddies and others in EXPERIMENT STATION ten or fifteen feet. streets especially built for the Louise Schmidlin of Brauns, respondence with foreign schools. Vernonia. Next Sunday, Vernonia jour Penney concern. Her itinerary includes Eastern In its program of community daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. neys to Astoria for a game with To Meet At Astoria Hotel At PORTLAND CIRLi BOTH TO The furnishings throughout Oregon Nermal School, La welfare, the local Legion post Schmidlin and Antone Smejkal, the salmon snatchers. GRADUATES OF O. S. C. 9:45 A. M. the store are attractive. plans to construct the dam and who reside near Buxton were “Ingagi,” the sensational film Grande; College of Puget Sound, Astoria has been defeated by Next Monday, June 30, the The importance of Vernonia as Bellingham Normal its fullest aid towards civic married last Friday at St. Marys of African wild life which is Tacoma; the home club several weeks annual Columbia county farmer's give j church in this city by Rev. causing much comment through- School, Bellingham; Southern Leave For Madison, Wis., Where a trading center is beleived by improvements. ago by a score of 3 to 2. excursion to the John Jacob As many to have increased, with the Clancy, of St. Helens. out the country and over which Oregon Normal School, Ashland; Hoffman Will Teach tor Experiment station, at As addition of the new store. Many friends of both fam- a controversy is now raging re Chico Normal School, Mt. Shas The road grader was at work Robert M. Hoffman, son of MANY HERDS TESTED toria, will be made, where we , on the county road Monday and' ilies attended the wedding cere- garding the authenticity, will ta, Calif., and Teachers' College, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman of The store is managed by C. G. will view the crops which are, i Tuesday. monies. show at the Joy theatre in this San Francisco. this city, arrived home Friday Whitlock, who came here from Nineteen herds were tested being grown there to furnish | 'city Tuesday and Wednesday of She will be accompanied on with his bride, the former Miss Longview after serving six years for contagious abortion in Co feed for dairy cattle. These in ! next week, July 1 and 2. this trip by Miss Winifred Gra-| Kathryn Brock, daughter of Mrs. with the Penney concern in the lumbia county, by Dr. F. G. Ran clude different varieties of vetch 1 | So startling is the film “In ham, who is previate secretary _ Leona ___ _ R. Brock of Portland, Washington Industrial city. Mr. Whitlock is well pleased kin last week, which included hay, Austrian Winter peas, Lad-1 gagi,” which means Gorilla, that to C. A. Howard, superintendent! Oregon, herds in the Scappoose, Warren, ino clover for pasture and a j I many have labeled the picture of public instruction. I The couple were quietly mar. with his new store and impressed I wish to announce the sale of the Verno Rainier and Delena districts, large number of varieties of a fake. “The picture is authen They will also visit the State' rie(i at 4 o’clock Friday in the with this city as a trading center nia Eagle to Ray D. Fisher, who will take pos This makes nearly 50 herds, with root crops. tic,” is the word of its produ- Department of Education at presence of a few relatives. The for the Nehalem Valley. Personnel for the opening in I cers. “It’s a fake” is the like Sacramento. a total of about 850 cows test- One of the important experi session July 1. I sincerely hope that Mr. Fisher, ' marriage was performed by Dr. cludes, Manager Whitlock: Mrs. ments being carried on are the ed by Dr. Rankin. i emphatic statement from others. who is an experienced newspaper man of prov The Junior Red Cross of Co ’ W. S. Gordon, pastor of the Mt. are fertilizer experiments of all i Additional applications “I do not know if it is a fake lumbia county, of which Miss Tabor Methodist Episcopal church R. A. Space, charge ready to en ability, will receive the same moral support now coming in for another test kinds to show their effect on j or not,” said Jack Bush, man- Murray is chairman, is recogniz at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Hoff wear department; Dumas Enrick, and these herds will be tested the production of these crops. 1 1 ager and owner of the Joy thea ed as one of the most outstand man left Tuesday morning for cashier and floor salesman who and hearty cooperation that has been accorded as soon as enough applications You will have the opportunity tre. ‘.There is reason to believe ing in its accomplishments. The ' Madison, Wisconsin, where they has been connected with the Pen the publisher and employes of Eagle during my to see which combination of fer are in to make the t$st- that it is not a fake and per work is three-fold in its purpose: will make their home. They plan ney company for three years at four years here. All those who wish their cat tilizers gives the best results sonally I doubt that it is.” But, Health, community service andito visit the Yellowstone Nation Kelso. Lyle Ellis, of Vernonia to Our passing out of the picture is not with tle tested for contagious abor for the expense incurred to ap- ! of course the Joy theatre is not exchange of correspondence with al park and to spend a few days work as salesman on floor; L. tion should send their applica- ply them. a party to this controversy. We foreign countries. out regret in leaving the town Mrs. Moe and I in Chicago en route. A. Lamphear who will assist for county tions either to the ' didn’t produce the picture and All who plan to attend this have affectionately called “home,” i and the loss They left Tuesday morning. It Both Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman opening, is connected with the J. agent’s office or to Dr. Rankin. CAVjiaiun unless we had done so, we could vue coun- leave the excursion oiiuuiu should iv«>c of the association with the many friends we are graduates of Oregon State C. Penney company at Kelso. These applications must be in ty _ _ ¡n ______________ not make a definite statement, will be a three weeks trip. time to arrive ___ at the As- college, where Mrs. Hoffman Miss Charlotte Green saleslady he continued. "We are therefore ahead of time in order to have I tÓria Hotel by 9:45 a.m. At 10 have made while here. Charlor Sundland Nearly was a member of Phi Kappa on floor ;Miss Dorothy Holtham leaving this phase of the picture the test made, as it is voluntary o’clock we will leave for the We shall always take pride in mentioning Finger Phi, all school scholastic honor saleslady on floor;and R. A. Tay | entirely up to the judgement of and can only be made for those station which is located four for during Vernonia and the Nehalem valley, Mist, June 26—Charles Sund- fraternity and Sigma Kappa, so lor, manager of the Longview | the people who care to see it.” who apply for it. , miles southeast of Astoria. In- Mi.t cial sorority. Mr. Hoffman is a Penney store who will be here I do know this, however, he land, proprietor of the our stay here we have seen the district develop | spection of the station will be-1 said, “that it is as amazing and garage was injured last Satur- member of Phi Lambda Upsilon, for the first few opening days. Fined *25 At Clatskanie gin at 10:30 a.m. and grow commercially, in population, and in Ladies who will appear in the startling a picture as one could day, when a car he had been honor fraternity in chemistry Bring a basket lunch, which Lloyd Gibson of Wauna was civic improvement. We shall always like to feel working on at the garage lost and Sigma Phi Epsilon, social style showing Saturday morning hope to see.” fined *25 before Judge Freeman can be eaten in the grove at one of its fan blades while the fraternity. Mr. Hoffman is now between the hours of 10:00 A.M that we have played no small part in that de at Clatskanie, June 22, fqr the Experiment Station, where1 State highway commission hood was up, striking Sundland’s a member of the teaching staff and 11:00 A. M. are Miss Mae- hunting and fishing without a tables are provided. After lunch ! velopment. at the University of Wisconsin ille Roberts, Miss Zelma New, ,will open bids June 26, for hand and cutting a finger. we will continue the inspection I license. MARK E. MOE. Several stitches were neces and is doing research work for Miss Allie Simmons, and Mra. highway improvement projects in 'Ta station, which will be be 1 • Gibson was arrested by game of * the a doctor’s degree in chemistry. Betty Roberts. sary to save the finger. 111 counties of the state. warden Wm. Brown. ‘ completed at about 3 o’clock. ( Saturday Afternoon at the Court House at St. Helens Sing at Theater Shot Here Wednesday i Use Local Caught Labor Thursday Melis Elected H. S. Director Hold Smoker Here Tonight Longview Rolleo Many at Mrs. fFeed's Firth ddV I flCFP i ' Grand Pythian Sisters Officers Visit Vernonia !\ew Head for the Fllll Gositel (Jturcll Wins Game Here Sunday Penney Store Holds Opening Legion W ill Construct Dant For Swimming Annual Farmers’ Excursion 30lli Ingagi, the Film of Doubt, Io be Shown Announcement Robert HofTmail Married Friday