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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1930)
Friday, June IO. 19 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Two ife, - ■. . I) i'fc- Way«. »! Iff A IjF >!•». > Lapp, ■» \ i Se.-lety Repo. er r Phc Phen. n< I 573 . . t. -i—- A. H. Tarbell, $6.00, J. B. $132.30, J. N. Miller, Co. court, cadia hotel, meals prisoners, Kammeyer, 78.00; H. Kajnmeyei Howlett, $9.00, Anna M. Gra Evangelical Church Multnomah county, 62.50; F. Mollenhour, 22 00- Bi Duncan, $6.0,0, Carl Rylander $161.60, John L. Foote, Steno. $148.50, ham, $6.00, Frances M. Spencer The Sunday school hour is $6.00, P.. E. Tarbell. $6.00, A. Dist Atty. $100, W J. Fuller- board prisoners, $36.60, Geo. A. Lynch, 4.00; R. Tetz, f.0.00- I $6.00, Maudeleen W. Bec k *.«. 9:45 a.m. The pastor preaches |L. Morris, $7.00, Lund Bros, rent ton, J. P. No. 1 St. vs Mace, Nelson, exhibit St. Fair, $300.00, Tetz, 23.00,; Standard Oil C< c, Election Board at 11 a.m. on the subject, “The ! $5.00. $3.35, St. vs Moorehouse, $3.45, F. D. Antrim, Sealer W. & M. 84.73; Scappoose Service St: Quincy Precinct: Light That Shines.” Young peo- $30.03, N. L. VanDolSTi, Dog 13.75; Scappose Planing Mill St. vs Bigoni, $3.35, Daily Jour- Jos. Lumijarvik, $C.00. P. E. Election Board pie meet at 1 p.m. naJ of Commerce, Pub. for bids Fund, $80,60, Roland Masten, 3.75; Wikstrom Lumber C< The annual Children’s day MRS. CHARLESWORTH IS RE Lovegren, $6.00, Fred Neimela, Yankton Precinct: ARE GUESTS OF MR. AND $9.40, Vernonia Eagle, Co. Pub. revaluation, $198.32, State Ind. J6.38; Garage, 10.3 $6.00, Andrew Anderson, $6.00, ELECTED PRESIDENT. Tarbell, $7.00, C. C. Bar $57.30, St. Helens Mist, Co. Accident Com. Insurance, $339.43 A. C. Scappoose program will be given at 8 p.m. MRS. DAVE KRAMER. Haag & Co., I Mathew Erickson, $12.60, llmari ger, Ray $6.00, Clyde M. Watson, Pub. $36.60, J. H. Flynn, Per F. G. Rankin, Herd Inspector Alex Reaxdon, The evening offering will be 1.25; Watts Hillsboro Couple Enjoy Vernonia for general missions of the Ev The Next Meeting Will be Held & Co. rent $5.00. $6.0,0, L. G. Rice, $6.00, C. R. sonett, insane $5.0,0, L. G. Ross, $304.50, , Rainier Review, Co. Price, 2.95. Election Board At the Church Parlors. Cater, $6.00, Clyde M. Watson, angelical church. Dances. $1.40, Congregational Road District No. 3 Personett, insane $5.00, Alley Pub. rent $3.00. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. Officers of the Ladies Aid of Rainier Precinct No. 1: Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Morley, Nettie E. health nurse, $152.31, church, rent election, St. Helens Zaida Attla M. Lee, $6.00, L. F. Barger, 30.00; John N< the Christian church were elect Frank A. George, making Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Brown, Mr. _ of C. H. Keys, “ Fruit Inspector, No. 2, $8.00, Wilcox, Mrs. Ross, , son, «31.00; L. F. Barger, 4 o ed at the last meeting of that Styke, $6.0.0, Leia B. Herman, ficial canvas, $3.00, John L. $24.70, Fred W. Herman, Co. county aid, $30.00. and Mrs. E. M. Bowmen and ;U. W. Clark, 13.00; Standai organization last Wednesday $6.00, Elzia J. Bross, $6.00, Storla, making official canvas, aid preparing deed, $1.00, G. O. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lormor of Uie home of Mrs. Herman Florence E. Bowen, $9.60, M. E. , $3.00, Hazel Urie, Clerk Shf. Clement, Co. aid, Lambert $20., ROAD WARRANTS ISSUED I Oil Co., 53.70,; Pep Co., 69.0 Hillsboro attended the I. O. O. Church Rainier, rent $5.00, W. office FOR MONTH OF JUNE i A. C. Haag & Co. 19.50; Suns F. dance in this city last Satur Mrs. Warren Was Guest Speaker Veal. $80.00, Opal Veazie, Gassner, $10.00, Pointer $15.00, J. McMilan, Booths, $2.50. .Tire Corpn. 320.00; L. C. Hall Road Dist. No. General Road Mrs. Ray Charlesworth was re Here Recently. (Clerk Shf. office $87.50, Merle Columbia River Meat Co. Co. day evening. Election Board Truck line 1.00; Byror Wrig elected president; Mrs. Herman The visitors, all friend« of .Nye, Clerk Shf. office, $65.10. aid Wilcox, $3.01, C. H. Eng- L. R. Chandler, 225.00; H. D. Afzxf-zz». AE. nr Mrs. Isabel Warrens, who was -------- ---- - • Rainier Precinct No. 2: Motor Co., O 8.45; Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kramer, were guest speaker before the local Veal, vice president, r8- ■ • Nuffer, 67.30; H. H. Kellar, Marguerite Sullivan, Clerk ShL.lish, Co. aid Halstead $15.0,9, Ollie Wheeler Co., 6.31. L. E. Gulker, $6.00, guests of the Kramers following Garden club recently, was Herrin, secretary, an rs. office $67.00, Oscar G. Weed, Nightengale $15.41, E. M. Helon, 2.62; Ray Jennings, 34.56; Jack Road Diat. No. 5 waril Varshafh" $1*00, Minnie”!*^“**. ,.R. _ Ca!' Co- aid Eaton »7-75> MacMarr Widows, 10.00; P. J. Lynch, the dance, at their home where chairman of* the committee who D- Hulkins, treasurer. F. Anliker, 120.00; F. Anlikel houn, expense Shf. $13.20, H. Stores Co. aid McGillvarv, $25., 7.00; J. J. Conroy, 17.56; K. It. a delightful luncheon was served. arranged the garden club exhibit! The nex*- meeting wi e < < McCrea, $6.00. Goble Freight Li le, 1.5$ of the Forest Grove Garden club|>" the chu?h Parl°" wRh Mrs- Election Board E. Freeland expense Shf. $30.00, ** — Mac’ ‘ s Pharmacy. Co. aid Dent, Dibblee, 29.20; L. R. Chandler, 30.00; Married Yesterday. Edwin Ross, Exam. Intoxicated $6.75, Chas. R. McCormick, Lbr. 1.40; Ray Jennings, 10.20; By St. Helens Hdwe. Co., 1.91. at the Rose Festival this past M. D. Mulkins and Mrs. A. Arm- Rainier Precinct No. 3: , 1 strong as hostesses.____________ _ Miss Patsy Coon and Lawr week men $4.00, Oscar G. Weed, Shf. Co., Co. aid Wilcox $3.50, Metz ron Wright Motor Co., 1.50; P., Road Diat. No. 6 R. N. . L.oveiace, Lovelace, »lu.ou, $10.00, Wm. n. in „in. ««xnn »> i i ence Dickson were married at W. I. Tracy, 40.00,; W. H. Veazie, 2.00; Pacific Tel. & ........... . 1 Holden, $6.00, Daisy McKee, $6., ^™P 8 . »«.00 Bewley Insur- ler Store, Co. aid Jones, $15.00, The Forest Grove club won Corvallis yesterday. W. J. Mellinger, Bailiff to Hazel Morris, $6.00, Jennie ' Aie„"cy’ ÎJ“’.. Shi S’ f,ar’ H. McKiel, Co. Aid Tracy, $15., Tel. Co. 26.35; O. D. Clark, .Tracy- f-OO: Shell Oil Co, 14.71 first prize for their exhibit. Dickson is a graduate from Thom Grand Jury $16.00, Kerr’s Var Lovelace, $6.00. I±'°l’h,G'sTn Pdh“, Co” Rainier Merc. Co. add, A. John 5.00; L. F. Barger, 4.00; F. Standard Oil Co., 9.75; — the local high school, an honor . n , I J sup. Shf. $9.31. $9.31, Pacific St«. Sta. A & son $10.00, Simmons Merc. Co., Malmsten, 4.00; Chas. Malmsten, Ron M- & R- wks- 7.25. iety Store, Elec. Supplies, $19, — Election Board Matter of Cattle Indemnity student in his class, and has (Prtg. Co. Sup. Shf. $1.0,0, Clerk Co. aid Daly, $14.21, Vernonia 12.00; Silas Hall, 4.00; Jas. Duf- Road Di,‘- No- 7 (Nancy A. Stucker, Reg. Voters Scappoose, Precinct: Claim of H. Steelman, of been attendine Oregon State col- Scappoose. ¡$6.90, A. R. Meilis, Reg. Voters, Caro-!$ 4’71, Burr°ughs Add Mach. Co. Merc. Co., Co. aid to Adams, fif'd, 10.00; J. P. Kaphammer, * W. W. Payne, 63.75; Gre1 D. E. Freeman, $8.00, lege the past few years. Dent, $20.05, Kerr, 3“.00,; Guy H. Murphy, 19.00; hound Trans. Co., 3.24; O. 1 line M. Dorris, $6.00, Laura Mc Supplies Shf. $1.00, Sundstrand, $19.78, Claim presented for $78.85, $io.oi>, ’$1.2°. ------ set for final hearing for Sat- E*ectlon Board Apiary Precinct: Kay, $6.00, Edith Wikstrom, , ’ Assr’s. $4.70, Shf. $8.60, Mc $13.05, City of Vernonia, Co. Ot’s Hvl.nnd, 19.00; Fred Over- Elliott, 16.60; M. J. Campbel Christian Church Kie’s Service station Sup. Shf’s. aid Kerr, $2.00, Vernonia Meat sen. 227.00; W. W. Keaton, j urday, June 21, 1930, at 10:001 W. "• Brown, $6.0,0, Paul C. $6.00, James Watts, $6.00. Please turn to page 7 F. Claude Stephens, Minister ¡ear, $14.13, Gilby Motor Co. Market, Co. aid Staples, $23.83, 164.25; Wm. Pringle, Jr., 5.00; I Boysen, $6.00, Jos Hackenberg, Election Board a.m. Bible school 10, a.m. At 11 a. (Shf ’ s car repairs, $198.73, ... I $6.00, J. H. Simon, $6.00, Ho- Chari White, 121.50; Michael Watts & Price, Co. aid Hoft, South Scappoose Precinct: m. divine morning worship. Mrs. Matter of Cattle Indemnity Warren.'nler H- Kellar $l°.6O, J. H. Si - Chas. Koutek, $6.00, W. „ 1 Standard Oil Co. Shf’s Sup car $14.40, Anderson, Arthur G. Co. Lynch, 126.00; H. Zimmerdahl, Elmer Boyer, missionary on Claim of C. J. Larson, $36.00, Dollie Antone, Steno. mon, Labor on Elec. Booth, $2., aid Lauren funeral $50,00, Pis 117.00; S. A. Ovesen, 33.0,0; F. Claim allowed in the full sum Shatto, $6.00„ Loren A. John furlough, from Bolenge, Africa, $85.00, Ruth Mercer, gah Home Colony, Co. aid to Zimmerman, 67.50; Fred Ovesen, Fern Hill Grange, hall rent $3. son, $6.00, James Fisher, $8.20,* Clerk of $15.00, and payment by Co-, occupies the pulpit at this hour. ,____ , 60.00; Standard Oil Co. 59.39; Florence M. Saxton, $6.00, J. J. Steno. Clerk, $80.00, J. W. Hunt Carlson, Dean Blake, $90.00, lumbia county ordered in the Election Board Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. Clerk stamps, express $7.50, C Birkenfeld Precinct: C. Mrs. Ina Tichenor, Co. aid Mrs. .Henry Larsen, 1136.27; Melling- sum of $7.50 being one-half of> Kocarnik rent etc $8.00. 8 p.m. evening services in E. Lake envelopes, $10,9.80, Bus Keaton, $56.00, St. Helens Gen- I er Hardware, 55.39; Columbia J. J. Banzer, $6.00, R. L. Berg Election Boa;rd claim, balance to be paid by the worship and song. hong & Co. Recording book eral Hospital Co. aid to W. H. i H. & I. Co., 61.78; Clark and $6.00, J. O. Libel, $6.00, John St. Helens Precinct No. 1: state of Oregon. LIFE Theme: “Coronation of the I Nelson, $14.20, W. E. Wells, T. C. Watts, $6.00, Irene M. $37.60, Doris Oliver, clerk as- Howard, $29,33, Wm. McKinley, I Wi’son Lbr. Co., 128.86; How« (Matter of Cancellation of Most Worshipful Master.” FIRE sessor $80.00, D. V. Parcher, i $6.00, J. O. Libel, hall rent Bir- «ja oo »< — *_ j ------ , $67,11 ’ ' ard-Cooper Corp. 35.36; Thomp- $46.98, Mrs. Anderson, County Warrants More Than Day, $6.00, P. W. Harrison, $6., „„ You are welcome. Jkenfeld $3.00. W. J. Lewis, AUTOMOBILE $54.10, ] Mclntyre, son M- * R- Wks. 8.30; Loggers Zona Storla, $6.0,0, Mrs. George $64.00, , T. Seven Years old Prior to ¡Tandy, Dep. assessor, $44.00, W. $30.86, S. H. Cole, $13.90, Tour- an<l Contr’s Machy Co. 11.25; A. 1 Election Board July 1, 1930. Wilson, $6.00. and all other kind« Win» Shrine Blanket. 'S. Roberts, Exp. assessor $28.10, ist hotel, Co. aid Myer, $28.00,'C’ Hang * Co” Ine” 59 93: Ore‘ Election Board LiBt ordered published in the Chapman Precinct: Joe Miller of Connacher held iq o 2: |Kred, Watkins, Exp. assessor | E. A. Davis, $6.00, Walter „ -j x gon Sta. Hiway Com. 4.00; Glass St. Helen« Precinct I Villa Rest lodge, Co. aid to & pr,)dhomme Co., 2.20. the lucky number in a book of Clatskanie Chief. j . Eolton, $6.00, Christian Ander- D' V. Parcher, Exp. as- _ ~ _ P. M. Bewley, S6 00 I E chances sold by Mrs. K. A. Mc Matter of Petition of J. T. Anna' B^rchami ■ scsaor » 24 « 3 k T W. Tandy, Exp , ^oper, and $300.60, , __ Wooden, Road Dist. No. 1 !.'00:A°uls Evcrart- »6 00> Russell, $6.00, ----- - ----------- , Neill. held under the nuspices of Bennett et Al for Establishment.L E. on’-J , $29.95, Plaza Phar- Bal1- Co, aid Keaten, $7.00, Or-! II. L. Inman, 105,0,0; F. D, Ellis, $6.00. Of a County Road. $6.00, Edith Davies, $6.00, Ora asscs80 ^ the Order of the Mystic Shrine, T macy, Sup. Ass’r. $3.00, Co. aid I ’ ' " “----------------------------------- ’— ------’-------------------- Carlson, $6.00. •“ ............ Petition accepted, and viewers Election Board the winner receiving a blanket $2.10, Gladys Peterson, Enve- ¡Clatskanie No. 1 Precinct: par appointed. Election Board from the Oregon City Woolen lopes, »21.96, Bessie H. Gobba, j Nellie McGillivary $13.20, Le- St. Helens Precinct No. 3: Matter of Petition of C A Mills. A1 for a County Road. ona M- Graham> $6.00 Lena D. Maggie Cates, $6.20„ Leroy H. Clerk Treas., $3.25, West Coast The sale was nation wide, each Mulloy et accepted, and viewers. WaKncr> $6.00 Dora C. Puzey, Petition Walker, $6.00, Mary G. Jones, Prtg. & Bldg, Co. Sup. Treas. district receiving their allotment .$6.00, Isabel Culbertson, $6.00, $6.00, Espar G. Richardson, $6., $1.40. Election Sup $3.84, Clerk’ ippointed. of numbers and a prize. Matter, of Petition - —______ . ! Boyt & Tracer, labor and sup- Marguerite W. Sullivan, $6.00, $4.60, Davis Drug Co. Sup. Dist.; of .. J. .. T. ; nlies, Graham, et Al for a County Road.'P 1®8' $2.50„ Geo. Koberstein, M. E. Church St. Helens rent Atty $1.20, Treas. $0.95, Co. | Aid $0.75, Jail, $1.20, Shf. $0.60, | I hall rent $5.00, John F. Fogel, Petition accepted, and viewers Ins. Booth, $1.60, Peoples West $8.00. T. S. White, Coroner, $14.60, T.! Election Board ippointed. S. White, Coroner, $116.00, J.! Coast Hyd. Electric Co. Lights St. Helens Precinct No. 4: H. Flynn Cor’s physician $5.00,1 After Next Regular Meeting on Matter of Cancellation of and Cur. $3.50. $6.20, Eliza- Frances L. Davis, Penalty and Interest on Rainier Election Board July 1. beth Jonson, $6.00, Opal Veazie, Elizabeth C. Murray, postage | drainage District Lands. Clatskanie Precinct No. 2: The next meeting of the Gar Featuring Sue Carol and Dixie Lee $6.00, Frances — White $6.00’ $10,00, envelopes $40.76, travel Ordered cancelled on all taxes I ! J. L. Campbell, $13.20, R. C. Corinne Lamberson, $6.00, Cope- exp. $70.17, 8th grade $82.00, | den club will be Tuesday, July 1, will be the occasion of the for years prior to and including King, $6.00, Emma J. Jubinville land Yards, Lbr. $8.40, Hall’s Hortense Eulrich, Steno. Sch. Supt. $80.00, Kilham Sta & Prtg. first garden tour of the season. 1927, upon full payment of or-($(5.00, Bea Van, $6.00, Flora Truck line, $5.00. ginal taxes prior to January 1, Garrison, $6.00, C. L. Conyers, Co. Sup. Sch. Supt. $2.09, J. K. I A program for the year will 1931. Election Board Gill Sup. Sch Supt $.60, Pac. be presented to the members Matter of Application of Oregon hall rent, $6.00. St. Helens No. 5: Election Board for their approval. Mrs. A. J. Gas and Electric Company for A. J. Kelly, $6.20, Cora Lara- Tel & Tel. Co. Tel Court house, | Columbia City Precinct: St. Helens Water Com. | Hughes has been appointed the Approval of Certain $6.00, Mary Kyle, $6.00, $69.00, A. E. Butts, $6.60, C. J. Kold- bee, chairman of the program com- Franchises, etc. Murray, $6.0,0, Nelle Water court house, $9.95, St. | Vera M. en, Sr. $6.00, L. V. Maxwell, WM. FOX PRESENTS— ■ mittee. G. Moss, $6.00, A. J. Kelly, rent Helens Laundry, Laundry Court, house $7.09, Davis Drug Co. Ordered that certain licenses, $6.00, Maud Caples, $6.00, Maud $5.00. supplies court house, $32.00,! permits and franchises hereto J. Mills, $6.00. Election Board fore acquired be, and the same Election Board Packer-Scott Co. supplies court. No. 1: 7 Vernonial I Deer Island Precinct: house, $10.78, Pep Co. lights, are confirmed. P. Hill, $6.00, w. J. King, court house $31.80, Philip John, Featuring Joseph Wagstaff, Sharon Lynn and others Stars John F. Loyd $7.20„ Albert Whereupon Court adjourned to At Home of Mrs. Virgil Powell June 5, 1930. Adams, $6.00, Iona Dodson, $6., $6.00, Emil F. Messing, $6.00, Exp. Co. Judge, $5.55, Spraguers ’ Monday. Holtham, $6.00, c. J. Taxi Service, Exp. Co. Judge,! Thursday, June 5, 1930, 2nd ! Harriet L. Loyd, $6.00, Fred A. J. A. V Mrs. Virgil Powell will enter Judicial Day. Colvin, $6.00, Garage Highway, Nance, $6.0,0. $1.75, T. B. Mills, Co. court, Election Board tain members of the American Matter of County Aid, to hall rent, $4.00. Vernonia Precinct No. 2: | Election Board Legion Auxiliary at her home Mrs. Ross Wilcox, of Delena Precinct: near Riverview at the regular St. Helens, Oregon. A. L. Parker, $6.00, Mamie meeting of that organization John McAdam, $11.20, J. W. Holcomb, $6.00, F. E. Malmsten,1 Aid granted in the sum of next Monday evening. Curteman, $6.00, Chas. Alston, $6.00, Bessie Malmsten, $6.00, $30.00 per month. $6.00, May Combs, $6.00, Addie Bonita Condit, $12.00, American All members are urged to at Matter of Claims in Geo. M. Cohan’s International Success McAdam, $6.00, May Combs, hall Trust Co. rent $5.00, Ore. Gas tend as many important matters Against the County. rent $4.00. & Elec. Co. Elec, current, $2.0,0, will be discussed. List attached. Election Board C. Bruce, lumber $12.70, Ore The recent poppy sale netted Whereupon Court adjourned to Goble Precinct: gon Gas & Elec Co. $2.00, A. the sum of $56. June 12th, 1930. F. B. Holbrook, $8.40, G. W. Parker, Tel call, $0.70, Verno Warrants Drawn on General! Still playing in Portland—You’ll appreciate this Comedy Makinster, $6.00, R. L. Kenny, nia Eagle, Supplies $0.50, Bert and Fund for the Month of June,: $6.00, Hildah E. Todd, $6.00, J. Depue, labor, $11.20. I 1930. | Hannah Link, $6.0,0, Umptato Election Board Grand Jury, October Term Tribe No 24, I.O.R.M. hall rent Vernonia Precinct No. 3: New Officers Named; Meet at John McAdam, $21.00, P. H. $5.00. Carl E. Davidson, $6.00, J. V. Home of Mrs. Blaker. Lund, $11.80, A. H. Carlson, Election Board McAllister, $6.00, S. V. Malm Queen of Hearts Bridge club $11.40, Harriett Loyd, $11.80, Island Precinct: sten, $12.0,0, R. S. Lindsay, $6., was the name which received un Fred Brigs, $11.00, Earl Bar W. H. Bonser, $6.00, Cleda Marcus A. Gregory, $6.00. ber, $9.0,0, Mathilda Ross, $9.00. animous approval by the mem A. Hodge, $6.00, J. F. Richard Election Board bers of a group of bridge en Grand Jury May Term son, $7.20, Jep L. Hunt, »6.00, Vernonia Precinct No. 4: Zona Storla, $3.0,0, Warren I D. S. Reeder, $6.00. thusiasts about town. Officers el W. A. Harris, $6.00, M. P. ected were Mrs. George Van M. Young, $10.20, W. B. Bows-i I Election Board O’Connor $6.00, Ida M. Harris Vleet, president; Mrs. H. Blaker, er, $3.00, W. J. Johnson, $3.80, Marshland Precinct: $6.00, Chas. W. Mellinger, $12., Geo. W. vice president; Miss Macile Rob Amos Burr, $3.00, W. B. Colvin $6.00. T. W. erts, secretary, and Mrs. Frank Grant, $5.00, D. H. McAdam, Tandy, $14.40, Hannah Arm- Lesta Garner, $6.00. Election Board Hartwick, treasurer. $9.00, strong, $6.00, J. T. Graham, Warren Precinct: $6.00, J. L. Wright, $6.00, Mrs. Thor Roberts received Trial Jury: high score at bridge last Wed Carl Iler, $31.00, Andrew He- School District No. 10, hall rent nesday afternoon at the home man, $31.80, Anna Burcham, $5.00. of Mrs. H. Blaker. The usual $15.00, V. Roza, $19.40, V. Has Election Board Meets with the light lunch was served py the kins, $24.20, C. L. Wilburn, Milton Precinct: U. W. Clark, $6.40, Martin hostess after the play of cards. $24.20, W. E. Proctor, $22.60, Other members were: Mrs. G. Harry Lowe, $12.60, John Palm, White, $6.0,0, Frances A. Luf- Barnes, Mrs. F. E. Harding, Mrs. $29.80, J. W. Foster, $29.40. kin, $6.00, B. B. Roberta, $6.00. G. Van Vleet, Mrs. Henry Fo- Roland Masten, $16.60, R. W. Election Board gel, Mrs. F. Hartwick and Miss Booth, $15.00, L. L. Muhr, $3, Mist Precinct: Macile Roberts. Fred W. Busch, $34.60, J. E. | A, R. Melis, $6.00, Carlton, $27.00, H. B. I* ----- ' ! Rose, $15.20, L. A. Peterson, Hager, $16.20, J. L. Chittim, $15.00, $6.00, Fred W. Busch, $6.00, E. John Karvonen, $29.40, Ira T. Wallace, $6.00, A. R. Wal- Hyde, $6.00. Harry Howser, $12, lace, $6.00, A. R. Melis, Labor Throughout the Nation Wm. Bush. $12.20, C. C. Clark, etc. $2.00, School District No. Ford cars are leading in $15.60, Ross Daniels, $tfi.6O, 52, rent $3.00. sales over any other C. 8. Election Board FOR THE JUNE TERM OF Anna VanNatta, $9.40, Bristol, $19.20, W. B. Colvin, COURT $11.40, E. J. Lindberg, $10.20, McNulty Precinct: Due proclamation being made, Oscar ....... ............. S. . C. Hustan, $6.60, Stephan Kyle. $12.40. A. i Clark, $6.00, Dasie D. El- the following proceedings were . Witness . — St. — vs Fleming: best material used had. John McCulloch, $8.00, C. W. liott, $6.00, Ida W. Lillich, $6., each part—makes Anna E. VanNatta, $6.00. Journal read, approved and | Johnston. $8.0.0, G. E. Watkinds, New Ford an ideal signed. I $8.00, W. E. Williams, $8.00, Election Board Matter of Scalp Bounty Claims. Bd G|OMi |8.00, 0 D Byers, Prescott Precinct: When your motor, Allowed in the sum of $3.00. $5.60. Fred W. Herman, $5.60. Graham. Attend Dance Here Saturday Holds Election Wins Show Prize Insurance Jits. Scott Joy Theater Have Garden Tour 'The Big Party” Friday, Jone 20 "Let’s Go Places” The Movietone Extravaganza Auxiliary To Meet Sat. Eve. and Sun. Mai .r June 21-22 Will Rogers The Reliability Bridge Club Elects Economy Ford Public's County Court Proceedings TONE of r any | part doesn’t your car soothing, aing a song t rythmic you, there's som thing wrong, some- here. Let u» tuna > your car—put II part» in perfect harmony—tune It up for perfect par- formance. NEW LOW FORD PRICES Come in or call for de monstration RATES ARE STANDARDIZ-. ED AND VERY REASON ABLE Vernonia Service Shop FREDRICKSON Motor Co Ford Dealer So This is London” Sunday and Monday, June 22-23 I