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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernor ia, Oregon Frid; y, June 20, 1930 Natal Bob Vickers hauled the lum ber to build a new barn on his place. Mr. Vickers intends to build this summer. Clyde Johnson is working ior the West Coast Telephone com pany, now under construction. Bob Linsey and son Clarence were callers at the home of Mrs. Nels Peterson Thursday. Jim Miller made a business trip to Vernonia Thursday. Miss Marian McMullin was a guest last week of Irene and Alberta DeRock at Mist. Lincoln Peterson was u bus iness caller at Vernonia Tues day. Jake Neurer drove to Port land one day last week to trans act some business and returned that night. Mrs. William Bridgers and Mrs. Grover Devine were Thurs day evening visitors at Vernonia. Bill Meadows was a Vernonia business caller Friday. Fritz Iler is working for the county with the crew now work ing on the road. Game Warden Brown was a regular caller in this commun ity last week end. Hundreds of people were pic nicking along the Nehalem river last Sunday, enjoying the beau- tiful summer day. Fishing was also reported very good last week end. H. Rossen, electric light coni- pany official, was visiting friends at Natal last Sunday. Omar Sheeley from Vemo ia was at Natal Wednesday to do some hauling with his truck. Herman Sultz from Honolulu arrived at Natal Tuesday even ing at the home of his niece, Mrs. Lee Osburn for a brief vis it. E. D. Johnson was a Natal business caller Tuesday. R. B. Mills hauled a load of straw to Vernonia Friday. The county grader went over the Nehalem highway in this district last week. Eugene and Leora McCormick arc staying with the Dave Mc Mullin family during the ab sence of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn called to see Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson Friday evening. Reed Holding is working near Birkenfeld. getting nut poles for the electric light company. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlan recently bought a heifer to add to their dairy herd. Joe Fessler and Harvey Kee- gam from Portland were week end fishermen along the Neha lem. .Toe called to see his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Nearer, while on his trip here. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Knowles spent Saturday in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer wore shoppers in Vernonia Saturday. J. O. Libel from Birkenfeld was in this community on some business one day last week. John Schlippy was a visitor in Vernonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwab and sons Melvin and Bobbie and Mrs. James Nanson from Verno nia called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mayfield were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vickers last week. Matthews brothers are haul ing electric light poles for Os burn and Holding to Clatskanie. Rae Taylor and his mother were Vernonia shoppers Satur day. Virgil Powell, fire warden from Vernonia made a business calll to Natal Sunday. Cason Transfer hauled some cattle from this locality Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and ■on Normand drove to Mist Monday evening. Reg Lincoln and friends from Portland spent Sunday at the Lincoln Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Zale Holmes called on business at Natal Tuesday. Frank Peterson attended the state grange held at Redmond last week. Miss Beatrice Perry and Mrs. Oliver Burris were in Vernonia on a shopping tour Tuesday. The annual school meeting was held at Natal school house Monday evening, electing Mrs. Peterson clerk and Reed Holding for director.___________ Wilark Mr. and Mrs. James Troy are taking their summer vacation pow. They are going to Canada, including the trip to Banff, coming home by the way of Spokane. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey and daughter were guests of Mr. Job Painting and Artistic Sign Paint ing J. C. Henderson Phone 1021 Book« of 1930 Wall Paper Samples Now Here On Display Vernonia Paint Shop Vernonia Glendale—GovernmSht emer ia Pr-liuoil Margarettt and Phyllis Nelson, ai.d Mrs. Hewitt over the week 1 J OSl Bnd Joy Bush of Vernonia, call- gency landing field located on end. I ed at the home of Mrs. E Sun- Cow creek highway being Im Mr. and Mrs. Victor Balling proved. er from Portland called on Mr. Tribute 1« Paid Senator Joseph ell. work Lebanon—Construction Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge By Henry Oleen and Mrs. Thus. Hewitt Sunday, and Koberstein Mrs. W. Oregon has lost one of its have relatives visiting them resum d on new electric line east of thia town. daughter Irma are home after foremost citizens from California. progressive Fred Watkins, assessor, call- Klamath Fall»—George Isack- spending several days in Port- with the death of Senator Geo. ed in this vicinity last week. son received contract for con land for the rose festival. W. Joseph. Mrs. Staley was a Vernonia struction of n«w Federal build- Al Cottis and family has mov The cause of liberalism for ed out to Wilark, he is the en which he gave himself in the shopper on Thursday. Mr. McDonald has built a gineer on locomotive No. 2. long fights that sapped his phy- stand on his place and is sell- Mr and Mrs. Geo. Plumb had sical strength, will move on. 'ing fireworks. friends out from St. Helens I The victories George Joseph Louis Stanton returned home Saturday evening. dinner won belong to the people and from San Francisco for a visit. George Stendal A. J. Pugh of Forest Grove guest at the Conant home Sun cannot be taken away. The people of Oregon can pay spent Sunday at the home of day. Mrs. Erich Benwiek is mak- no greater tribute than to carry Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pugh. Miss Carolina Sheerback of ing a busincss trip to Boise, on his work and fight as un waveringly for the great cause Astoria, is visiting at the home Ida. Mary and Olive Benwiek are which he valiantly espoused, viz: of her sister, Mrs. Joe Davis. Mrs. T. A. Rogers, Lee home from California, and are free speech and conservation now with their grandmother of water power for the people. Rogers, Mrs. M. J. John, Eben “He fought for the people; John, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril John Mrs. Lee at Camp Tabot. and sons, Miss Marjorie Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lager his life was worth while.” of Orfino, Ida., were guests of spent Sunday with Mr. Lager’s ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry John Sun father in Silverton. • Mrs. Chet Taylor and daught- day aftenoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker and er, Maxine, drove to Port'.and Mrs. Wm. Haden gave a party ! daughter motored to Cornelius I to see the Rose festival. in honor of her daughter, Eva on Sunday. Mrs. Mike Christianson and1 Gene. Those present were Betty Nehalem river was a scene of son Larry spent the week end Glassner, Douglas, Molly O’Don- in Portland, visiting the parents __ , Clai- Sunel), Dever, Doni- picnic parties on Sunday. The of Mr. Christianson. I van, Deen Holt, Lawanda Stan- young folks enjoyed swimming. Walter Barnes spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor t __ __ ___ 0Ili _ __ Myrtle and _____ Alfred Webb. drove to Portland Sunday, and All enjoyed a good time. She days visiting with his cousins .at Treharne. Maxine took her first airplane .received many presents, ride with her father at Ran- Mrs. A R stanton had for Coupled Sandy—Sandy Lumber com kin s airport. I dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bed and Lyle Baker are out chas. uhlin and daughter and pany mill resumed operations. 50-foot lengths to Wilark for the summer, they Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stanton1 Seaside—Plans proposed for have one of their school friends and Lawanda. opening Seines and Wheatly Guaranteed from Portland with them. Mrs. A. Nelson and daughters west side store. Mr. and Mrs. Kent made a business trip to Kelso this week end. Mrs. C. O. Mastor is home Delivered To YflU!' after spending several days in end Called Portland visiting friends. Three After the Firat twenty "five Thousand Mile« THE VALUE of sound design, good materials and careful craftsmanship is especially apparent in the new Ford after GARDEN ß HOSE the first twenty-five thousand miles. Long, continuous service emphasizes its mechanical reliability and economy of Treharne operation and up-keep. As you drive the Ford through many months and years you $4.25 $5.70 HOFFMAN HARDWARE Grange Oppose, Filipino Labor A resolution condemning the use of Filipino labor on the Scappoose delta lands was un animously adopted by the Yank ton grange, Saturday of last week. The resolution copies of which were ordered sent to all county granges for endorsement, cites the fact that there are a large number of unemployed in the county nnd concludes by con demning E. E. Wist and as sociates for bringing Filipino labor into the county. Klamath Falls—Private tele graph line installed between Western Union company and Shaw-Bertram’s mill, distance of abou three ar.d one-half miles. Scappoose—Construction un derway on new California pre serving company plant. Door For At Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Daily Long Dislsnce furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Fortland I Martin & Forbes LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 Seward hotel W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Portland-Vernonia Truck Line for Freight Orders HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Oregon Portland Excellent meals at pop- nlar prices. Coffee shop. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c and up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $L W. D. McNair, Manager W. C. Culbertson, Prop. Clearing House for the Farmer VEkNONIA TRADING COMPANY! Of interest to all should be the fact that where possible, our feeds, hay, etc. are purchased from farmers in the Nehalem valley who are also our best customers. Fly Foil Spray Sold in Bulk Binders Twine I t Phone 682 growing respect for the substantial worth that has been built into it. From every standpoint—in everything that goes to make a good automobile—you will know that you have mad«» a far-seeing, satisfactory purchase. Wherever you go, you hear enthusiastic praise of the car and this significant, oft-repeated phrase—“I’m glad I bought a Ford.’* 9 A FORD owner in New York tells of a 13,000-mile trip across the United States and back in sixty days and says “the car was extremely economical to operate, com fortable and speedy.” A grateful father tells how the Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield saved his wife and children from serious injury. To test tires, a large company drove a new Ford day and night, for an average of SOO miles every twenty-four hours. It was ■till giving satisfactory service after 105,000 miles. A Ford car that had fallen into Fernan Lake was submerged for twelve days be fore being raised. After a new battery and carburetor bowl were installed, it was driven back to Spokane under its own power. Many police departments have written of the special advantages of the Ford in crowded traffic because of its alert speed, acceleration, and ease of control. An in creasing number of fleet owners are also purchasing the Ford because their cost figures have given conclusive proof of its economy of operation and up-keep. In addition to important triumphs in Germany, France and Italy, the Ford won bix ont of seven leading places in a contest In Finland, first and second in the Rafaela race* in Argentina, first and second in the Hay, Feed, Grain Contractors Material Vernonia Trading Company Vernonia J. E. Tapp will develop an increasing pride in its appearance and a run from Copcnhagen-to-Paris-to-Copcn- liagen, three gold medals in England, first ranking in the durability test over the tortuous Amancaes road in Peru, and first place in the 1930 reliability run conducted by the Royal Automobile Club of Sweden. This contest was an exceptionally se vere test of endurance and sturdy con struction because it was held in the dead of winter and covered 600 miles of steady running over snow-covered country roads and mountainous hills. CES Roadster Phaeton Coupe Tudor Sedan Sport Coupe De Luxe Coupe Three-window Fordor Sedan Convertible Cabriolet . . De Luxe Phaeton .... De Luxe Sedan Town Sedan . $135 4M) 495 495 525 545 600 625 625 610 660 AU price» f, o. $■ Detroit, plu» freight and delivery. Dumper» and epare tira extra, at low coet. F ord M otor C ompany * Professional and Business Directory Cass Bergerson For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business Sad professional people. y an(L and. BEAUTY SHOPS LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia A. F. & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Meets third Thursday of each A. F. & A. M. meets Temple, month at the I.O.O.F. hall. at Masonic Stated Communication Mrs. May Mellinger, president First Thursday of each month, Special called NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 meetings on all other Thurs- J ORDER OF RAINBOW day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors I FOR GIRLS most cordially welcome. Regular meeting second J. E. Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Audrey Austin, Recorder Order of Eastern Star American Legion Vernonia Poat Nehak-m Chapter 153, O. E. S.. 119, I American Regular commu-I Meets Legion, nication first second and ami third W ed- fourth Tuesdays nesdays of each each month, 8 p. month, at Ma m. Connie An sonic Temple. All visiting sis derson, Com- ters and broth mander. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every : second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Viaitors welcome. Vernonia Temple 61 meets always Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand , every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn. Noble Grand I W.O.W. hall. . „ „ Myrtle John, Secretary. I MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. Della Cline, Treasurer I________________ __ --------------- KNIGHTS OF — PYTHIAS ------ ------ — — --- ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shaaspoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. OvSr Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Elsctrotherapy, Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON Chiropractor 1117 State ?’ Vernonia, Ore Tel. 671 Í Dr. J. A. Hughes Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. Office Phone 663 -Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 - -Oregon Terminal Cafe Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking John Glassner, Secretary. Cason Transfer ANNOUNCEMENT JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building I have leased and am now Sessman operating the Blacksmith Shop. Bafford Brothers Repairing of All Kindt W. M. Fl lkner General Plumbing Vernonia LAWYERS STRAND A BERG Contractor« and Builder« On all kinds of construe Mon, estimates given with, out charge. Box 157, Vernonia DENTISTS Gordon R. Watt Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon PHYSICIANS M. D. COLE Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Physician and Surgeon Vernonia, Oregon Chop Suey Restaurant You'll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Re-Roof With SHINGLES From PASTIME Johnston & McGraw CARDS AND Hoffman Hdwe. Building Mary Kato Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 I. O. O. F. Meets ------ every - Monday _ _ _. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W .O.W.! 246 meets every Tuesday night ’ hall. Visiting broth- at 8 «’clock, in I.O.O.F. halL Vis- j ers welcome. itors always welcome. Noel Hammack, N.G. James Nanson, C.C. Phy«ieian and Surgsuu CONTRACTORS HARDING LODGE 11« U. A. Scott, K.R.S. HOTEL