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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1930)
uoftojQ ‘iiiuou.ia.\ Friday, June 20, 1930 biuoujoa her school came up from Tigard' business visitors in Clatskanie Verstîèg L‘. ’ W. Kern are ill with whoop- W ednesday. over Sunday. ' cough. Grove Satur-iing Chas. Melis, Earl Knowles T. Burgin Mr. and Mrs. B. had R. Dudrow _______ I. ( Hr. and Mrs. and two children of Portland1 and Bernard Dowling were Ver- King and sons as their Sunday guests Mr. and (-4. F spent Sunday with Mrs. Burgin’s I nonia visitors on Sunday. 1 and Thursda; Mrs. Schmidt of Portland, arents here, they are on their1 We.tlv c« Westly Duke was a caller at1 Ml V Gladys Walters and Jimmie Forest Grove. I the Grover Devine home one way to the Seaside beaches. Ingalls were visiting in Portland Visit Ripple, Oregon County Official Paper Ray Simeton, postmaster at I' ¡.day last week. . Carl Kern uud D. U. Eng- Sunday. Leavenworth, Wash., is visiting Mrs. John Schlippey was a Member of National Editorial Florence Christian came down MO.’JllUSlWflli THU FRI S IN Assn, and Oregon State Edit laud went to Ripple, Ore., Wed from Cochran Saturday evening this week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clatskanie visitor on Friday. nesday to visit v» e^l Oregon’s I Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis orial Assn. and returned Sunday morning. I Brinkmeyer. Mrs. Ray Elliott of Foss, stop-!went to Yamhill Sunday to visit iuniucr Gimp and io see Harry Mr. ¿and Mbs. John Connel of w oodiord. Hillfbirro were Sunday visitors I ped over between trains Friday. wMr. Melis’ brother. — f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banzer Lillian Englund who has bean Julianne, daughter of - Mrs. H. at the Clyde Harris home. attenuing acnooi in Foniund is England and A. Morse fell out of a tree and were Vernonia visitors Saturday. Al Love, John — Reed Holding was a Clatska home lor the summer. Ed Lindstrom were fishing on injured her knee quite badly last nie business visitor one day last Air. and ivlrs. Jack Davis and the Salmonberry river Sunday. week. family ol 1‘uiUaiid were week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke week. Mr. and Ms. Ed Lindstrom Pacific Coast Representatives Miss Bertha Holding visited end guests ol Jtr. and Mrs. V. and two children of Mountain and Margaret Elliott motored to Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. Wednesday with Mrs. Grovel U. Dav is. | Forest Grove, Saturday. and Mrs. dale. Ore., visited Mr. San Francisco Devine. Mrs. Sheffield of Portland is Al Love Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O’Brien Mr. Phillips wired the Austin with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern Clyde Harris went to Pnrt- Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. G. $2.00 Per Year in Advance for' a visit, Mrs. Sheffield is land Saturday, he was accom Kelley of Dayton, Wash., are Dowling residence this week for I ss u e <1 Every Friday the electric light service. Mrs. Kern’s mother. panied home by his wife and the guests of J. G. Kelley. Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers John Mulford and son J Ray Lou Rhea McCampbell is as office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. spent Saturday and Sunday ’ at darghter, who have been staying sisting at the post office here, motored to Portland Thursday there for a few days. Wn. Quite a number of Westimber and took in the Rose Festival, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe Advertising rates—Foreign, 20c per inch; local, 28c per inch: their home in VaAcouver, Joe Winans and his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neville people were here for the school returning home that evening. legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding Mrs. Davis from Vernoni^l Mrs. Vida Winans drove to drove to Vernonia Saturday to election Monday evening. insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c._______________ Longview to spend the week call on Mrs. Leonard Johnson. There will be a ball game be was through the village Satur PUBLISHER MARK E. MOF end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mrs. M. Kern and daughter tween Timber and Gaston at day with some ladies’ coats for ............ EDITOR I.EE SCHWAB sale. Winans, who are located there, of Portland are visiting in Chi- Westimber Sunday. Mr. Melis and son Richard Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nevi.le cago, they are the mother and The road has been oiled be- Even those loyal supporters of defeated candidates! and children of Portland, were were in the Rose city last Thurs tween Timber and Westimber. sister of L. W. Kern and Carl Miss Macile Roberts of the day attending the Rose Festival. in the May primaries are dubious of having one of them I week end guests of Mrs. Ne Kern. Hugh Cox has bloodpoison in ville ’ s si.;ter and brother in-law, The Southern Pacific notified Vernonia Eagle was here on named as the republican candidate for governor in the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe. ,his hand- which necessitates his all mills in which it placed or business Saturday. November election. Mrs. Kathryn Belser of Port- K°in,i. to Clatskanie daily for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Booiq- ders that no ties would be ac The sentiment for Joseph, which was growing hower and Mr, and Mrs. Earl cepted by them until after. July land called on friends Friday dr^s'nK'- Mrs.* and ~ " L .E. McGee and her Saturday. stronger each day, proved beyond a doubt that he would Startup visited relatives near j " - daughter, Mrs. Carl Enneberg, 1 Salem, Sunday. Mrs. Russel Burt, El- j Mr. arid have been Oregon’s next governor. j and son were Clatskanie shop- S. D. Smith of the Paoific mer Burt and Leonard Nelson ' pers on Saturday. roast inspection bureau of Port- spent the week end at Hood Freddie Turner from Clatska- Baseball here Sunday and all that is needed to com- land, was here on business last . River with relatives and friends Mrs. Wm. Keaton and her „„ . nie is visiting at the home of plete a perfect machine is our good team, fine diamond, wc¡t‘1k’ L. Ruot and family were ■ over the week end. sister, Mrs. Maxwell left Mon- his aunt, Mrs. L. E. McGee on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore Son«i<lo “" the ,,la “ Burn u“l> ‘ and'dav ---• •_ for ? easid? a felv "7 days and good turnout. in Portland Sunday to see Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. P Dygert and sojourn down by the waves. Root, who is convalescing at the daughter Lorraine motored to I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgcrs I Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Schlip- py were Vernonia movie visit s ly .pital, following yernonja Satuday evening. Times cannot lie so hard, judging from the number St. \ incent ...................................... were Sunday night dinner guests ors Monday evening. ,la recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Kern were in of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. of newlyweds so far this month. The young laugh at| Mr. and Mis. Ziiniu E'.lia and po-rtland Sunday and Mrs. B. Rachiel and small son - ___ _________ I were the Miss Olga Holmstrom spent ualllOT „ tales of those who relate struggles covering a period of'family of Newberg, visited Mr. guests of ... Walter were down from Mr. and ■ - Mrs. B. E- the latter part of last week in James Vernonia ----------- i Visiting her mother, many years. Love, fortified by youth, hearkens to no'and Mrs. Dave Ellis over thc Sheffield. ¡Portland. Mrs. Reynolds a few days last I week end. I Warren Smith and Harold tales of hard times. Mrs. Ernest Lane was a mo- week, __ I Mrs. Clarence Wilson and 1 kpr Ferloak took a trip to Portland | Miss Alberta DeRock took mother, Mrs. L. F. Brown went and Oregon City, Sunday. I torist to Seaside Tuesday. Medford, who have been visit- to Salem Supday. j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clevenger' Mr .and Mrs. Earl 1” 11". charge of the Smith central office ing Mr. and Mrs. George King: Mr. and ir\ Ear! Startup drove to Forest Grove Monday. from Vernonia were visitors nt while > ____ Miss ______ Holmstrom was in and family returned to their I and two children the Dave McMullin home Sun- Portland last week, Dora and Paint New Sign Surprise Party day. home Saturday. Dean of Ellensburg, Wash, were I A delightful surprise party Mrs. John Ah'gren of Strea- guests this week end of Mr.' Carl Kern has contracted to Miss Alberta DeRock spent Highway between Coquille and the was given Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren tor, ill., is the guest of her son paint a 32-foot sign for Sunday at the Dave McMullin Bandon will be oiled this sum- Startup’s sister, Mrs. Wallace* I Timber Mercantile company, Friday, the occasion being Mrs. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and home, visiting the Boomhower. McMullin, mer. .1.... 'fhC aftcr. i J. B. Wheeler and Mr. Burke girls. Ahlgron • ’a Ll-.u birthday, Mrs. A. C. Ahlgrcn. Mr.and Mrs. I Diamond Lake-Dalles-Califor- i. Malthof wpre borg Monday from Port- spent socially and a noon was i • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Koeni / nnd children spe The interior of the Lutheran nia highway will be surveyed by --- — — — .e»zl F;und.ay in ]and. delii,'ous lunch was served. The and family and Mr. and Mrs. _ a ___ ___ J. R. Sargent, engineer for Fed ¡Vernonia, also en new coat Art G. A. Thompson, who are Mesdames, " a I’lcn'c i Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren church is receiving guests were here dinner.’ eral Bureau of Public roads. jand daughter Mary Ellen spent of paint. Laird, I). C. England, L. E. visiting from Corvallis, spent I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rockwell, Sunday in 1 Forest Grove. Mrs. L .B. Eastman was a Ashland—Paving of Winburn Stephens, W m. Gartzke, L. R. several days in Vernonia. to Sheridan caller at the Devine home Mon Way from present pavement to < Kern, Carl Kern, Wm. Ferloak, Mrs. R. D. Dudrow went to I and baby drove day afternoon. relatives. Sunday to visit 1 , Granite street intersection, prac- C. K. Christianson, M. Dygert Portland for a visit. Mrs. Grover Devine __ took __ .. ___ her tically assured. Mrs. Ray Stock Mr. nnd and daughter Lorraine and the I). C. England hurt his head son Milton to Clatskanie several1 Construction of Bandon River- guest ol' honor. on a box last week, it was nec- for Tacoma, Wn., Monday. Holds Election Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Krebs <«snry to have several stitches Stocks siste er. Mrs. Snider At th'’ regular election for days last week to have his hand.t°n section of Roosevelt highway and Glen Peoples were in Port taken. ng seriously ill there. school directors, John Wescott dressed, he has an infection in | progressing rapidly, ___ ____ . land Saturday. Klamath Falls —Construction Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Art Baird spent was elected as director for. the hand. Mrs. Sipple, wife of Dr. Sip one day last week In Vernonia their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, Irene De- of new $50,000 airport progress- school district No. 78. succeeding ple formerly of Cochran and visiting Mrs. Baird’s sister, Mrs. Ellis and family of Newberg, ]grRi p c. England, Mrs. George Rock and Marion McMullin were! ing rapidly. well known here, is seriously ill Janies Brady. picnicked at Arcadia park Sun- j{j .»ing was reelected clerk for I | at the St. Vincent’s hospital. Mrs. Annetta Herrick eele- day. ¡the ensuing year. The proposed of Port- * brated her 81th birthday Sun- Mrs. J. W. Neville <..* Mrs. . I/nvell G -dncr and son plan for a union ' hi|»h school Mrs. called on Mr. and land day. A group of friends pre- Harold, of McMinnville, spent, was also voted on and was de sented her with a framed motto Saturday with Mrs. W. II. Krebs ' feated by a vote of 61 to 33. Ray Walters Saturday. and flowers. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson. C. A. Chilton, who ha< been Wedding Tuesday Many people from hero were i Mrs. Rube -Nelson and chiid- employed here for a number of A wedding of much interest to over at Arcadia park Sunday. ren are home from the berry years will leave this weak to lo Mrs. C. E. Wilson and child patch, the strawberry senson be- cate elsewhere. friends here ocurred at Van- an ing about over. couver, Wash., Tuesday, June ren have gone to Sale, John T. Richardson of Powers, Frances Cook be- extended visit. 10, when Leia ___ ____ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel Oregon, has been transferred to | came the bride of Clarence Syl of nnd daughur Cecilia and Mrs., third trick here, relieving Otisj Cecilia Marchel, dav vester Nelson, of Westimber. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. A is Marchols brother, Wm. Fitzger-. Reed. The groom's parents, Mr. and home for the summer. has aid were in Vernonia and at | Lou Rhea and Margaret Me- Mrs. Rube Nelson being present I been in school at SI Arcadia park Sunday. Campbell spent several days in for the ceremony, which took near Beaverton. Richard. Harriet and Margaret Portland last week. place at the parsonage of the Mr. and Mrs. Seth Noble and K- i n. children of Mr. and Mrs.' J. E. Root, principal of Tim- First Christian church, the Rev. W. 8. Jones officiating. Te bride was lovely in a dress of shell pink georgette and enrried a bouquet of mixed M3<SHTY flowers in postel shades. MONA Mrs. Nelson was in the ’30 of Forest CF T graduating class Grove high school and is a niece of Mrs. W. 11. Krebs. Nelson will Mr. and Mrs. make their home here. JUNE *w> Urnumiu Eaglr i '• 3 4! 5 6 7 3 9]10 11 12 13 14 ¡5 16117 18 20 21 23Í24 4. J 26 27 28 l<^ 22 30|~ Good Foods Today and Every Day ï! at the Nehalem Market & Grocery, Inc Phone 721 Mist Westimber Tn Effect MAY 22 I SEPT. 30 WETURN UMIT OCT. 31 Timber For Years in Vernonia - i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and family an<l Mr. ami Mrs. Virgil Davis went on a picnic Sunday. Christianson and Florence llerbert Root spent Sunday even ing in Portland. Injured Sunday The Workingman’s Store continues to sell its high quality merchandise at the prices which meet with the public’s approval. Carl Startup is taking an en forced vacation us a result of colliding with ft tree in Forest Grove Sunday, while out motor cycling. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. Venable of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Frost nnd daughter, Vera of Hillsboro were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph llard- ebeck and daughter Shirley nnd Betty of Yamhill, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Torn Olson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Riche nnd children of Salem arc visiting Mrs. Riche's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Farley. Mrs. Clyde Harris and daught- were in Portland er Genevieve .. ........... for the Rose Festival. G. A. Mr. nnd Mrs. '• ' Thomp- son of Corvallis, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig. Mr. and Mrs. G. IT. Irwin and n pleasure trip and son t went ____ on . w.- iJ The new Miije ‘ics arc 1 ere —6 of them! Each with the sirts t’i > ■ 1 i-.t’v, "Laje :¡c Cchttura Dynamic Speaker. The s- a!,-.-, t' it g. s ..r richness—greater realism to —Rlrcady the finest in radio. Ths fi eakertorcproduCcperiectlyAor«&t»/ce«/M<//»j/r*/wM»// picnic Sunday. There will be a ball game here Sunday, Timber vs Gaston. Mrs. Bert Dennis nnd son of I Goodyear Shoe j Repair Shop tic It ADIO Z 9/ illustrated aboi e 965 Bridge St. Vernonia Repairing Done While You Wait '•**.•• /* - RV LESS TUBES Sold Complete with Majestic Matched Tubes $137.50 We appreciate the generous patronage of our many friends and customers. Don’t ili' y! Ikar and see these wonderful new Majes tic,! The cabinets are new and beautiful in design, and n- dt of ii’tnest woods. Power has been increased. S. 1.. . a I >er than ever before. The new Majesties are b»tt. r radios in every way—and are outstandingly lower in cost! T'.i. y ran -j from die mix] el 90 at $95 (less tubes) to the ■' It c combination at S2O3.5O (less tubes). Never before 1 . <uc!i value been offered. Never have you been able to buy s > much in radio quality for so little money! Come in today for a di aonstration.No cost or obligation. Mac’s Pharmacy FLORS HEIM SHOE \ou will have every reason to be satisfied when you wear Florsheim Shoes . . . they feel so fine . . . look so good ... wear so long Most Styles HO Workingman’s Store E. W. Holtham