MUTINY OF THE i by WYNDHAM MARTYN“ COPYRIGHT INTMeUS. Orme, and “he Tiopod Andrew TJrnie liked him. The minor operation of which he had spoken was In reality one of extreme delicacy; no bun­ gler must attempt It. He intend­ ed to keep Orme with him perma­ nently. Facial surgery was not old enough for anyone to state with certainty how well it would last. “I think I should like to see Doctor Waite,” Mrs. Radwnv said. “I will send him in, but. I caution you not to let him try any violence with me or endeavor to make Hal­ lett an ally. If he disobeys your warning he may be dooming you to a worse danger than he knows.” Bettington was In Ills room. ; “Mrs. Railway wants you. Every­ thing has turned out as I wished. I She will warn you not to bo violent ,to me; she thinks you are her only friend. It will not bo difficult; al­ ready she believes In you. You hare, no nreJudlcos tn. o\ erc<>jn’ him. He started on his career of deception by smiling at the man he would gladly have strangled. “It was Mary Unwin who really | decided her. I played those two trump cards, Sam and Metzger. Metzger was watching her like a hawk all through the burial serv Ice, and she noticed him. Metzger has been less fortunate than I; be cannot conceal Ids emotions. I shall seem to avoid you, but will come to your room when dinner is over.” Never had Bettington experienced I the sense of shame so keenly as when he left Clements and entered the library. Evelyn Rndway was walking up and down. She crossed quickly to him as he entered and looked into his eyes without speak­ ing. Then with a little sudden, spontaneous gesture she put out her hand to him. “I believe you are really my friend,” she said. “No one lives who Is more anx­ ious to belf» you,” he answered. Was not this the moment, he won dered, to risk all and tell her of his knowledge of the [»lot? Then, suddenly, he called to mind how Clements had used a dictagraph to trap those whom he suspected. Clements might be listening now. He listened to her description of the Interview with the steward. He tried to affect wrath and indig­ nation, but achieved only inartic­ ulate sounds. Clements had been right In assuring Idm that decep­ tion would be easy for the reason Evelyn Rndway believed in him. “It’s robbery I” be declared. “It’s unheard of. Cuptain Hallett—’* “FTe must not be told of It,” she * * ’ted. “I want you to promise *IVt Robbery!” He Declared. Unheard of. Captain Hallett—” me that. Can’t you see the danger of letting him know?” Bettington listened to himself, ns to another man and a stranger, as­ suring her that he was forced to agree with the wlsdti course. !*In view of the s«»r* are." he warned should be very caret a weapon of any s<> “No. Do you rec Is danger?” “I will lend you no Is better to take «»\ He wondered If lilr. carried to Clements be const rued Into t. playing false with him. Bettington felt for Clc Intense loathing he believed Unit while the crew were under Ills or­ ders, the women would be safe. There would be moni.s and fem­ inine consolation at the voyage. At most fo i take them back Into ’* bor. He looked so Ion*’ way that her eyes u gaze. She con hl not do Ing. He loved her rounded by new sen* and security. “I would give niv he said In a low h little husky. “No strange my behavior n ways believe that.” His words went to I She was conscious of a c munlon with him than she had I m * fore experienced. Not for years had she been so physically strength­ ened. She felt that but for the In­ terview with Bettington she would have broken down. She knew her­ self for a woman who would never experience the wholesome dorr and completeness of life, unless she could love and trust. “Thank you.” she said. In that low distinct voice which had al­ ways charmed him. “I shnll not jpniy She JjeoitaiiJ Friday, May 16, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Eight W.M.U. 5ERVICt hioment. “I thought oT asking Captain Hallett, Ids nephew and young Unwin to dinner. Could you come, too? I know It Is asking a lot, because the captain Is certain to be unpleasant; but on the other hand, you might get on better than I expect, and. after all. you four men are united against those others.” “1’11 comp gladly,” he said, “and If you want me to turn my cheek to Hallett’s buffets, 1’11 do so. If we can pull together there will be four men against almost a dozen ” As Bettington went to his own quarters lie saw that H.illeil was having ids dunnage moved Into the large room formerly occupied by Clements. The steward was not to be seen. The captain looked at the ship’s doctor with a sneer, “I guess you'll miss your friend.’* What personal grudge, Bettingtun wondered, did this bellicose mar­ iner bear against him? He had always liked sailors and been liked by them. Hallett was a new type to him, lie supposed. Then he re­ membered Ids instructions to enlist tlie captain’s sympathies. “I may have a more congenial neighbor lu you,” lie said pleas- iintly. “Congenial? Me? Hallett flared. “I’m here and I'll have those under me keep their [»laces.” “Admirable.” liettlngton returned “I see no objeetion to that; but I am not under you, Cn My duties do not conflict yours, nor am I here to aid In Ing the ship.” Hallett grunted In reply, There was no answer to this. CHAPTER VIII Tragedy on the High Seas. EVER had » day. which was to end In tragedy, dawned more brightly. Evelyn Radway was earl, on deck and found Bettington ai ready there. She discovered her­ self to be free from much of the awkwardness of the day before and greeted the doctor as a friend fo whom she need make no explana­ tions or expect any. Bottlngfon was Irritated by find Ing Slivers at Ills sld«*. Any Inter ruption at such a time was annoy Ing, “Well?” he said. “What Is It?” "Mr. (’lenients says, will you kind ly look at Ids throat.” “I suppose I had better go,” be said, when the lad was gone. The name of the steward had brought a troubled look to Mrs / Radway’s face. For a moment she had forgotten his existence. “Certainly,” she cried, “and do not let him think I want to evade the monetary payment.” Clements was in the room for merly occupied by the captain. “Aly throat's all right,” he said, that was an excuse. I left you all alone last night, because I hoped you might learn something that wouldn’t have been said had J I m ' pii there.” Bettington wondered whether he J had not some dictographlc contriv­ ance which would already have put him in possession of what had passed. “The most Important tiling Is that Airs. Radway wants you to know she Isn’t going to evade paying the ransom.” “Tlint’s good.” Clements cried. “We must arrange some way in which it can be paid through you. It will be safe to let them use the wireless. Tell Sam that (Jrauniann Is to put the Instrument In order. I’d better not be seen near the wire less house." Sam looked doubtful when he heard Clements’ Instructions. “(Jraumann’s got at some of cook’s rum,” lie explained, “and not in any condition to moi with machinery, but I’ll see about It.“ Grauniann, drunk, had n Rullen bravado, which (Jraiimann, sober, dared not show, lie walked up and down the forecastle to prove bls sobriety. It would not take a min­ ute, be declared, to make the m'c- e ..1’3 ■; ■■ V.. ; stilled. Then the two lads were thrown violently out. Bob rose instantly, but Crosby Todd lay motionless. Hallett looked : bout Idin and saw the sin­ ister faces of tlio’e who made up his crew. TI ey had come upon Idm unaw.-iK s. Tlie deck seemed alive with them. Todd rose painfully from tiie deck and stood with Boh at the captain’s side. These three op­ posed the rest, consolous of the hazard which was Involved, yet clinging to a hope that authority could quell insurrection. Bettington stood apart from these two groups. He hud seen the coni- Ing of tragedy when Granmnnn’a I drunken bubble had turned Hal- i left’s justifiable suspicion Into e table before them they put their revolvers. Not in anticipation of disagreement, but rather lest Hallett might come in armed and ready. “I don’t like this Andy Orme,” said Metzger. “I don’t like him any more than you do that young ‘Sparks,’ who trots around with the girl.” It was curious that In the mo­ ment when grave danger seemed to involve them, Metzger thought only of Mrs. Radway. Sam lacked the volatile spirit of Ids companion. “You'll have time enough for that,” Sam said heavily. “That ain’t worrying me. What are we going to do now?” “We can sell this boat,” Metzger asserted. “I told the doctor that, but ho made excuses. He shall forge her papers. I know whore I can find a Portuguese trader who will buy her. He will not give much, but what he gives will only be cut two ways.” J 4 Extra Special—1930 Ford Taken in on New Chevrolet $550 1928 Chevrolet Coupe $425 1928 Pontiac Coupe $625 1927 Hudson Coach ... $425 1927 Chevrolet Coach ... $325 1927 Ford Coupe $225 1926 Ford Touring ... ... $75 1927 Star Coupe $250 1929 Chevrolet Six ... $600 Gilby Motor Co ANNOUNCEMENT Vernonia Cleaners and Tailors NEXT TO THE NEW PENNY BUILDING ‘*Do you mean to tell me you Two years in Cleaning and Tailoring Business in Vernonia, has made are taking these drunken ravings us many friends and customers seriously?” It was Clements who spoke. “I mean I’ll have a gunboat NOW FRIENDS. DON’T MISS THIS OFFER alongside by noon; that’s'what I T am expanding my business to include a fine woolen line—to mean. (Jo be’ow.” He advanced quickly introduce this line here I am going to offer— threateningly to Clements. Belting­ ton Interposed. He tried the calm, conciliatory tone. “I shiill be cleared of these ab surd charges,” he began, “but—” Present this ad to me on Friday or (Sat., May 16-17, make a small deposit “What (“barges have I made?” and be measured for two of these Famous Suits; or you may select a Hallett snapped. Interrupting. suit and topcoat or overcoat. We have a large variety of the latest patterns and styles to select from. “Well, haven’t you threatened to put me in Irons?” Come and be Measured Early to Avoid the Last Minute Rush “You can’t mean to call In out­ side aid,” Clements said. Remember, Folk,, Thi, Offer End, Saturday, May 17, at 9:30 P.M. “Why not?” After thi. Sale all Suit, Sold by us From this Line will be at Reg. Price “What would people say? You’d OPEN EVENINGS until 8:30 P.M., Saturday, 9:30 P.M. be laughed at In every port.” “Be reasonable,” Bettington broke Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed—Lining Guaranteed for Life of Suits In. He understood the danger of We have an Expert Here to Take Your Measure the moment too well. “You’re right to be angry with this fool’s chatter, but wlmt you propose to do is too despotic and arbitrary. You must have Mrs. Railway’s au­ thorization first.” “You talk her over too d—n NOTICE TO CREDITORS quick to suit mo. ’ You’re the kind In the County Court of the who’s used to hiding behind petti- yonts. There’.« a short ?md u,rJv State of Oregon For Columbia County. In the matter of the Estate of William 1 Henry Hess, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that lot 50x100. feet on 2nd ave. STARTED baby chicks, at the FOR SALE]—baby buggy, cheap. the undersigned has been ap- April 25, 1930. Last publication and Columbia St. Very reason-1 Sunshine Hatchery. On Corey j Inquire of Clifford Fowler at pointed administrator of the May 23, 1930. 404 Riverview. 411* estate of William Henry Hess, Charles Dübendorf, admin­ able. Inquire at 208 North St. hill. 402* deceased, by the County Court istrator of the estate of David or phone 483. of Columbia County, State of Dübendorf, deceased. FOR SALE]—3 Togenburg milch COW AND CALF for sale, cheap Jack Lindsay, Phone 7F1551. FOR SALE—6 room house and Oregon, and has duly qualified goats and 2 billies. Very rea­ W. A. Harris, Attorney. garage for sale, ti 41tf. ‘2 mile due sonable, to act as such. All persons hav­ phone Harry Condit, FOR RENT east of mile bridge, also 2 nice 13F52. ing claims against said estate 36tf houses on A and B streets north NOTICE TO CREDITORS are hereby notified to present FOR RENT—4-rooms/ breakfast same, with proper vouchers, In the County Court of the of high school. Mrs. Haiman, % FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart­ nook, garage and woodshed or ment house on First street. duly verified, within six months State of Oregon for Columbia mile east of mile bridge. 403* will sell on reasonable terms. FOR SALE — Thor mangle, reas ­ See George Bell. 36tf from the date of this notice to | County, Mrs. F. E. Sipe, 1142 1st ave. onable terms. Phone 991 or the undersigned at his residence In the matter of the Estate of N.______ 411* call at Red & White store. 401* near Vernonia, Ore. Dated and Ira C. Nicholson, deceased. A NEW BLUE FLAME oil bur­ first published May 6th, 1930. Notice is hereby given that I USE OIL FOR FUEL—Oil is ner for range, cook stove and TWO ROOM unfurnished house Last publication June 6th, 1930. the undersigned has been for rent, $12 month including | cheap, makes more neat than heater. No smoke, soot, mess or W. A. Harris, attorney. pointed administrator of easy to start fire and odor with the Blue Flame Bur­ lights and water. Inquire of Mr. wood, Frank J. Schmidlin. adminis­ estate of Ira C. Nicholson, de- to turn out. Turn out or ner. Burns 6 to 10 hours on 1 Moe at the Eagle. trator of Estate of William Hen- ceased, by the County Court of quick when heat is not needed, gallon of oil. Keep the stove you down FOR RENT—7 room house with r\ lie-. deceased. the County of Columbia, Stato fuel. Safer than wood, have, put in a Blue Flame o.\ acre, house modern, partly fur­ of Oregon, and has duly quali­ save have to leave a hot fire burner; cook and bake better NOTICE TO CREDITORS fied to act as such. AU persons never than with wood and coal, operat­ nished. For rent reasonable. In- stove by hurrying off any In the county court of the having claims against said estate ' in 402 ing cost not over 3 cents per quire phone 579, state of Oregon for Columbia are hereby notified to present time, Eliminates that wood box hour with coal oil, about 1 cent putting in an MISCELLANEOUS county. the same, duly verified, with the with its trash by in your stove, per hour with diesel oil. Abso­ WARNING—To the people steal­ In the matter of the estate of proper vouchers, within six O. K. oil burner barrel outside, lutely smokeless, odorless and ing, pictures in front of Joy David Dübendorf, deceased. months from the date of this Run feed line to noiseless. J. H. Sell, agent. 41tf theatre. Discontinue this prac­ Notice is hereby given that notice to the undersigned at his and have fuel at stove door. At 402* turn of valve and striking of BABY CHICKS, all sizes, 15c tice._____________ tho undersigned ha. been «P-l^'^ne’e near" Vesnin." Ore.' match you have a genuine fire pointed administrator of the es­ and up, at the Sunshine Dated and first published May regulated to any desired heat. WANTED tate of David Dübendorf, de- 9th, 1930. Last publication June Hatchery, on Corey hill. 41tf. MIDDLE AGED woman wants 404 reused, bv the county court of «th, 1930. W. A. Harris, attor- J. II. Sell, local agent. work. Practical nursing, house Columbia county, Oregon, and ney. FOR SALE—10 frame bee hives, FOR SALE—One complete Fair­ keeping or hotel work. Box 403 has - qualified to act as banks Morse automtic electric Venronia, Ore. R. L. Spencer, administrator Certified Burbank seed potatoes, 412* such. grade Holstein heifer water pump and pressure tank. | All persons having claims of the Estate of Ira C. Nichol- ^ne WANTED — Family washings and calf at veal price. Call or write Also one centrifugal force pump against said estate are hereby son, deceased. ironing or work of any kind. and tank. Reasonable. Mrs. C. B. B. Roberts, Houlton, Ore., 1H notified to present same, i, with FOR SALE A. Berg, near mile bridge. 384c Tel. 1131, Mrs. Lena Estes. proper vouchors duly verified. FOR SALE—2 hound pups, 6 miles from Houlton on Vernonia 37tf road. ___________ 403* within six months from the date months old, $25.00. Best of FOR SALE Certified, Burbank of this notice to the undersign- breeding. J. L. George, 1 miles FOR SALE Large reed baby car- j seed potaims. fist« quality. NURSING wanted—Would also • ed at his residence at A street below Mist. 413* sit up with children. Mrs. A. riage, good as new $15. F. J.i Chas. Schmidlin,' phone 13F51. in the City of Vernonia, Oregon. E. Jennings. P.O, box 461. 31tf Hartman, 1025 Clatsop St. 393 393 ) Dated and first published »FOR SALE—4 room house and Mother’s Product of our bakery Bound to please Vernonia Bakery To ths First 50 Men, 2 Suits of Equal Value for $37.95